def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage_and_exit() #print("top_dir: '%s'" % get_top_dir()) ensure_7z_exists() conf = util.load_config() cert_pwd = conf.GetCertPwdMustExist() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") ver = sys.argv[1] #print("ver: '%s'" % ver) svn_url = "" % ver src_dir_name = "SumatraPDF-%s-src" % ver archive_name = src_dir_name + ".7z" s3_path = "sumatrapdf/rel/" + archive_name print("svn_url: '%s'\ndir_name: '%s'\narchive_name: %s\ns3_path: %s" % (svn_url, src_dir_name, archive_name, s3_path)) s3.verify_doesnt_exist(s3_path) os.chdir(get_top_dir()) util.run_cmd_throw("svn", "export", svn_url, src_dir_name) util.run_cmd_throw("7z", "a", "-r", archive_name, src_dir_name) s3.upload_file_public(archive_name, s3_path) shutil.rmtree(src_dir_name) os.remove(archive_name)
def fix(): verify_started_in_right_directory() conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") d = get_stats_cache_dir() files = os.listdir(d) all_vers = [stats_txt_name_to_svn_no(f) for f in files] all_vers_s3 = get_s3_vers() get_s3_files() for ver in all_vers_s3: if not valid_s3_ver(ver): fix_from_ver(ver, all_vers, all_vers_s3) prev_ver = all_vers[0] to_check = all_vers[1:-1] for ver in to_check: if ver != prev_ver + 1: missing_ver = prev_ver + 1 print("missing ver %d" % missing_ver) fix_from_ver(missing_ver, all_vers, all_vers_s3) return prev_ver = ver print("All are ok!")
def main(): url_update = "" url_latest = "" conf = load_config() assert conf.aws_access != "" and conf.aws_secret != "" s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") v1 = get_latest_version(url_latest) (v2, ver) = get_update_versions(url_update) validate_ver(ver) assert not v2 or v1 == v2, "sumpdf-update.txt and sumpdf-latest.txt don't agree on Stable version, run -release first" verify_version_not_lower(ver, v1, v2) sys.stdout.write("Going to update auto-update version to %s. Are you sure? [y/N] " % ver) sys.stdout.flush() ch = getch() print() if ch not in ['y', 'Y']: print("Didn't update because you didn't press 'y'") sys.exit(1) # remove the Stable version from sumpdf-update.txt s = "[SumatraPDF]\nLatest %s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(s, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-update.txt") # keep updating the legacy file for now s = "%s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(s, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-latest.txt") v1 = get_latest_version(url_latest) (v2, v3) = get_update_versions(url_update) if v1 != ver or v2 != None or v3 != ver: print("Upload failed because v1 or v3 != ver ('%s' or '%s' != '%s'" % (v1, v3, ver)) sys.exit(1) print("Successfully update auto-update version to '%s'" % ver)
def email_msg(msg): c = load_config() if not c.HasNotifierEmail(): print("email_build_failed() not ran because not c.HasNotifierEmail()") return sender, senderpwd = c.GetNotifierEmailAndPwdMustExist() subject = "SumatraPDF buildbot failed" util.sendmail(sender, senderpwd, ["*****@*****.**"], subject, msg)
def _init_user_db(self, filename=USER_DB_FILE): raw_user_list = load_config(filename)['users'] for raw_user in raw_user_list: username, password, credit = raw_user self._add_user( dict(username=username, password=password), credit)
def main(models, source_file, nbest_file, saveto, b=80, normalize=False, verbose=False, alignweights=False): # load model model_options options = [] for model in models: options.append(load_config(model)) fill_options(options[-1]) rescore_model(source_file, nbest_file, saveto, models, options, b, normalize, verbose, alignweights)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage_and_exit() #print("top_dir: '%s'" % get_top_dir()) ensure_7z_exists() conf = util.load_config() assert conf.aws_access is not None, " is missing" s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") ver = sys.argv[1] #print("ver: '%s'" % ver) upload(ver)
def _load(self): if not self.check_sanity(): return if (not os.path.exists(AUTH_DIR)): os.mkdir(AUTH_DIR) # load config self.config = util.load_config(self.path_conf) self.namespace = self.config.get("core", "namespace") self.clientid = self.config.get("core", "clientid") # load services from config self.srvmap = {} for tok in self.config.get("backend", "services").split(","): srv = services.factory(tok) self.srvmap[srv.sid()] = srv self.nreplicas = int(self.config.get("backend", "nreplicas")) nthreads = self.options.nthreads if self.options is not None else 2 self.scheduler = Scheduler(, (nthreads + 1) * len(self.srvmap)) # load translator pipe if self.is_encypted(): self.translators.append(translators.TrEncrypt(self)) # TODO. for integrity option # if self.is_signed(): # self.translators.append(TrSigned(self)) beg = time.time() if (os.path.exists(self.get_path("mapping.pcl"))): with open(self.get_path("mapping.pcl")) as f: self.mapping = pickle.load(f) else: mapconfig = [] for srv in mapconfig.append((srv.sid(), srv.info_storage() / GB)) hspacesum = sum(map(lambda x: x[1], mapconfig)) hspace = max(hspacesum + 1, 1024) self.mapping = DetMap2(mapconfig, hspace=hspace, replica=self.nreplicas) self.mapping.pack() with open(self.get_path("mapping.pcl"), "w") as f: pickle.dump(self.mapping, f) end = time.time() dbg.time("mapping init %s" % (end - beg)) dbg.dbg("head: %s", self.get_head_name())
def _load_model_options(self): """ Loads config options for each model. """ options = [] for model in self._models: m = load_config(model) if not 'concatenate_lm_decoder' in m: m['concatenate_lm_decoder'] = False options.append(m) # backward compatibility fill_options(options[-1]) self._options = options
def email_build_failed(ver): s3_url_start = "" c = load_config() if not c.HasNotifierEmail(): return sender, senderpwd = c.GetNotifierEmailAndPwdMustExist() subject = "SumatraPDF build %s failed" % str(ver) checkin_url = "" + str(ver) body = "Checkin: %s\n\n" % checkin_url build_log_url = s3_url_start + str(ver) + "/rel_build_log.txt" body += "Build log: %s\n\n" % build_log_url buildbot_index_url = s3_url_start + "index.html" body += "Buildbot: %s\n\n" % buildbot_index_url util.sendmail(sender, senderpwd, g_email_to, subject, body)
def _load_model_options(self): """ Loads config options for each model. """ self._options = [] for model in self._models: config = load_config(model) # backward compatibility fill_options(config) config['reload'] = model self._options.append(argparse.Namespace(**config)) _, _, _, self._num_to_target = load_dictionaries(self._options[0])
def compile(): owl_parser = Parser() page_data = { 'ontology': owl_parser.process(), 'metadata': load_config()['site_info'] } #print data_dict with open('templates/base.html', 'rb') as base_template_file, \ open('output/index.html', 'wB') as output: template = jinja_env.get_template( 'base.html') rendered_html = template.render(page_data=page_data) output.write(rendered_html)
def __init__(self): super(VisualizationWindow, self).__init__() pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='row-major') self.settings = load_config() frame = pg.QtGui.QFrame() layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout() frame.setLayout(layout) self.camera_window = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(self) self.feature_window = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(self) self.detailed_feature_window = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() self.layer_frame = pg.QtGui.QFrame() self.layer_layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout() self.layer_frame.setLayout(self.layer_layout) layout.addWidget(self.camera_window, 0, 0, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(self.build_config_frame(), 1, 0, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.feature_window, 2, 0, 2, 2) layout.addWidget(self.layer_frame, 3, 0, 2, 2) layout.setRowStretch(0, 25) layout.setRowStretch(1, 2) layout.setRowStretch(2, 30) layout.setRowStretch(3, 1) self.setCentralWidget(frame) self.setGeometry(0, 200, 1600, 900) self.selected_filter = 1 self.current_layer_dimensions = (512, 7, 7) self.ready = True self.rows, self.cols = good_shape(self.current_layer_dimensions[0]) self.last_feature_image = None self.video_capture = None self.last_frame = None self.last_button = None self.feature_server_timer = None self.rois = [] self.selector = None self.build_views() self.start_timers() self.process_settings()
def hp_search(trial: optuna.Trial): if torch.cuda.is_available():"%s", torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)) global gopt opt = gopt # set config config = load_config(opt) config['opt'] = opt"%s", config) # set path set_path(config) # set search spaces lr = trial.suggest_float('lr', 1e-5, 1e-3, log=True) bsz = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [32, 64, 128]) seed = trial.suggest_int('seed', 17, 42) epochs = trial.suggest_int('epochs', 1, opt.epoch) # prepare train, valid dataset train_loader, valid_loader = prepare_datasets(config, hp_search_bsz=bsz) with temp_seed(seed): # prepare model model = prepare_model(config) # create optimizer, scheduler, summary writer, scaler optimizer, scheduler, writer, scaler = prepare_osws(config, model, train_loader, hp_search_lr=lr) config['optimizer'] = optimizer config['scheduler'] = scheduler config['writer'] = writer config['scaler'] = scaler early_stopping = EarlyStopping(logger, patience=opt.patience, measure='f1', verbose=1) best_eval_f1 = -float('inf') for epoch in range(epochs): eval_loss, eval_f1 = train_epoch(model, config, train_loader, valid_loader, epoch) # early stopping if early_stopping.validate(eval_f1, measure='f1'): break if eval_f1 > best_eval_f1: best_eval_f1 = eval_f1 early_stopping.reset(best_eval_f1) early_stopping.status(), epoch) if trial.should_prune(): raise optuna.TrialPruned() return eval_f1
def email_build_failed(ver): s3_url_start = "" c = load_config() if not c.HasNotifierEmail(): return sender, senderpwd = c.GetNotifierEmailAndPwdMustExist() subject = "SumatraPDF build %s failed" % str(ver) checkin_url = "" % str( ver) body = "Checkin: %s\n\n" % checkin_url build_log_url = s3_url_start + str(ver) + "/release_build_log.txt" body += "Build log: %s\n\n" % build_log_url buildbot_index_url = s3_url_start + "index.html" body += "Buildbot: %s\n\n" % buildbot_index_url util.sendmail(sender, senderpwd, g_email_to, subject, body)
def main(): verify_started_in_right_directory() # to avoid problems, we build a separate source tree, just for the buildbot src_path = os.path.join("..", "sumatrapdf_buildbot") verify_path_exists(src_path) conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") os.chdir(src_path) #build_version("6698", skip_release=True) #build_index_html() #build_sizes_json() #build_curr(force=True) buildbot_loop()
def main(): verify_efi_present() verify_started_in_right_directory() # to avoid problems, we build a separate source tree, just for the buildbot src_path = os.path.join("..", "sumatrapdf_buildbot") verify_path_exists(src_path) conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") os.chdir(src_path) #build_version("6698", skip_release=True) #test_build_html_index() #build_sizes_json() #build_curr(force=True) buildbot_loop()
def email_tests_failed(ver, err): s3_url_start = "" c = load_config() if not c.HasNotifierEmail(): print("email_tests_failed() not ran because not c.HasNotifierEmail()") return sender, senderpwd = c.GetNotifierEmailAndPwdMustExist() subject = "SumatraPDF tests failed for build %s" % str(ver) checkin_url = "" % str(ver) body = "Checkin: %s\n\n" % checkin_url log_url = s3_url_start + str(ver) + "/tests_error.txt" body += "Build log: %s\n\n" % log_url buildbot_index_url = s3_url_start + "index.html" body += "Buildbot: %s\n\n" % buildbot_index_url body += "Error: %s\n\n" % err util.sendmail(sender, senderpwd, g_email_to, subject, body)
def train(opt): if torch.cuda.is_available():"%s", torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)) # set etc torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) # set config config = load_config(opt) config['opt'] = opt"%s", config) # set path set_path(config) # prepare train, valid dataset train_loader, valid_loader = prepare_datasets(config) with temp_seed(opt.seed): # prepare model model = prepare_model(config) # create optimizer, scheduler, summary writer, scaler optimizer, scheduler, writer, scaler = prepare_osws( config, model, train_loader) config['optimizer'] = optimizer config['scheduler'] = scheduler config['writer'] = writer config['scaler'] = scaler # training early_stopping = EarlyStopping(logger, patience=opt.patience, measure='f1', verbose=1) local_worse_epoch = 0 best_eval_f1 = -float('inf') for epoch_i in range(opt.epoch): epoch_st_time = time.time() eval_loss, eval_f1, best_eval_f1 = train_epoch( model, config, train_loader, valid_loader, epoch_i, best_eval_f1) # early stopping if early_stopping.validate(eval_f1, measure='f1'): break if eval_f1 == best_eval_f1: early_stopping.reset(best_eval_f1) early_stopping.status()
def _load(self): if not self.check_sanity(): return if(not os.path.exists(AUTH_DIR)): os.mkdir(AUTH_DIR) # load config self.config = util.load_config(self.path_conf) self.namespace = self.config.get("core", "namespace") self.clientid = self.config.get("core", "clientid") # load services from config self.srvmap = {} for tok in self.config.get("backend", "services").split(","): srv = services.factory(tok) self.srvmap[srv.sid()] = srv self.nreplicas = int(self.config.get("backend", "nreplicas")) nthreads = self.options.nthreads if self.options is not None else 2 self.scheduler = Scheduler(, (nthreads+1)*len(self.srvmap)) # load translator pipe if self.is_encypted(): self.translators.append(translators.TrEncrypt(self)) # TODO. for integrity option # if self.is_signed(): # self.translators.append(TrSigned(self)) beg = time.time() if(os.path.exists(self.get_path("mapping.pcl"))): with open(self.get_path("mapping.pcl")) as f: self.mapping = pickle.load(f) else: mapconfig = [] for srv in mapconfig.append((srv.sid(), srv.info_storage()/GB)) hspacesum = sum(map(lambda x:x[1], mapconfig)) hspace = max(hspacesum+1, 1024) self.mapping = DetMap2(mapconfig, hspace=hspace, replica=self.nreplicas) self.mapping.pack() with open(self.get_path("mapping.pcl"), "w") as f: pickle.dump(self.mapping, f) end = time.time() dbg.time("mapping init %s" % (end-beg)) dbg.dbg("head: %s", self.get_head_name())
def run(dest, results_path): main_query = util.load_query() results = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "fall_response_corrs.csv"))\ .set_index(['block', 'X', 'Y']) format_pearson = util.load_config()["latex"]["pearson"] fh = open(dest, "w") for (block, x, y), corrs in results.iterrows(): x = "".join([i.capitalize() for i in x.split("_")]) cmdname = "FallCorr{}v{}{}".format(x, y, block) cmd = format_pearson.format(**corrs) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close()
async def main(): config = load_config() init_logger("pc.log") #setup networking datalogging = DataBackup(config=config) net = Net( target=config["net"]["target"], port=config["net"]["port"], node_type=True, data_backup=datalogging ) async_methods = [ net.send(), datalogging.BackupLoop(), ] return asyncio.gather(*async_methods)
def uploadStringsIfChanged(skip_svn_check=False): # needs to have upload secret to protect server from # abuse config = util.load_config() uploadsecret = config.trans_ul_secret if None is uploadsecret: print("Skipping string upload because don't have upload secret") return if not skip_svn_check: # Note: this check might be confusing due to how svn work # Unforunately, if you have local latest revision 5 and do a checkin to create # revision 6, svn info says that locally you're still on revision 5, even though # the code is actually as revision 6. # You need to do "svn update" to update local version number # Unfortunately I can't do it automatically here since it would be dangerous # (i.e. it would update code locally). # svn update is called in, so it's not a problem if it's run # from ./scripts/build-release.bat or ./scripts/build-pre-release.bat try: (local_ver, latest_ver) = util.get_svn_versions() except: print( "Skipping string upload because SVN isn't available to check for up-to-date-ness" ) return if int(latest_ver) > int(local_ver): print( "Skipping string upload because your local version (%s) is older than latest in svn (%s)" % (local_ver, latest_ver)) return strings = extract_strings_from_c_files() strings.sort() s = "AppTranslator strings\n" + string.join(strings, "\n") s = s.encode("utf8") if lastUploaded() == s: print( "Skipping upload because strings haven't changed since last upload" ) else: uploadStringsToServer(s, uploadsecret) saveLastUploaded(s) print("Don't forget to checkin strings/last_uploaded.txt")
def main(): cert_path() # early check and ensures value is memoized verify_efi_present() verify_started_in_right_directory() # to avoid problems, we build a separate source tree, just for the buildbot src_path = os.path.join("..", "sumatrapdf_buildbot") verify_path_exists(src_path) conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") os.chdir(src_path) # test_email_tests_failed() #build_version("8190", skip_release=True) # test_build_html_index() # build_sizes_json() # build_curr(force=True) buildbot_loop()
def main(models, source_file, target_file, saveto, b=80, normalization_alpha=0.0, verbose=False, alignweights=False, extra_sources=[], per_word=False): # load model model_options options = [] for model in models: options.append(load_config(model)) fill_options(options[-1]) # multi-source or single source functions if len(extra_sources) == 0: savetos = [saveto] + [file(, 'w') for _ in extra_sources] multi_rescore_model(source_file, target_file, savetos, models, options, b, normalization_alpha, verbose, alignweights, per_word=per_word) else: savetos = [saveto] + [file(, 'w') for _ in extra_sources] #source_files = source_files + extra_sources multi_rescore_model(source_file, target_file, savetos, models, options, b, normalization_alpha, verbose, alignweights, per_word=per_word, extra_sources=extra_sources)
def create_original_dictionary(): """ Create original dictionary """ res = [] df_new_word = pd.read_csv(FILE_NEW_WORD) df_new_word = df_new_word.assign( cost=lambda df: df.cost.fillna(1).astype(int), pos1=lambda df: df.pos1.fillna('名詞'), pos2=lambda df: df.pos2.fillna('固有名詞'), pos3=lambda df: df.pos3.fillna('一般'), ) for _, row in df_new_word.iterrows(): morph = create_morph(**row.to_dict()) if morph: res.append(morph + '\n') with open(FILE_OUTPUT, 'w') as f: f.writelines(res) compile_dictionary()'New words added to dictionary') file_config = load_config('file') __NODE = { 'keys': ('features', 'cost'), 'node-format': ('%H', '%pw'), 'unk-format': ('%H', '%pw'), } parser = WordParser(**file_config['mecab'], node=__NODE) for file_path in (FILE_CLOSE_WORD, FILE_CLOSE_WORD_ORIGINAL): df_close_word = pd.read_csv(file_path) for row in df_close_word.itertuples(): morph = replace_morph(parser, row.word, row.replace_word) if morph: res.append(morph + '\n') with open(FILE_OUTPUT, 'w') as f: f.writelines(res)'Created original dictionary in {FILE_OUTPUT}') compile_dictionary()'Original dictionary compiled!')
def uploadStringsIfChanged(skip_svn_check=False): # needs to have upload secret to protect server from # abuse config = util.load_config() uploadsecret = config.trans_ul_secret if None is uploadsecret: print("Skipping string upload because don't have upload secret") return if not skip_svn_check: # Note: this check might be confusing due to how svn work # Unforunately, if you have local latest revision 5 and do a checkin to create # revision 6, svn info says that locally you're still on revision 5, even though # the code is actually as revision 6. # You need to do "svn update" to update local version number # Unfortunately I can't do it automatically here since it would be dangerous # (i.e. it would update code locally). # svn update is called in, so it's not a problem if it's run # from ./scripts/build-release.bat or ./scripts/build-pre-release.bat try: (local_ver, latest_ver) = util.get_svn_versions() except: print( "Skipping string upload because SVN isn't available to check for up-to-date-ness") return if int(latest_ver) > int(local_ver): print( "Skipping string upload because your local version (%s) is older than latest in svn (%s)" % (local_ver, latest_ver)) return strings = extract_strings_from_c_files() strings.sort() s = "AppTranslator strings\n" + string.join(strings, "\n") s = s.encode("utf8") if lastUploaded() == s: print( "Skipping upload because strings haven't changed since last upload") else: uploadStringsToServer(s, uploadsecret) saveLastUploaded(s) print("Don't forget to checkin strings/last_uploaded.txt")
def main(settings): """ Translates a source language file (or STDIN) into a target language file (or STDOUT). """ # Start logging. level = logging.DEBUG if settings.verbose else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') # Create the TensorFlow session. tf_config = tf.ConfigProto() tf_config.allow_soft_placement = True session = tf.Session(config=tf_config) # Load config file for each model. configs = [] for model in settings.models: config = util.load_config(model) compat.fill_options(config) config['reload'] = model configs.append(argparse.Namespace(**config)) # Create the model graphs and restore their variables. logging.debug("Loading models\n") models = [] for i, config in enumerate(configs): with tf.variable_scope("model%d" % i) as scope: model = rnn_model.RNNModel(config) saver = model_loader.init_or_restore_variables( config, session, ensemble_scope=scope) models.append(model) # Translate the source file. inference.translate_file(input_file=settings.input, output_file=settings.output, session=session, models=models, configs=configs, beam_size=settings.beam_size, nbest=settings.n_best, minibatch_size=settings.minibatch_size, maxibatch_size=settings.maxibatch_size, normalization_alpha=settings.normalization_alpha)
def main(): verify_can_send_email() cert_path() # early check and ensures value is memoized verify_started_in_right_directory() # to avoid problems, we build a separate source tree, just for the buildbot src_path = os.path.join("..", "sumatrapdf_buildbot") verify_path_exists(src_path) conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") os.chdir(src_path) # test_email_tests_failed() #build_version("8190", skip_release=True) # test_build_html_index() # build_sizes_json() # build_curr(force=True) buildbot_loop()
def __get_token() -> str: get_logger().info("__get_token is called.") token = load_config() encoded_key = b64encode( (token["api_key"] + ":" + token["api_key_secret"]).encode("ascii")).decode("ascii") url = "" params = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"} headers = { "Authorization": "Basic " + encoded_key, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" } r =, params=params, headers=headers) if r.status_code != 200: raise TwAPIException(r.text) return r.json()["access_token"]
def run_policy(policy): modelid = 0 session = int(time.time()) config = util.load_config("config.json") trainer = util.make_trainer(config, session) model = util.make_model(config) util.full_save(model, modelid, session) # Bookkeeping util.copy_config(config, session, additional_info={"policy": policy}) # Train loop trace = [([False] * len(policy[0]), 0, 0)] for step in policy: trainer.log_line("Trace: " + "->".join([str(s) for s in trace])) loss = trainer.train(model, modelid, modelid + 1, step) trace.append((step, modelid + 1, modelid)) modelid += 1 trainer.log_line("Trace: " + "->".join([str(s) for s in trace]))
def evaluate(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print( "Usage: python3 [config suffix] [model name]" ) exit(-1) if len(sys.argv) == 3: print( " Note: Process a single image at a time may be inefficient - try multiple inputs)" ) print("(TODO: batch processing when images have the same resolution)") print() print("Initializing...") config_name = sys.argv[1] import shutil shutil.copy('models/%s/%s/scripts/' % (config_name, sys.argv[2], config_name), '') cfg = load_config('tmp') = sys.argv[1] + '/' + sys.argv[2] net = Discriminator_eval(cfg) net.eval()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, default='configs/config-glove.json') parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='data/conll2003') parser.add_argument('--embedding_path', type=str, default='embeddings/glove.6B.300d.txt') parser.add_argument("--seed", default=5, type=int) # for BERT parser.add_argument( "--bert_model_name_or_path", type=str, default='bert-base-uncased', help="Path to pre-trained model or shortcut name(ex, bert-base-uncased)" ) parser.add_argument( "--bert_do_lower_case", action="store_true", help="Set this flag if you are using an uncased model.") opt = parser.parse_args() # set seed random.seed(opt.seed) # set config config = load_config(opt) config['opt'] = opt"%s", config) if config['emb_class'] == 'glove': preprocess_glove_or_elmo(config) if config['emb_class'] in [ 'bert', 'distilbert', 'albert', 'roberta', 'bart', 'electra' ]: preprocess_bert(config) if config['emb_class'] == 'elmo': preprocess_glove_or_elmo(config)
def load_arguments(config_file=None): """ Load CLI input, load config.toml , overwrite config.toml by CLI Input """ if config_file is None: cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config_file = os.path.join(cur_path, "config.toml") print(config_file) p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--config_file", default=config_file, help="Params File") p.add_argument("--config_mode", default="test", help="test/ prod /uat") p.add_argument("--log_file", help="File to save the logging") p.add_argument("--do", default="test", help="what to do test or search") p.add_argument("--ntrials", default=100, help='number of trials during the hyperparameters tuning') p.add_argument( "--modelname", default="", help= "name of the model to be tuned this name will be used to save the model" ) p.add_argument("--data_path", default="dataset/GOOG-year_small.csv", help="path of the training file") p.add_argument('--optim_engine', default='optuna', help='Optimization engine') p.add_argument('--optim_method', default='normal/prune', help='Optimization method') p.add_argument('--save_folder', default='model_save', help='folder that will contain saved version of best model') args = p.parse_args() args = load_config(args, args.config_file, args.config_mode, verbose=0) return args
def main(new_ver): url_update = "" url_latest = "" conf = load_config() aws_access, aws_secret = conf.GetAwsCredsMustExist() s3.set_secrets(aws_access, aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") v1 = get_latest_version(url_latest) (v2, ver_4) = get_update_versions(url_update) validate_ver(ver_4) assert not v2 or v1 == v2, "sumpdf-update.txt and sumpdf-latest.txt don't agree on Stable version, run -release first" if not new_ver: print("Current version: %s. To update run:\npython scripts\ <new_version>" % v1) return verify_version_not_lower(new_ver, v1, v2) sys.stdout.write("Current version: %s\nGoing to update auto-update version to %s. Are you sure? [y/N] " % (v1, new_ver)) sys.stdout.flush() ch = getch() print() if ch not in ['y', 'Y']: print("Didn't update because you didn't press 'y'") sys.exit(1) # remove the Stable version from sumpdf-update.txt s = "[SumatraPDF]\nLatest %s\n" % new_ver s3.upload_data_public(s, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-update.txt") # keep updating the legacy file for now s = "%s\n" % new_ver s3.upload_data_public(s, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-latest.txt") v1 = get_latest_version(url_latest) (v2, v3) = get_update_versions(url_update) if v1 != new_ver or v2 != None or v3 != new_ver: print("Upload failed because v1 or v3 != ver ('%s' or '%s' != '%s'" % (v1, v3, new_ver)) sys.exit(1) print("Successfully update auto-update version to '%s'" % new_ver)
def test(t_agent, trial_dir, visual_flag, token): assert trial_dir is not None and os.path.exists(trial_dir) # prepare trial environment pid = os.getpid() logger, _ = prepare_for_logging(str(pid), create_folder=False) # load config config_file = os.path.join(trial_dir, "config.yaml") if not os.path.exists(config_file): convert_legacy_config(trial_dir, t_agent) config = util.load_config(config_file) if "max_obstacles" not in config: config["max_obstacles"] = 3 env = NIPS(visualize=visual_flag, max_obstacles=config["max_obstacles"], token=token) util.print_settings(logger, config, env) # instantiate an agent config["logger"] = logger config["log_dir"] = trial_dir config["model_dir"] = trial_dir if t_agent == "DDPG": from ddpg import DDPG agent = DDPG(env, config) elif t_agent == "TRPO": from trpo import TRPO agent = TRPO(env, config) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported agent type: {}".format(t_agent)) agent.set_state(config) # test util.print_sec_header(logger, "Testing") rewards = agent.test(logging=env.remote_env)"avg_reward={}".format(np.mean(rewards))) env.close()
def main(): config = util.load_config() driver = get_chrome_driver(config) data = {} # Open reviews and pick first review to start crawling driver.get("") print(driver.title) # Locate submit button, click to get all results driver.implicitly_wait(15) reviewCards = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("apphub_Card") reviewCards[1].click() # Mod as needed, some profiles are private element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[contains(@href, '')]") profile_link = element.text.split('/')[4] steamID64 = get_steam_id(element, driver) print("Writing to csv...") data[steamID64] = crawl_friends(profile_link, driver) write_to_json(data) time.sleep(10) # Close everything driver.quit() return 0
def uploadStringsIfChanged(): # needs to have upload secret to protect server from abuse config = util.load_config() uploadsecret = config.trans_ul_secret if None is uploadsecret: print("Skipping string upload because don't have upload secret") return # TODO: we used to have a check if svn is up-to-date # should we restore it for git? strings = extract_strings_from_c_files() strings.sort() s = "AppTranslator strings\n" + string.join(strings, "\n") s = s.encode("utf8") if lastUploaded() == s: print( "Skipping upload because strings haven't changed since last upload") else: uploadStringsToServer(s, uploadsecret) saveLastUploaded(s) print("Don't forget to checkin strings/last_uploaded.txt")
def main(): url_update = "" url_latest = "" conf = load_config() assert conf.aws_access != "" and conf.aws_secret != "" s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") v1 = get_latest_version(url_latest) (v2, ver) = get_update_versions(url_update) validate_ver(ver) assert not v2 or v1 == v2, "sumpdf-update.txt and sumpdf-latest.txt don't agree on Stable version, run -release first" verify_version_not_lower(ver, v1, v2) sys.stdout.write( "Going to update auto-update version to %s. Are you sure? [y/N] " % ver) sys.stdout.flush() ch = getch() print() if ch not in ['y', 'Y']: print("Didn't update because you didn't press 'y'") sys.exit(1) # remove the Stable version from sumpdf-update.txt s = "[SumatraPDF]\nLatest %s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(s, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-update.txt") # keep updating the legacy file for now s = "%s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(s, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-latest.txt") v1 = get_latest_version(url_latest) (v2, v3) = get_update_versions(url_update) if v1 != ver or v2 != None or v3 != ver: print("Upload failed because v1 or v3 != ver ('%s' or '%s' != '%s'" % (v1, v3, ver)) sys.exit(1) print("Successfully update auto-update version to '%s'" % ver)
def main(): from_to = [] config = util.load_config() with open(config["steam_ids"]["results"], 'r') as f: results_json = json.load(f) keys = [n for n in results_json.keys()] steamids = results_json[keys[0]] print("Closing config...") api_key = config['steam_api_key']['key'] steam_data = [] print("Starting to iterate...") for i in range(10): steamid = steamids[i] #Web API osoitteet, joista voidaan hakea tietoa api_getownedgames = '{}&steamid={}&format=json&include_appinfo=1&include_played_free_games=1'.format(api_key, steamid) #Haetaan webistä steamID:n käyttäjän kaverit listaan steamIDs print(f'Making request with: {api_getownedgames}') try: r = requests.get(api_getownedgames) data = r.json() game_nodes = [s for s in data['response']['games']] gameIDs = [n['name'] for n in game_nodes] print(steamid) from_to = [n for n in gameIDs] for node in from_to: steam_data.append([int(steamid), node]) ''' OBS! Not sure if this works in gephi, as it saves game names (str). If 'name' from row 42 changed to 'appid' it gives a int, which works with gephi ''' except KeyError: print("Failed request, KeyError") continue write_to_node_csv(steam_data) return 0
def main(): config = util.load_config() sc, ssc, sqlc = util.get_spark_streaming_context() # receive lines of data lines = ssc.socketTextStream('localhost', config['port']) # flatmap lines to list of dict items = lines.flatMap(util.bin2json) # flatmap lines to fake new class (NG, T, F) def analyzer_check(item): result = analyzer.check(item['paragraph']) item['not_given'] = result == analyzer.NOT_GIVEN item['truth'] = result == analyzer.TRUE return item checked_items = # checked_items.pprint() # filter item with not given false, which is relevant # or in our knowledge domain def is_relevant(item): if not item['not_given']: del item['not_given'] return item relevant_items = checked_items.filter(is_relevant) relevant_items.pprint() # save mined data def save_streaming_data(time, rdd): if not rdd.isEmpty():, config, 'news', rdd) relevant_items.foreachRDD(save_streaming_data) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination()
def uploadStringsIfChanged(): # needs to have upload secret to protect server from abuse config = util.load_config() uploadsecret = config.trans_ul_secret if None is uploadsecret: print("Skipping string upload because don't have upload secret") return # TODO: we used to have a check if svn is up-to-date # should we restore it for git? strings = extract_strings_from_c_files() strings.sort() s = "AppTranslator strings\n" + string.join(strings, "\n") s = s.encode("utf8") if lastUploaded() == s: print( "Skipping upload because strings haven't changed since last upload" ) else: uploadStringsToServer(s, uploadsecret) saveLastUploaded(s) print("Don't forget to checkin strings/last_uploaded.txt")
def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs): if minicluster.default_cluster is not None: return minicluster.default_cluster.peloton_client() global _client if class_._client: return class_._client config = load_config("config.yaml")["client"] cluster = os.getenv("CLUSTER") use_apiserver = os.getenv("USE_APISERVER") == 'True' if cluster is None or cluster == "local": # TODO: remove url overrides once T839783 is resolved _client = PelotonClient( name=config["name"], enable_apiserver=use_apiserver, api_url=config["apiserver_url"], jm_url=config["jobmgr_url"], rm_url=config["resmgr_url"], hm_url=config["hostmgr_url"], ) return _client if os.getenv("ELECTION_ZK_SERVERS", ""): zk_servers = os.getenv("ELECTION_ZK_SERVERS").split(":")[0] elif cluster in config["cluster_zk_servers"]: zk_servers = config["cluster_zk_servers"][cluster] else: raise Exception("Unsupported cluster %s" % cluster) _client = PelotonClient( name=config["name"], enable_apiserver=use_apiserver, zk_servers=zk_servers, ) return _client
def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs): global _client if not class_._client: config = load_config("config.yaml")["client"] cluster = os.getenv("CLUSTER") if cluster is not None and cluster != "local": cluster = os.getenv("CLUSTER") if os.getenv("ELECTION_ZK_SERVERS", ""): zk_servers = os.getenv("ELECTION_ZK_SERVERS").split(":")[0] elif cluster in config["cluster_zk_servers"]: zk_servers = config["cluster_zk_servers"][cluster] else: raise Exception("Unsupported cluster %s" % cluster) _client = PelotonClient(name=config["name"], zk_servers=zk_servers) else: # TODO: remove url overrides once T839783 is resolved _client = PelotonClient( name=config["name"], jm_url=config["jobmgr_url"], rm_url=config["resmgr_url"], hm_url=config["hostmgr_url"], ) return _client
import json import requests import sys import util import os def list_interface_by_host( hostip, userid, passwd): print hostip resp = util.get_nxapi_endpoint( hostip), data=json.dumps( util.get_payload( "show interface brief")), headers=util.myheaders,auth=(userid,passwd)).json() outputs = resp['ins_api']['outputs'] if not 'Success' in outputs['output']['msg']: return try: for row in outputs['output']['body']['TABLE_interface']['ROW_interface']: if row['state'] == 'up': print " - ", row['interface'], row['vlan'] if row.has_key('vlan') else '--', row['portmode'] if row.has_key('portmode') else '' except Exception as e: print e if __name__ == "__main__": hosts = util.load_config( sys.argv[1]) allhosts = hosts['spine']; allhosts.extend( hosts['leaf']) allhosts.extend( hosts['router']) for host in allhosts: list_interface_by_host( host, os.environ['NEXUS_USER'], os.environ['NEXUS_PASSWD'])
print def analyze_feature_set(args, connection, feature_names): """Analyzes and plots various standard metrics for each feature.""" for name in feature_names: values = util.get_feature_values(connection.cursor(), name) stats.analyze_feature(connection, name, values) if args.visualize: visualize.plot_feature(connection, name, values) if __name__ == '__main__': from util import load_config, connect_db CONFIG = load_config() connection = connect_db(CONFIG) model_feature_names = map(lambda f: f.__name__, MODEL_FEATURES) cluster_feature_names = map(lambda f: f.__name__, CLUSTER_FEATURES) algorithm_names = map(lambda a: a.__name__, clustering.ENABLED_ALGORITHMS) timespan = lambda s: tuple(map(int, s.split(',', 1))) import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parses sentences.") parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', help="batch size", type=int, default=500) parser.add_argument('-t', '--timespan', help="time span to use: from,to in seconds since unix epoch", default=(None, None), type=timespan) parser.add_argument('--reset', help="clear features before rebuilding", action='store_true', default=False)
elif item.get('debug', False): try: if 0 <= int(item['type']) <= 999: continue except ValueError: pass if item['type'] in ['CONNECTED', 'PING', 'JOIN', 'PART', 'QUIT', 'MODE', 'KICK', 'BAN']: continue channel = self.slack_client.server.channels.find('slairck-debug') if channel is not None: channel.send_message(unicode(item)) if __name__ == "__main__": from util import main_loop config = load_config('slack') debug = config["DEBUG"] bot = SlackBot(config['slack']['token'], config) site_plugins = [] files_currently_downloading = [] job_hash = {} if 'DAEMON' in config: if config["DAEMON"]: import daemon with daemon.DaemonContext(): main_loop(bot, config) main_loop(bot, config)
coherence = Coherence(config) controlpoint = ControlPoint(coherence,auto_client=[]) BOOKMARKPATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.grace-bookmarks') devices = [] unknown_devices = [] CONFPATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.graceradiorc') DEFAULT_CONFIG = { # Number of lines to output from the buffer every time enter is pressed "buffer_rate": 20, } CONFIG = load_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONFPATH) def add_device(device=None, *args, **kwargs): control = None for service in _,_,_,service_class,version = service.service_type.split(':') if service_class == 'RecivaRadio': control = service d = { 'name': device.get_friendly_name(), 'device':device, 'control':control, } if control: devices.append(d) else:
bot.init() while True: for bot in bots: # print 'processing', bot bot.process() relay_ins = bot.collect_relay() for xbot in bots: if type(bot) == type(xbot): continue xbot.relay(bot, relay_ins) time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except: logging.exception("OOPS") if __name__ == "__main__": config = load_config("config") slackbot = SlackBot(config["slack"]["token"], config) ircbot = IrcBot(config["irc"]["host"], int(config["irc"].get("port", "6667")), config) if "DAEMON" in config: if config["DAEMON"]: import daemon with daemon.DaemonContext(): main_loop((slackbot, ircbot), config) main_loop((slackbot, ircbot), config)
def _load_service_config(self): return dict_map_string( load_config(SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE), self._substitute_constants)
def verify_can_send_email(): c = load_config() if not c.HasNotifierEmail(): print("can't run. scripts/ missing notifier_email and/or notifier_email_pwd") sys.exit(1)
try: ssh_client.connect( hostip, username=userid, password=passwd) with closing( scpclient.Write( ssh_client.get_transport(), '.')) as scp: scp.send_file( '', True) retval = True except Exception: print 'failed to scp' return retval def update_cdp(hostip, userid, passwd): retval = True target_cmd = "python" target_cmd = util.remove_last_semicolon(target_cmd) resp = util.get_nxapi_endpoint( hostip), data=json.dumps( util.get_conf_payload( target_cmd)), headers=util.myheaders,auth=(userid,passwd)).json() outputs = resp['ins_api']['outputs']['output'] #print outputs if not 'Success' in outputs['msg']: retval = False print 'update_cdp on %s is %s' %(hostip, retval) return retval if __name__ == '__main__': roles = util.load_config( sys.argv[1]) #hosts.yaml for role in roles.keys(): for host in roles[role]: scp_update_cdp_code( host, os.environ['NEXUS_USER'], os.environ['NEXUS_PASSWD']) update_cdp( host, os.environ['NEXUS_USER'], os.environ['NEXUS_PASSWD'])
import os from docopt import docopt from pygit2 import Repository import gitsound if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize docopt and grab args args = docopt(__doc__) # Simplify references to args cmd = args['<command>'] arg = args['<argument>'] config = util.load_config() user = gitsound.SpotifyUser( config["uid"], config["client_id"], config["client_secret"], config["redirect_uri"]) uid = config["current_playlist"]["uid"] pid = config["current_playlist"]["pid"] pname = config["current_playlist"]["name"] # Determine how to handle args if (cmd == 'show'): if (arg == 'local'): playlists = [] git_dir = ".activePlaylists/" + user.username + "/" pids = [pid for pid in os.listdir(git_dir)]
def build(upload, upload_tmp, testing, build_test_installer, build_rel_installer, build_prerelease, skip_transl_update, svn_revision, target_platform): verify_started_in_right_directory() try_find_config_files() if build_prerelease: if svn_revision is None: run_cmd_throw("svn", "update") (out, err) = run_cmd_throw("svn", "info") ver = str(parse_svninfo_out(out)) else: # allow to pass in an SVN revision, in case SVN itself isn't # available ver = svn_revision else: ver = extract_sumatra_version(os.path.join("src", "Version.h")) if upload: verify_correct_branch(ver) verify_not_tagged_yet(ver) log("Version: '%s'" % ver) # don't update translations for release versions to prevent Trunk changes # from messing up the compilation of a point release on a branch if build_prerelease and not skip_transl_update: trans_upload.uploadStringsIfChanged() changed = trans_download.downloadAndUpdateTranslationsIfChanged() # Note: this is not a perfect check since re-running the script will # proceed if changed: print( "\nNew translations have been downloaded from apptranslator.og") print( "Please verify and checkin src/Translations_txt.cpp and strings/translations.txt") sys.exit(1) filename_base = "SumatraPDF-%s" % ver if build_prerelease: filename_base = "SumatraPDF-prerelease-%s" % ver s3_dir = "sumatrapdf/rel" if build_prerelease: s3_dir = "sumatrapdf/prerel" if upload_tmp: upload = True s3_dir += "tmp" if upload: log("Will upload to s3 at %s" % s3_dir) conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") s3_prefix = "%s/%s" % (s3_dir, filename_base) s3_exe = s3_prefix + ".exe" s3_installer = s3_prefix + "-install.exe" s3_pdb_lzsa = s3_prefix + ".pdb.lzsa" s3_pdb_zip = s3_prefix + "" s3_exe_zip = s3_prefix + ".zip" s3_files = [s3_exe, s3_installer, s3_pdb_lzsa, s3_pdb_zip] if not build_prerelease: s3_files.append(s3_exe_zip) cert_pwd = None cert_path = os.path.join("scripts", "cert.pfx") if upload: map(s3.verify_doesnt_exist, s3_files) verify_path_exists(cert_path) conf = load_config() cert_pwd = conf.GetCertPwdMustExist() obj_dir = "obj-rel" if target_platform == "X64": obj_dir += "64" if not testing and not build_test_installer and not build_rel_installer: shutil.rmtree(obj_dir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("mupdf", "generated"), ignore_errors=True) config = "CFG=rel" if build_test_installer and not build_prerelease: obj_dir = "obj-dbg" config = "CFG=dbg" extcflags = "" if build_prerelease: extcflags = "EXTCFLAGS=-DSVN_PRE_RELEASE_VER=%s" % ver platform = "PLATFORM=%s" % (target_platform or "X86") # build executables for signing (building the installer will build the rest) (out, err) = run_cmd_throw("nmake", "-f", "makefile.msvc", config, extcflags, platform, "SumatraPDF", "Uninstaller") if build_test_installer: print_run_resp(out, err) exe = os.path.join(obj_dir, "SumatraPDF.exe") sign_retry(exe, cert_pwd) sign_retry(os.path.join(obj_dir, "SumatraPDF-no-MuPDF.exe"), cert_pwd) sign_retry(os.path.join(obj_dir, "uninstall.exe"), cert_pwd) (out, err) = run_cmd_throw("nmake", "-f", "makefile.msvc", "Installer", config, platform, extcflags) if build_test_installer: print_run_resp(out, err) if build_test_installer or build_rel_installer: sys.exit(0) installer = os.path.join(obj_dir, "Installer.exe") sign_retry(installer, cert_pwd) pdb_lzsa_archive = create_pdb_lzsa_archive(obj_dir, "%s.pdb.lzsa" % filename_base) pdb_zip_archive = create_pdb_zip_archive(obj_dir, "" % filename_base) builds_dir = os.path.join("builds", ver) if os.path.exists(builds_dir): shutil.rmtree(builds_dir) os.makedirs(builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(exe, builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(installer, builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(pdb_lzsa_archive, builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(pdb_zip_archive, builds_dir) # package portable version in a .zip file if not build_prerelease: exe_zip_name = "" % filename_base zip_one_file(obj_dir, "SumatraPDF.exe", exe_zip_name) exe_zip_path = os.path.join(obj_dir, exe_zip_name) copy_to_dst_dir(exe_zip_path, builds_dir) if not upload: return if build_prerelease: jstxt = 'var sumLatestVer = %s;\n' % ver jstxt += 'var sumBuiltOn = "%s";\n' % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") jstxt += 'var sumLatestName = "%s";\n' % s3_exe.split("/")[-1] jstxt += 'var sumLatestExe = "";\n' % s3_exe jstxt += 'var sumLatestPdb = "";\n' % s3_pdb_zip jstxt += 'var sumLatestInstaller = "";\n' % s3_installer s3.upload_file_public(installer, s3_installer) s3.upload_file_public(pdb_lzsa_archive, s3_pdb_lzsa) s3.upload_file_public(pdb_zip_archive, s3_pdb_zip) s3.upload_file_public(exe, s3_exe) if build_prerelease: s3.upload_data_public(jstxt, "sumatrapdf/sumatralatest.js") # don't set a Stable version for prerelease builds txt = "[SumatraPDF]\nLatest %s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(txt, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-prerelease-update.txt") # keep updating the legacy file for now txt = "%s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(txt, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-prerelease-latest.txt") delete_old_pre_release_builds() else: # update the Latest version for manual update checks but # leave the Stable version for automated update checks update_url = "" ver_stable = get_stable_version(update_url, "2.5.2") s3.upload_file_public(exe_zip_path, s3_exe_zip) s3.upload_data_public("[SumatraPDF]\nLatest %s\nStable %s\n" % (ver, ver_stable), "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-update.txt") if not build_prerelease: svn_tag_release(ver) upload_sources.upload(ver)
def main(): global upload if len(args) != 0: usage() verify_started_in_right_directory() if build_prerelease: if svn_revision is None: run_cmd_throw("svn", "update") (out, err) = run_cmd_throw("svn", "info") ver = str(parse_svninfo_out(out)) else: # allow to pass in an SVN revision, in case SVN itself isn't available ver = svn_revision else: ver = extract_sumatra_version(os.path.join("src", "Version.h")) log("Version: '%s'" % ver) # don't update translations for release versions to prevent Trunk changes # from messing up the compilation of a point release on a branch if g_new_translation_system and build_prerelease and not skip_transl_update: trans_upload.uploadStringsIfChanged() changed = trans_download.downloadAndUpdateTranslationsIfChanged() # Note: this is not a perfect check since re-running the script will # proceed if changed: print("\nNew translations have been downloaded from apptranslator.og") print("Please verify and checkin src/Translations_txt.cpp and strings/translations.txt") sys.exit(1) filename_base = "SumatraPDF-%s" % ver if build_prerelease: filename_base = "SumatraPDF-prerelease-%s" % ver s3_dir = "sumatrapdf/rel" if build_prerelease: s3_dir = "sumatrapdf/prerel" if upload_tmp: upload = True s3_dir += "tmp" if upload: log("Will upload to s3 at %s" % s3_dir) conf = load_config() s3.set_secrets(conf.aws_access, conf.aws_secret) s3.set_bucket("kjkpub") s3_prefix = "%s/%s" % (s3_dir, filename_base) s3_exe = s3_prefix + ".exe" s3_installer = s3_prefix + "-install.exe" s3_pdb_zip = s3_prefix + "" s3_exe_zip = s3_prefix + ".zip" s3_files = [s3_exe, s3_installer, s3_pdb_zip] if not build_prerelease: s3_files.append(s3_exe_zip) cert_pwd = None cert_path = os.path.join("scripts", "cert.pfx") if upload: map(s3.verify_doesnt_exist, s3_files) verify_path_exists(cert_path) conf = load_config() cert_pwd = conf.GetCertPwdMustExist() obj_dir = "obj-rel" if target_platform == "X64": obj_dir += "64" if not testing and not build_test_installer and not build_rel_installer: shutil.rmtree(obj_dir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("mupdf", "generated"), ignore_errors=True) config = "CFG=rel" if build_test_installer and not build_prerelease: obj_dir = "obj-dbg" config = "CFG=dbg" extcflags = "" if build_prerelease: extcflags = "EXTCFLAGS=-DSVN_PRE_RELEASE_VER=%s" % ver platform = "PLATFORM=%s" % (target_platform or "X86") run_cmd_throw("nmake", "-f", "makefile.msvc", config, extcflags, platform, "all_sumatrapdf") exe = os.path.join(obj_dir, "SumatraPDF.exe") if upload: sign(exe, cert_pwd) sign(os.path.join(obj_dir, "uninstall.exe"), cert_pwd) build_installer_data(obj_dir) run_cmd_throw("nmake", "-f", "makefile.msvc", "Installer", config, platform, extcflags) if build_test_installer or build_rel_installer: sys.exit(0) installer = os.path.join(obj_dir, "Installer.exe") if upload: sign(installer, cert_pwd) pdb_zip = os.path.join(obj_dir, "" % filename_base) zip_file(pdb_zip, os.path.join(obj_dir, "libmupdf.pdb")) zip_file(pdb_zip, os.path.join(obj_dir, "Installer.pdb"), append=True) zip_file(pdb_zip, os.path.join(obj_dir, "SumatraPDF-no-MuPDF.pdb"), append=True) zip_file(pdb_zip, os.path.join(obj_dir, "SumatraPDF.pdb"), append=True) builds_dir = os.path.join("builds", ver) if os.path.exists(builds_dir): shutil.rmtree(builds_dir) os.makedirs(builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(exe, builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(installer, builds_dir) copy_to_dst_dir(pdb_zip, builds_dir) if not build_prerelease: exe_zip = os.path.join(obj_dir, "" % filename_base) zip_file(exe_zip, exe, "SumatraPDF.exe", compress=True) verify_path_exists(exe_zip) copy_to_dst_dir(exe_zip, builds_dir) if not upload: return if build_prerelease: jstxt = 'var sumLatestVer = %s;\n' % ver jstxt += 'var sumBuiltOn = "%s";\n' % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") jstxt += 'var sumLatestName = "%s";\n' % s3_exe.split("/")[-1] jstxt += 'var sumLatestExe = "";\n' % s3_exe jstxt += 'var sumLatestPdb = "";\n' % s3_pdb_zip jstxt += 'var sumLatestInstaller = "";\n' % s3_installer s3.upload_file_public(installer, s3_installer) s3.upload_file_public(pdb_zip, s3_pdb_zip) s3.upload_file_public(exe, s3_exe) if build_prerelease: s3.upload_data_public(jstxt, "sumatrapdf/sumatralatest.js") txt = "%s\n" % ver s3.upload_data_public(txt, "sumatrapdf/sumpdf-prerelease-latest.txt") deleteOldPreReleaseBuilds() else: s3.upload_file_public(exe_zip, s3_exe_zip)
def main(): global SCREEN_FULLSCREEN pygame.init() util.load_config() if len(sys.argv) > 1: for arg in sys.argv: if arg == "-np": Variables.particles = False elif arg == "-na": Variables.alpha = False elif arg == "-nm": = False elif arg == "-ns": Variables.sound = False elif arg == "-f": SCREEN_FULLSCREEN = True scr_options = 0 if SCREEN_FULLSCREEN: scr_options += FULLSCREEN screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT),scr_options ,32) pygame.display.set_icon(util.load_image("kuvake")) pygame.display.set_caption("Trip on the Funny Boat") init() joy = None if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joy.init() try: util.load_music("JDruid-Trip_on_the_Funny_Boat") if except: # It's not a critical problem if there's no music pass pygame.time.set_timer(NEXTFRAME, 1000 / FPS) # 30 fps Water.global_water = Water() main_selection = 0 while True: main_selection = Menu(screen, ("New Game", "High Scores", "Options", "Quit"), main_selection).run() if main_selection == 0: # New Game selection = Menu(screen, ("Story Mode", "Endless Mode")).run() if selection == 0: # Story score = Game(screen).run() Highscores(screen, score).run() elif selection == 1: # Endless score = Game(screen, True).run() Highscores(screen, score, True).run() elif main_selection == 1: # High Scores selection = 0 while True: selection = Menu(screen, ("Story Mode", "Endless Mode", "Endless Online"), selection).run() if selection == 0: # Story Highscores(screen).run() elif selection == 1: # Endless Highscores(screen, endless = True).run() elif selection == 2: # Online Highscores(screen, endless = True, online = True).run() else: break elif main_selection == 2: # Options selection = Options(screen).run() else: #if main_selection == 3: # Quit return
user_id = data.get('user', None) if user_id: user = bot.slack_client.server.users.find(user_id) else: user = None user # usable, but not yet if message: line = u'privmsg #{} :{}'.format(name(channel), message) self.irc_client.send_line(line) else: line = u'privmsg #{} :{}'.format(self.config['irc'].get('nick', 'slairck'), unicode(data)) self.irc_client.send_line(line) if __name__ == "__main__": from util import main_loop config = load_config('irc') debug = config["DEBUG"] host = config['irc']['host'] port = config['irc'].get('port', 6667) bot = IrcBot(host, port, config=config) site_plugins = [] files_currently_downloading = [] job_hash = {} if config.get('DAEMON', None): import daemon with daemon.DaemonContext(): main_loop(bot, config) main_loop(bot, config)
def main(models, source_file, saveto, save_alignment=None, k=5, normalize=False, n_process=5, chr_level=False, verbose=False, nbest=False, suppress_unk=False, a_json=False, print_word_probabilities=False, return_hyp_graph=False): # load model model_options options = [] for model in models: options.append(load_config(model)) fill_options(options[-1]) dictionaries = options[0]['dictionaries'] dictionaries_source = dictionaries[:-1] dictionary_target = dictionaries[-1] # load source dictionary and invert word_dicts = [] word_idicts = [] for dictionary in dictionaries_source: word_dict = load_dict(dictionary) if options[0]['n_words_src']: for key, idx in word_dict.items(): if idx >= options[0]['n_words_src']: del word_dict[key] word_idict = dict() for kk, vv in word_dict.iteritems(): word_idict[vv] = kk word_idict[0] = '<eos>' word_idict[1] = 'UNK' word_dicts.append(word_dict) word_idicts.append(word_idict) # load target dictionary and invert word_dict_trg = load_dict(dictionary_target) word_idict_trg = dict() for kk, vv in word_dict_trg.iteritems(): word_idict_trg[vv] = kk word_idict_trg[0] = '<eos>' word_idict_trg[1] = 'UNK' # create input and output queues for processes queue = Queue() rqueue = Queue() processes = [None] * n_process for midx in xrange(n_process): processes[midx] = Process( target=translate_model, args=(queue, rqueue, midx, models, options, k, normalize, verbose, nbest, save_alignment is not None, suppress_unk, return_hyp_graph)) processes[midx].start() # utility function def _seqs2words(cc): ww = [] for w in cc: if w == 0: break ww.append(word_idict_trg[w]) return ' '.join(ww) def _send_jobs(f): source_sentences = [] for idx, line in enumerate(f): if chr_level: words = list(line.decode('utf-8').strip()) else: words = line.strip().split() x = [] for w in words: w = [word_dicts[i][f] if f in word_dicts[i] else 1 for (i,f) in enumerate(w.split('|'))] if len(w) != options[0]['factors']: sys.stderr.write('Error: expected {0} factors, but input word has {1}\n'.format(options[0]['factors'], len(w))) for midx in xrange(n_process): processes[midx].terminate() sys.exit(1) x.append(w) x += [[0]*options[0]['factors']] queue.put((idx, x)) source_sentences.append(words) return idx+1, source_sentences def _finish_processes(): for midx in xrange(n_process): queue.put(None) def _retrieve_jobs(n_samples): trans = [None] * n_samples out_idx = 0 for idx in xrange(n_samples): resp = rqueue.get() trans[resp[0]] = resp[1] if verbose and numpy.mod(idx, 10) == 0: sys.stderr.write('Sample {0} / {1} Done\n'.format((idx+1), n_samples)) while out_idx < n_samples and trans[out_idx] != None: yield trans[out_idx] out_idx += 1 sys.stderr.write('Translating {0} ...\n'.format( n_samples, source_sentences = _send_jobs(source_file) _finish_processes() for i, trans in enumerate(_retrieve_jobs(n_samples)): if nbest: samples, scores, word_probs, alignment, hyp_graph = trans if return_hyp_graph: renderer = HypGraphRenderer(hyp_graph) renderer.wordify(word_idict_trg) renderer.save_png(return_hyp_graph, detailed=True, highlight_best=True) order = numpy.argsort(scores) for j in order: if print_word_probabilities: probs = " ||| " + " ".join("{0}".format(prob) for prob in word_probs[j]) else: probs = "" saveto.write('{0} ||| {1} ||| {2}{3}\n'.format(i, _seqs2words(samples[j]), scores[j], probs)) # print alignment matrix for each hypothesis # header: sentence id ||| translation ||| score ||| source ||| source_token_count+eos translation_token_count+eos if save_alignment is not None: if a_json: print_matrix_json(alignment[j], source_sentences[i], _seqs2words(samples[j]).split(), i, i+j,save_alignment) else: save_alignment.write('{0} ||| {1} ||| {2} ||| {3} ||| {4} {5}\n'.format( i, _seqs2words(samples[j]), scores[j], ' '.join(source_sentences[i]) , len(source_sentences[i])+1, len(samples[j]))) print_matrix(alignment[j], save_alignment) else: samples, scores, word_probs, alignment, hyp_graph = trans if return_hyp_graph: renderer = HypGraphRenderer(hyp_graph) renderer.wordify(word_idict_trg) renderer.save_png(return_hyp_graph, detailed=True, highlight_best=True) saveto.write(_seqs2words(samples) + "\n") if print_word_probabilities: for prob in word_probs: saveto.write("{} ".format(prob)) saveto.write('\n') if save_alignment is not None: if a_json: print_matrix_json(alignment, source_sentences[i], _seqs2words(trans[0]).split(), i, i,save_alignment) else: save_alignment.write('{0} ||| {1} ||| {2} ||| {3} ||| {4} {5}\n'.format( i, _seqs2words(trans[0]), 0, ' '.join(source_sentences[i]) , len(source_sentences[i])+1, len(trans[0]))) print_matrix(alignment, save_alignment) sys.stderr.write('Done\n')