def add_alert(self, pvname=None,name=None, mailto=None, mailmsg=None, timeout=30, compare='ne', trippoint=None, **kw): """add a new alert""" if pvname is None: return pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname) if name is None: name = pvname if len(self.pvnames)== 0: self.get_pvnames() if pvname not in self.pvnames: self.add_pv(pvname) active = 'yes' if mailto is None: active,mailto = ('no','') if mailmsg is None: active,mailmsg= ('no','') if trippoint is None: active,trippoint = ('no',0.) if compare not in self.optokens: compare = 'ne' self.alerts.insert(name=name,pvname=pvname,active=active, mailto=mailto,mailmsg=mailmsg, timeout=30, compare=compare, trippoint=trippoint) for a in self.get_alerts(pvname=pvname,name=name): val = epics.caget(pvname) self.check_alert(a['id'],val)
def add(self,pvname=None,name=None, mailto=None, mailmsg=None, compare='ne', trippoint=None, **kw): if pvname is None: print 'must provide a pvname for an alert' return pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname) if name is None: name = pvname if len(self.pvnames)== 0: self.get_pvnames() if pvname not in self.pvnames: self.add_pv(pvname) active = 'yes' if mailto is None: mailto ='' active = 'no' if mailmsg is None: mailmsg ='' active = 'no' if trippoint is None: trippoint = 0. active = 'no' if compare in self.comps: compare = 'ne' self.alerts.update(name=name,pvname=pvname,active=active, mailto=mailto,mailmsg=mailmsg, compare=compare, trippoint=trippoint)
def setup(self,active_tab=None,formkeys=None,debug=False, helpsection='main', **kw): """ update with passed keywords, using 'web form' versions as defaults (see below). Also starts the html and shows starting links For each key in formkeys: if the has an empty value ('' or None) the 'form_%s' % key is used as a default value and self[key] is set to the 'form_%s' version """ if formkeys is not None and len(formkeys)>0: for key in formkeys: val = clean_input(,'')) if val == '': val = clean_input("form_%s" % key,'')) if val != '':[key] = val self.starthtml() inst ='inst_id',-1) pv ='pv','') pv = normalize_pvname(pv) self.show_links(pv=pv,inst=inst,help=helpsection,active_tab=active_tab) if debug: self.show_dict( return
def drop_pv(self,pvname): """drop a PV from the caching process -- really this 'suspends updates' will take effect once a 'process_requests' is executed.""" npv = normalize_pvname(pvname) if len(self.pvnames)== 0: self.get_pvnames() if not npv in self.pvnames: return cmd = "insert into requests (pvname,action) values ('%s','suspend')" % npv self.db.execute(cmd)
def get_instruments_with_pv(self,pv): """ return a list of (instrument ids, inst name, station name) for instruments which contain a named pv""" inames = [] pvn = normalize_pvname(pv) for r in"pvname='%s'" % pvn): inst = self.instruments.select_one(where="id=%i" % r['inst']) sta = self.stations.select_one(where="id=%i" % inst['station']) inames.append((r['inst'],inst['name'],sta['name'])) return inames
def get_alerts(self,pvname=None,name=None): """ return a list of alerts for a pvname""" where = '1=1' if pvname is not None: pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname) where = "pvname='%s'" % pvname if name is not None: where = "%s and name='%s'" % (where,clean_input(name)) return
def show_pvfile(self,file): try: f = open(file,"r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() except: lines = ['', ''] for s in lines: s = s.strip() if s.startswith('#') or len(s) < 2: continue elif s.startswith('['): i = s.find(']') if i == -1: i= len(s) self.table_label(s[1:i]) elif s.startswith('--'): self.write(self.hrule_row) elif s.startswith('<>'): self.write(self.space_row) else: cline = s.split('|') pvnames = [normalize_pvname(word.strip()) for word in cline[0].split(',')] desc, format, outtype = None, None, None if len(cline) > 1: desc = cline[1].strip() if len(desc)==0: desc = None if len(cline) > 2: format = cline[2].strip() if format == 'yes/no': format = None outtype = 'yes/no' if len(pvnames) > 0: vals = [] labs = [] for pvname in pvnames: # pvname = pvname.strip() (label,val) = self.get_pv(pvname,format=format,desc=desc,outtype=outtype) # self.write("<tr> <td>:: %s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (pvname,str(val))) if (label is None): label = pvname if (label.startswith('"') and label.endswith('"') or label.startswith("'") and label.endswith("'")): label = label[1:len(label)-1] labs.append(label) vals.append(val) if len(pvnames) > 1: if desc is None: desc = labs self.linked_row(desc, pvnames, vals) # self.cache.set_allpairs(pvnames) else: if desc is None: desc = labs[0] self.linked_row(desc, pvnames[0], vals[0])
def request_pv_cache(self,pvname): """request a PV to be included in caching. will take effect once a 'process_requests' is executed.""" self.db.use(master_db) npv = normalize_pvname(pvname) if len(self.pvnames)== 0: self.get_pvnames() if npv in self.pvnames: return cmd = "insert into requests (pvname,action,ts) values ('%s','add',%f)" % (npv,time.time()) self.db.execute(cmd) print 'REQUEST_PV_CACHE: add ', pvname
def __make_where(self,id=None, name=None,pvname=None): where = '1=1' if id is not None: where = "%s and id=%i" % (where,int(id)) if name is not None: where = "%s and name='%s'" % (where,clean_input(name)) if pvname is not None: where = "%s and pvname='%s'" % (where, normalize_pvname(pvname)) return where
def remove_instrument_pvs(self,pvlist,name=None,station=None,notes=''): insts = self.get_instruments(name=name,station=station) if len(insts)> 1: print 'multiple instruments matched name/station=%s/%s' % (name,station) return None if not isinstance(pvlist,(tuple,list)): print 'must provide list of PVs for instrument %s' % (name) return None inst_id = insts[0]['id'] q = "delete from instrument_pvs where inst=%i and pvname='%s'" for pvname in pvlist: pvn = normalize_pvname(pvname) self.inst_pvs.db.execute(q % (inst_id, pvn))
def get_full(self,pv,add=False): " return full information for a cached pv" npv = normalize_pvname(pv) if len(self.pvnames)== 0: self.get_pvnames() if add and (npv not in self.pvnames): self.add_pv(npv) sys.stdout.write('adding PV.....\n') return self.get_full(pv,add=False) w = self.q_getfull % npv try: return self.sql_exec_fetch(w)[0] except: return self.null_pv_value
def get_value_at_time(self,pvname,t): "return archived value of a pv at one time" if pvname is None: return None pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname) info = self.get_info(pvname) if info is None: return None db = self.dbs_for_time(t,t)[0] self.db.use(db) qpv = "select data_table,id from pv where name ='%s'" % pvname qdat = 'select time,value from %s where pv_id=%i and time<=%f order by time desc limit 1' i = self.db.exec_fetchone(qpv) r = self.db.exec_fetchone(qdat % (i['data_table'],i['id'],t)) return r['time'],r['value']
def add_pv(self,pvname,set_motor_pairs=True): """adds a PV to the cache: actually requests the addition, which will be handled by the next process_requests in mainloop(). Here, we check for 'Motor' PV typs and make sure all motor fields are requested together, and that the motor fields are 'related' by assigning a pair_score = 10. """ pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname.strip()) fields = (pvname,) if not valid_pvname(pvname): sys.stdout.write("## MasterDB add_pv invalid pvname = '%s'" % pvname) return fields prefix = pvname isMotor = False if pvname.endswith('.VAL'): prefix = pvname[:-4] p = epics.PV(pvname) p.wait_for_connection(timeout=0.1) print 'Master Add PVname = ', pvname, p.connected if p.connected: self.request_pv_cache(pvname) if ('.' not in prefix and p.type == 'double'): rtype = epics.PV(prefix+'.RTYP') rtype.wait_for_connection(0.1) if rtype is not None: isMotor = 'motor' == rtype.get() if isMotor: fields = tuple(["%s%s" % (prefix,i) for i in motor_fields]) pvs = [] for pvname in fields: pvs.append(epics.PV(pvname)) epics.poll() for p in pvs: p.wait_for_connection(timeout=0.5) if p.connected: self.request_pv_cache(p.pvname) if isMotor and set_motor_pairs: time.sleep(0.25) self.set_allpairs(fields) return fields
def sync_with_cache(self,update_vals=False): """ initialize pv lists, insert times, etc with cache use update_vals to force insert of cache values into the archive (as on startup) n """ newpvs = [] cache_values = [] self.get_cache_names() pvtable_data = print ' This is sync with cache ', update_vals, len(self.cache_names), len(pvtable_data) self.db.use(self.master_db) now = time.time() print 'masterdb %s / data=%s' % ( self.master_db, len(pvtable_data)) if update_vals: x = self.db.exec_fetch("select pvname,value,ts from cache") current_cache = {} for i in x: current_cache[i['pvname']] = i for pvdata in pvtable_data: name = normalize_pvname(pvdata['name']) if name not in self.cache_names: newpvs.append((name, epics.PV(name))) elif update_vals: r = current_cache.get(name,None) if r is not None: ts = r['ts'] if now - ts > SEC_DAY: ts = now cache_values.append((name,ts,r['value'])) if len(newpvs)>0: epics.poll() m = MasterDB() for pvname, pv in newpvs: if pv.connected: m.add_pv(pvname) m.close() # now switch to archiving database, and (perhaps) insert values from cache if self.dbname is not None: self.db.use(self.dbname) for name,ts,value in cache_values: self.update_value(name,ts,value) print 'Sync with Cache Done'
def get_related_pvs(self,pv,minscore=1): """return a list of related pvs to the provided pv with a minumum pair score""" out = [] tmp = [] npv = normalize_pvname(pv) if len(self.pvnames)== 0: self.get_pvnames() if npv not in self.pvnames: return out for i in ('pv1','pv2'): where = "%s='%s' and score>=%i order by score" for j in = where % (i,npv,minscore)): tmp.append((j['score'],j['pv1'],j['pv2'])) tmp.sort() for r in tmp: if r[1] == npv: out.append(r[2]) elif r[2] == npv: out.append(r[1]) out.reverse() return out
def set_instrument_pvs(self,pvlist,name=None,station=None,notes=''): insts = self.get_instruments(name=name,station=station) if len(insts)> 1: print 'multiple instruments matched name/station=%s/%s' % (name,station) return None if not isinstance(pvlist,(tuple,list)): print 'must provide list of PVs for instrument %s' % (name) return None inst_id = insts[0]['id'] self.get_pvnames() for pvname in pvlist: pvn = normalize_pvname(pvname) where = "inst=%i and pvname='%s'" % (inst_id,pvn) x = self.inst_pvs.select_one(where=where) if x == {}: x = self.inst_pvs.insert(pvname=pvn,inst=inst_id) if pvn not in self.pvnames: self.add_pv(pvn) # set pair scores allpvs = self.get_instrument_pvs(name=name,station=station) if len(allpvs) > 1: self.set_allpairs(allpvs)
def __get_pvpairs(self,pv1,pv2): "fix and sort 2 pvs for use in the pairs tables" p = [normalize_pvname(pv1),normalize_pvname(pv2)] p.sort() return tuple(p)
def get_data(self,pvname,t0,t1,with_current=None): "get data from database for a time range" if pvname is None: return [] pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname) info = self.get_info(pvname) if info is None: return ([],'No PV named %s',pvname) # stat = [info] dat = [] pvquery= "select data_table,id from pv where name ='%s'" % pvname fquery = 'select time,value from %s where pv_id=%i and time<=%f order by time desc limit 1' gquery = 'select time,value from %s where pv_id=%i and time>=%f order by time limit 1' squery = 'select time,value from %s where pv_id=%i and time>=%f and time<=%f order by time' needs_firstpoint = True tnow = time.time() # make sure t0 and t1 are ordered if t0 > t1: t0,t1 = t1,t0 if t1-t0 < 1800.0: t0 = t1 - 1800.0 # look back at least an hour # determine if we should append the current (cached) value if with_current is None: add_current = abs(t1-tnow) < 1.5 * SEC_DAY else: add_current = with_current # print 'get data for ' ,pvname, t0,t1 # print 'dbs: ', self.dbs_for_time(t0,t1) try: for db in self.dbs_for_time(t0,t1): self.db.use(db) stat.append(pvquery) r = self.db.exec_fetchone(pvquery) try: table = r['data_table'] pvid = r['id'] except KeyError: # this db doesn't know about this PV -- maybe it's a recent addition? continue stat.append((db,table, pvid)) if needs_firstpoint: q = fquery % (table,pvid,t0) stat.append(q) r = self.db.exec_fetchone(q) try: dat.append((r['time'],r['value'])) needs_firstpoint = False except: stat.append('no data before t0!') q = squery % (table,pvid,t0,t1) stat.append(q) for i in self.exec_fetch(q): dat.append((i['time'],i['value'])) # add value at time just after selected time range r = self.db.exec_fetchone(gquery % (table,pvid,t1)) try: dat.append((r['time'],r['value'])) except KeyError: pass # optionally, add current value if add_current: stat.append('adding cached value') r= self.get_cache_full(pvname) stat.append(r) if r['value'] is not None: dat.append((time.time(),r['value'])) except: stat.append('Exception!') dat.sort() self.use_currentDB() return dat,stat
def show_for_pv(self,pvname): pvname = normalize_pvname(pvname) for i in"pvname='%s'" % pvname): print i
def add_pv(self,name,description=None,graph={},deadtime=None,deadband=None): """add PV to the database: expected to take a while""" pvname = normalize_pvname(name) t0_start = time.time() if not valid_pvname(pvname): sys.stdout.write("## Archiver add_pv invalid pvname = '%s'" % pvname) return None if pvname in self.pvinfo: if 'yes' == self.pvinfo[pvname]['active']: self.write("PV %s is already in database.\n" % pvname) else: self.write("PV %s is in database, reactivating!\n" % pvname) self.pvinfo[pvname]['active'] = 'yes' return None # create an Epics PV, check that it's valid try: pv = epics.PV(pvname) pv.connect() pv.get_ctrlvars() typ = pv.type count = pv.count prec = pv.precision connected = pv.connected except: typ= 'int' count = 1 prec = None connected = False if not connected: self.write("cannot add PV '%s': not connected" % pvname) return None # determine type dtype = 'string' if (typ in ('int','long','short')): dtype = 'int' if (typ in ('enum',)): dtype = 'enum' if (typ in ('double','float')): dtype = 'double' # determine data table table = "pvdat%3.3i" % ((hash(pvname) % 128) + 1) # determine descrption (don't try too hard!) if description is None: if pvname.endswith('.VAL'): descpv = "%s.DESC" % pvname[:-4] else: descpv = "%s.DESC" % pvname for f in motor_fields: if pvname.endswith(f): descpv = None if descpv is not None: try: dp = epics.PV(descpv) description = dp.get(as_string=True) ## dp.disconnect() except: pass if description is None: description = '' # set graph default settings gr = {'high':'','low':'','type':'normal'} gr.update(graph) if dtype == 'enum': x = pv.get(as_string=True) gr['type'] = 'discrete' gr['low'] = 0 gr['high'] = len(pv.enum_strs) elif dtype == 'double': gr['type'] = 'normal' dx = description.lower() for i in ('cathode','pirani','pressure'): if dx.find(i) >= 0: gr['type'] = 'log' if (deadtime == None): deadtime = config.pv_deadtime_dble if dtype in ('enum','string'): deadtime = config.pv_deadtime_enum if (gr['type'] == 'log'): deadtime = 5.0 # (pressures change very frequently) if (deadband == None): deadband = 1.e-5 if (gr['type'] == 'log'): deadband = 1.e-4 if prec is not None: deadband = 10**(-(prec+1)) if dtype in ('enum','string'): deadband = 0.5 self.write('Archiver adding PV: %s, table: %s' % (pvname,table)) self.pv_table.insert(name = pvname, type = dtype, description= description, data_table = table, deadtime = deadtime, deadband = deadband, graph_lo = gr['low'], graph_hi = gr['high'], graph_type = gr['type']) dat = self.pv_table.select_where(name=pvname)[0] dat['force_time'] = get_force_update_time() dat['last_ts'] = 0 dat['last_value'] = None self.pvinfo[pvname] = dat self.update_value(pvname,time.time(),pv.value) self.write(" time=%f\n" % (time.time() - t0_start)) sys.stdout.flush() pv = None
def modify_instrument(self,**kw): ' form to add an instrument' inst_id = 0 mykw = {'station':'','instrument':'','submit':'', 'form_id':0,'inst_id':inst_id} mykw.update(kw) if mykw['inst_id'] != 0: inst_id = int( mykw['inst_id'] ) else: tmp = int(mykw['form_id'].strip()) if tmp != 0: inst_id = tmp if inst_id == 0 and mykw['instrument'] != '' and mykw['station'] != '': inst_id = self.arch.get_instrument_id(name=mykw['instrument'], station=mykw['station']) instrument,station = self.arch.get_instrument_names_from_id(inst_id) self.starthtml() self.show_links(help='instruments',active_tab='Instruments') wr = self.write if mykw['submit'] != '': sname = clean_input(mykw['name']).strip() if sname != instrument and sname != '': self.arch.instruments.update(name=sname,where="id=%i" % inst_id) sdesc = clean_input(mykw['desc']).strip() if sdesc != '': self.arch.instruments.update(notes=sdesc,where="id=%i" % inst_id) # add and remove pvs as directed pvs_add = [] pvs_del = [] for k,v in mykw.items(): if 'remove' == v: pvs_del.append(k) elif k.startswith('_addpv_') and len(v) >0: pvs_add.append(clean_input(normalize_pvname(v))) if len(pvs_del)>0: self.arch.remove_instrument_pvs(pvs_del, name=instrument, station=station) if len(pvs_add)>0: self.arch.set_instrument_pvs(pvs_add, name=instrument, station=station) info = self.arch.get_instruments(name=instrument,station=station)[0] pvlist = self.arch.get_instrument_pvs(name=instrument,station=station) pvlist.sort() wr('<form action ="%s/modify_instrument" enctype="multipart/form-data" method ="POST"><p>' % (mainpage)) wr('<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="%s">' % inst_id) wr("<h3>Definition for Instrument: %s in Station %s</h3> " % (instrument,station)) wr("""<table><tr><td> Instrument Name:</td><td><input type='text' name='name' value='%s' size=35></td></tr> <tr><td> Description:</td><td><input type='text' name='desc' value='%s' size=35></td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2> Current PVs in instrument: </td><td></td></tr> """ % (instrument,info['notes'])) for pvn in pvlist: self.write("""<tr><td>%s</td><td> <input type='radio' name='%s' value='remove'>remove <input type='radio' checked='true' name='%s' value='keep'>keep</td></tr>""" % (pvn,pvn,pvn)) wr("<tr><td colspan=2> <hr> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2> Add PVs </td></tr>") for i in range(4): self.write("""<tr><td> PV </td><td> <input type="text" name="_addpv_%i" value="" size=35></td></tr>""" % i) wr("""<tr><td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Update Definition'></td> <td><a href='%s?station=%s&instrument=%s'>View Positions for %s</a></td> </tr></table>""" % (instpage,station,instrument,instrument)) self.endhtml() return self.get_buffer()