Exemple #1
def build(mode=None, optimize=None):
    Build SORD code.
    cf = util.namespace(configure.configure())
    if not optimize:
        optimize = cf.optimize
    if not mode:
        mode = cf.mode
    if not mode:
        mode = 'sm'
    base = (
    common = (
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    f = os.path.join(path, 'bin')
    if not os.path.isdir(f):
    new = False
    os.chdir(os.path.join(path, 'src'))
    if 's' in mode:
        source = base + ('serial.f90', ) + common
        for opt in optimize:
            object_ = os.path.join('..', 'bin', 'sord-s' + opt)
            compiler = cf.fortran_serial + cf.fortran_flags[opt]
            new |= util.make(compiler, object_, source)
    if 'm' in mode and cf.fortran_mpi:
        source = base + ('mpi.f90', ) + common
        for opt in optimize:
            object_ = os.path.join('..', 'bin', 'sord-m' + opt)
            compiler = cf.fortran_mpi + cf.fortran_flags[opt]
            new |= util.make(compiler, object_, source)
    if new:
            import bzrlib
        except ImportError:
                'Warning: bzr not installed. Install bzr if you want to save a\
                copy of the source code for posterity with each run.')
            os.system('bzr export sord.tgz')
Exemple #2
def generate_task(infile, experiment, run_test_set, save_weights, weightfile, tmp_dir):
    Model definition: tower network on basis letters to get autoencoding, feed 
    through shared dense layers to retrieve all 26 letters (caps)
    # Input
    X = keras.layers.Input(shape=(4, 64, 64), name='input')

    # Lambda layers pull out the 4 basis characters
    x1 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 0, :, :], output_shape=(64, 64), name='x1')(X)
    x2 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 1, :, :], output_shape=(64, 64), name='x2')(X)
    x3 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 2, :, :], output_shape=(64, 64), name='x3')(X)
    x4 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 3, :, :], output_shape=(64, 64), name='x4')(X)

    # Flatten the images into 64 * 64 dimensional vectors
    x1 = keras.layers.Flatten()(x1)
    x2 = keras.layers.Flatten()(x2)
    x3 = keras.layers.Flatten()(x3)
    x4 = keras.layers.Flatten()(x4)

    # The towers consist of a fully connected layer
    neurons = 32 if experiment == 2 or experiment == 4 or experiment == 5 else 16
    x1 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x1)
    x2 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x2)
    x3 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x3)
    x4 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x4)
    if experiment == 3 or experiment == 4 or experiment == 5:
        x1 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x1)
        x2 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x2)
        x3 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x3)
        x4 = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(x4)

    # Concatenates the towers together and feed through fully connected layers
    added = keras.layers.Concatenate()([x1, x2, x3, x4])
    neurons = 400 if experiment == 2 or experiment == 3 or experiment == 5 else 200
    fc = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(added)
    fc = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(fc)
    if experiment == 3 or experiment == 4 or experiment == 5:
        fc = keras.layers.Dense(neurons, activation='relu')(fc)
    fc = keras.layers.Dense(26 * 64 * 64, activation='relu')(fc)

    # Reshape for 2D convolution and upsample
    fc = keras.layers.Reshape((26, 64, 64))(fc)
    if experiment == 0:
        fc = keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(26, data_format='channels_first', kernel_size=(4, 4), padding='same', activation='relu')(fc)
        fc = keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(26, data_format='channels_first', kernel_size=(4, 4), padding='same', activation='relu')(fc)
    elif experiment == 2 or experiment == 3 or experiment == 4 or experiment == 5:
        fc = keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(26, data_format='channels_first', kernel_size=(4, 4), padding='same', activation='relu')(fc)
        pass # No convolutional layers

    out = fc

    model = keras.models.Model(inputs=X, outputs=out)
    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mean_squared_error', metrics=[])

    # Plotting
    # keras.utils.plot_model(model, to_file='model.png')
    # exit()

    if weightfile is not None:

    namespace = util.namespace(infile, experiment)

    def dump_history(history):
        with open('{}/{}history.pickle'.format(WORK_PATH, namespace), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(history, f)
            print('Dumped history.')

    # Open and prepare training set
    train = h5py.File('./gen-task-dsets/gen-task-{}-train.hdf5'.format(infile), 'r')
    outputs = train['outputs'][:]
    basis = train['basis'][:]

    print('Training model on {} fonts...'.format(train['basis'].shape[0]))

    def display_picture(arr, name):
        img = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.hstack([arr[idx] for idx in range(26)]))
        if img.mode != 'L':
            img = img.convert('L')
        # img.show() # Debug (disable when running)
        img.save('./{}/{}{}.png'.format(tmp_dir, namespace, name))

    class ImageHistory(keras.callbacks.Callback):
        Runs predict on the model and test set to visualize how the 
        NN is learning. In a Keras callback, we have access to model
        and params as class properties.
        def __init__(self):
            super() # Parent class constructor
            self.image_idx = 0

        def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):
            predictions = self.model.predict(basis[:1])
            display_picture(predictions[0], 'train-viz-{}'.format(self.image_idx))
            self.image_idx += 1

        def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
            predictions = self.model.predict(basis[:1])
            display_picture(predictions[0], 'train-viz-{}'.format(self.image_idx))
            self.image_idx += 1

    history = model.fit(x=basis, y=outputs, epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=512, callbacks=[ImageHistory()]) # See Keras docs for the history object
    if save_weights:

    # Open and prepare val set
    test = h5py.File('./gen-task-dsets/gen-task-{}-val.hdf5'.format(infile), 'r')
    outputs = test['outputs'][:]
    basis = test['basis'][:]

    print('Validating model on {} fonts...'.format(test['basis'].shape[0]))
    loss = model.evaluate(x=basis, y=outputs)

    # View classified examples from the validation set
    predictions = model.predict(basis)
    display_picture(predictions[0], 'val')

    if run_test_set:
        # Open and prepare test set
        test = h5py.File('./gen-task-dsets/gen-task-{}-test.hdf5'.format(infile), 'r')
        outputs = test['outputs'][:]
        basis = test['basis'][:]

        print('Testing model on {} fonts...'.format(test['basis'].shape[0]))
        loss = model.evaluate(x=basis, y=outputs)

        # View classified examples from the validation set
        predictions = model.predict(basis)
        display_picture(predictions[0], 'test')
Exemple #3
    def find_namespace(self, name):
        assert isinstance(name, Symbol)
        if UT.namespace(name) is not nil:
            raise ValueError("Namespace names cannot have namespaces")

        return self._namespaces.get(self._str_for_name(name), None)
Exemple #4
def stage(inputs):
    Setup, and optionally launch, a SORD job.
    import glob, time, getopt, shutil
    import setup

    # Save start time
    starttime = time.asctime()
    print('SORD setup')

    # Read defaults
    pm = {}
    f = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'parameters.py')
    exec open(f) in pm
    if 'machine' in inputs:
        cf = configure.configure(machine=inputs['machine'])
        cf = configure.configure()

    # Merge inputs
    inputs = inputs.copy()
    util.prune(cf, pattern='(^_)|(^.$)')
    for k, v in inputs.iteritems():
        if k in cf:
            cf[k] = v
        elif k in pm:
            pm[k] = v
            sys.exit('Unknown parameter: %s = %r' % (k, v))
    cf = util.namespace(cf)
    cf.rundir = os.path.expanduser(cf.rundir)
    pm = prepare_param(util.namespace(pm), cf.itbuff)

    # Command line options
    opts = [
    options = ''.join(opts[::2])
    long_options = opts[1::2]
    opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], options, long_options)[0]
    for o, v in opts:
        if o in ('-n', '--dry-run'):
            cf.prepare = False
        elif o in ('-s', '--serial'):
            cf.mode = 's'
        elif o in ('-m', '--mpi'):
            cf.mode = 'm'
        elif o in ('-i', '--interactive'):
            cf.run = 'i'
        elif o in ('-q', '--queue'):
            cf.run = 'q'
        elif o in ('-d', '--debug'):
            cf.optimize = 'g'
            cf.run = 'g'
        elif o in ('-g', '--debugging'):
            cf.optimize = 'g'
        elif o in ('-t', '--testing'):
            cf.optimize = 't'
        elif o in ('-p', '--profiling'):
            cf.optimize = 'p'
        elif o in ('-O', '--optimized'):
            cf.optimize = 'O'
        elif o in ('-f', '--force'):
            if os.path.isdir(cf.rundir):
            sys.exit('Error: unknown option: ' + o)
    if not cf.prepare:
        cf.run = False

    # Partition for parallelization
    pm.nn = tuple(int(i) for i in pm.nn)
    maxtotalcores = cf.maxnodes * cf.maxcores
    if not cf.mode and maxtotalcores == 1:
        cf.mode = 's'
    np3 = pm.np3[:]
    if cf.mode == 's':
        np3 = [1, 1, 1]
    nl = [(pm.nn[i] - 1) / np3[i] + 1 for i in range(3)]
    i = abs(pm.faultnormal) - 1
    if i >= 0:
        nl[i] = max(nl[i], 2)
    pm.np3 = tuple((pm.nn[i] - 1) / nl[i] + 1 for i in range(3))
    cf.np = pm.np3[0] * pm.np3[1] * pm.np3[2]
    if not cf.mode:
        cf.mode = 's'
        if cf.np > 1:
            cf.mode = 'm'

    # Resources
    if cf.maxcores:
        cf.nodes = min(cf.maxnodes, (cf.np - 1) / cf.maxcores + 1)
        cf.ppn = (cf.np - 1) / cf.nodes + 1
        cf.cores = min(cf.maxcores, cf.ppn)
        cf.totalcores = cf.nodes * cf.maxcores
        cf.nodes = 1
        cf.ppn = cf.np
        cf.cores = cf.np
        cf.totalcores = cf.np

    # RAM and Wall time usage
    if pm.oplevel in (1, 2):
        nvars = 20
    elif pm.oplevel in (3, 4, 5):
        nvars = 23
        nvars = 44
    nm = (nl[0] + 2) * (nl[1] + 2) * (nl[2] + 2)
    cf.pmem = 32 + int(1.2 * nm * nvars * int(cf.dtype[-1]) / 1024 / 1024)
    cf.ram = cf.pmem * cf.ppn
    ss = (pm.nt + 10) * cf.ppn * nm / cf.cores / cf.rate
    sus = int(ss / 3600 * cf.totalcores + 1)
    mm = ss / 60 * 3.0 + 10
    if cf.maxtime:
        mm = min(mm, 60 * cf.maxtime[0] + cf.maxtime[1])
    mm = mm * 3
    hh = mm / 60
    mm = mm % 60
    cf.walltime = '%d:%02d:00' % (hh, mm)  #v1.1.01 2 times of orignal hours
    cf.walltime = '1:00:00'  # used in v1.1
    print('Machine: ' + cf.machine)
    print('Cores: %s of %s' % (cf.np, maxtotalcores))
    print('Nodes: %s of %s' % (cf.nodes, cf.maxnodes))
    print('RAM: %sMb of %sMb per node' % (cf.ram, cf.maxram))
    print('Time limit: ' + cf.walltime)
    print('SUs: %s' % sus)
    if cf.maxcores and cf.ppn > cf.maxcores:
        print('Warning: exceding available cores per node (%s)' % cf.maxcores)
    if cf.ram and cf.ram > cf.maxram:
        print('Warning: exceding available RAM per node (%sMb)' % cf.maxram)

    # Compile code
    if not cf.prepare:
        return cf
    setup.build(cf.mode, cf.optimize)

    # Create run directory
    print('Run directory: ' + cf.rundir)
    except (OSError):
        sys.exit('%r exists or cannot be created. Use --force to overwrite.' %
    for f in 'in', 'out', 'prof', 'stats', 'debug', 'checkpoint':
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(cf.rundir, f))

    # Copy files to run directory
    cwd = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
    cf.rundate = time.asctime()
    cf.name = os.path.basename(cf.rundir)
    cf.rundir = os.path.realpath(cf.rundir)
    cf.bin = os.path.join('.', 'sord-' + cf.mode + cf.optimize)
    path = os.path.join('bin', 'sord-' + cf.mode + cf.optimize)
    shutil.copy(path, cf.rundir)
    if os.path.isfile('sord.tgz'):
        shutil.copy('sord.tgz', cf.rundir)
    if cf.optimize == 'g':
        for f in glob.glob(os.path.join('src', '*.f90')):
            shutil.copy(f, cf.rundir)
    f = os.path.join('conf', cf.machine, 'templates')
    if not os.path.isdir(f):
        f = os.path.join('conf', 'default', 'templates')
    for d in os.path.join('conf', 'common', 'templates'), f:
        for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*')):
            ff = os.path.join(cf.rundir, os.path.basename(f))
            out = open(f).read() % cf.__dict__
            open(ff, 'w').write(out)
            shutil.copymode(f, ff)

    # Combine metadata
    meta = util.namespace(pm.__dict__)
    for k in 'name', 'rundate', 'rundir', 'user', 'os_', 'dtype':
        setattr(meta, k, getattr(cf, k))
    meta.indices = {}
    meta.xi = {}
    for f in meta.fieldio:
        op, filename = f[0], f[8]
        if filename != '-':
            meta.indices[filename] = f[7]
            if 'wi' in op:
                meta.xi[filename] = f[4]
    meta.shape = {}
    for k in meta.indices:
        nn = [(i[1] - i[0]) / i[2] + 1 for i in meta.indices[k]]
        nn = [n for n in nn if n > 1]
        if nn == []:
            nn = [1]
        meta.shape[k] = nn

    # Write files
    log = open('log', 'w')
    log.write(starttime + ': setup started\n')
    util.save('conf.py', cf, prune_pattern='(^_)|(^.$)')
    util.save('parameters.py', pm, expand=['fieldio'])
    util.save('meta.py', meta, expand=['shape', 'xi', 'indices', 'fieldio'])

    # Return to initial directory
    return cf
Exemple #5
    def find_var(self, name):
        assert isinstance(name, Symbol)
        if UT.namespace(name) is not nil:
            raise ValueError("Var names cannot have namespaces")

        return self._vars.get(name, self._str_for_name(name))