def get_idx_tranches(tranches, data): idxs = [] for t in range(len(tranches) - 1): idxs.append(data[(data >= tranches[t]) & (data < tranches[t + 1])].index) return idxs cmap = plt.get_cmap('plasma') tranches_size = [0, 1, 7, 9, 10, 11] idxs = get_idx_tranches(tranches_size, iris_poly.AU_SIZE) f, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(len(idxs)): ps = util.list_polygons(polygons, idxs[i]) util.plot_polygons(ps, color=cmap(i / (len(idxs) - 1)), ax=ax) plt.title('Taille Aire Urbaine') labels = ['Rural', 'AU<100k', '100k<AU<500k', '500k<AU', 'Paris'] cols = cmap([i / (len(idxs) - 1) for i in range(len(idxs))]) util.aspect_carte_france(ax, palette=cols, labels=labels) #ax.set_title('Population of Urban Area (AU)') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) f.set_size_inches(4.67, 4.06) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(r'c:\user\U546416\Pictures\SS - results\Thesis\aireUrbaine.pdf') plt.savefig(r'c:\user\U546416\Pictures\SS - results\Thesis\aireUrbaine.jpg', dpi=300) #%% Plot 2 according to Category of commune:
# Base profiles print('\tloading base profiles') folder_profiles = r'c:\user\U546416\Documents\PhD\Data\MVGrids\Boriette\Profiles\\' profiles_load = pd.read_csv(folder_profiles + r'profiles_iris.csv', engine='python', index_col=0) # Load IRIS polygons print('Loading IRIS polygons') folder_iris = r'c:\user\U546416\Documents\PhD\Data\DataGeo\\' file_iris = 'IRIS_all_geo_' + str(2016) + '.csv' iris_poly = pd.read_csv(folder_iris + file_iris, engine='python', index_col=0) # Plot supply zone iris_ss = polygons = util.do_polygons(iris_poly.loc[iris_ss], plot=False) polys = util.list_polygons(polygons, iris_ss) cmap = plt.get_cmap('plasma') nb_bt_b = net.load[net.load.type_load == 'Base'].groupby( 'zone').type_load.count()[ iris_ss] # Number of supplied LV trafos per IRIS by SS nb_bt = lv_iris.Nb_BT[iris_ss] # Total number of trafos per IRIS supply = 1 - ((nb_bt - nb_bt_b) / nb_bt) # Ratio of supply colors = cmap(supply[iris_ss]) ax = util.plot_polygons(polys, color=colors, edgecolor='darkgrey', linestyle='--') plot_lines(net.line_geodata, col='coords', ax=ax, color='k', linewidth=0.3) plt.plot(net.bus_geodata.x[0], net.bus_geodata.y[0], 'o', color='red')
net_res.load[net_res.load.bus.isin(bss)].p_mw.sum(), net_res.sgen[(net_res.sgen.type == 'RES_PV') & (net_res.sgen.bus.isin(bss))].p_mw.sum(), net_res.sgen[(net_res.sgen.type == 'Comm_PV') & (net_res.sgen.bus.isin(bss))].p_mw.sum(), net_res.sgen[(net_res.sgen.type == 'Farm_PV') & (net_res.sgen.bus.isin(bss))].p_mw.sum() ] conso_prod_iris = pd.DataFrame( conso_prod_iris, index=['Conso_MWh', 'PV_Home_MW', 'PV_Commercial_MW', 'PV_farm_MW']).T #%% Plot interesting things about the grid # installed PV per IRIS pls = util.list_polygons(polys.Polygon, ies) f, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3) cmap = plt.get_cmap('plasma') for i, ax in enumerate(axs): maxpv = conso_prod_iris.iloc[:, 1:].max().max() colors = cmap(conso_prod_iris.iloc[:, i + 1].loc[ies] / maxpv) util.plot_polygons(pls, ax=ax, color=colors, alpha=0.8) plot_lines(lines, col='ShapeGPS', ax=ax, color='k', linewidth=0.5) ax.set_title('{}\nTotal {:.1f} MW'.format( conso_prod_iris.columns[i + 1], conso_prod_iris.iloc[:, i + 1].sum())) f.set_size_inches(12.04, 4.76) f.tight_layout() # TODO: add legend dv_pv = np.round(maxpv / 0.5, 0) * 0.5 tranches = np.arange(0, maxpv + 0.1, maxpv / 7)
if len(irises) == 0: edges[ss] = [[]] continue sil = get_silhouette(polys, use4=True) edges[ss] = sil if (i + 2) % 200 == 0: f, ax = plt.subplots() util.plot_polygons(polys, ax, facecolors='lightgreen') util.plot_segments(sil, ax, color='k', linestyle='--') edges = {ss: [p for p in edges[ss]] for ss in edges} edges = pd.DataFrame(edges, index=['Polygon']).T #%% Create SS polygons (& Plot SS) polygons_ss = util.do_polygons(edges) util.plot_polygons(util.list_polygons(polygons_ss, polygons_ss.keys()), edgecolors='k', linewidth=0.5) util.plot_polygons(util.list_polygons( polygons_ss, SS[SS.Departement.isin(util.deps_idf)].index), edgecolors='k', linewidth=0.5) #%% Do one - define outside shapes: d = 0.00001 edges = {} i = 0 ss = 'ITTEVILLE' irises = iris[iris.SS == ss].index polys = [p for irs in irises for p in polygons[irs]]
#% Plot histogram of Pmax[pu] f, ax = plt.subplots() hi, bins = np.histogram(SS_load['SSCharge[pu]'], bins=[i / 20 for i in range(21)])[0:-1] + 0.025, hi, width=1 / 20) ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_ylabel('Number of SS') ax.set_xlabel('Max load [pu of SS]') ax.grid() ax.set_title('Distribution of max load of Substation') #%% Plot map of Pmax[pu] palette = ['lightgreen', 'y', 'coral', 'r', 'maroon'] ranges = [0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1] polyss = util.list_polygons(polygons_ss, polygons_ss.keys()) colorss = [ palette[max(0, int((SS_load['SSCharge[pu]'][ss] - 0.5) // 0.1))] for ss in polygons_ss for p in polygons_ss[ss] ] ssidf = SS[(SS.GRD == 'Enedis') & (SS.Departement.isin(util.deps_idf))].index polys_idf = util.list_polygons(polygons_ss, ssidf) colors_idf = [ palette[max(0, int((SS_load['SSCharge[pu]'][ss] - 0.5) // 0.1))] for ss in ssidf for p in polygons_ss[ss] ] #%% labels = [ str(ranges[i]) + '<PeakLoad<' + str(ranges[i + 1]) for i in range(len(ranges) - 1)
engine='python', index_col=0) ies = iris[iris.SS.isin(data[0].index)].index idfdeps = [75, 78, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95] iesidf = iris[(iris.SS.isin(data[0].index)) & (iris.Departement.isin(idfdeps))].index polygons = util.do_polygons(iris_poly.loc[ies], plot=False) #%% plot increase in peak load brute force-France # list of polygons cases = [0, 1] name = {0: 'unc', 1: 'tou'} polys = util.list_polygons(polygons, ies) cmap = plt.get_cmap('YlOrRd') pmax = 0.3 xpalette = np.arange(0, pmax, 0.05) palette = cmap(xpalette / pmax) labels = ['{}%'.format(int(i * 100)) for i in xpalette] for c in cases: colors = cmap([ data[c].IncreasePeak_pu[iris.SS[i]] / pmax for i in ies for p in polygons[i] ]) f, ax = plt.subplots() util.plot_polygons(polys, color=colors, ax=ax) util.aspect_carte_france(ax, palette=palette, labels=labels)
] dep_parc_prod.columns = cols code = { 'a-]0;36]': 'home_rooftop', 'b-]36;100]': 'commercial_rooftop', 'c-]100;250]': 'commercial_rooftop', 'd-]250;...[': 'solar_farm' } dep_parc_prod['TYPE_PV'] = dep_parc_prod.TRANCHE.apply(lambda x: code[x]) dep_parc_prod = dep_parc_prod[dep_parc_prod.TYPE_PROD == 'Photovoltaïque'] #%% plot PV installed per departement pv_inst = dep_parc_prod.groupby('Code Département')['Puissance MW'].sum() cmap = plt.get_cmap('plasma') polys = util.list_polygons(util.do_polygons(dep_polys, plot=False), dep_polys.index) color = cmap([ pv_inst[d] / pv_inst.max() for d in pv_inst.index for p in dep_polys.Polygon[d] ]) ax = util.plot_polygons(polys, color=color) tranches = np.arange(0, 7, 1) * 100 labels = ['{:3} MW'.format(t) for t in tranches] palette = list(cmap([i / 600 for i in tranches])) util.aspect_carte_france(ax, title='PV Installed capacity', palette=palette, labels=labels) #%% plot PV per installed per type (tranche)
nevsh = hhome.sum(axis=1) nevsw = hhome.sum(axis=1) min_nev = 50 nevsh = nevsh[nevsh>min_nev] nevsw = nevsw[nevsw>min_nev] bins = np.array([i*2+1 for i in range(50)]) avgh = (hhome.loc[nevsh.index] * bins).sum(axis=1) / nevsh avgw = (hwork.loc[nevsw.index] * bins).sum(axis=1) / nevsw #%% Plot using colormap idxs = comm2019.CODE_COMM_2019[nevsh.index].dropna() idxs = idxs[idxs.isin(polygons_comm)] cmap = plt.get_cmap('plasma') polys = util.list_polygons(polygons_comm, idxs) colors = cmap([avgh[i]/50 for i in idxs.index for p in polygons_comm[idxs[i]]]) ax = util.plot_polygons(polys, color=colors) tranches = [10, 30, 50, 70, 90] labels = ['{:3}km<d<{:3}km'.format(str(t-10),str(t+10)) for t in tranches] palette = list(cmap([i/100 for i in tranches])) util.aspect_carte_france(ax, title='Average daily commuting distance [km]\n by commune of residence', palette=palette, labels=labels) #%% Plot using green-blue-red palette palette = ['b','lightgreen', 'forestgreen', 'khaki', 'gold', 'orange', 'r'] wbin = 15 #km of daily distance tranches = [i*wbin for i in range(len(palette))] labels = ['{:3}km<d<{:3}km'.format(str(t),str(t+wbin)) for t in tranches] labels[-1] = labels[-1][:-6]
palette=palette, labels=labels_km) util.aspect_carte_france(ax2, title='km' + r'$\bullet$' + 'Vehicles\nFor Workers', palette=palette, labels=labels_kmv) #%% plot using SS #Avg daily distance #kmVehicle f, ax2 = plt.subplots() f, ax1 = plt.subplots() #palette = ['b','lightgreen', 'forestgreen', 'khaki', 'gold', 'orange', 'r'] SSs = iris.SS.unique() polyss = util.list_polygons(polygons_ss, SSs) ss_km_res = [ palette[int(means[ss] // km_base)] for ss in SSs for p in polygons_ss[ss] ] ss_kmv_res = [ palette[int(kmvoit[ss] // kmvoit_base)] for ss in SSs for p in polygons_ss[ss] ] util.plot_polygons(polyss, ax1, facecolors=ss_km_res, edgecolors='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.15)