def main():
	print "[Main] Welcome to the post parsing script!"

	print "[Main] Loading JSON data from file...",
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Parsing JSON data...",
	craigDb = getCraigDb(craigData)
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Connecting to database...",
	phonesCollection = pymongo.MongoClient().phones_db.phones_collection
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Retrieving phone database...",
	phoneDb = phonesCollection.find()
	if phoneDb.count() == 0:
		print "FAIL!"
		print "The phone database is empty. Please initialize the database before using it."
	print "done."

	print "[Main] There are " + str(phonesCollection.count()) + " phones in the database"

	print "[Main] Beginning to parse posts"
	i = 1

	testTitleList = generateTestPostTileList()
	goldenList = generateGoldenList()

	scoreCounter= 0
	iterationCounter = 0

	for post in craigDb:
		copyOfDb = phoneDb.clone() # So the cursor doesn't mess up
		#print "Phone #" + str(i)
		if(post['title'] in testTitleList):
			phone = parsePost(post,copyOfDb)
			scoreCounter = scoreCounter + parsePostTester(goldenList,post,phone)
			iterationCounter = iterationCounter + 1
		#phone = parsePost(post, copyOfDb)
		#print "\n"
		i = i + 1
	iterationCounter = iterationCounter*5
	print "Total Score-" , scoreCounter,"/",iterationCounter 
	print "[Main] Done script."
def main(args):
	wipeDatabase = False

	print "[Main] Welcome to the phone parsing script!"
	# Check if the --fresh flag was passed
	for arg in args[1:]: # The first argument is always the python filename
		if arg == "--fresh":
			wipeDatabase = True
			print "[Main] WARNING: Option '"+arg+"' was unrecognized and has been ignored"

	print "[Main] Loading JSON data from file...",
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Parsing raw JSON data to generate dictionaries...",
	phoneDb = getPhoneDb(phoneData)
	print "done."

	print "[Main] All JSON data parsed successfully."

	print "[Main] Opening database connection...",
	phonesCollection = pymongo.MongoClient().phones_db.phones_collection
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Removing possible duplicates...",
	phoneDb = removeDuplicates(phoneDb)
	print "done."

	if wipeDatabase:
		print "[Main] Fresh flag was passed, wiping out database...",
		print "done."

	print "[Main] Writing collection to database...",
	phonesCollection.ensure_index( [("manufacturer",pymongo.ASCENDING),("device",pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True)

	print "done."

	print "\n[Main] Application has finished successfully."
def main(args):
	global timeList
	print "[Main] Welcome to the post parsing script!"

	wipeDatabase = False

	# Check flags
	for arg in args[1:]:
		if arg == "--fresh":
			wipeDatabase = True
			print "[Main] WARNING: Option '"+arg+"' was unrecognized and has been ignored"

	print "[Main] Loading JSON data from file...",
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Parsing JSON data...",
	craigDb = getCraigDb(craigData)
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Connecting to database...",
	phonesCollection = pymongo.MongoClient().phones_db.phones_collection
	print "done."

	print "[Main] Retrieving phone database...",
	phoneDb = phonesCollection.find()
	if phoneDb.count() == 0:
		print "FAIL!"
		print "The phone database is empty. Please initialize the database before using it."
	print "done."

	print "[Main] There are " + str(phonesCollection.count()) + " phones in the database"

	print "[Main] Opening post collection database",
	postsCollection = pymongo.MongoClient().posts_db.posts_collection
	print "done."

	if wipeDatabase:
		print "[Main] Fresh flag was passed, wiping out database...",
		print "done."

	print "[Main] Beginning to parse posts"
	i = 1
	postList = list()
	for post in craigDb:
		copyOfDb = phoneDb.clone() # So the cursor doesn't mess up
		print "Phone #" + str(i)
		phone = parsePost(post, copyOfDb)
		print "Subject: " + post['title']


		print "\n"
		i = i + 1

		if i > 100:
	avgTime = sum(timeList)/len(timeList)

	print "Average time taken: " + str(avgTime)


	postList = cleanPosts(postList)
	print "[Main] Writing collection to database...",
	postsCollection.ensure_index( [("description",pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True)
	print "done."
	print "[Main] Done script."