def _on_get_data(self, data: list): """ 传感器数据回调函数 :param data: 数据 :return: """ # 每一次回调,每种类型的数据最多只取一次,防止出现抖动 acc_data_found = False gyro_data_found = False ang_data_found = False for i in range(len(data) - 11): if not (data[i] == 0x55 and data[i + 1] & 0x50 == 0x50): continue if data[i] == 0x55 and data[i + 1] == 0x51 and sum( data[i:i + 10]) & 255 == data[i + 10]: axl, axh, ayl, ayh, azl, azh, *_ = data[i + 2:i + 11] sensor_data = [ get_current_timestamp(), (np.short((axh << 8) | axl)) / 32768 * 16 * 9.8, (np.short((ayh << 8) | ayl)) / 32768 * 16 * 9.8, (np.short((azh << 8) | azl)) / 32768 * 16 * 9.8 ] if not acc_data_found: acc_data_found = True self.acc_to_display.append(sensor_data) self.acc_to_detect_cycle.append(sensor_data) if data[i] == 0x55 and data[i + 1] == 0x52 and sum( data[i:i + 10]) & 255 == data[i + 10]: wxl, wxh, wyl, wyh, wzl, wzh, *_ = data[i + 2:i + 11] sensor_data = [ get_current_timestamp(), (np.short(wxh << 8) | wxl) / 32768 * 2000 * (math.pi / 180), (np.short(wyh << 8) | wyl) / 32768 * 2000 * (math.pi / 180), (np.short(wzh << 8) | wzl) / 32768 * 2000 * (math.pi / 180) ] if not gyro_data_found: gyro_data_found = True self.gyro_to_display.append(sensor_data) self.gyro_to_detect_cycle.append(sensor_data) if data[i] == 0x55 and data[i + 1] == 0x53 and sum( data[i:i + 10]) & 255 == data[i + 10]: rol, roh, pil, pih, yal, yah, *_ = data[i + 2:i + 11] sensor_data = [ get_current_timestamp(), (np.short(roh << 8 | rol) / 32768 * 180), (np.short(pih << 8 | pil) / 32768 * 180), (np.short(yah << 8 | yal) / 32768 * 180) ] if not ang_data_found: ang_data_found = True self.ang_to_display.append(sensor_data) self.ang_to_detect_cycle.append(sensor_data) self.fix_data_count()
def get_data_set_as_table(catalog_index=settings.DEFAULT_CATALOG_INDEX, skip_rows=0, sep=';', return_index=False, data=None, description=None): if (data is None) and (description is None): data, description = get_data_set(catalog_index, skip_rows, sep) else: data, description = data, description data_html = data.to_html() data_html = util_design.get_custom_table_header() + data_html[82:] if return_index: return data_html, description, get_current_timestamp(), list(data) else: return data_html, description, get_current_timestamp()
def make_question(title, message, image=""): result = { 'id': generate_id(persistence.get_ids('question')), 'submission_time': util.decode_time_for_human(util.get_current_timestamp()), 'view_number': 0, 'vote_number': 0, 'title': title, 'message': message, 'image': image, } return result
def firewall_simulator(): while True: timestamp = util.get_current_timestamp() status = "BLOCK" interface = interfaces[randint(0, len(interfaces) - 1)] source_ip = firewall_ips[randint(0, len(firewall_ips) - 1)] destination_ip = my_ip log = " ".join( [timestamp, status, interface, source_ip, destination_ip]) util.save_firewall_log(log) print(log) sleep(2)
def __init__(self, sensor_data: Union[int, None] = None): """ 初始化 :param sensor_data: 数据类型,0 - 9 表示使用data0中的数据进行模拟,"usb"表示usb数据,"socket"表示使用socket """ # 传感器,用于实时数据 self.sensor = None # 模拟数据 self.sensor_data = sensor_data # 最多保存的数据点的个数 self.ACC_POINT_COUNT = 400 self.GYRO_POINT_COUNT = 400 self.ANG_POINT_COUNT = 400 # 原始数据,显示使用 self.acc_to_display = [] self.gyro_to_display = [] self.ang_to_display = [] # 用于检测步态的数据 self.acc_to_detect_cycle = [] self.gyro_to_detect_cycle = [] self.ang_to_detect_cycle = [] self.conn = None # socket连接"是否使用实时数据:{0}".format(bool(sensor_data is None))) if type(sensor_data) == int and 0 <= sensor_data <= 9: assert sensor_data is None or 0 <= int(sensor_data) <= 9, "数据错误" self.last_data_index = 0 # 上一次载入的数据的index self.last_data_timestamp = None # 传感器开始时间,用于模拟数据的时候读取数据 self.acc_data_lines = None # 模拟数据 self.gyro_data_lines = None # 模拟数据"载入data0加速度数据") self.acc_data_lines = load_data0_data( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "data0", "accData{0}.txt".format(sensor_data)))"载入data0陀螺仪数据") self.gyro_data_lines = load_data0_data( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "data0", "gyrData{0}.txt".format(sensor_data))) self.ang_data_lines = load_data0_data( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "data0", "angData{0}.txt".format(sensor_data))) self.last_data_timestamp = get_current_timestamp() elif sensor_data == "usb": self.set_handler() elif sensor_data == "socket":"使用socket数据") thread = threading.Thread(target=self._wait_socket_data) thread.start() else: raise Exception("错误的数据类型")
def make_answer(message, image, question_id, answer_id=None): if answer_id is None: id_ = generate_id(persistence.get_ids("answer")) else: id_ = answer_id result = { 'id': id_, 'submission_time': util.decode_time_for_human(util.get_current_timestamp()), 'vote_number': 0, 'message': message, 'question_id': question_id, 'image': image } return result
def make_comment(message, question_id, comment_id=None): if comment_id is None: id_ = generate_id(persistence.get_ids("comment")) else: id_ = comment_id result = { 'id': id_, 'submission_time': util.decode_time_for_human(util.get_current_timestamp()), 'edited_count': 0, 'message': message, 'question_id': question_id, 'answer_id': 0, } return result
def edit_question(cursor, dictionary): cursor.execute(""" UPDATE question SET submission_time = '{submission_time}', view_number = {view_number}, vote_number = {vote_number}, title = '{title}', message = '{message}', image = '{image}' WHERE id = {id}; """.format(submission_time=util.decode_time_for_human(util.get_current_timestamp()), view_number=dictionary['view_number'], vote_number=dictionary['vote_number'], title=dictionary['title'], message=dictionary['message'], image=dictionary['image'], id=dictionary['id'] ))
def _wait_socket_data(self): """ 起一个socket server等数据来 :return: """ def get_headers(data): """将请求头转换为字典""" header_dict = {} data = str(data, encoding="utf-8") header, body = data.split("\r\n\r\n", 1) header_list = header.split("\r\n") for i in range(0, len(header_list)): if i == 0: if len(header_list[0].split(" ")) == 3: header_dict['method'], header_dict['url'], header_dict[ 'protocol'] = header_list[0].split(" ") else: k, v = header_list[i].split(":", 1) header_dict[k] = v.strip() return header_dict def get_data(info): payload_len = info[1] & 127 if payload_len == 126: extend_payload_len = info[2:4] mask = info[4:8] decoded = info[8:] elif payload_len == 127: extend_payload_len = info[2:10] mask = info[10:14] decoded = info[14:] else: extend_payload_len = None mask = info[2:6] decoded = info[6:] bytes_list = bytearray() # 这里我们使用字节将数据全部收集,再去字符串编码,这样不会导致中文乱码 for i in range(len(decoded)): chunk = decoded[i] ^ mask[i % 4] # 解码方式 bytes_list.append(chunk) try: body = str(bytes_list, encoding='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as err: logger.exception(err) return "" return body"等待连接") sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(("", 80)) sock.listen(5) while True: # 等待用户连接 self.conn, addr = sock.accept()"connect ") # 获取握手消息,magic string ,sha1加密 # 发送给客户端 # 握手消息 data = self.conn.recv(8096) headers = get_headers(data) # 对请求头中的sec-websocket-key进行加密 response_tpl = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" \ "Upgrade:websocket\r\n" \ "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" \ "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n" \ "WebSocket-Location: ws://%s%s\r\n\r\n" magic_string = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11' value = headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'] + magic_string ac = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(value.encode('utf-8')).digest()) response_str = response_tpl % (ac.decode('utf-8'), headers['Host'], headers['url']) # 响应【握手】信息 self.conn.send(bytes(response_str, encoding='utf-8')) # 可以进行通信 while True: data = self.conn.recv(8096) data = get_data(data) if data: try: data = eval(data) except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) continue if data[0] == "acc": data = [ get_current_timestamp(), data[1], data[2], data[3] ] self.acc_to_display.append(data) self.acc_to_detect_cycle.append(data) elif data[0] == "gyro": data = [ get_current_timestamp(), data[1] * (math.pi / 180), data[2] * (math.pi / 180), data[3] * (math.pi / 180) ] self.gyro_to_display.append(data) self.gyro_to_detect_cycle.append(data) else: raise Exception("错误的socket数据") self.fix_data_count()