Exemple #1
def showMementosForURIRs(urir):
    urir = getCompleteURI(urir)

    if ipwbConfig.isLocalHosty(urir):
        urir = urir.split('/', 4)[4]
    s = surt.surt(urir, path_strip_trailing_slash_unless_empty=False)
    indexPath = ipwbConfig.getIPWBReplayIndexPath()

    print('Getting CDXJ Lines with the URI-R {0} from {1}'.format(
        urir, indexPath))
    cdxjLinesWithURIR = getCDXJLinesWithURIR(urir, indexPath)

    if len(cdxjLinesWithURIR) == 1:
        fields = cdxjLinesWithURIR[0].split(' ', 2)
        redirectURI = '/{1}/{0}'.format(unsurt(fields[0]), fields[1])
        return redirect(redirectURI, code=302)

    msg = ''
    if cdxjLinesWithURIR:
        msg += '<p>{0} capture(s) available:</p><ul>'.format(
        for line in cdxjLinesWithURIR:
            fields = line.split(' ', 2)
            dt14 = fields[1]
            dtrfc1123 = ipwbConfig.datetimeToRFC1123(fields[1])
            msg += ('<li><a href="/{1}/{0}">{0} at {2}</a></li>'.format(
                unsurt(fields[0]), dt14, dtrfc1123))
        msg += '</ul>'
    return Response(msg)
Exemple #2
def resolveMemento(urir, datetime):
    """ Request a URI-R at a supplied datetime from the CDXJ """
    urir = getCompleteURI(urir)

    if ipwbUtils.isLocalHosty(urir):
        urir = urir.split('/', 4)[4]
    s = surt.surt(urir, path_strip_trailing_slash_unless_empty=False)
    indexPath = ipwbUtils.getIPWBReplayIndexPath()

    print('Getting CDXJ Lines with the URI-R {0} from {1}'.format(
        urir, indexPath))
    cdxjLinesWithURIR = getCDXJLinesWithURIR(urir, indexPath)

    closestLine = getCDXJLineClosestTo(datetime, cdxjLinesWithURIR)

    if closestLine is None:
        msg = '<h1>ERROR 404</h1>'
        msg += 'No capture found for {0} at {1}.'.format(urir, datetime)

        return Response(msg, status=404)

    uri = unsurt(closestLine.split(' ')[0])
    newDatetime = closestLine.split(' ')[1]

    linkHeader = getLinkHeaderAbbreviatedTimeMap(urir, newDatetime)

    return (newDatetime, linkHeader, uri)
Exemple #3
def showMemento(urir, datetime):
    """ Request a URI-R at a supplied datetime from the CDXJ """
    urir = getCompleteURI(urir)

    if ipwbConfig.isLocalHosty(urir):
        urir = urir.split('/', 4)[4]
    s = surt.surt(urir, path_strip_trailing_slash_unless_empty=False)
    indexPath = ipwbConfig.getIPWBReplayIndexPath()

    print('Getting CDXJ Lines with the URI-R {0} from {1}'.format(
        urir, indexPath))
    cdxjLinesWithURIR = getCDXJLinesWithURIR(urir, indexPath)

    closestLine = getCDXJLineClosestTo(datetime, cdxjLinesWithURIR)
    if closestLine is None:
        msg = '<h1>ERROR 404</h1>'
        msg += 'No capture found for {0} at {1}.'.format(urir, datetime)
        return Response(msg, status=404)

    uri = unsurt(closestLine.split(' ')[0])
    newDatetime = closestLine.split(' ')[1]
    if newDatetime != datetime:
        return redirect('/memento/{0}/{1}'.format(newDatetime, urir), code=302)
    return show_uri(uri, newDatetime)