Exemple #1
def mse(modelDir, epoch, dataDirectories, seqCount=256, batchSize=16):
    # Compute the mean squared error of all the test sequences.
    model = util.loadModel(modelDir, epoch)
    lstmmse = []
    lstmrmse = []
    msebatches = []
    rmsebatches = []
    for X, y in multiBatch(dataDirectories, seqCount=seqCount):
        predictions = model.predict(X, batch_size=batchSize)
        # MSE computations that the LSTM uses for it's loss function
        lstmmse.append(np.mean((y - predictions) ** 2))
        lstmrmse.append(np.sqrt(np.mean((y - predictions) ** 2)))

        # Split data into estimations and activations
        predActivations = predictions[:, :, predictions.shape[-1]/2:]
        predictions = predictions[:, :, :predictions.shape[-1]/2]
        yActivations = y[:, :, y.shape[-1]/2:]
        y = y[:, :, :y.shape[-1]/2]
        # Update data based on activations
        predictions[predActivations < 0] = 0
        y[yActivations < 0] = 0
        msebatches.append(np.mean((y - predictions) ** 2))
        print 'LSTM MSE:', lstmmse[-1], '| LSTM RMSE:', lstmrmse[-1], '| msebatches:', msebatches[-1], '| rmsebatches:', rmsebatches[-1]
        # print np.mean(np.sum(np.mean((y - predictions) ** 2, axis=-1), axis=-1))
        # print np.mean(np.mean((y - predictions) ** 2, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    print 'Mean LSTM MSE', np.mean(lstmmse)
    print 'Mean LSTM RMSE', np.mean(lstmrmse)
    print 'Mean MSE', np.mean(msebatches)
    print 'Mean RMSE', np.mean(rmsebatches)
    def __init__(self, cowrieData, topics, iterations, filePath):

        self.cowrieData = cowrieData
        self.sessions = sessions = len(cowrieData)
        self.CMDs = CMDs = sum(len(cmd) for cmd in cowrieData)
        self.uniqueCMD = uniqueCMD = len(cowrieData.alphabet)
        self.filePath = filePath

        self.topics = topics  # user input
        self.iterations = iterations

        self.alpha = .1 * ones(topics)
        self.alphaSum = .1 * topics

        self.beta = 0.01 * ones(uniqueCMD)
        self.betaSum = 0.01 * uniqueCMD

        self.numWordsTopic = zeros((uniqueCMD, topics), dtype=int)
        self.numTopicDoc = zeros((topics, sessions), dtype=int)

        self.numTopics = zeros((topics), dtype=int)

        self.CMDsPerSess = CMDsPerSess = []

        for session in cowrieData:
            CMDsPerSess.append(zeros(len(session), dtype=int))

        model = util.loadModel(self.filePath)
        print "Loaded model from %s: " % self.filePath
        self.validMeasure = similarityMeasure.withinTopicMeasure(
    def __init__(self, armPositions, splines, saveDir, processId, modelDir, epoch):
        # Process specific arm locations and spline trajectory
        self.armPositions = armPositions
        self.splines = splines

        # Directory to save data
        self.saveDir = saveDir

        self.processId = processId

        # Simulation specific
        self.simulator = pysim.shortsSimulator()
        # Initialize simulator
        self.simulator.initialize(maxSteps=1199, enableWind=False)

        # Initialize all simulation data variables

        # Preprocessing functions
        # self.functions = [datapreprocess.gripperForce, datapreprocess.gripperTorque]
        self.functions = [datapreprocess.gripperForce, datapreprocess.gripperTorque, datapreprocess.gripperVelocity]
        self.labelFunction = datapreprocess.rawPressuremap

        # Load learning algorithm architecture and model weights
        self.model = util.loadModel(modelDir, epoch)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, modelDir, epoch, activations=True, featureDim=9, outputDim=300, hdVideo=False):
        self.activations = activations
        self.hdVideo = hdVideo
        super(LearningGown, self).__init__(maxSteps=1199, enableWind=False, pressurePointCount=outputDim, showForcemap=True, dualArm=True)

        # Preprocessing functions
        self.functions = [datapreprocess.gripperForce, datapreprocess.gripperTorque, datapreprocess.gripperVelocity]
        self.labelFunction = datapreprocess.rawPressuremap

        # Load learning algorithm architecture and model weights
        self.model = util.loadModel(modelDir, epoch)

        # Make our LSTM stateful for fast predictions
        weights = self.model.get_weights()
        self.model = Sequential()
        self.model.add(LSTM(50, batch_input_shape=(1, 1, featureDim), activation='tanh', return_sequences=True, stateful=True))
        self.model.add(LSTM(50, activation='tanh', return_sequences=True, stateful=True))
        self.model.add(LSTM(50, activation='tanh', return_sequences=True, stateful=True))
        self.model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(outputDim * 2, activation='linear')))
        self.model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy'])

        # Compile and prepare model
        self.y = None
        self.predictions = None
        self.predActivations = None
        self.yActivations = None
Exemple #5
    def doctTermMatrix(self):      
        implementation = nonNegativeMatrix.nonNegMatrix(self.maxIterations, 'random', 0)
        selectedTopics = []

        for files in glob.glob('%s*_CORPUS.pkl' % self.filePath):
            encode2Int = files + '_model.bin'
            model = util.loadModel(encode2Int)
            #print "Loaded model from %s: " % encode2Int
            validMeasure = similarityMeasure.withinTopicMeasure(similarityMeasure.modelSimilar(model))
            windowName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(files))[0]
            (matrix, CMDs, sessions) = util.loadCorpusData(files)
            numSessions = len(sessions)
            topicMinAct = min(numSessions, self.topicMin)
            topicMaxAct = min(numSessions, self.topicMax)
            coherenceScore = {}
            for topic in range(topicMinAct, topicMaxAct +1):
                implementation.apply(matrix, self.topicMax)
                partition = implementation.generatePartition()
                topicLabels = []
                for i in range(topic):
                    topicLabels.append("%s_Topic%02d" %(windowName, (i+1)))
                termRankings = []
                for topicIndex in range(topic):
                    rankedTermIndicies = implementation.rankTerms(topicIndex, self.numRankings)
                    termRank = [CMDs[i] for i in rankedTermIndicies]
                truncatedTermRankings = rank.truncTermRankings(termRankings, self.numRankings)
                coherenceScore[topic] = validMeasure.evalRankings(truncatedTermRankings)
                print "Model coherence (Topic=%d) = %.4f" % (topic,coherenceScore[topic])

                dirOut = self.filePath + "%s_" % (windowName)
                resultsOutPath = "%s_DTM.pkl" % dirOut
                print "saved to:", resultsOutPath
                util.saveDtmResults(resultsOutPath, sessions, CMDs, termRankings, partition, implementation.W, implementation.H, topicLabels)
            if len(coherenceScore) > 0:
                sx = sorted(coherenceScore.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))
                topTopics =[p[0] for p in sx] [0:min(3, len(sx))]
                selectedTopics.append([files, topTopics[0]])
                print "Top recommendations for number of dynamic topics: %s" % ",".join(map(str, topTopics) )
Exemple #6
    def dtmCollection(self):
        self.randomSeed = random.randint(1,100000)
        collection = topicCollect()
        implementation = nonNegativeMatrix.nonNegMatrix(maxIterations = self.maxIterations, init_strategy = 'nndsvd', randomSeed = self.randomSeed)
        coherenceScore = {}
        for files in glob.glob('%s*_DTM.pkl' % self.filePath):
            model = util.loadModel(self.modelPath)
            print "Loaded model from %s: " % self.modelPath
            validMeasure = similarityMeasure.withinTopicMeasure(similarityMeasure.modelSimilar(model))
            windowName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(files))[0]
            (docIDs, CMDs, termRankings, partition, W, H, windowTopicLabels) = util.loadDtmResults(files)
            collection.addTopicModel(H,CMDs, windowTopicLabels)
            matrix, allCMDs = collection.createMatrix()

            for topic in range(self.topicMinAct, self.topicMaxAct +1):
                implementation.apply(matrix, self.topicMaxAct)
                partition = implementation.generatePartition()
                topicLabels = []
                for i in range(topic):
                    topicLabels.append("%s_Window%02d" %(windowName, (i+1)))
                termRankings = []
                for topicIndex in range(topic):

                    rankedTermsIndicies = implementation.rankTerms(topicIndex, self.numRankings)
                    termRanking = [allCMDs[i] for i in rankedTermsIndicies]
                    truncatedTermRankings = rank.truncTermRankings(termRankings, self.numRankings)
                    coherenceScore[topic] = validMeasure.evalRankings(truncatedTermRankings)
                    print "Model coherence (Topic=%d) = %.4f" % (topic,coherenceScore[topic])
                resultsOutPath = self.filePath + "%02d_dynamicTopic.pkl" % topic
                util.saveDtmResults(resultsOutPath, collection.topicIDs, allCMDs, termRankings, partition, implementation.W, implementation.H, topicLabels)
                #rank.formatTermRanks(termRankings, labels = None, numRankings = self.numRankings ) 
            if len(coherenceScore) > 0:
                sx = sorted(coherenceScore.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
                topTopic = [p[0] for p in sx] [0:min(3,len(sx))]
                print "Top recommendations for number of dynamic topics: %s" % ",".join(map(str, topTopic))