def save_xcorr_h5py(datafilename, netfilename, outfilename, node='Vm', numcells=-1): """Same as save_xcorr_pytables using h5py. For comparing h5py with pytables.""" print 'save_xcorr_h5py' t_start = datafile = h5py.File(datafilename, 'r') netfile = h5py.File(netfilename, 'r') outfile = h5py.File(outfilename, 'w') simtime = None plotdt = None timestamp = None try: simtime = datafile.attrs['simtime'] except KeyError: pass try: plotdt = datafile.attrs['plotdt'] except KeyError: pass try: timestamp = datafile.attrs['timestamp'] except KeyError: pass outfile.attrs['TITLE'] = 'Correlation of data with time stamp: %s' % (timestamp) datanode = datafile['/%s' % (node)] cell = [] vmdata = [] for data in datanode: if node == 'Vm': cellname = data[:len(data) - 3] # remove trailing '_Vm' cell.append(cellname) nparray = numpy.zeros(shape=datanode[data].shape, dtype=datanode[data].dtype) nparray[:] = datanode[data][:] vmdata.append(nparray) t_end = t_delta = t_end - t_start print 'Finished reading data in %g s' % (t_delta.days * 86400 + t_delta.seconds + t_delta.microseconds * 1e-6) if simtime is None: simtime = 1.0 * len(vmdata[0]) if plotdt is None: plotdt = 1.0 if numcells > 0: indices = random.sample(range(len(cell)), numcells) cell = [cell[index] for index in indices] vmdata = [vmdata[index] for index in indices] t_start = lags = 2 * int(simtime/plotdt) - 1 time = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(lags, 1/(plotdt*lags))) corrgroup = outfile.create_group('/%s' % (node)) timearray = corrgroup.create_dataset('t', data=time, compression='gzip') for ii in range(len(cell)): left = vmdata[ii] for jj in range(len(cell)): right = vmdata[jj] corr = ncc(left, right) corrarray = corrgroup.create_dataset('%s-%s' % (cell[ii], cell[jj]), data=corr, chunks=corr.shape) outfile.close() datafile.close() netfile.close() t_end = t_delta = t_end - t_start print 'Computed and saved correlatioons in %g seconds' % (t_delta.days * 86400 + t_delta.seconds + t_delta.microseconds * 1e-6)
def save_xcorr_pytables(datafilename, netfilename, outfilename, node='Vm', numcells=-1): """Save the cross correlation. I am hoping that pytables will give better performance in disk space. datafilename -- path of file containing data. netfilename -- path of file containing network structure. outfilename -- path of output file. node -- what node to look into for datasets. Default is /Vm numcells -- number of cells among which cross correlation is to be computed. if -1, all cells in datafile are used. """ print 'save_xcorr_pytables' t_start = datafile = tables.openFile(datafilename, mode='r') netfile = tables.openFile(netfilename, mode='r') outfilter = tables.Filters(complevel=4, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) outfile = tables.openFile(outfilename, mode='w', filters=outfilter) simtime = None plotdt = None timestamp = None if hasattr(datafile.root._v_attrs, 'simtime'): simtime = datafile.root._v_attrs.simtime if hasattr(datafile.root._v_attrs, 'plotdt'): plotdt = datafile.root._v_attrs.plotdt if hasattr(datafile.root._v_attrs, 'timestamp'): timestamp = datafile.root._v_attrs.timestamp outfile.title = 'Correlation of data with time stamp: %s' % (timestamp) datanode = datafile.getNode('/', node) cell = [] vmdata = [] for data in datanode: if node == 'Vm': cellname =[:len( - 3] # remove trailing '_Vm' cell.append(cellname) vmdata.append( t_end = t_delta = t_end - t_start print 'Finished reading data in %g s' % (t_delta.days * 86400 + t_delta.seconds + t_delta.microseconds * 1e-6) if simtime is None: simtime = 1.0 * len(vmdata[0]) if plotdt is None: plotdt = 1.0 if numcells > 0: indices = random.sample(range(len(cell)), numcells) cell = [cell[index] for index in indices] vmdata = [vmdata[index] for index in indices] t_start = lags = 2*int(simtime/plotdt)-1 time = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(lags, 1/(plotdt*lags))) corrgroup = outfile.createGroup(outfile.root, node, 'Correlation between %s series' % (node)) timearray = outfile.createCArray(corrgroup, 't', tables.FloatAtom(), time.shape) timearray[:] = time[:] for ii in range(len(cell)): left = vmdata[ii] for jj in range(len(cell)): right = vmdata[jj] corr = ncc(left, right) corrarray = outfile.createCArray(corrgroup, '%s__%s' % (cell[ii], cell[jj]), tables.FloatAtom(), corr.shape) corrarray[:] = corr[:] outfile.close() datafile.close() netfile.close() t_end = t_delta = t_end - t_start print 'Computed and saved correlatioons in %g seconds' % (t_delta.days * 86400 + t_delta.seconds + t_delta.microseconds * 1e-6)