Exemple #1
  def _generateRandomID(
      c1 = constants.CRYPTO_CHALLENGE_C1,
      c2 = constants.CRYPTO_CHALLENGE_C2):
    """Generates the NodeID by solving two cryptographic puzzles."""
    # Solve the static cryptographic puzzle.
    rsaKey = None
    p = 0x1 # non-zero value
    pub = None

    randomStream = Crypto.Random.new().read
    while not util.hasNZeroBitPrefix(p, c1):
      rsaKey = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.generate(constants.RSA_BITS, randomStream)
      pub = str(rsaKey.n) + str(rsaKey.e)
      p = util.hsh2int(Crypto.Hash.SHA.new(Crypto.Hash.SHA.new(pub).digest()))

    # created correct NodeID
    self.rsaKey = rsaKey
    nodeID = Crypto.Hash.SHA.new(pub)

    # Solve the dynamic cryptographic puzzle.
    p, x = 0x1, None

    while not util.hasNZeroBitPrefix(p, c2):
      x = util.bin2int(util.generateRandomString(constants.ID_LENGTH))
      # This is madness!
      p = util.hsh2int(
                  (util.hsh2int(nodeID) ^ x))))

    # Found a correct value of X and nodeID
    self.x = x
    return nodeID.digest()
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, nodeID, method, methodArgs, rsaKey, 
     cryptoChallengeX, rpcID=None, signedValue = None):
     if rpcID == None:
         rpcID = util.generateRandomString(160)
     Message.__init__(self, rpcID, nodeID, rsaKey, cryptoChallengeX, 
     self.request = method
     self.args = methodArgs
Exemple #3
 def post(self, content):
   """ Post some resource to the network.
   Ask the network to store some (encrypted) resource.
   This should be encrypted with a symmetric key which will be private
   until shared through the above share() method.
   newSequenceNumber = self._getSequenceNumber()
   postKey = util.generateRandomString(constants.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH)
   #nonce = util.generateRandomString(constants.NONCE_LENGTH)
   # Use sequence number as nonce - that way we dont need to include it
   nonce = util.int2bin(newSequenceNumber, nbytes = constants.NONCE_LENGTH)
   encryptedContent = self._encryptPost(postKey, nonce, content)
   postName = ('%s:post:%s' % (self.node.id, newSequenceNumber))
   postID = self.node.getNameID(postName)
   # We need to remember post keys used so we can issue sharing keys later
   self.sharingKeys[postID] = postKey
   postDefer = self.node.publishData(postName, encryptedContent)
   # update our latest sequence number
   latestName = ('%s:latest' % (self.node.id))
   latestDefer = self.node.publishData(latestName, newSequenceNumber)
   # store post key by sharing the post with ourself
   postDefer.addCallback(lambda result: self.share(postID, self.node.id))
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, propensitySize):
        self.userId = util.generateRandomString()
        self.propensitySize = propensitySize
        self.propensityList = []
