Exemple #1
 def resolve_video_url(self, video_id):
     # get video info
     data = self._get_video_info(video_id)
     self.plugin.log.debug('resolving video: %s' % video_id)
     # this method assumes there's no children
     if 'children' in data:
         raise Exception('Invalid video id: %s' % video_id)
     # find playlist in resources list
     for res in data['resources']:
         if '.m3u8' in res['url']:
     # get hashes
     hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [res['_id']])
     signed_hashes = util.get_signed_hashes(hashes)
     # resolve query string template
     query_string = re.sub(r'{{(\w*)}}', r'%(\1)s',
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5' 
     except KeyError:
         # live videos
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5',
             'openClosed': 'F',
             'user': data_hashes['user']
     # build resolved url
     url = '?'.join([res['url'], query_string])
     self.plugin.log.debug('video url: %s' % url)
     return url
Exemple #2
 def resolve_video_url(self, video_id):
     # get video info
     data = self._get_video_info(video_id)
     self.plugin.log.debug('resolving video: %s' % video_id)
     # this method assumes there's no children
     if 'children' in data:
         raise Exception('Invalid video id: %s' % video_id)
     # find playlist in resources list
     for res in data['resources']:
         if '.m3u8' in res['url']:
     # get hashes
     hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [res['_id']])
     signed_hashes = util.get_signed_hashes(hashes)
     # resolve query string template
     query_string = re.sub(r'{{(\w*)}}', r'%(\1)s',
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5'
     except KeyError:
         # live videos
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5',
             'openClosed': 'F',
             'user': data_hashes['user']
     # build resolved url
     url = '?'.join([res['url'], query_string])
     self.plugin.log.debug('video url: %s' % url)
     return url
 def resolve_video_url_mp4(self, video_id):
      # which index to look in the list
     heights = [360, 480, 720]
     video_res = int(self.plugin.get_setting('video_quality') or 0)
     # get video info
     data = self._get_video_info(video_id)
     self.plugin.log.debug('resolving video: %s' % video_id)
     # this method assumes there's no children
     if 'children' in data:
         raise Exception('Invalid video id: %s' % video_id)
     # build resources dict based on heights
     resources = dict((d['height'], d) for d in data['resources']
                     if 'players' in d and 'desktop' in d['players'])
     # get resource based on video quality setting
     while True:
             r = resources[heights[video_res]]
             video_res -= 1
     # get hashes
     hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [r['_id']], 'html5')
     signed_hashes = util.get_signed_hashes(hashes)
     query_string = re.sub(r'{{([a-z]*)}}',
                           r['query_string_template']) % {
                             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
                             'key': 'html5'
     # build resolved url
     url = '?'.join([r['url'], query_string])
     self.plugin.log.debug('video playlist url: %s' % url)
     return url
 def resolve_video_url_m3u8(self, video_id):
     #import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('pw')
     # get video info
     data = self._get_video_info(video_id)
     self.plugin.log.debug('resolving video: %s' % video_id)
     # this method assumes there's no children
     if 'children' in data:
         raise Exception('Invalid video id: %s' % video_id)
     # check if resources is empty
     if len(data['resources']) == 0:
         # get hashes
         hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [], 'html5')
         url = data_hashes['url']
         template = 'h={{hash}}&k={{key}}&a={{openClosed}}&u={{user}}'
         # find playlist in resources list
         reslist = [resource for resource in data['resources'] if 'players' in resource and 'desktop' in resource['players'] and '.m3u8' in resource['url']]
         # don't have a m3u8 video available
         if len(reslist) == 0:
             return self.resolve_video_url_mp4(video_id)
         res = reslist[0]
         url = res['url']
         # get hashes
         hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [res['_id']], 'html5')
         template = res['query_string_template']
     signed_hashes = util.get_signed_hashes(hashes)
     # resolve query string template
     query_string = re.sub(r'{{(\w*)}}', r'%(\1)s',
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5'
     except KeyError:
         # live videos
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5',
             'openClosed': 'F' if data['subscriber_only'] else 'A',
             'user': data_hashes['user'] if data['subscriber_only'] else ''
     # build resolved url
     url = '?'.join([url, query_string])
     self.plugin.log.debug('video playlist url: %s' % url)
     return url
 def resolve_video_url(self, video_id):
     # get video info
     data = self._get_video_info(video_id)
     self.plugin.log.debug('resolving video: %s' % video_id)
     # this method assumes there's no children
     if 'children' in data:
         raise Exception('Invalid video id: %s' % video_id)
     # find playlist in resources list
     for res in data['resources']:
         if '.m3u8' in res['url']:
     # get hashes
     hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [res['_id']], 'html5')
     signed_hashes = util.get_signed_hashes(hashes)
     # resolve query string template
     query_string = re.sub(r'{{(\w*)}}', r'%(\1)s',
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5'
     except KeyError:
         # live videos
         query_string = query_string % {
             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
             'key': 'html5',
             'openClosed': 'F',
             'user': data_hashes['user']
     # build resolved url
     url = '?'.join([res['url'], query_string])
     self.plugin.log.debug('video playlist url: %s' % url)
     session = requests.Session()
     req = session.get(url)
     m3u8_header = { 'Cookie': '; '.join(['%s=%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in req.cookies.items()]) }
     m3u8_obj = m3u8.loads(req.text.strip())
     streams = {}
     if m3u8_obj.is_variant:  # if this m3u8 contains links to other m3u8s
         for playlist in m3u8_obj.playlists:
             bitrate = str(int(playlist.stream_info.bandwidth[:playlist.stream_info.bandwidth.find(' ')])/100)
             streams[bitrate] = url[:url.rfind('/') + 1] + playlist.uri + '?' + url.split('?')[1] + '|' + urllib.urlencode(m3u8_header)
         return url
     return util.getBestBitrateUrl(self.plugin, streams)
 def resolve_video_url_mp4(self, video_id):
     #import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('pw')
     # which index to look in the list
     heights = [360, 480, 720]
     video_res = int(self.plugin.get_setting('video_quality') or 0)
     # get video info
     data = self._get_video_info(video_id)
     self.plugin.log.debug('resolving video: %s' % video_id)
     # this method assumes there's no children
     if 'children' in data:
         raise Exception('Invalid video id: %s' % video_id)
     # build resources dict based on heights
     resources = dict((d['height'], d) for d in data['resources']
                     if 'players' in d and 'height' in d and 'desktop' in d['players'])
     # No height info, skip to m3u8
     if len(resources) == 0:
         return self.resolve_video_url_m3u8(video_id)
     # get resource based on video quality setting
     while True:
             r = resources[heights[video_res]]
             video_res -= 1
     # get hashes
     hashes, data_hashes = self._get_hashes(video_id, [r['_id']], 'html5')
     signed_hashes = util.get_signed_hashes(hashes)
     query_string = re.sub(r'{{([a-z]*)}}',
                           r['query_string_template']) % {
                             'hash': signed_hashes[0],
                             'key': 'html5'
     # build resolved url
     url = '?'.join([r['url'], query_string])
     self.plugin.log.debug('video playlist url: %s' % url)
     return url