Exemple #1
def changed_dict(properties, block, key, input):
    if get_dict_value(properties, block, key) != input:
        print "%s.%s = %s != %s" % (
            block, key, get_dict_value(properties, block, key), input)
        return True
        return False
Exemple #2
def changed_dict(properties, block, key, input):
    if get_dict_value(properties, block, key) != input:
        print "%s.%s = %s != %s" % (block, key,
                                    get_dict_value(properties, block, key),
        return True
        return False
Exemple #3
    def verify_ope_account_in_smc(student_user, smc_url, smc_admin_user, smc_admin_pw):
        # Bounce off the SMC server to see if the student account exists in SMC
        # NOTE - this one does NOT check canvas for the user
        laptop_admin_user = ""
        laptop_admin_password = ""
        student_full_name = ""
        smc_version = ""
        p("\n}}gnChecking user status in SMC tool...}}xx")
        json_response = RestClient.send_rest_call(server=smc_url,
            api_endpoint="lms/verify_ope_account_in_smc.json/" + student_user,
            auth_user=smc_admin_user, auth_password=smc_admin_pw)

        if json_response is None:
            # If None - fatal error!
            return None
        # Interpret response from SMC
            msg = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "msg")
            if msg == "":
                p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC - no msg parameter returned}}xx")
                return None
            if msg.startswith("Invalid User!"):
                p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
                p("}}ynUser doesn't exit in system, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx")
                return None
            if msg == "No username specified!":
                p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
                p("}}mnNo user with this name exists, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx")
                return None
            student_full_name = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "student_full_name")
            laptop_admin_user = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "laptop_admin_user")
            smc_version = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "smc_version")
            # Password moved to credential step
            #laptop_admin_password = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "laptop_admin_password")
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC - no msg parameter returned}}xx")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}xx")
            # p(str(smc_response))
            return None
        if laptop_admin_user == "": # or laptop_admin_password == "":
            p("}}rbERR - Please set the laptop admin credentials in the SMC before continuing (Admin -> Configure App -> Laptop Admin Credentials) }}xx")
            return None # sys.exit(-1)
        if student_full_name == "":
            p("}}rbERR - Unable to find student user in the SMC? Make sure it is imported.}}xx")
            return None # sys.exit(-1)

        #return (laptop_admin_user, laptop_admin_password, student_full_name)
        return (laptop_admin_user, student_full_name, smc_version)
Exemple #4
    def ping_smc(smc_url):

        json_response = RestClient.send_rest_call(server=smc_url,

        if json_response is None:
            # If None - unable to communicate - likely offline
            p("}}ynNo response from smc server}}xx", log_level=4)
            return False
        server_time = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "server_time")
        p("}}mnPING - Got SMC Server time: " + str(server_time) + "}}xx")        

        return True
Exemple #5
    def credential_student_in_smc(student_user, smc_url, smc_admin_user, smc_admin_pw, ex_info):
        # Send the info to the SMC server to 
        json_response = RestClient.send_rest_call(server=smc_url,
            api_endpoint="lms/credential_student.json/" + student_user,
            method="POST", json_params=ex_info,
            auth_user=smc_admin_user, auth_password=smc_admin_pw)

        if json_response is None:
            # If None - fatal error!
            return None
        # Interpret response from SMC
            #p("RESP: " + str(smc_response))
            msg = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "msg", default="missing")
            if msg == "missing":
                p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC - no msg parameter returned}}xx")
                return None
            if msg == "Invalid User!":
                p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
                p("}}mnUser doesn't exit in system, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx")
                return None
            if msg == "No username specified!":
                p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
                p("}}mnNo user with this name exists, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx")
                return None
            if "unable to connect to canvas db" in msg:
                p("\n}}rbSMC Unable to connect to Canvas DB - make sure canvas app is running and\n" +
                "the SMC tool is configured to talk to Canvas}}xx")
                p("}}yn" + str(msg) + "}}xx")
                return None
            if "Unable to find user in canvas:" in  msg:
                p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
                p("}}mnUser exists in SMC but not in Canvas, please rerun import this student in the SMC to correct the issue!}}xx")
                return None
            #full_name = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "full_name")
            canvas_access_token = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "key")
            student_hash = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "hash")
            admin_hash = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "admin_hash")
            student_full_name = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "full_name")
            canvas_url = util.get_dict_value(json_response, "canvas_url")
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC - no msg parameter returned}}xx")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}xx")
            return None
        # Decrypt scrambled parts
        student_password = Encryption.decrypt(student_hash, canvas_access_token)
        laptop_admin_password = Encryption.decrypt(admin_hash, canvas_access_token)
        # TODO - DEBUG - Disable this line!
        adm_pw_masked = (len(laptop_admin_password)-1) * "*" + laptop_admin_password[-1:]
        #p(student_password + "/" + adm_pw_masked, log_level=5)

        return (student_full_name, canvas_url, canvas_access_token,
            student_password, laptop_admin_password)
Exemple #6
        # Only show commands if UAC active
        if is_admin[1]:
            commands = sorted(valid_commands.keys())
            p("}}yn Valid Commands: " + str(commands) + "}}xx")
            p("}}ybFor help - type mgmt.exe help (command)}}xx")

    # Run the function associated w the command
    cmd_parts = valid_commands[cmd]
    if cmd_parts is None:
        p("}}rnERROR - Command not avaialable " + cmd +
          " - coming soon...}}xx",

    cmd_requires_admin = util.get_dict_value(cmd_parts, "require_admin", True)

    if cmd_requires_admin is True and is_admin[1] is not True:
        # Command requires elevation and this user doesn't have it!

        if is_admin[0] is not True:
            # User is NOT in the administrators group
            p("}}rbINVALID USER - Must be in the administrators group to use this utility!\n"
              + "Attempt logged for user " + is_admin[2] + ".}}xx",

        if is_admin[1] is not True:
            # User is NOT running with UAC enabled
            p("}}rbINVALID USER - Must be in UAC prompt to use this utility!\n"
              + "Attempt logged for user " + is_admin[2] + ".}}xx",
Exemple #7
def update_fields(service_id):
    properties = get_properties(service_id)
    if not properties.keys():

    if get_value(properties, "AutoConnect") == "true":
        autoconn = "Yes"
        autoconn = "No"
    form.get('autoconnect').value = autoconn

    form.get('nameservers').value = get_str_value(properties,
    form.get('timeservers').value = get_str_value(properties,
    form.get('domains').value = get_str_value(properties,
    value = get_dict_value(properties, "Proxy.Configuration", "Method")
    if value == "":
        value = "auto"
    form.get('proxymethod').value = value
    form.get('proxyurl').value = get_dict_value(properties,
                                                "Proxy.Configuration", "URL")
    form.get('proxyservers').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('proxyexcludes').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4method').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4address').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4netmask').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4gateway').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv6method').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv6address').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    value = get_dict_value(properties, "IPv6.Configuration",
    if value != "":
        value = "%d" % value
    form.get('ipv6prefixlen').value = value
    form.get('ipv6gateway').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv6privacy').value = get_dict_value(properties,
Exemple #8
def changed_dict_byte(properties, block, key, input):
    value = "%d" % get_dict_value(properties, block, key)
    if value != input:
        return True
        return False
Exemple #9
def build_donor(app_ctx):

    click.echo('in build_donor...')
    schema = app_ctx['input_schemas']['donor']

    fname = os.path.join(schema['data_path'], schema['main_file_name'])

    annotations = {}
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'pcawg_donorlist', schema['annotations_path']+'pc_annotation-pcawg_final_list.tsv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'blacklist',  schema['annotations_path']+'blacklist/pc_annotation-donor_blacklist.tsv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'graylist', schema['annotations_path']+'graylist/pc_annotation-donor_graylist.tsv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'uuid_to_barcode', schema['annotations_path']+'pc_annotation-tcga_uuid2barcode.tsv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'icgc_donor_id', schema['annotations_path']+'icgc_bioentity_ids/pc_annotation-icgc_donor_ids.csv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'icgc_specimen_id', schema['annotations_path']+'icgc_bioentity_ids/pc_annotation-icgc_specimen_ids.csv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'icgc_sample_id', schema['annotations_path']+'icgc_bioentity_ids/pc_annotation-icgc_sample_ids.csv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'specimen_type_to_cv', schema['annotations_path']+'pc_annotation-tcga_specimen_type2icgc_cv.tsv')
    util.read_annotations(annotations, 'specimen_uuid_to_type', schema['annotations_path']+'pc_annotation-tcga_specimen_uuid2type.tsv')

    donor = {}
    specimen = {}
    # build the donor and specimen objects
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        for r in reader:
            donor_unique_id = r.get('disease.x')+'-US::'+r.get('participant_id')
            if not donor.get(donor_unique_id):
                #new donor: initial the donor
                donor[donor_unique_id] = create_obj(donor_unique_id, schema, r, annotations, 'donor')
            if not specimen.get('mirna'):
                specimen['mirna'] = {}
            specimen_id = r.get('sample_id')

            if not specimen['mirna'].get(specimen_id):
                specimen['mirna'][specimen_id] = create_obj(donor_unique_id, schema, r, annotations, 'mirna')

            aliquot = create_obj(donor_unique_id, schema, r, annotations, 'aliquot')
            specimen['mirna'][specimen_id]['donor_unique_id'] = donor_unique_id

    # build the specimen object from help file
    fname = os.path.join(schema['data_path'], schema['help_file_name'])
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        for r in reader:
            donor_unique_id = r.get('donor_unique_id')
            specimen_id = r.get('submitter_specimen_id')
            dtype = 'rna_seq' if r.get('library_strategy') == 'RNA-Seq' else 'wgs'
            if not specimen.get(dtype):
                specimen[dtype] = {}
            if not specimen[dtype].get(specimen_id):
                specimen[dtype][specimen_id] = create_obj(donor_unique_id, schema, r, annotations, dtype)
            specimen[dtype][specimen_id]['donor_unique_id'] = donor_unique_id  

    if os.path.exists(app_ctx['output_dir']):

    # add specimen to donor
    crossref_specimen_ids = {}
    crossref_specimen_ids['rna_seq'] = specimen['rna_seq'].keys()
    crossref_specimen_ids['wgs'] = specimen['wgs'].keys()

    json2tsv_fields_map = schema['json2tsv_fields_map'] 
    sample_sheet_fields_donor = schema['target_tsv_file']['mirna_sample_sheet']['donor']
    sample_sheet_fields_specimen = schema['target_tsv_file']['mirna_sample_sheet']['specimen']
    sample_sheet_fields_sample = schema['target_tsv_file']['mirna_sample_sheet']['sample']

    with open(os.path.join(app_ctx['output_dir'], 'mirna_sample_sheet.tsv'), 'a') as f:
        f.write('\t'.join(sample_sheet_fields_donor+sample_sheet_fields_specimen+sample_sheet_fields_sample) + '\n')

    for dtype in ['mirna', 'rna_seq', 'wgs']:
        #loop on the specimen to add it to donor
        for k, v in specimen[dtype].iteritems():
            donor_unique_id = v.get('donor_unique_id')            
            if not donor.get(donor_unique_id):
            if (not donor[donor_unique_id]['pcawg_donor']) and (not 'normal' in v.get('dcc_specimen_type').lower()):
            sample_sheet = OrderedDict()
            sample_sheet.update(util.get_dict_value(sample_sheet_fields_donor, donor[donor_unique_id], json2tsv_fields_map))
            # check whether wgs and rna_seq has the mirna specimen
            if dtype == 'mirna':
                v['has_matched_wgs_specimen'] = True if k in crossref_specimen_ids.get('wgs') else False
                v['has_matched_rna_seq_specimen'] = True if k in crossref_specimen_ids.get('rna_seq') else False
                sample_sheet.update(util.get_dict_value(sample_sheet_fields_specimen, v, json2tsv_fields_map))
                for aliquot in v.get('aliquots'):
                    sample_sheet.update(util.get_dict_value(sample_sheet_fields_sample, aliquot, json2tsv_fields_map))
                    line = util.get_line(sample_sheet)
                    # # generate mirna_sample_sheet
                    with open(os.path.join(app_ctx['output_dir'], 'mirna_sample_sheet.tsv'), 'a') as f:
                        f.write('\t'.join(line) + '\n')

            if 'normal' in v.get('dcc_specimen_type').lower():
                donor[donor_unique_id]['normal'][dtype] = v

    # get release_tsv fields
    release_fields = schema['target_tsv_file']['mirna_release_tsv']
    with open(os.path.join(app_ctx['output_dir'], 'mirna_release.tsv'), 'a') as f:
        f.write('\t'.join(release_fields) + '\n')
    # remove the donors only have tumor mirna specimen    
    for k, v in donor.iteritems():
        if (not v['pcawg_donor']) and (not v.get('normal').get('mirna')):
        for dtype in ['mirna', 'rna_seq', 'wgs']:
            v['tumor_'+dtype+'_specimen_count'] = len(v['tumor'][dtype]) if v['tumor'].get(dtype) else 0
        # generate the jsonl dump
        with open(os.path.join(app_ctx['output_dir'], 'mirna_release.jsonl'), 'a') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(v) + '\n')

        # # generate mirna_release_tsv list
        tsv_obj = util.get_dict_value(release_fields, v, json2tsv_fields_map)
        line = util.get_line(tsv_obj)
        with open(os.path.join(app_ctx['output_dir'], 'mirna_release.tsv'), 'a') as f:
            f.write('\t'.join(line) + '\n')
    click.echo('complete in build_donor...')
Exemple #10
def update_fields(service_id):
    properties = get_properties(service_id)
    if not properties.keys():

    if get_value(properties, "AutoConnect") == "true":
        autoconn = "Yes"
        autoconn = "No"
    form.get('autoconnect').value = autoconn

    form.get('nameservers').value = get_str_value(properties,
    form.get('timeservers').value = get_str_value(properties,
    form.get('domains').value = get_str_value(properties,
    value = get_dict_value(properties, "Proxy.Configuration", "Method")
    if value == "":
        value = "auto"
    form.get('proxymethod').value = value
    form.get('proxyurl').value = get_dict_value(properties,
                                                "Proxy.Configuration", "URL")
    form.get('proxyservers').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('proxyexcludes').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4method').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4address').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4netmask').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv4gateway').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv6method').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv6address').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    value = get_dict_value(properties, "IPv6.Configuration", "PrefixLength")
    if value != "":
        value = "%d" % value
    form.get('ipv6prefixlen').value = value
    form.get('ipv6gateway').value = get_dict_value(properties,
    form.get('ipv6privacy').value = get_dict_value(properties,
Exemple #11
def changed_dict_byte(properties, block, key, input):
    value = "%d" % get_dict_value(properties, block, key)
    if value != input:
        return True
        return False