def go(arg): global repeats repeats = arg.repeats tbdir = arg.tb_dir if arg.tb_dir is not None else os.path.join( './runs', get_slug(arg))[:250] tbw = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tbdir) dev = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' train_mrrs = [] test_mrrs = [] train, val, test, (n2i, i2n), (r2i, i2r) = \ kgmodels.load_lp( print(len(i2n), 'nodes') print(len(i2r), 'relations') print(train.size(0), 'training triples') print(test.size(0), 'test triples') print(train.size(0) + test.size(0), 'total triples') # print(train) # print(test) # sys.exit() # set of all triples (for filtering) alltriples = set() for s, p, o in[train, test], dim=0): s, p, o = s.item(), p.item(), o.item() alltriples.add((s, p, o)) if train, test =[train, val], dim=0), test else: train, test = train, val if arg.decomp == 'block': # -- pad the node list to make it divisible by the nr. of blocks added = 0 while len(i2n) % arg.num_blocks != 0: label = 'null' + str(added) i2n.append(label) n2i[label] = len(i2n) - 1 added += 1 print( f'nodes padded to {len(i2n)} to make it divisible by {arg.num_blocks} (added {added} null nodes).' ) if repeats > 1: RP, EP = trange, range else: RP, EP = range, trange for r in RP(repeats): """ Define model """ if arg.model == 'classic': model = kgmodels.LinkPrediction(triples=train, n=len(i2n), r=len(i2r), hidden=arg.emb, out=arg.emb, decomp=arg.decomp, numbases=arg.num_bases, numblocks=arg.num_blocks, depth=arg.depth,, biases=arg.biases, prune=arg.prune, dropout=arg.edge_dropout) elif arg.model == 'narrow': model = kgmodels.LPNarrow(triples=train, n=len(i2n), r=len(i2r), emb=arg.emb, hidden=arg.hidden, decomp=arg.decomp, numbases=arg.num_bases, numblocks=arg.num_blocks, depth=arg.depth,, biases=arg.biases, prune=arg.prune, edge_dropout=arg.edge_dropout) elif arg.model == 'sampling': model = kgmodels.SimpleLP(triples=train, n=len(i2n), r=len(i2r), emb=arg.emb, h=arg.hidden, ksample=arg.k, csample=arg.c, multi=arg.multi, decoder=arg.decoder) else: raise Exception(f'model not recognized: {arg.model}') if torch.cuda.is_available(): prt('Using CUDA.') model.cuda() if arg.opt == 'adam': opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),[0]) elif arg.opt == 'adamw': opt = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(),[0]) elif arg.opt == 'adagrad': opt = torch.optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(),[0]) elif arg.opt == 'sgd': opt = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),[0], nesterov=True, momentum=arg.momentum) else: raise Exception() # nr of negatives sampled ng = arg.negative_rate seen = 0 for e in range(sum(arg.epochs)): depth = 0 set_lr(opt,[0]) if e >= arg.epochs[0]: depth = 1 set_lr(opt,[1]) if e >= sum(arg.epochs[:2]): depth = 2 set_lr(opt,[2]) seeni, sumloss = 0, 0.0 if arg.c is not None: tic() model.precompute_globals() print(f'precomp took {toc():.2}s') tsample, tforward, tbackward, ttotal, tloss, tstep = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for fr in EP(0, train.size(0), arg.batch): tic() model.train(True) if arg.limit is not None and seeni > arg.limit: break # # if torch.cuda.is_available() and random.random() < 0.01: # print(f'\nPeak gpu memory use is {torch.cuda.max_memory_cached() / 1e9:.2} Gb') to = min(train.size(0), fr + arg.batch) with torch.no_grad(): positives = train[fr:to] b, _ = positives.size() tic() # sample negatives if arg.corrupt_global: # global corruption (sample random true triples to corrupt) indices = torch.randint(size=(b * ng, ), low=0, high=train.size(0)) negatives = train[indices, :].view( b, ng, 3) # -- triples to be corrupted else: # local corruption (directly corrupt the current batch) negatives = positives.clone()[:, None, :].expand( b, ng, 3).contiguous() corrupt(negatives, len(i2n)) triples =[positives[:, None, :], negatives], dim=1) if torch.cuda.is_available(): triples = triples.cuda() if arg.loss == 'bce': labels = [torch.ones(b, 1), torch.zeros(b, ng)], dim=1) elif arg.loss == 'ce': labels = torch.zeros(b, dtype=torch.long) # -- CE loss treats the problem as a multiclass classification problem: for a positive triple, # together with its k corruptions, identify which is the true triple. This is always triple 0, # but the score function is order equivariant, so i can't see the index of the triple it's # classifying. if torch.cuda.is_available(): labels = labels.cuda() tsample += toc() opt.zero_grad() tic() out = model(triples, depth=depth) assert out.size() == (b, ng + 1) tic() if arg.loss == 'bce': loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(out, labels) elif arg.loss == 'ce': loss = F.cross_entropy(out, labels) if arg.l2weight is not None: l2 = sum([p.pow(2).sum() for p in model.parameters()]) loss = loss + arg.l2weight * l2 tloss += toc() tforward += toc() tic() loss.backward() tbackward += toc() sumloss += float(loss.item()) tic() opt.step() tstep += toc() seen += b seeni += b ttotal += toc() prt(f'epoch {e} (d{depth}); training loss {sumloss/seeni:.4} s {tsample:.3}s, f {tforward:.3}s (loss {tloss:.3}s), b {tbackward:.3}, st {tstep:.3}, t {ttotal:.3}s' ) # Evaluate if (e % arg.eval_int == 0 and e != 0) or e == sum(arg.epochs) - 1: with torch.no_grad(): model.train(False) ranks = [] mrr = hitsat1 = hitsat3 = hitsat10 = 0.0 if arg.eval_size is None: testsub = test else: testsub = test[random.sample(range(test.size(0)), k=arg.eval_size)] tseen = 0 for tail in [True, False]: # head or tail prediction for s, p, o in (testsub if repeats > 1 else tqdm.tqdm(testsub)): s, p, o = s.item(), p.item(), o.item() if tail: ot = o del o raw_candidates = [(s, p, o) for o in range(len(i2n))] candidates = filter(raw_candidates, alltriples, (s, p, ot)) else: st = s del s raw_candidates = [(s, p, o) for s in range(len(i2n))] candidates = filter(raw_candidates, alltriples, (st, p, o)) candidates = torch.tensor(candidates) scores = util.batch(model, candidates, batch_size=arg.batch * 2, depth=depth) # -- the batch size needs to be a little conservative here, due to the high variance in nr of # triples sampled. sorted_candidates = [ tuple(p[0]) for p in sorted(zip(candidates.tolist(), scores.tolist()), key=lambda p: -p[1]) ] rank = (sorted_candidates.index((s, p, ot)) + 1) if tail else (sorted_candidates.index( (st, p, o)) + 1) ranks.append(rank) hitsat1 += (rank == 1) hitsat3 += (rank <= 3) hitsat10 += (rank <= 10) mrr += 1.0 / rank tseen += 1 mrr = mrr / tseen hitsat1 = hitsat1 / tseen hitsat3 = hitsat3 / tseen hitsat10 = hitsat10 / tseen prt(f'epoch {e}: MRR {mrr:.4}\t hits@1 {hitsat1:.4}\t hits@3 {hitsat3:.4}\t hits@10 {hitsat10:.4}' ) prt(f' ranks : {ranks[:10]}') test_mrrs.append(mrr) print('training finished.') temrrs = torch.tensor(test_mrrs) print( f'mean test MRR {temrrs.mean():.3} ({temrrs.std():.3}) \t{test_mrrs}' )
def extract_headline(doc,url): logging.debug("extracting headline") candidates = {} for h in util.tags(doc,'h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','div','span','td','th'): score = 1 txt = unicode(h.text_content()).strip() txt = u' '.join(txt.split()) if len(txt)==0: continue txt_norm = util.normalise_text(txt) if len(txt)>=500: continue logging.debug(" headline: consider %s '%s'" % (h.tag,txt,)) # TODO: should run all these tests over a real corpus of articles # and work out proper probability-based scoring! # TEST: length of headline # TODO - get a proper headline-length frequency curve from # journalisted and score according to probability if len(txt)>=20 and len(txt)<60: logging.debug(" len in [20,60)") score +=1 elif len(txt)>=25 and len(txt)<40: logging.debug(" len in [25,40)") score += 2 if h.tag in ('h1','h2','h3','h4'): logging.debug(" significant heading (%s)" % (h.tag,)) score += 2 if h.tag in ('span','td'): logging.debug(" -2 less headline-y element (%s)" % (h.tag,)) score -= 2 # TEST: does it appear in <title> text? title = unicode(getattr(doc.find('.//title'), 'text', '')) if title is not None: if txt_norm in util.normalise_text(title): logging.debug(" appears in <title>") score += 3 # TEST: likely-looking class or id if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('class','')): logging.debug(" likely class") score += 2 if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('id','')): logging.debug(" likely id") score += 2 # TEST: does it appear in likely looking <meta> tags? # eg: # <meta property="og:title" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/> # <meta name="Headline" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/> for meta in doc.findall('.//meta'): n = meta.get('name', meta.get('property', '')) if pats.headline['metatags'].search(n): meta_content = util.normalise_text(unicode(meta.get('content',''))) if meta_content != '': if txt_norm==meta_content: logging.debug(" match meta") score += 3 elif txt_norm in meta_content: logging.debug(" contained by meta") score += 1 # TEST: does it match slug part of url? slug = re.split('[-_]', util.get_slug(url).lower()) parts = [util.normalise_text(part) for part in txt.split()] parts = [part for part in parts if part!=''] if len(parts) > 1: matched = [part for part in parts if part in slug] value = (5.0*len(matched) / len(parts)) # max 5 points if value > 0: logging.debug(" match slug (%01f)" % (value,)) score += value # TODO: other possible tests # TEST: is it near top of article container? # TEST: is it just above article container? # TEST: is it non-complex html (anything more complex than <a>) # TEST: is it outside likely sidebar elements? if txt not in candidates or score > candidates[txt]: candidates[txt] = {'txt':txt, 'score':score, 'sourceline':h.sourceline, 'node':h} if not candidates: return None # sort out = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['score'], reverse=True) #pprint(out[:5]) return out[0][1]
def go(arg): global repeats repeats = arg.repeats tbdir = arg.tb_dir if arg.tb_dir is not None else os.path.join('./runs', get_slug(arg))[:250] tbw = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tbdir) dev = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' test_mrrs = [] train, val, test, (n2i, i2n), (r2i, i2r) = \ embed.load( # set of all triples (for filtering) alltriples = set() for s, p, o in[train, val, test], dim=0): s, p, o = s.item(), p.item(), o.item() alltriples.add((s, p, o)) truedicts = util.truedicts(alltriples) if train, test =[train, val], dim=0), test else: train, test = train, val subjects = torch.tensor(list({s for s, _, _ in train}), dtype=torch.long, device=d()) predicates = torch.tensor(list({p for _, p, _ in train}), dtype=torch.long, device=d()) objects = torch.tensor(list({o for _, _, o in train}), dtype=torch.long, device=d()) ccandidates = (subjects, predicates, objects) print(len(i2n), 'nodes') print(len(i2r), 'relations') print(train.size(0), 'training triples') print(test.size(0), 'test triples') print(train.size(0) + test.size(0), 'total triples') for r in tqdm.trange(repeats) if repeats > 1 else range(repeats): """ Define model """ model = embed.LinkPredictor( triples=train, n=len(i2n), r=len(i2r), embedding=arg.emb, biases=arg.biases, edropout = arg.edo, rdropout=arg.rdo, decoder=arg.decoder, reciprocal=arg.reciprocal, init_method=arg.init_method, init_parms=arg.init_parms) if torch.cuda.is_available(): prt('Using CUDA.') model.cuda() if arg.opt == 'adam': opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), elif arg.opt == 'adamw': opt = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), elif arg.opt == 'adagrad': opt = torch.optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(), elif arg.opt == 'sgd': opt = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),, nesterov=True, momentum=arg.momentum) else: raise Exception() sched = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(patience=arg.patience, optimizer=opt, mode='max', factor=0.95, threshold=0.0001) \ if arg.sched else None #-- defaults taken from libkge # nr of negatives sampled weight = torch.tensor([arg.nweight, 1.0], device=d()) if arg.nweight else None seen = 0 for e in range(arg.epochs): seeni, sumloss = 0, 0.0 tforward = tbackward = 0 rforward = rbackward = 0 tprep = tloss = 0 tic() for fr in trange(0, train.size(0), arg.batch): to = min(train.size(0), fr + arg.batch) model.train(True) opt.zero_grad() positives = train[fr:to].to(d()) for ctarget in [0, 1, 2]: # which part of the triple to corrupt ng = arg.negative_rate[ctarget] if ng > 0: with torch.no_grad(): bs, _ = positives.size() tic() if arg.limit_negatives: cand = ccandidates[ctarget] mx = cand.size(0) idx = torch.empty(bs, ng, dtype=torch.long, device=d()).random_(0, mx) corruptions = cand[idx] else: mx = len(i2r) if ctarget == 1 else len(i2n) corruptions = torch.empty(bs, ng, dtype=torch.long, device=d()).random_(0, mx) tprep += toc() s, p, o = positives[:, 0:1], positives[:, 1:2], positives[:, 2:3] if ctarget == 0: s =[s, corruptions], dim=1) if ctarget == 1: p =[p, corruptions], dim=1) if ctarget == 2: o =[o, corruptions], dim=1) # -- NB: two of the index vectors s, p o are now size (bs, 1) and the other is (bs, ng+1) # We will let the model broadcast these to give us a score tensor of (bs, ng+1) # In most cases we can optimize the decoder to broadcast late for better speed. if arg.loss == 'bce': labels =[torch.ones(bs, 1, device=d()), torch.zeros(bs, ng, device=d())], dim=1) elif arg.loss == 'ce': labels = torch.zeros(bs, dtype=torch.long, device=d()) # -- CE loss treats the problem as a multiclass classification problem: for a positive triple, # together with its k corruptions, identify which is the true triple. This is always triple 0. # (It may seem like the model could easily cheat by always choosing triple 0, but the score # function is order equivariant, so it can't choose by ordering.) recip = None if not arg.reciprocal else ('head' if ctarget == 0 else 'tail') # -- We use the tail relations if the target is the relation (usually p-corruption is not used) tic() out = model(s, p, o, recip=recip) tforward += toc() assert out.size() == (bs, ng + 1), f'{out.size()=} {(bs, ng + 1)=}' tic() if arg.loss == 'bce': loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(out, labels, weight=weight, reduction=arg.lred) elif arg.loss == 'ce': loss = F.cross_entropy(out, labels, reduction=arg.lred) assert not torch.isnan(loss), 'Loss has become NaN' sumloss += float(loss.item()) seen += bs; seeni += bs tloss += toc() tic() loss.backward() tbackward += toc() # No step yet, we accumulate the gradients over all corruptions. # -- this causes problems with modules like batchnorm, so be careful when porting. tic() regloss = None if arg.reg_eweight is not None: regloss = model.penalty(which='entities', p=arg.reg_exp, rweight=arg.reg_eweight) if arg.reg_rweight is not None: regloss = model.penalty(which='relations', p=arg.reg_exp, rweight=arg.reg_rweight) rforward += toc() tic() if regloss is not None: sumloss += float(regloss.item()) regloss.backward() rbackward += toc() opt.step() tbw.add_scalar('biases/train_loss', float(loss.item()), seen) if e == 0: print(f'\n pred: forward {tforward:.4}, backward {tbackward:.4}') print (f' reg: forward {rforward:.4}, backward {rbackward:.4}') print (f' prep {tprep:.4}, loss {tloss:.4}') print (f' total: {toc():.4}') # -- NB: these numbers will not be accurate for GPU runs unless CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING is set to 1 # Evaluate if ((e+1) % arg.eval_int == 0) or e == arg.epochs - 1: with torch.no_grad(): model.train(False) if arg.eval_size is None: testsub = test else: testsub = test[random.sample(range(test.size(0)), k=arg.eval_size)] mrr, hits, ranks = util.eval( model=model, valset=testsub, truedicts=truedicts, n=len(i2n), batch_size=arg.test_batch, verbose=True) if arg.check_simple: # double-check using a separate, slower implementation mrrs, hitss, rankss = util.eval_simple( model=model, valset=testsub, alltriples=alltriples, n=len(i2n), verbose=True) assert ranks == rankss assert mrr == mrrs print(f'epoch {e}: MRR {mrr:.4}\t hits@1 {hits[0]:.4}\t hits@3 {hits[1]:.4}\t hits@10 {hits[2]:.4}') tbw.add_scalar('biases/mrr', mrr, e) tbw.add_scalar('biases/h@1', hits[0], e) tbw.add_scalar('biases/h@3', hits[1], e) tbw.add_scalar('biases/h@10', hits[2], e) if sched is not None: sched.step(mrr) # reduce lr if mrr stalls test_mrrs.append(mrr) print('training finished.') temrrs = torch.tensor(test_mrrs) print(f'mean test MRR {temrrs.mean():.3} ({temrrs.std():.3}) \t{test_mrrs}')
def extract_headline(doc, url): logging.debug("extracting headline") candidates = {} for h in util.tags(doc, 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'div', 'span', 'td', 'th'): score = 1 txt = unicode(h.text_content()).strip() txt = u' '.join(txt.split()) if len(txt) == 0: continue txt_norm = util.normalise_text(txt) if len(txt) >= 500: continue logging.debug(" headline: consider %s '%s'" % ( h.tag, txt, )) # TODO: should run all these tests over a real corpus of articles # and work out proper probability-based scoring! # TEST: length of headline # TODO - get a proper headline-length frequency curve from # journalisted and score according to probability if len(txt) >= 20 and len(txt) < 60: logging.debug(" len in [20,60)") score += 1 elif len(txt) >= 25 and len(txt) < 40: logging.debug(" len in [25,40)") score += 2 if h.tag in ('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4'): logging.debug(" significant heading (%s)" % (h.tag, )) score += 2 if h.tag in ('span', 'td'): logging.debug(" -2 less headline-y element (%s)" % (h.tag, )) score -= 2 # TEST: does it appear in <title> text? title = unicode(getattr(doc.find('.//title'), 'text', '')) if title is not None: if txt_norm in util.normalise_text(title): logging.debug(" appears in <title>") score += 3 # TEST: likely-looking class or id if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('class', '')): logging.debug(" likely class") score += 2 if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('id', '')): logging.debug(" likely id") score += 2 # TEST: does it appear in likely looking <meta> tags? # eg: # <meta property="og:title" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/> # <meta name="Headline" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/> for meta in doc.findall('.//meta'): n = meta.get('name', meta.get('property', '')) if pats.headline['metatags'].search(n): meta_content = util.normalise_text( unicode(meta.get('content', ''))) if meta_content != '': if txt_norm == meta_content: logging.debug(" match meta") score += 3 elif txt_norm in meta_content: logging.debug(" contained by meta") score += 1 # TEST: does it match slug part of url? slug = re.split('[-_]', util.get_slug(url).lower()) parts = [util.normalise_text(part) for part in txt.split()] parts = [part for part in parts if part != ''] if len(parts) > 1: matched = [part for part in parts if part in slug] value = (5.0 * len(matched) / len(parts)) # max 5 points if value > 0: logging.debug(" match slug (%01f)" % (value, )) score += value # TODO: other possible tests # TEST: is it near top of article container? # TEST: is it just above article container? # TEST: is it non-complex html (anything more complex than <a>) # TEST: is it outside likely sidebar elements? if txt not in candidates or score > candidates[txt]: candidates[txt] = { 'txt': txt, 'score': score, 'sourceline': h.sourceline, 'node': h } if not candidates: return None # sort out = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['score'], reverse=True) #pprint(out[:5]) return out[0][1]
def go(arg): global repeats repeats = arg.repeats tbdir = arg.tb_dir if arg.tb_dir is not None else os.path.join('./runs', get_slug(arg))[:250] tbw = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tbdir) dev = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' test_mrrs = [] train, val, test, (n2i, i2n), (r2i, i2r) = \ kgmodels.load_lp( # set of all triples (for filtering) alltriples = set() for s, p, o in[train, val, test], dim=0): s, p, o = s.item(), p.item(), o.item() alltriples.add((s, p, o)) truedicts = util.truedicts(alltriples) if train, test =[train, val], dim=0), test else: train, test = train, val subjects = list({s for s, _, _ in train}) predicates = list({p for _, p, _ in train}) objects = list({o for _, _, o in train}) ccandidates = (subjects, predicates, objects) print(len(i2n), 'nodes') print(len(i2r), 'relations') print(train.size(0), 'training triples') print(test.size(0), 'test triples') print(train.size(0) + test.size(0), 'total triples') for r in tqdm.trange(repeats) if repeats > 1 else range(repeats): """ Define model """ model = kgmodels.LPShallow( triples=train, n=len(i2n), r=len(i2r), embedding=arg.emb, biases=arg.biases, edropout = arg.edo, rdropout=arg.rdo, decoder=arg.decoder) if torch.cuda.is_available(): prt('Using CUDA.') model.cuda() if arg.opt == 'adam': opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), elif arg.opt == 'adamw': opt = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), elif arg.opt == 'adagrad': opt = torch.optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(), elif arg.opt == 'sgd': opt = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),, nesterov=True, momentum=arg.momentum) else: raise Exception() sched = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(patience=arg.patience, optimizer=opt, mode='max', factor=0.95, threshold=0.0001) \ if arg.sched else None #-- defaults taken from libkge # nr of negatives sampled weight = torch.tensor([arg.nweight, 1.0], device=d()) if arg.nweight else None seen = 0 for e in range(arg.epochs): seeni, sumloss = 0, 0.0 for fr in trange(0, train.size(0), arg.batch): tic() model.train(True) # if arg.limit is not None and seeni > arg.limit: # break # if torch.cuda.is_available() and random.random() < 0.01: # print(f'\nPeak gpu memory use is {torch.cuda.max_memory_cached() / 1e9:.2} Gb') to = min(train.size(0), fr + arg.batch) with torch.no_grad(): positives = train[fr:to] b, _ = positives.size() # # sample negatives # if arg.corrupt_global: # global corruption (sample random true triples to corrupt) # indices = torch.randint(size=(b*ng,), low=0, high=train.size(0)) # negatives = train[indices, :].view(b, ng, 3) # -- triples to be corrupted # # else: # local corruption (directly corrupt the current batch) # negatives = positives.clone()[:, None, :].expand(b, ng, 3).contiguous() ttriples = [] for target, ng in zip([0, 1, 2], arg.negative_rate): if ng > 0: negatives = positives.clone()[:, None, :].expand(b, ng, 3).contiguous() corrupt_one(negatives, ccandidates[target] if arg.limit_negatives else range(len(i2n)), target) ttriples.append([positives[:, None, :], negatives], dim=1)) triples =, dim=0) b, _, _ = triples.size() if arg.loss == 'bce': labels =[torch.ones(b, 1), torch.zeros(b, ng)], dim=1) elif arg.loss == 'ce': labels = torch.zeros(b, dtype=torch.long) # -- CE loss treats the problem as a multiclass classification problem: for a positive triple, # together with its k corruptions, identify which is the true triple. This is always triple 0. # (It may seem like the model could easily cheat by always choosing triple 0, but the score # function is order equivariant, so it can't choose by ordering.) if torch.cuda.is_available(): triples = triples.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() opt.zero_grad() out = model(triples) if arg.loss == 'bce': loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(out, labels, weight=weight, reduction=arg.lred) elif arg.loss == 'ce': loss = F.cross_entropy(out, labels, reduction=arg.lred) if arg.reg_eweight is not None: loss = loss + model.penalty(which='entities', p=arg.reg_exp, rweight=arg.reg_eweight) if arg.reg_rweight is not None: loss = loss + model.penalty(which='relations', p=arg.reg_exp, rweight=arg.reg_rweight) assert not torch.isnan(loss), 'Loss has become NaN' loss.backward() sumloss += float(loss.item()) #print('emean: ', model.relations.grad.mean().item()) opt.step() seen += b; seeni += b tbw.add_scalar('biases/train_loss', float(loss.item()), seen) # Evaluate if ((e+1) % arg.eval_int == 0) or e == arg.epochs - 1: with torch.no_grad(): model.train(False) if arg.eval_size is None: testsub = test else: testsub = test[random.sample(range(test.size(0)), k=arg.eval_size)] mrr, hits, ranks = util.eval_batch( model=model, valset=testsub, truedicts=truedicts, n=len(i2n), batch_size=arg.test_batch, verbose=True) if arg.check_simple: mrrs, hitss, rankss = util.eval_simple( model=model, valset=testsub, alltriples=alltriples, n=len(i2n), verbose=True) assert ranks == rankss assert mrr == mrrs print(f'epoch {e}: MRR {mrr:.4}\t hits@1 {hits[0]:.4}\t hits@3 {hits[1]:.4}\t hits@10 {hits[2]:.4}') print(f' ranks : {ranks[:10]}') print('len check', len(ranks), len(testsub)) tbw.add_scalar('biases/mrr', mrr, e) tbw.add_scalar('biases/h@1', hits[0], e) tbw.add_scalar('biases/h@3', hits[1], e) tbw.add_scalar('biases/h@10', hits[2], e) if sched is not None: sched.step(mrr) # reduce lr if mrr stalls test_mrrs.append(mrr) print('training finished.') temrrs = torch.tensor(test_mrrs) print(f'mean test MRR {temrrs.mean():.3} ({temrrs.std():.3}) \t{test_mrrs}')