Exemple #1
def find_max_eigenpair(T, outer_iterations = 10, inner_iterations = 100):
    Run tensor power method (Algorithm 1 of Anandkumar/Ge/Hsu/Kakade/Telgarsky, 2012).
    D = T.shape[0]
    eps = 1e-10

    best = (-np.inf, np.zeros(D))
    # Outer iterations
    for tau in xrange(outer_iterations):
        # (1) Draw a random initialization θ_t
        theta = normalize( randn( D ) )
        # Inner iterations
        for t in xrange(inner_iterations):
            # 2) Update θ ← T(I, θ, θ)/||T(I, θ, θ)||
            theta_ = normalize( T.ttv( (theta, theta), modes = (1,2) ) )
            if norm(theta - theta_) < eps:
        # (3) Choose θ_t with max eigenvalue λ = T(θ, θ, θ)
        lbda = float( T.ttv( (theta, theta, theta), modes = (0,1,2) ) )
        epair = lbda, theta
        if epair[0] > best[0]:
            best = epair

    _, theta = best
    for t in xrange(inner_iterations):
        # 2) Update θ ← T(I, θ, θ)/||T(I, θ, θ)||
        theta = normalize( T.ttv( (theta, theta), modes = (1,2) ) )
    # (4) Update θ
    lbda = float(T.ttv( (theta, theta, theta), modes = (0,1,2) ))
    # (5) Return λ, θ
    return lbda, theta
	def isShowAsp(self, typ, lon1, lon2, p = -1):
		res = False

		if typ != chart.Chart.NONE and (not self.options.intables or self.options.aspect[typ]):
			val = True
			#check traditional aspects
			if self.options.intables:
				if self.options.traditionalaspects:
					if not(typ == chart.Chart.CONJUNCTIO or typ == chart.Chart.SEXTIL or typ == chart.Chart.QUADRAT or typ == chart.Chart.TRIGON or typ == chart.Chart.OPPOSITIO):
						val = False
						lona1 = lon1
						lona2 = lon2
						if self.options.ayanamsha != 0:
							lona1 -= self.chart.ayanamsha
							lona1 = util.normalize(lona1)
							lona2 -= self.chart.ayanamsha
							lona2 = util.normalize(lona2)
						sign1 = int(lona1/chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG)
						sign2 = int(lona2/chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG)
						signdiff = math.fabs(sign1-sign2)
						#check pisces-aries transition
						if signdiff > chart.Chart.SIGN_NUM/2:
							signdiff = chart.Chart.SIGN_NUM-signdiff#!?
						if self.arsigndiff[typ] != signdiff:
							val = False

				if not self.options.aspectstonodes and p == astrology.SE_MEAN_NODE:
					val = False

			res = val

		return res
Exemple #3
def test_number_and_int_fields():
    f = fields.NumberField(multiple_of=10)
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'number',
        'multipleOf': 10,

    f = fields.NumberField(minimum=0, maximum=10,
                           exclusive_minimum=True, exclusive_maximum=True)
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'number',
        'exclusiveMinimum': True,
        'exclusiveMaximum': True,
        'minimum': 0,
        'maximum': 10,

    f = fields.NumberField(enum=(1, 2, 3))
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'number',
        'enum': [1, 2, 3],

    f = fields.IntField()
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'integer',
Exemple #4
def test_string_field():
    f = fields.StringField()
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {'type': 'string'}

    f = fields.StringField(min_length=1, max_length=10, pattern='^test$',
                           enum=('a', 'b', 'c'), title='Pururum')

    expected_items = [
        ('type', 'string'),
        ('title', 'Pururum'),
        ('enum', ['a', 'b', 'c']),
        ('pattern', '^test$'),
        ('minLength', 1),
        ('maxLength', 10),
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == dict(expected_items)
    definitions, ordered_schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema(ordered=True)
    assert isinstance(ordered_schema, OrderedDict)
    assert normalize(ordered_schema) == OrderedDict(expected_items)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
    assert str(e.value) == 'Invalid regular expression: unbalanced parenthesis'
Exemple #5
def test_recursive_document_field():
    class Tree(Document):
        node = fields.OneOfField([

    expected_schema = {
        '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
        'definitions': {
            'test_fields.Tree': {
                'type': 'object',
                'additionalProperties': False,
                'properties': {
                    'node': {
                        'oneOf': [
                                'type': 'array',
                                'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/test_fields.Tree'},
                                'type': 'string',
        '$ref': '#/definitions/test_fields.Tree',
    assert normalize(Tree.get_schema()) == normalize(expected_schema)
Exemple #6
def test_string_derived_fields():
    f = fields.EmailField()
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'string',
        'format': 'email',

    f = fields.IPv4Field()
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'string',
        'format': 'ipv4',

    f = fields.DateTimeField()
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'string',
        'format': 'date-time',

    f = fields.UriField()
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert normalize(schema) == {
        'type': 'string',
        'format': 'uri',
    def drawHouseNames(self, chrt, rHouseNames):
        (cx, cy) = self.center.Get()
        clr = self.options.clrhousenumbers
        if self.bw:
            clr = (0, 0, 0)
        pen = wx.Pen(clr, 1)
        asc = self.chartRadix.houses.ascmc[houses.Houses.ASC]
        if self.options.ayanamsha != 0 and self.options.hsys == "W":
            asc = util.normalize(self.chartRadix.houses.ascmc[houses.Houses.ASC] - self.chartRadix.ayanamsha)
        for i in range(1, houses.Houses.HOUSE_NUM + 1):
            width = 0.0
            if i != houses.Houses.HOUSE_NUM:
                width = chrt.houses.cusps[i + 1] - chrt.houses.cusps[i]
                width = chrt.houses.cusps[1] - chrt.houses.cusps[houses.Houses.HOUSE_NUM]

            width = util.normalize(width)
            halfwidth = math.radians(width / 2.0)
            dif = math.radians(util.normalize(asc - chrt.houses.cusps[i]))

            x = cx + math.cos(math.pi + dif - halfwidth) * rHouseNames
            y = cy + math.sin(math.pi + dif - halfwidth) * rHouseNames
            if i == 1 or i == 2:
                xoffs = 0
                yoffs = self.symbolSize / 4
                if i == 2:
                    xoffs = self.symbolSize / 8
                xoffs = self.symbolSize / 4
                yoffs = self.symbolSize / 4

            self.draw.text((x - xoffs, y - yoffs), common.common.Housenames[i - 1], fill=clr, font=self.fntText)
  def test(self, categories):
    for i in range(Constants.NUM_SUBJECTS):
      trainSubjects = [1, 2, 3, 4]
      testSubjects = [i + 1]
      trainSubjects.remove(i + 1)

      trainVoxelArrayMap = util.getVoxelArray(subjectNumbers = trainSubjects)
      testVoxelArrayMap = util.getVoxelArray(subjectNumbers = testSubjects)
      util.filterData(trainVoxelArrayMap, categories=categories)
      util.filterData(testVoxelArrayMap, categories=categories)

      Xtrain = numpy.array([trainVoxelArrayMap[key] for key in trainVoxelArrayMap])
      Ytrain = numpy.array([key[1] for key in trainVoxelArrayMap])

      Xtest = numpy.array([testVoxelArrayMap[key] for key in testVoxelArrayMap])
      Yanswer = numpy.array([key[1] for key in testVoxelArrayMap])

      Yprediction = OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC()).fit(Xtrain, Ytrain).predict(Xtest)
      # Yprediction = OneVsOneClassifier(LinearSVC()).fit(Xtrain, Ytrain).predict(Xtest)

      correct = 0
      for index in range(len(Yanswer)):
        if Yanswer[index] == Yprediction[index]:
          correct += 1
      # correct = [1 if Yanswer[index] == Yprediction[index] else 0 for index in range(len(Yanswer))]
      print categories, "Correct Predictions: ", correct, "/", len(Yanswer)
      return float(correct) * 100 / len(Yanswer)
def correlationNearestNeighbor():
	voxelArrayMap = util.getVoxelArray(False, False,True,False, [4])
	correct = [{ }]*3
	totalCountCorrect = [0] *3
	totalCountInCorrect = [0] *3
	incorrect = [{ }]*3
	voxelCopy = voxelArrayMap.keys()
	totalCorrect =0
	totalIncorrect =0
	count = 0
	for key in voxelCopy:
		count +=1
		testExample = voxelArrayMap[key]
		voxelArrayMap.pop(key, None)

		averageCategoryCorrelations = matrixify(calculateAverageCorrelations(voxelArrayMap))
		exampleCorrelations = calculateSingleExampleCorrelations(testExample, voxelArrayMap)
		classifiedCategory = classifyByClosestCorrelation(exampleCorrelations,averageCategoryCorrelations)

		if classifiedCategory[0] == key[1]:
			totalCorrect +=1
			totalIncorrect +=1
		voxelArrayMap[key] = testExample
	print "Correct", totalCorrect, "Incorrect", totalIncorrect, "Percentage Correct ", totalCorrect/float((totalCorrect +totalIncorrect))
	def toHCs(self, mundane, idprom, raprom, dsa, nsa, aspect, asp=0.0):
		#day-house, night-house length
		dh = dsa/3.0
		nh = nsa/3.0

		#ra rise, ra set
		rar = self.ramc+dsa
		ras = self.raic+nsa

		rar = util.normalize(rar)
		ras = util.normalize(ras)

		#ra housecusps
		rahcps = ((primdirs.PrimDir.HC2, rar+nh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC3, rar+2*nh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC5, self.raic+nh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC6, self.raic+2*nh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC8, ras+dh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC9, ras+2*dh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC11, self.ramc+dh), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC12, self.ramc+2*dh))

		for h in range(len(rahcps)):
			rahcp = rahcps[h][1]
			rahcp = util.normalize(rahcp)

			arc = raprom-rahcp
			ok = True
			if idprom == astrology.SE_MOON and self.options.pdsecmotion:
				for itera in range(self.options.pdsecmotioniter+1):
					ok, arc = self.calcHArcWithSM(mundane, idprom, h, arc, aspect, asp)
					if not ok:

			if ok:
				self.create(mundane, idprom, primdirs.PrimDir.NONE, rahcps[h][0], aspect, chart.Chart.CONJUNCTIO, arc)
Exemple #11
def test_document_field():
    document_cls_mock = mock.Mock()
    expected_schema = mock.Mock()
    attrs = {
        'get_definitions_and_schema.return_value': ({}, expected_schema),
        'get_definition_id.return_value': 'document.Document',
        'is_recursive.return_value': False,

    f = fields.DocumentField(document_cls_mock)
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert schema == expected_schema
    assert not definitions

    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema(ref_documents=set([document_cls_mock]))
    assert normalize(schema) == {'$ref': '#/definitions/document.Document'}

    f = fields.DocumentField(document_cls_mock, as_ref=True)
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert definitions == {'document.Document': expected_schema}
    assert normalize(schema) == {'$ref': '#/definitions/document.Document'}

    attrs = {
        'get_definitions_and_schema.return_value': ({}, expected_schema),
        'get_definition_id.return_value': 'document.Document',
        'is_recursive.return_value': True,

    f = fields.DocumentField(document_cls_mock, as_ref=True)
    definitions, schema = f.get_definitions_and_schema()
    assert schema == expected_schema
    assert not definitions
Exemple #12
def init_nmf(F, T, Z, q_init=None):
    if q_init is None:
        q = dict()
        q['f|z'] = normalize(1+numpy.random.exponential(size=(F, Z)), axis=0)
        q['zt'] = normalize(1+numpy.random.exponential(size=(Z, T)))
        q = copy.deepcopy(q_init)
    return q
Exemple #13
 def playlistinfo(self):
     with mpd.connect(self.host, self.port) as client:
         info = client.playlistinfo()
     info = [item for item in info if item]
     for item in info:
         normalize(item, {'title' : ('file',), 'artist' : tuple()})
         item['duration'] = fmt_time(item.get('time', 0))
     return info
Exemple #14
def test_basics():
    class User(Document):
        id = Var({
            'response': IntField(required=True)
        login = StringField(required=True)

    class Task(Document):
        class Options(object):
            title = 'Task'
            description = 'A task.'
            definition_id = 'task'

        id = IntField(required=Var({'response': True}))
        name = StringField(required=True, min_length=5)
        type = StringField(required=True, enum=['TYPE_1', 'TYPE_2'])
        created_at = DateTimeField(required=True)
        author = Var({'response': DocumentField(User)})

    assert normalize(Task.get_schema()) == normalize({
        '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'description': 'A task.',
        'properties': {
            'created_at': {'format': 'date-time', 'type': 'string'},
            'id': {'type': 'integer'},
            'name': {'minLength': 5, 'type': 'string'},
            'type': {'enum': ['TYPE_1', 'TYPE_2'], 'type': 'string'}
        'required': ['created_at', 'type', 'name'],
        'title': 'Task',
        'type': 'object'

    assert normalize(Task.get_schema(role='response')) == normalize({
        '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
        'title': 'Task',
        'description': 'A task.',
        'type': 'object',
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'properties': {
            'created_at': {'format': 'date-time', 'type': 'string'},
            'id': {'type': 'integer'},
            'name': {'minLength': 5, 'type': 'string'},
            'type': {'enum': ['TYPE_1', 'TYPE_2'], 'type': 'string'},
            'author': {
                'additionalProperties': False,
                'properties': {
                    'id': {'type': 'integer'},
                    'login': {'type': 'string'}
                'required': ['id', 'login'],
                'type': 'object'
        'required': ['created_at', 'type', 'name', 'id'],
Exemple #15
def test_multiple_inheritance():
    class IntChild(Document):
        class Options(object):
            definition_id = 'int_child'

        foo = IntField()
        bar = IntField()

    class StringChild(Document):
        class Options(object):
            definition_id = 'string_child'

        foo = StringField()
        bar = StringField()

    class Parent(IntChild, StringChild):
        class Options(object):
            inheritance_mode = ONE_OF

        foo = BooleanField()
        bar = BooleanField()

    expected_schema = {
        '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
        'oneOf': [
            {'$ref': '#/definitions/int_child'},
            {'$ref': '#/definitions/string_child'},
                'type': 'object',
                'properties': {
                    'foo': {'type': 'boolean'},
                    'bar': {'type': 'boolean'}
                'additionalProperties': False,
        'definitions': {
            'int_child': {
                'type': 'object',
                'properties': {
                    'foo': {'type': 'integer'},
                    'bar': {'type': 'integer'}
                'additionalProperties': False,
            'string_child': {
                'type': 'object',
                'properties': {
                    'foo': {'type': 'string'},
                    'bar': {'type': 'string'}
                'additionalProperties': False,
    actual_schema = Parent.get_schema()
    assert normalize(actual_schema) == normalize(expected_schema)
Exemple #16
def nn(test,train):
    # print distances.shape
    return indices,distances
Exemple #17
 def search(self, type, what):
     self.last_search = (type, what)
     with mpd.connect(self.host, self.port) as client:
         results = client.search(type, what)
     results = [x for x in results if 'file' in x and x['file'].strip() != '']
     for result in results:
         normalize(result, {'title' : ('file',)})
     self.last_search_results = results
     return results
Exemple #18
 def list(self, uri):
     with mpd.connect(self.host, self.port) as client:
         listing = client.lsinfo(uri)
     for d in listing:
         if 'directory' in d:
             d['dirname'] = d['directory'].split('/')[-1]
         if 'file' in d:
             normalize(d, {'title' : ('file',)})
     return listing
	def calcHArcWithSM(self, mundane, idprom, h, hcps, arc, aspect, asp=0.0):
		sm = secmotion.SecMotion(self.chart.time, self.chart.place, idprom, arc, self.chart.place.lat, self.chart.houses.ascmc2, self.options.topocentric)

		lonprom = sm.planet.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.REGIOSPECULUM][planets.Planet.LONG]
		pllat = sm.planet.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.REGIOSPECULUM][planets.Planet.LAT]
		raprom = sm.planet.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.REGIOSPECULUM][planets.Planet.RA]
		declprom = sm.planet.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.REGIOSPECULUM][planets.Planet.DECL]

		if not mundane:
			lonprom += asp
			lonprom = util.normalize(lonprom)
			latprom, raprom, declprom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
			if self.options.subzodiacal == primdirs.PrimDirs.SZPROMISSOR or self.options.subzodiacal == primdirs.PrimDirs.SZBOTH:
				if self.options.bianchini:
					val = self.getBianchini(pllat, chart.Chart.Aspects[aspect])
					if math.fabs(val) > 1.0:
						return False, 0.0
					latprom = math.degrees(math.asin(val))
					latprom = pllat

				#calc real(wahre)ra
#				raprom, declprom = util.getRaDecl(lonprom, latprom, self.chart.obl[0])
				raprom, declprom, dist = astrology.swe_cotrans(lonprom, latprom, 1.0, -self.chart.obl[0])
				raprom, declprom, distprom = astrology.swe_cotrans(lonprom, 0.0, 1.0, -self.chart.obl[0])

		ID = 0
		W = 1
		MD = 2
		UMD = 3

		pl = self.chart.planets.planets[0]

		#get zd of HC
		zdsig = pl.getZD(hcps[h][MD], self.chart.place.lat, 0.0, hcps[h][UMD])

		val = math.sin(math.radians(self.chart.place.lat))*math.sin(math.radians(zdsig))
		if math.fabs(val) > 1.0:
			return False, 0.0
		polesig = math.degrees(math.asin(val))

		val = math.tan(math.radians(declprom))*math.tan(math.radians(polesig))
		if math.fabs(val) > 1.0:
			return False, 0.0
		qprom = math.degrees(math.asin(val))
		wprom = 0.0
		if hcps[h][EASTERN]:
			wprom = raprom-qprom
			wprom = raprom+qprom
		wprom = util.normalize(wprom)

		return True, wprom-hcps[h][W]
Exemple #20
def JSDDict(dict1, dict2, normalized = False):
    if not normalized:
        dict1 = util.normalize(dict1)
        dict2 = util.normalize(dict2)
    keys = set(dict1.keys() + dict2.keys())
    vect1 = [dict1[k] if k in dict1 else 0.0 for k in keys]
    vect2 = [dict2[k] if k in dict2 else 0.0 for k in keys]
    return jsd.js_div(vect1, vect2)
	def __init__(self, radix, y, m, d, t, cnt=0): #t is in GMT
		placelon = radix.place.lon
		placelat = radix.place.lat #negative on SH?
		ramc = radix.houses.ascmc2[houses.Houses.MC][houses.Houses.RA]
		declAsc = radix.houses.ascmc2[houses.Houses.ASC][houses.Houses.DECL]
		oaAsc = util.normalize(ramc+90.0)
		val = math.tan(math.radians(declAsc))*math.tan(math.radians(placelat))
		adlatAsc = 0.0
		if math.fabs(val) <= 1.0:
			adlatAsc = math.degrees(math.asin(val))

		dsalatAsc = 90.0+adlatAsc
		nsalatAsc = 90.0-adlatAsc

		dhlatAsc = dsalatAsc/3.0 #diurnal house
		nhlatAsc = nsalatAsc/3.0 #nocturnal house

		#placelon is negative in case of western long!!
		lon360 = placelon
		if placelon < 0.0:
			lon360 = 360.0+placelon

		jdbirth = astrology.swe_julday(y, m, d, t, astrology.SE_GREG_CAL)
		jd = jdbirth+cnt*365.2421904

		diffYear = (jd-radix.time.jd)/365.2421904

		#Profection cycle in Years
		cycInYears = diffYear-(int(diffYear/12.0))*12

		#Number of diurnal steps (real)
		DCycInYears = cycInYears
		if cycInYears > 6.0:
			DCycInYears = 6.0

		#Number of nocturnal steps (real)
		NCycInYears = 0.0
		if cycInYears > 6.0:
			NCycInYears = cycInYears-DCycInYears

		# Delta geographical longitude for the fictious movement
		diffLon = DCycInYears*dhlatAsc+NCycInYears*nhlatAsc
		#New geographical long. to cast the fictious chart (range 0-360)
		lon360Z = util.normalize(lon360+diffLon)

		#Convert (0-360) --> E/W the longitude
		self.lonZ = lon360Z
		self.east = True
		if lon360Z > 180.0:
			self.lonZ = 360.0-lon360Z
			self.east = False
Exemple #22
	def calcFullAstronomicalProc(self, da, oblN, raN, declN, placelat, ascmc2, raequasc):
#		print '**** %s ****' % pl.name
		ksi = raN+da
		ksi = util.normalize(ksi)

#		print 'ksi=%f' % ksi
#		print 'declN=%f' % declN

		roblN = math.radians(oblN)
		rksi = math.radians(ksi)
		rdeclN = math.radians(declN)
		longSZ = 0.0
		if ksi == 90.0:
			longSZ = 90.0
		elif ksi == 270.0:
			longSZ = 270.0
#			print 'obl=%f' % oblN
			Fd = 0.0
			if math.cos(rksi) != 0.0:
				Fd = math.degrees(math.atan((math.cos(roblN)*math.sin(rksi)+math.sin(roblN)*math.tan(rdeclN))/math.cos(rksi)))
#				print 'rFd=%f' % math.radians(Fd)

			if ksi >= 0.0 and ksi < 90.0:
				longSZ = Fd
#				print 'First ksi'
			elif ksi > 90.0 and ksi < 270.0:
				longSZ = Fd+180.0
#				print 'Second ksi'
			elif ksi > 270.0 and ksi < 360.0:
				longSZ = Fd+360.0
#				print 'Third ksi'

			if longSZ <= 0.0:
#				print 'longSz<=0'
				longSZ = Fd+360.0
		longSZ = util.normalize(longSZ)##
#		print 'longSz=%f' % longSZ

		roblN = math.radians(oblN)
		rksi = math.radians(ksi)
		rdeclN = math.radians(declN)

		latSZ = math.degrees(math.asin(math.sin(rdeclN)*math.cos(roblN)-math.cos(rdeclN)*math.sin(rksi)*math.sin(roblN)))
		raSZ, declSZ, distSZ = astrology.swe_cotrans(longSZ, latSZ, 1.0, -oblN)

		self.data = (longSZ, latSZ, self.data[Planet.DIST], self.data[Planet.SPLON], self.data[Planet.SPLAT], self.data[Planet.SPDIST])
		self.dataEqu = (raSZ, declSZ, self.dataEqu[Planet.DISTEQU], self.dataEqu[Planet.SPRAEQU], self.dataEqu[Planet.SPDECLEQU], self.dataEqu[Planet.SPDISTEQU])

		self.speculums = []
		self.computePlacidianSpeculum(placelat, ascmc2)
		self.computeRegiomontanSpeculum(placelat, ascmc2, raequasc)
def extractFeature(img):
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    img = imutils.resize(img, width=200)

    # Get dominant color scheme via k-means
    # reshape the image to be a list of pixels
    img = img.reshape((img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 3))

    # run kmeans
    clt = KMeans(n_clusters=NUM_CLUSTERS)

    # convert to hsv
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(np.float32([clt.cluster_centers_]),

    # create the palette histograms
    hue_palette = [0]*NUM_BINS
    sat_palette = [0]*NUM_BINS
    val_palette = [0]*NUM_BINS

    for c in hsv[0]:
        h, s, v = c
        ''' BINARY OR HISTOGRAM? '''
        hue_palette[util.getBinIndex(h, NUM_BINS, util.MAX_HUE)] = 1
        sat_palette[util.getBinIndex(s, NUM_BINS, util.MAX_SAT)] = 1
        val_palette[util.getBinIndex(v, NUM_BINS, util.MAX_VAL)] = 1

    num_unique_hues = util.normalize(sum(hue_palette), 0, NUM_BINS)
    num_unique_sat = util.normalize(sum(sat_palette), 0, NUM_BINS)
    num_unique_vals = util.normalize(sum(val_palette), 0, NUM_BINS)

    # return the features
    features = hue_palette + sat_palette + val_palette + \
        [num_unique_hues, num_unique_sat, num_unique_vals]

    assert len(features) == len(getFeatureName()), \
        "length of color palette features matches feature names"

    if IS_DEBUG:
        # build a histogram of clusters and then create a figuo each color
        hist = centroid_histogram(clt)
        # representing the number of pixels labeled t
        bar = plot_colors(hist, clt.cluster_centers_)

        # show our color bar

    # value contrast, color contrast
    return features
def run():
	voxelArrayMap = util.getVoxelArray(False, False, False, True, [2])

	centroids = [0] * 5
	keys = list(voxelArrayMap.keys())
	selected = []
	for index in range(len(centroids)):
		while True:
			centroidKey = random.choice(keys)
			category = centroidKey[1]
			if category not in selected:
		print centroidKey
		centroids[index] = voxelArrayMap[centroidKey]

	numIters = 120
	assignmentMap = {}
	for iteration in range(numIters):
		newCentroids = [ [0] * 1973 for i in range(len(centroids))]
		clusterCounts = [0] * len(newCentroids)
		for key in voxelArrayMap:
			value = voxelArrayMap[key]
			distances = [ util.getDistance(centroid, value) for centroid in centroids ]
			minDistance = min(distances)
			optCentroid = distances.index(minDistance)
			assignmentMap[key] = optCentroid
			for voxelIndex in range(len(newCentroids[optCentroid])):
				newCentroids[optCentroid][voxelIndex] += value[voxelIndex]
			clusterCounts[optCentroid] += 1

		for index in range(len(newCentroids)):
			numPoints = clusterCounts[index]
			if numPoints != 0:
				centroid = newCentroids[index]
				centroid = [ centroid[voxelIndex] / numPoints for voxelIndex in range(len(centroid)) ]
				newCentroids[index] = centroid
		centroids = newCentroids

	# we want ClusterNum -> What type of image
	catMap = {}
	for key in assignmentMap:
		assignment = assignmentMap[key]
		# key[1] is the category (0-5 for face, body, etc)
		# assignment is the optimal centroid
		if assignment in catMap:
			arr = catMap[assignment]
			catMap[assignment] = arr
			catMap[assignment] = [key[1]]
	print catMap
Exemple #25
 def look_at(self, eye, center, up):
     up = normalize(up)
     f = normalize(sub(center, eye))
     s = cross(f, up)
     u = cross(s, f)
     matrix = Matrix([
         s[0], s[1], s[2], 0,
         u[0], u[1], u[2], 0,
         -f[0], -f[1], -f[2], 0,
         eye[0], eye[1], eye[2], 1,
     return matrix * self
Exemple #26
def init_ntf(F, T, R, Z, S, q_init=None):
    if q_init is None:
        q = dict()
        q['s'] = normalize(1+numpy.random.exponential(size=(S, )))
        q['f|sz'] = normalize(1+numpy.random.exponential(size=(F, S, Z)), axis=0)
        q['zt|s'] = normalize(1+numpy.random.exponential(size=(Z, T, S)), axis=(0, 1))
        q['r|ts'] = normalize(1+numpy.random.exponential(size=(R, T, S)), axis=0)
        q['ft|s'] = numpy.zeros((F, T, S)) # redundant but keep in for debugging
        q['ftr'] = numpy.zeros((F, T, R))
        q = copy.deepcopy(q_init)
    return q
def getSimpleDot(test,train,gpuFlag=False,normalize=True):
    if normalize:
        test = util.normalize(test,gpuFlag=gpuFlag);
        train = util.normalize(train,gpuFlag=gpuFlag);

    if gpuFlag:
    return distances
    def initModel(self):
        self.numUsers, self.numItems = self.trainMatrix.shape()
        self.prediction = dok_matrix((self.numUsers, self.numItems))
        self.MAX_Iterations = int(self.configHandler.getParameter('PLSA', 'MAX_Iterations'))
        self.numFactors = int(self.configHandler.getParameter('PLSA', 'numFactors'))

        self.X = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(self.numUsers, self.numFactors))      #  P(z|x)
        self.X = normalize(self.X)

        self.Y = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(self.numItems, self.numFactors))      #  P(y|z)
        self.Y = normalize(self.Y)

        self.Q = np.zeros((self.numUsers, self.numFactors, self.numItems))   # P(y,z|x)
def find_similar(sent, lst):
	dist = {}
	lst = lst + split_and_add(lst)
	for item in lst:
		item = util.normalize(item)
		sent = util.normalize(sent)
		d = jarow(item, sent)
		#print item , d
		if d > 0.75:
			dist[item] = d
	#print dist
	max_arr = util.get_max(dist)
	return max_arr
	def toHCs(self, mundane, idprom, raprom, declprom, aspect, asp=0.0):
		'''Calculates directions of the Promissor to intermediate house cusps'''

		#aspects of proms to HCs in Zodiacal!?

		ID = 0
		W = 1
		MD = 2
		UMD = 3

		#Regiomontan: W of housecusps (equator)
		HL = 30.0
		HC11 = util.normalize(self.ramc+HL)
		HC12 = util.normalize(HC11+HL)
		HC2 = util.normalize(HC12+2*HL)
		HC3 = util.normalize(HC2+HL)
		HC5 = util.normalize(self.raic+HL)
		HC6 = util.normalize(HC5+HL)
		HC8 = util.normalize(HC6+2*HL)
		HC9 = util.normalize(HC8+HL)

		hcps = ((primdirs.PrimDir.HC2, HC2, 2*HL, False, True), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC3, HC3, HL, False, True), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC5, HC5, HL, False, False), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC6, HC6, 2*HL, False, False), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC8, HC8, 2*HL, True, False), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC9, HC9, HL, True, False), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC11, HC11, HL, True, True), (primdirs.PrimDir.HC12, HC12, 2*HL, True, True))

		pl = self.chart.planets.planets[0]

		for h in range(len(hcps)):
			#get zd of HC
			zdsig = pl.getZD(hcps[h][MD], self.chart.place.lat, 0.0, hcps[h][UMD])
			val = math.sin(math.radians(self.chart.place.lat))*math.sin(math.radians(zdsig))
			if math.fabs(val) > 1.0:
			polesig = math.degrees(math.asin(val))

			val = math.tan(math.radians(declprom))*math.tan(math.radians(polesig))
			if math.fabs(val) > 1.0:
			qprom = math.degrees(math.asin(val))
			wprom = 0.0
			if hcps[h][EASTERN]:
				wprom = raprom-qprom
				wprom = raprom+qprom
			wprom = util.normalize(wprom)

			arc = wprom-hcps[h][W]
			ok = True
			if idprom == astrology.SE_MOON and self.options.pdsecmotion:
				for itera in range(self.options.pdsecmotioniter+1):
					ok, arc = self.calcHArcWithSM(mundane, idprom, h, hcps, arc, aspect, asp)
					if not ok:

			if ok:
				self.create(mundane, idprom, primdirs.PrimDir.NONE, hcps[h][ID], aspect, chart.Chart.CONJUNCTIO, arc)
Exemple #31
def match_intensity(img1, img2):
    scale the intensity of img2 to img1 using least square
    img1 = A * img2 + b (element-wise)

    if img1.shape != img2.shape:
        raise ("Input Image 1 & 2 have different sizes!")

    img2 = normalize(img2, clip=True)
    img1_flat, img2_flat = img1.flatten(), img2.flatten()
    A = np.stack([img2_flat, np.ones((img2_flat.size))], axis=0)
    b = img1_flat
    At = A.transpose()
    x = np.linalg.lstsq(At, b, rcond=None)
    img2_scale = img2 * x[0][0] + x[0][1]

    return img2_scale
 def sample(self, distribution, values=None):
     if type(distribution) == util.Counter:
         # items = distribution.items()
         items = list(distribution.items())
         # Order possible actions in fixed order comparable to
         # Python2 order,which the autograder relies on. KS
         possibleActions = [i[0] for i in items]
         items.sort(key=lambda i: cmpGhostActions(i[0], possibleActions))
         distribution = [i[1] for i in items]
         values = [i[0] for i in items]
     if sum(distribution) != 1:
         distribution = util.normalize(distribution)
     choice = random.random()
     i, total = 0, distribution[0]
     while choice > total:
         i += 1
         total += distribution[i]
     return values[i]
def getData(channel, pop):
    nEvents = 50

    #the maximum time value.
    maxt = 40. - .3125

    # the evenly sampled times.
    eTimes = np.linspace(0., maxt, 128)
    # zero-crossing period (.5 period over frequency), currently unused
    zCPeriod = .5 / 1.2
    #container to hold the scores
    scores = np.zeros((pop.shape[0]))  # pop.shape[0] = popMax
    #container to hold the true sample times (from the gA)
    tVec = np.zeros(128)
    #fill a matrix of our data events, would be nice to do this outside of the fitness score loop.
    data = np.zeros((nEvents, 128))
    phi0 = np.zeros(nEvents)
    amp = np.zeros(nEvents)
    for event in range(nEvents):
        #this is the data file.
        #the first entry is the initial phase
        #the second entry is the amplitude
        #the rest of the entries are the waveform data
        evstr = "00"
        chstr = str(channel)
        #print chstr
        if event < 10:
            evstr = "00" + str(event)

        elif event >= 10 and event < 100:
            evstr = "0" + str(event)

        # print evstr
        infile = "data/" + chstr + "withphase" + evstr + ".txt"
        #the max time of the 126th (indexed from 0) sample
        temp = np.genfromtxt(infile, delimiter="\n")
        phi0[event] = temp[0]

        amp[event] = temp[1]
        trace = temp[2:]
        # phi0[event]=util.getInstPhase(eTimes,trace, 0)
        data[event] = util.normalize(trace)
    return data, amp, phi0
Exemple #34
    def build(cls, data, config):
        # Preprocess data to construct an embedding
        # Reserve 0 for the special NIL token.
        # return: {'char1': 1, ... ,'charN': N}, sorted by frequency of character
        tok2id = build_dict((normalize(word) if config.is_normalize else word
                             for sentence, _ in data for word in sentence),
        tok2id[config.UNK] = len(tok2id) + 1
        # print(sorted(tok2id.values()))
        # print(tok2id[config.UNK])
        # tok2id index from 1
        assert sorted(tok2id.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])[0][1] == 1
        logger.info("Built dictionary for %d features.", len(tok2id))

        max_length = max(len(sentence) for sentence, _ in data)
        # for i,d in enumerate(data):
        #     print('{} {}'.format(i, len(d[0])))

        return cls(tok2id, max_length)  # return a class instance
Exemple #35
def mirror(Pw, N=(0, 1, 0), Q=(0, 0, 0)):
    ''' Mirror Pw (IN-PLACE).

        N = a unit vector perpendicular to S (default: (0,1,0))
        Q = a point on S (default: (0,0,0))

    Source: Goldman, Matrices and transformations, Graphics Gems I,


    m = Pw.reshape((-1, 4)).T
    N = util.normalize(N)
    M = np.identity(4)
    M[:3, :3] -= 2 * np.outer(N, N)
    M[:3, 3] = 2 * np.dot(Q, N) * N
    m = np.dot(M, m).T
    m.shape = Pw.shape
    Pw[:] = m
Exemple #36
def compute_llh(pfall_df, fall_df):
    """Computes the log likelihood that the tower fell (or not), given the
    probability of falling.

    # number of stims x 1 x number of hypotheses
    p = np.asarray(pfall_df)[:, None]
    # number of stims x number of feedback conditions x 1
    F = np.asarray(fall_df)[:, :, None]
    # compute the log likelihood
    llh = np.log((p * F) + ((1 - p) * (1 - F))).reshape((-1, 2))
    # normalize
    llh_norm = util.normalize(llh, axis=1)[1]
    # put it back in a dataframe
    llh_df = pd.DataFrame(
        llh_norm, index=fall_df.stack().index, columns=pfall_df.columns)
    llh_df.columns.name = 'hypothesis'
    llh_df.index.names = ['sample', 'stimulus', 'kappa0']
    return llh_df.stack().to_frame('llh')
Exemple #37
    def drawDecansLines(self):  #Not used
        (cx, cy) = self.center.Get()

        asclon = self.chart.houses.ascmc[houses.Houses.ASC]
        if self.options.ayanamsha != 0:
            asclon -= self.chartRadix.ayanamsha
            asclon = util.normalize(asclon)

        shift = asclon
        deg = GraphChartPDs.DEG10
        i = math.pi + math.radians(shift)
        while i > -math.pi + math.radians(shift):
            x1 = cx + math.cos(i) * self.rInner
            y1 = cy + math.sin(i) * self.rInner
            x2 = cx + math.cos(i) * self.rDecans
            y2 = cy + math.sin(i) * self.rDecans

            self.bdc.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
            i -= deg
Exemple #38
def getNames(species):
    lista_nomes = []

    for specie in species:
        if config and config.l_plant:
            config.l_plant["text"] = specie
        nomes = {}

        specie_name = specie.split(" ")
        name = specie_name[0] + " " + specie_name[1]
        r = requests.get(
            'http://servicos.jbrj.gov.br/flora/taxon/' + util.normalize(name))
        dado = json.loads(r.content)
        if(r.status_code == 200):
            if(dado.get('result') == None):  # checa se há resultado para essa espécie no Flora Brasil
                nomes['status_florabrasil'] = 'nao_encontrado'
                nomes['nome'] = specie
                nomes['status_florabrasil'] = ""
                nomes['nome'] = specie
                # checa se o nome buscado é o aceito
                if(dado.get('result')[0]['taxonomicstatus'] == 'NOME_ACEITO'):
                    nomes['status_florabrasil'] = ''
                    nomes['florabrasil'] = dado.get(
                    nomes['status_florabrasil'] = 'sinonimo'
                    accepted_name = dado.get(
                    if (accepted_name):
                        nomes['florabrasil'] = accepted_name
                        nomes['status_florabrasil'] = 'nao_encontrato'
                        nomes['nome'] = specie
            nomes['status'] = 'nao_encontrado'
            nomes['nome'] = specie


    # print(lista_nomes)

    return lista_nomes
Exemple #39
def get_data(species):
    data = []
    for specie in species:
        if (config and config.l_plant):
            config.l_plant["text"] = specie
        name = util.remove_author(specie)
        r = requests.get(FLORA_OFICIAL_API + util.normalize(name))
        dado = json.loads(r.content)
        if (r.status_code == 200):
            if (dado.get('result')):
                plant_id = dado.get('result')[0]['taxonid']
                specie_data = get_specie_data(plant_id)
                specie_data["family"] = dado.get('result')[0]['family']
                specie_data["hierarchy"] = dado.get(
                specie_data["name"] = specie

    return data
Exemple #40
def detect_beats(data,
                 scale=True) -> list:
    if scale:
        data = normalize(data)

    # init ring buffer
    frames = frame_rate * buffer_size_seconds
    buffer_size = frames // block_size

    index = 0

    ring_buffer = RingBuffer.RingBuffer(buffer_size)
    peaks = []

    while index < len(data) - block_size:
        # calculate current energy
        block = data[index:index + block_size]
        energy = calculate_energy(block)

        values = ring_buffer.values()[:-1]

        # calculate average energy in buffer
        # todo: save sum in buffer and change if new value is inserted
        avg = sum(values) / len(values)

        # calculate variance
        variance = sum([np.square(e - avg) for e in values]) / buffer_size
        c = (-0.0000015 * variance) + 1.5142857

        # if current energy over threshold -> add to peaks
        index_last_peak = peaks[-1] if len(peaks) != 0 else 0
        delta = index - index_last_peak
        min_delta = frame_rate * 0.2
        if ring_buffer.is_ready() and delta >= min_delta and energy > avg * c:

        index += block_size

    return peaks
Exemple #41
def make_hyperbola(O, X, Y, a, b, u0, u2):
    ''' Construct the right branch of a quadratic hyperbola in
    three-dimensional space of arbitrary sweep u (-infty < u < infty).

    In particular, the hyperbola is represented by

     C(u) = O - a * cosh(u) * X - b * sinh(u) * Y    u0 <= u <= u2

    and is oriented according to the local coordinate system defined by
    O, X and Y.

    O = the center of the hyperbola
    X, Y = the transverse and imaginary axes
    a, b = the major and minor radii
    u0, u2 = the parameter values of the end points

    Curve = the hyperbola

    >>> O, X, Y = ([0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
    >>> arc = nurbs.tb.make_hyperbola(O, X, Y, 1, 2, -2, 2)

    def point(u):
        return O + a * np.cosh(u) * X + b * np.sinh(u) * Y

    def tangent(u):
        return a * np.sinh(u) * X + b * np.cosh(u) * Y

    X, Y = [util.normalize(V) for V in (X, Y)]
    if not np.allclose(np.dot(X, Y), 0.0):
        raise NonOrthogonalAxes(X, Y)
    if not u0 < u2:
        raise ImproperInput(u0, u2)
    if not a > 0 or not b > 0:
        raise ImproperInput(a, b)
    P0, T0, P2, T2, P = calc_input_conic(u0, u2, point, tangent)
    return make_open_conic(P0, T0, P2, T2, P)
Exemple #42
def make_parabola(O, X, Y, a, u0, u2):
    ''' Construct a quadratic parabola in three-dimensional space of
    arbitrary sweep u (-infty < u < infty).

    In particular, the parabola is represented by

        C(u) = O + a * u^2 * X + 2 * a * u * Y    u0 <= u <= u2

    and is oriented according to the local coordinate system defined by
    O, X and Y.

    O = the vertex of the parabola
    X, Y = the parabola's axis and its tangent direction at O
    a = the focal distance
    u0, u2 = the parameter values of the end points

    Curve = the parabola

    >>> O, X, Y = ([0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
    >>> arc = nurbs.tb.make_parabola(O, X, Y, 2, -2, 2)

    def point(u):
        return O + a * u**2 * X + 2 * a * u * Y

    def tangent(u):
        return 2 * a * u * X + 2 * a * Y

    X, Y = [util.normalize(V) for V in (X, Y)]
    if not np.allclose(np.dot(X, Y), 0.0):
        raise NonOrthogonalAxes(X, Y)
    if not u0 < u2:
        raise ImproperInput(u0, u2)
    if not a > 0:
        raise ImproperInput(a)
    P0, T0, P2, T2, P = calc_input_conic(u0, u2, point, tangent)
    return make_open_conic(P0, T0, P2, T2, P)
Exemple #43
    def __init__(self, chrt):
        self.inhouses = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #the seven planets
        self.dayruler = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #the seven planets
        self.hourruler = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #the seven planets
        self.inphases = [0, 0, 0] #mars, jupiter and saturn only
        self.scores = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #the seven planets

        for i in range(astrology.SE_SATURN+1):
            pllon = chrt.planets.planets[i].data[planets.Planet.LONG]
            if chrt.options.ayanamsha != 0:
                pllon = util.normalize(pllon-chrt.ayanamsha)
            housenum = chrt.houses.getHousePos(pllon, chrt.options, True)
            self.inhouses[i] += chrt.options.housescores[housenum]

        orbs = (18.0, 30.0, 40.0, 80.0, 100.0, 120.0)
        num = len(orbs)-1
        sunlon = chrt.planets.planets[astrology.SE_SUN].data[planets.Planet.LONG]
        for i in range(astrology.SE_MARS, astrology.SE_SATURN+1):
            pllon = chrt.planets.planets[i].data[planets.Planet.LONG]
            for j in range(num):
                orb = (orbs[j+1]-orbs[j])/2
                asp = orbs[j]+orb
                lon1 = sunlon+orb
                lon2 = sunlon-orb
                if self.inorbsinister(lon1, lon2, pllon, asp):
                    if j == 0 or j == num-1:
                        self.inphases[i-astrology.SE_MARS] += chrt.options.sunphases[2]
                    elif j == 1 or j == num-2:
                        self.inphases[i-astrology.SE_MARS] += chrt.options.sunphases[1]
                    elif j == 2:
                        self.inphases[i-astrology.SE_MARS] += chrt.options.sunphases[0]

        ar = (1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6, 0)
        self.dayruler[ar[chrt.time.ph.weekday]] += chrt.options.dayhourscores[0]
        self.hourruler[chrt.time.ph.planetaryhour] += chrt.options.dayhourscores[1]

        for i in range(astrology.SE_SATURN+1):
            self.scores[i] += self.inhouses[i]
            self.scores[i] += self.dayruler[i]
            self.scores[i] += self.hourruler[i]

        for i in range(astrology.SE_MARS, astrology.SE_SATURN+1):
            self.scores[i] += self.inphases[i-astrology.SE_MARS]
Exemple #44
def test_to_schema():
    class User(Document):
        class Options(object):
            additional_properties = True
            title = 'User'

        id = IntField(required=True)

    class Resource(Document):
        task_id = IntField(required=True)
        user = DocumentField(User, required=True)

    class Task(Document):
        class Options(object):
            title = 'Task'
            description = 'A task.'
            definition_id = 'task'

        name = StringField(required=True, min_length=5)
        type = StringField(required=True, enum=['TYPE_1', 'TYPE_2'])
        resources = ArrayField(DocumentField(Resource))
        created_at = DateTimeField(name='created-at', required=True)
        author = DocumentField(User)

    assert Resource.get_definition_id() == 'test_document.Resource'
    assert Task.get_definition_id() == 'task'

    expected_task_schema = {
        '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
        'type': 'object',
        'title': 'Task',
        'description': 'A task.',
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'required': ['created-at', 'name', 'type'],
        'properties': {
            'created-at': Task.created_at.get_schema(),
            'type': Task.type.get_schema(),
            'name': Task.name.get_schema(),
            'resources': Task.resources.get_schema(),
            'author': Task.author.get_schema(),
    assert normalize(Task.get_schema()) == expected_task_schema
def cfr(h, player_to_update, pi_1, pi_2, cards, strategy, strategy_sum,
    # all this ugly modulus math calculates the player and opponent from the history length
    player = ((len(h)) % 2) + 1
    opponent = ((len(h) + 1) % 2) + 1

    if is_terminal(h):
        u = utility(h, cards)[player - 1]
        return u

    # info set is simply the history concatenated with the card that the current player sees
    info_set = str(cards[player - 1]) + h

    # in the main part of the CFR algorithm, we recursivly call CFR, passing in the probabilities of our current strategy
    # we also calculate the expected value of the info state given this strategy
    action_value = np.zeros(2)
    value = 0
    for action in [PASS, BET]:
        if player == 1:
            action_value[action] = -1 * cfr(
                h + action_to_string[action], player_to_update,
                pi_1 * strategy[info_set][action], pi_2, cards, strategy,
                strategy_sum, regret_sum)
        elif player == 2:
            action_value[action] = -1 * cfr(
                h + action_to_string[action], player_to_update, pi_1,
                pi_2 * strategy[info_set][action], cards, strategy,
                strategy_sum, regret_sum)
        value += action_value[action] * strategy[info_set][action]

    # in this implementation, we only update one player at a time
    if player == player_to_update:
        # calculate the regrets and update the strategy and regret sums
        probs = np.array([pi_1, pi_2])
        for action in [PASS, BET]:
            regret_sum[info_set][action] += probs[opponent - 1] * (
                action_value[action] - value)
            strategy_sum[info_set][action] += probs[
                player - 1] * strategy[info_set][action]
        # update the strategy
        strategy[info_set] = normalize(regret_sum[info_set])
    return value
Exemple #46
    def __init__(self, args):
        # Initalize Precisions
        self.precision = 1.75
        self.rms_threshold = 75
        self.del_threshold = 1.0
        self.max_threshold = 0.5
        self.var_threshold = 0.0005

        # Initialize Arguments
        self.image_path = util.normalize(args[0])
        self.scene_threshold = 30 if args[2] is None else args[2]
        self.dupli_threshold = 20 if args[3] is None else args[3]
        self.sharp_threshold = 100 if args[1] is None else args[1]

        # Adjust Precisions
        self.max_threshold *= (self.sharp_threshold / 100)
        self.var_threshold *= (self.sharp_threshold / 100)

        # Declare Image Data List
        self.image_list = None

        # Declare Image Data Lists
        self.hashes = None
        self.hash_diffs = None

        # Declare Image Result Lists
        self.scenes = None
        self.blurred = None
        self.duplicates = None

        # Collect Directory Contents

        # Calculate Image Data

        # Analyze Image Data

        # Organize Directory Contents
Exemple #47
def rotation_matrix(angle, direction, point=None):
    """Return matrix to rotate about axis defined by point and direction.

    >>> R = rotation_matrix(math.pi/2, [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0])
    >>> np.allclose(numpy.dot(R, [0, 0, 0, 1]), [1, -1, 0, 1])
    >>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
    >>> direc = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
    >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(angle-2*math.pi, direc, point)
    >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)
    >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
    >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(-angle, -direc, point)
    >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)
    >>> I = np.identity(4, numpy.float64)
    >>> np.allclose(I, rotation_matrix(math.pi*2, direc))
    >>> np.allclose(2, numpy.trace(rotation_matrix(math.pi/2,
    ...                                               direc, point)))

    sina = math.sin(angle)
    cosa = math.cos(angle)
    direction = util.normalize(direction[:3])
    # rotation matrix around unit vector
    R = np.diag([cosa, cosa, cosa])
    R += np.outer(direction, direction) * (1.0 - cosa)
    direction *= sina
    R += np.array([[0.0, -direction[2], direction[1]],
                   [direction[2], 0.0, -direction[0]],
                   [-direction[1], direction[0], 0.0]])
    M = np.identity(4)
    M[:3, :3] = R
    if point is not None:
        # rotation not around origin
        point = np.array(point[:3], dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
        M[:3, 3] = point - np.dot(R, point)
    return M
Exemple #48
    def _score_captions(self,
        Base scoring function w/o syntactic sugar

        :param caps: tensor (batch_size, max_lang_len)
        :param caplens: tensor (batch_size, )
        :param imgs: tensor (batch_size, c, h, w)
        :param model: your model
        :return: (batch_size, ) scores
        with torch.no_grad():
            scores, targets, scores_raw, decode_lengths, alphas, sort_ind = self(
                imgs, caps, caplens, dropout_mask=dropout_mask)

        caps_sorted = caps[sort_ind]
        caps_predict = caps_sorted[:, 1:].contiguous()

        scores_raw = F.log_softmax(scores_raw, dim=2)
        scores_selected = torch.gather(scores_raw, 2,

        # Mask out pad tokens
        caps_mask = (caps_predict != self.vocab["pad_idx"]).float()
        scores_masked = scores_selected * caps_mask

        # Sum up total loss
        scores_total = scores_masked.sum(1)

        # Calculate actual probabilities
        if normalize:
            # exp -> real probabilities
            scores_total = util.normalize(scores_total.exp())

        # Reverse
        _, rev_ind = torch.sort(sort_ind)
        return scores_total[rev_ind]
Exemple #49
    def update(self, reward, gameState):
        if self.preState == None:
        if not gameState.getAgentState(
        ).isPacman:  #don't update unless it is in offense position

        correction = (reward + self.discount * self.getValue(gameState)
                      ) - self.getQValue(self.preState, self.preAction)
        #print correction
        features = self.getFeatures(self.preState, self.preAction)
        for feature in features:
            #print feature
            #print self.weights[feature]
            self.weights[feature] = self.weights[
                feature] + self.alpha * correction * features[feature]

        self.weights = util.normalize(self.weights)
        print self.weights
def iter_items():
    classes = defaultdict(int)
    with open(data_path, 'r') as fh:
        for row in csv.reader(fh):
            category, _, name = row
            total = max(1, sum(classes.values()))
            # print(category, (classes[category] / total), total)
            if (classes[category] / total) > 0.51:
                # print(category, 'skip')
            name = normalize(name)
            if name is not None and len(name) > 1:
                # print(name, category)
                yield name, category
            # if category == 'Company':
            #     removed = fingerprints.remove_types(name, normalize)
            #     if removed is not None and removed != name:
            #         # print(name, removed, category)
            #         yield removed, category
            classes[category] += 1
Exemple #51
    def add_block(self, position, texture, immediate=True):
        """ Add a block with the given `texture` and `position` to the world.

        position : tuple of len 3
            The (x, y, z) position of the block to add.
        texture : list of len 3
            The coordinates of the texture squares. Use `tex_coords()` to
        immediate : bool
            Whether or not to draw the block immediately.

        position = normalize(position)
        if self[position] != 0:
            self.remove_block(position, immediate)
        self[position] = texture
Exemple #52
def format_img(img, input_slice_number, normalize_images=False):
    num_slices = img.shape[0]
    num_windows = num_slices - input_slice_number + 1

    # crop
    row = (img.shape[-2] - 192) // 2
    col = (img.shape[-1] - 192) // 2
    img = img[:, row : row + 192, col : col + 192]
    img = img.astype(np.float32)

    # noramlize Hounsfield Units
    if normalize_images:
        img = util.normalize(img)

    # expand dimention for tensor
    img_split = np.array([img[i : i + input_slice_number] for i in range(num_windows)])
    img_expand = [
        np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(split, axis=0), axis=0) for split in img_split
    return img_expand
Exemple #53
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Extracts vectors from a TSV file of many vectors.')
                        help='The input vector space.')
                        help='The list of target vectors to search for.')
                        help='Command line specified additional words.')
        'Indicates the incoming vector space is sorted, allowing for optimization.'
        help='Marks that the whitelist has POS tags specified.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    whitewords = set()
    if args.whitelist:

    whitewords.update([normalize(w) for w in args.word])

    for input in args.input:
        for line in filter_vecspace(input, whitewords, args.pos, args.sorted):
            print line
def run(dest, results_path):
    data = pd.read_csv(
        os.path.join(results_path, 'model_likelihood_by_trial.csv'))

    # compute the belief
    cols = ['likelihood', 'counterfactual', 'version', 'pid']
    llh = data\
        .set_index(cols + ['hypothesis', 'trial'])['llh']\

    # compute the belief for each model
    models = {
        'static': llh.copy(),
        'learning': llh.groupby(level=cols).apply(np.cumsum),

    results = pd.DataFrame([])
    for model_name, model in models.items():
        # normalize the probabilities so they sum to one
        model[:] = util.normalize(np.asarray(model), axis=1)[1]

        # convert to long form
        model = pd.melt(model.reset_index(),
                        id_vars=cols + ['trial'],

        # merge with the existing data
        model = pd.merge(data, model).drop('llh', axis=1)
        model['model'] = model_name
        results = results.append(model)

    results = results\
        .set_index(cols + ['model', 'trial', 'hypothesis'])\

    assert not np.isnan(results['logp']).any()
    assert not np.isinf(results['logp']).any()

Exemple #55
    def calcMundaneWithoutSM(self, da, obl, placelat, ascmc2, raequasc):
        ra = self.dataEqu[Planet.RAEQU]
        decl = self.dataEqu[Planet.DECLEQU]

        da *= -1
        ra += da

        ra = util.normalize(ra)

        lon, lat, dist = astrology.swe_cotrans(ra, decl, 1.0, obl)

        self.data = (lon, lat, self.data[Planet.DIST], self.data[Planet.SPLON],
                     self.data[Planet.SPLAT], self.data[Planet.SPDIST])
        self.dataEqu = (ra, decl, self.dataEqu[Planet.DISTEQU],

        self.speculums = []
        self.computePlacidianSpeculum(placelat, ascmc2)
        self.computeRegiomontanSpeculum(placelat, ascmc2, raequasc)
Exemple #56
def main():
    opts = util.parse_args()
    X, y = util.data_load(opts.dataset)
    skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
    for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y):
        X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
        X_train, X_test = util.normalize(X_train, X_test)
        clf = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)
        clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
        conf_mat = np.zeros((2, 2))
        for i in range(len(X_test)):
            pred = clf.predict(X_test[i])
            true = y_test[i]
            conf_mat[true][pred] += 1
        predictions = clf.predict(X_test)
        conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions)
Exemple #57
    def __init__(self, radix, y, m, d, t, cnt=0):  #t is in GMT
        jdbirth = swisseph.julday(y, m, d, t, astrology.SE_GREG_CAL)
        jd = jdbirth + cnt * 365.2421904

        #Find the difference in Julian days between today and the birth day. Say it Djd
        diffjd = jd - radix.time.jd

        #Find how many  degrees you must rotate the whole natal chart.
        rotdeg = diffjd / 12.17474

        #Find the Profection cycle.
        profcyc = rotdeg / 360.0

        #Determine the number of integer cycles.
        intcyc = int(profcyc)

        #Compute the number of degrees included in the integer cycles.
        degintcyc = intcyc * 360.0

        #Compute the number of degrees (< 360), the true profectional movement
        self.offs = util.normalize(rotdeg - degintcyc)
Exemple #58
    def calc(self, opts):
        ayanamsha = 0.0
        if opts.ayanamsha != 0:
            swisseph.set_sid_mode(opts.ayanamsha - 1, 0, 0)
            tim = chart.event.DateTime(self.year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, False,
                                       chart.event.DateTime.GREENWICH, True, 0,
                                       0, False, None, False)
            ayanamsha = swisseph.get_ayanamsa_ut(tim.jd)

        plsnum = 7
        if opts.transcendental[chart.Chart.TRANSURANUS]:
            plsnum += 1
        if opts.transcendental[chart.Chart.TRANSNEPTUNE]:
            plsnum += 1
        if opts.transcendental[chart.Chart.TRANSPLUTO]:
            plsnum += 1

        #calculating one per day (per hour would be too slow)
        for i in range(plsnum):
            if i != 1:  #moon excepted
                y = self.year
                m = 1
                d = 1
                ar = []
                for num in range(365):
                    time = chart.event.DateTime(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, False,
                                                True, 0, 0, False, None, False)
                    pl = planets.Planet(time.jd, i, self.flags)
                    pos = pl.data[planets.Planet.LONG]
                    if opts.ayanamsha != 0:
                        pos = util.normalize(pos - ayanamsha)


                    y, m, d = util.incrDay(y, m, d)

Exemple #59
    def calcFullAstronomicalProc(self, fort, da, oblN):  #, raN, declN):
        raN = fort.fortune[Fortune.RA]
        declN = fort.fortune[Fortune.DECL]

        ksi = raN + da
        ksi = util.normalize(ksi)

        roblN = math.radians(oblN)
        rksi = math.radians(ksi)
        rdeclN = math.radians(declN)
        longSZ = 0.0
        if ksi == 90.0:
            longSZ = 90.0
        elif ksi == 270.0:
            longSZ = 270.0
            Fd = 0.0
            if math.cos(rksi) != 0.0:
                Fd = math.degrees(
                        (math.cos(roblN) * math.sin(rksi) +
                         math.sin(roblN) * math.tan(rdeclN)) / math.cos(rksi)))

            if ksi >= 0.0 and ksi < 90.0:
                longSZ = Fd
            elif ksi > 90.0 and ksi < 270.0:
                longSZ = Fd + 180.0
            elif ksi > 270.0 and ksi < 360.0:
                longSZ = Fd + 360.0

            if longSZ <= 0.0:
                longSZ = Fd + 360.0

        latSZ = math.degrees(
                math.sin(rdeclN) * math.cos(roblN) -
                math.cos(rdeclN) * math.sin(rksi) * math.sin(roblN)))
        raSZ, declSZ, distSZ = swisseph.cotrans(longSZ, latSZ, 1.0, -oblN)

        self.fortune = [longSZ, latSZ, raSZ, declSZ]
Exemple #60
def main():
    opts = util.parse_args()
    X, y = util.data_load(opts.dataset)
    skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
    model = create_model()
    for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y):
        X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
        X_train, X_test = util.normalize(X_train, X_test)
        train_dset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
        test_dset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
            (X_test, y_test)).batch(64)
        model.fit(train_dset, epochs=10)
        conf_mat = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int)
        for d, labels in test_dset:
            predictions = model(d)
            for i in range(len(d)):
                conf_mat[labels[i]][np.argmax(predictions[i])] += 1