def create_lock(self): from util import lazy_write_file from util import ashes_env str_ = ashes_env.render('irp_lock.f90', {'entity': sorted(self.d_entity)}) filename = os.path.join(irpf90_t.irpdir, 'irp_locks.irp.F90') lazy_write_file(filename, str_)
def create(modules, variables): # (Dict[str,Module]. Dict[str, Variable]) -> None '''Create the fortran90 finalize subroutine and the touched one''' main_modules_name = [ for m in modules.values() if m.is_main] d_template_finalize = { 'id': irp_id, 'use': [ for m in modules.values() if not m.is_main and m.has_irp_module ], 'entity_array': [{ 'name':, 'name_root': e.same_as } for e in variables.values() if e.fmodule not in main_modules_name and e.dim] } d_template_touch = { 'do_debug': command_line.do_debug, 'entity': [ e.d_touche_template for e in variables.values() if e.fmodule not in main_modules_name and e.d_touche_template ] } import util str_out = util.ashes_env.render('touch.f90', d_template_touch) + util.ashes_env.render( 'finalize.f90', d_template_finalize) filename = os.path.join(irpdir, 'irp_touches.irp.F90') util.lazy_write_file(filename, '%s\n' % util.remove_empy_lines(str_out))
def run(d_entity, d_routine): for v in d_entity.values(): do_print(v, d_entity) l_subs = d_routine.values() l_data_to_write = [("%s.l" % os.path.join(mandir,, do_print_subroutines(s)) for s in l_subs] def worker(l): filename, text = l lazy_write_file(filename, text) parmap(worker, l_data_to_write) tags = [] for v in d_entity.keys(): line = d_entity[v].prototype tags.append('%s\t%s\t%d\n' % (v, line.filename[0], line.i)) for v in d_routine.keys(): line = d_routine[v].prototype tags.append('%s\t%s\t%d\n' % (v, line.filename, line.i)) lazy_write_file("tags", ''.join(sorted(tags))) l_data = [ e for k, v in sorted(d_entity.items()) for e in do_print_short(v) ] str_ = '\n'.join(l_data) lazy_write_file(filename="irpf90_entities", text='%s\n' % str_)
def create_stack(self): from util import lazy_write_file from util import ashes_env str_ = ashes_env.render('irp_stack.f90', { 'do_debug': command_line.do_debug, 'do_openmp': command_line.do_openmp, 'do_memory': command_line.do_memory }) filename = os.path.join(irpf90_t.irpdir, 'irp_stack.irp.F90') lazy_write_file(filename, str_)
def write_modules(self): from irpf90_t import irpdir from util import lazy_write_file import os for m in self.d_module.values(): # Module data if m.has_irp_module: filename = os.path.join(irpdir, '%s.irp.module.F90' % m.filename) text = '\n'.join(m.head) lazy_write_file(filename, '%s\n' % text) # Subroutines filename = os.path.join(irpdir, '%s.irp.F90' % m.filename) text = '\n'.join(m.header + m.generated_text + m.residual_text) lazy_write_file(filename, '%s\n' % text)
def __init__(self, l_dir=None, l_file=None): # (Iter, Iter) -> None # Create directories from itertools import ifilterfalse i_folder = ifilterfalse(os.path.exists, (irpf90_t.irpdir, irpf90_t.mandir)) map(os.mkdir, i_folder) # List file l_dir = l_dir if l_dir else (command_line.include_dir + ['.']) l_not_dir = [d for d in l_dir if not (os.path.exists(d) and os.path.isdir(d))] if l_not_dir: logger.error('Try to include no existing directory: [%s]' % ','.join(l_not_dir)) sys.exit(1) # Create folder in IRPDIR i_folder = ifilterfalse(os.path.exists, (os.path.join(irpf90_t.irpdir, d) for d in l_dir)) map(os.mkdir, i_folder) s_folder_abs = set(os.path.abspath(path) for path in l_dir) s_file_folder_all = set(flatten(listdir(path, abspath=True) for path in s_folder_abs)) # Take everything! s_file_folder = filter(lambda f: os.path.isfile(f) and not f.startswith("."), s_file_folder_all) s_file_tot = set(l_file) if l_file else set() s_file_tot.update(s_file_folder) s_file_rel = set(os.path.relpath(f, self.cwd) for f in s_file_tot) # Lazy Copy file for f in s_file_rel: src = os.path.join(self.cwd, f) text_ref = open(src, 'rb').read() dest = os.path.join(self.cwd, irpf90_t.irpdir, f) lazy_write_file(dest, text_ref) if command_line.do_codelet: s_file_tot.update(command_line.codelet[3]) # No filter the irpf90 file self.irpf90_files_ordered = sorted(filter(lambda f: f.endswith(".irp.f"), s_file_rel))
def do_print(entity, d_entity): assert type(entity) == Entity filename = entity.prototype.filename[0] name = l_data = [] l_data.append( '.TH "IRPF90 entities" l {0} "IRPF90 entities" {0}'.format(name)) if entity.same_as != entity = d_entity[entity.same_as] l_data.extend([".SH Declaration", ".nf"]) l_data += process_types(entity, d_entity) l_data.append(".ni") if entity.doc: l_data.append(".SH Description") for l in entity.doc: l_data += process_doc(l) l_data.append(".SH File\n.P") l_data.append(filename) if entity.needs: l_data.append(".SH Needs") l_data += process_deps(entity.needs) if entity.needed_by: l_data.append(".SH Needed by") l_data += process_deps(entity.needed_by) l_data.append(".SH Instability factor") fo = len(entity.children) fi = len(entity.parents) l_data.append("%5.1f %%" % (100. * (fi / (fi + fo + .000001)))) l_data.append(".br") str_ = '\n'.join(l_data) lazy_write_file("%s%s.l" % (mandir, name), '%s\n' % str_)
def run(): template = """ program codelet_%(name)s implicit none integer :: i double precision :: ticks_0, ticks_1, cpu_0, cpu_1 integer, parameter :: irp_imax = %(NMAX)d %(precondition)s call provide_%(name)s double precision :: irp_rdtsc call cpu_time(cpu_0) ticks_0 = irp_rdtsc() do i=1,irp_imax call bld_%(name)s enddo ticks_1 = irp_rdtsc() call cpu_time(cpu_1) print *, '%(name)s' print *, '-----------' print *, 'Cycles:' print *, (ticks_1-ticks_0)/dble(irp_imax) print *, 'Seconds:' print *, (cpu_1-cpu_0)/dble(irp_imax) end """ name, NMAX, precondition, filename = command_line.codelet if precondition is None: precondition = "" else: precondition = "PROVIDE " + precondition from util import lazy_write_file lazy_write_file(filename, template % locals())
def worker(l): filename, text = l lazy_write_file(filename, text)