Exemple #1
def _exthook(ui, repo, name, cmd, args, throw):
    ui.note(_("running hook %s: %s\n") % (name, cmd))

    env = {}
    for k, v in args.iteritems():
        if util.safehasattr(v, '__call__'):
            v = v()
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            # make the dictionary element order stable across Python
            # implementations
            v = ('{' + ', '.join('%r: %r' % i
                                 for i in sorted(v.iteritems())) + '}')
        env['HG_' + k.upper()] = v

    if repo:
        cwd = repo.root
        cwd = os.getcwd()
    if 'HG_URL' in env and env['HG_URL'].startswith('remote:http'):
        r = util.system(cmd, environ=env, cwd=cwd, out=ui)
        r = util.system(cmd, environ=env, cwd=cwd, out=ui.fout)
    if r:
        desc, r = util.explainexit(r)
        if throw:
            raise util.Abort(_('%s hook %s') % (name, desc))
        ui.warn(_('warning: %s hook %s\n') % (name, desc))
    return r
Exemple #2
def _exthook(ui, repo, name, cmd, args, throw):
    ui.note(_("running hook %s: %s\n") % (name, cmd))

    starttime = time.time()
    env = {}
    for k, v in args.iteritems():
        if callable(v):
            v = v()
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            # make the dictionary element order stable across Python
            # implementations
            v = ('{' +
                 ', '.join('%r: %r' % i for i in sorted(v.iteritems())) +
        env['HG_' + k.upper()] = v

    if repo:
        cwd = repo.root
        cwd = os.getcwd()
    if 'HG_URL' in env and env['HG_URL'].startswith('remote:http'):
        r = util.system(cmd, environ=env, cwd=cwd, out=ui)
        r = util.system(cmd, environ=env, cwd=cwd, out=ui.fout)

    duration = time.time() - starttime
    ui.log('exthook', 'exthook-%s: %s finished in %0.2f seconds\n',
           name, cmd, duration)
    if r:
        desc, r = util.explainexit(r)
        if throw:
            raise error.HookAbort(_('%s hook %s') % (name, desc))
        ui.warn(_('warning: %s hook %s\n') % (name, desc))
    return r
Exemple #3
def _exthook(ui, repo, name, cmd, args, throw):
    ui.note(_("running hook %s: %s\n") % (name, cmd))

    env = {}
    for k, v in args.iteritems():
        if util.safehasattr(v, '__call__'):
            v = v()
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            # make the dictionary element order stable across Python
            # implementations
            v = ('{' +
                 ', '.join('%r: %r' % i for i in sorted(v.iteritems())) +
        env['HG_' + k.upper()] = v

    if repo:
        cwd = repo.root
        cwd = os.getcwd()
    if 'HG_URL' in env and env['HG_URL'].startswith('remote:http'):
        r = util.system(cmd, environ=env, cwd=cwd, out=ui)
        r = util.system(cmd, environ=env, cwd=cwd, out=ui.fout)
    if r:
        desc, r = util.explainexit(r)
        if throw:
            raise util.Abort(_('%s hook %s') % (name, desc))
        ui.warn(_('warning: %s hook %s\n') % (name, desc))
    return r
Exemple #4
def _sendmail(ui, sender, recipients, msg):
    """send mail using sendmail."""
    program = ui.config("email", "method")
    cmdline = "%s -f %s %s" % (program, util.email(sender), " ".join(map(util.email, recipients)))
    ui.note(_("sending mail: %s\n") % cmdline)
    fp = util.popen(cmdline, "w")
    ret = fp.close()
    if ret:
        raise util.Abort("%s %s" % (os.path.basename(program.split(None, 1)[0]), util.explainexit(ret)[0]))
Exemple #5
def _sendmail(ui, sender, recipients, msg):
    '''send mail using sendmail.'''
    program = ui.config('email', 'method')
    cmdline = '%s -f %s %s' % (program, util.email(sender), ' '.join(
        map(util.email, recipients)))
    ui.note(_('sending mail: %s\n') % cmdline)
    fp = util.popen(cmdline, 'w')
    ret = fp.close()
    if ret:
        raise util.Abort('%s %s' % (os.path.basename(
            program.split(None, 1)[0]), util.explainexit(ret)[0]))
Exemple #6
def _sendmail(ui, sender, recipients, msg):
    '''send mail using sendmail.'''
    program = ui.config('email', 'method')
    cmdline = '%s -f %s %s' % (program, util.email(sender),
                               ' '.join(map(util.email, recipients)))
    ui.note(_('sending mail: %s\n') % cmdline)
    fp = util.popen(cmdline, 'w')
    ret = fp.close()
    if ret:
        raise util.Abort('%s %s' % (
            os.path.basename(program.split(None, 1)[0]),