Exemple #1
def showmotion(src, paths, dest):
    FPS = get_fps(src)

    paths = pickle.load(open(paths))

    CROP = getRule('crop', src)

    # divide by number of frames
    # px/second
    avg_speeds = [FPS*motion(y)/(paths[idx][0][-1][4]-paths[idx][0][0][4]) for idx,(x,y) in enumerate(paths)]
    avg_speed = sum(avg_speeds) / len(avg_speeds)

    fr = None

    for idx,fr in enumerate(VideoReader(src)):
        if CROP > 0:
            fr = fr[CROP:-CROP,CROP:-CROP]

        if idx == 0:
            vout = VideoWriter(dest)

        speeds = []

        for p_idx,(raw,smooth) in enumerate(paths):
            raw = filter(lambda x: x[4] <= idx, raw)
            smooth = smooth[:max(0,len(raw)-5)]

            if len(raw) == 0:
                # print idx, 'path has not yet started'

            raw = numpy.array(raw)
            pts = raw[:,:2].astype(numpy.int32)
            cv2.polylines(fr, [pts], False, (255, 0, 0))

            tup = tuple(raw[-1,:2].astype(int).tolist())
            cv2.circle(fr, tup, raw[-1,2].astype(int), (255, 0, 0))
            cv2.circle(fr, tup, 3, (255, 0, 0))

            speed = 0
            if len(pts) > 1:
                speed = FPS*numpy.hypot(*(pts[-1] - pts[-2]).T)
            txt = "%.2f (%.2f)" % (avg_speeds[p_idx], speed)
            cv2.putText(fr, txt, tup, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (0,255,0))

            # & smoothed
            if len(smooth) > 0:
                pts = numpy.array(smooth).astype(numpy.int32)
                cv2.polylines(fr, [pts], False, (0, 0, 255))
                tup = tuple(pts[-1].astype(int).tolist())
                cv2.circle(fr, tup, 3, (0, 0, 255))

        txt = "%.2f (%.2f), N=%d" % (avg_speed, sum(speeds)/len(speeds), len(paths))
        cv2.putText(fr, txt, (30,30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255,0,255))
Exemple #2
def jsonify(inputdir, outputdir):
    for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir, '*.avi')):
        outbase = os.path.join(outputdir, os.path.basename(f))

        FPS = get_fps(f)

        base = os.path.basename(f)
        rec[base] = {"filename": os.path.basename(f)}

        paths = pickle.load(open('%s.path.pkl' % (outbase)))
        docs = []

        store = allpaths

        for idx,(path,smoothed) in enumerate(paths):
            uid = '%s-%d' % (base, idx)
            doc = {"recording": base,
                   "center (x,y)": path[0][:2],
                   "radius (px)": diameter(path)/2,
                   "area (px)": area(path),
                   "raw_motion (px)": motion(path),
                   "motion (px)": motion(smoothed),
                   "distance (px)": distance(path),
                   "speed (px/sec)": speed([path,smoothed], FPS),
                   "rel_motion (% of length)": relativeMotion([path,smoothed]),
                   "rel_speed (%/sec)": relativeSpeed([path,smoothed], FPS),
                   "circularity (radians)": circularity(smoothed),
                   "rel_circularity (radians/%-of-length)": relativeCircularity([path,smoothed])
            store[uid] = doc

        # compute recording-wide averages
        recinfo = {}

        nworms = len(paths)
        recinfo["nworms"] = nworms

        keys = docs[0].keys()
        keys.remove("center (x,y)")
        for key in keys:
            recinfo[key] = sum([X[key] for X in docs])/float(nworms)
            recinfo["std_dev:"+key] = np.std([X[key] for X in docs])


    json.dump(allpaths, open("Path.json", 'w'))
    json.dump(rec, open("Recording.json", 'w'))