Exemple #1
def installsuggested(args):
    """Install a package and its Suggests dependencies"""
    cache = apt.cache.Cache()
    package = util.package_exists(cache, args.package,
    dependencies = list(util.extract_dependencies(package, "Suggests"))
    for n, dependency in enumerate(dependencies):
        dependencies[n] = util.package_exists(cache, dependency).shortname
    dependencies = " ".join(dependencies)
    command = "/usr/bin/apt-get {} {} {} --auto-remove install {} {}"
    command = command.format(args.recommends, args.yes, args.noauth,
                             dependencies, args.package)
    perform.execute(command, root=True, log=True)
Exemple #2
def installsuggested(args):
    """Install a package and its Suggests dependencies"""
    cache = apt.cache.Cache()
    package = util.package_exists(cache, args.package,
    dependencies = list(util.extract_dependencies(package, "Suggests"))
    for n, dependency in enumerate(dependencies):
        dependencies[n] = util.package_exists(cache, dependency).shortname
    dependencies = " ".join(dependencies)
    command = "/usr/bin/apt-get {} {} {} --auto-remove install {} {}"
    command = command.format(args.recommends, args.yes, args.noauth,
                             dependencies, args.package)
    perform.execute(command, root=True, log=True)
Exemple #3
def dependents(args):
    """Display packages which have some form of dependency on the given package

    Types of dependencies:
    * Depends
    * Recommends
    * Suggests
    * Replaces
    * Enhances"""


    cache = apt.cache.Cache()
    package = util.package_exists(cache, args.package)
    dependents = { name : [] for name in DEPENDENCY_TYPES }

    for key in cache.keys():
        other_package = cache[key]
        for dependency_type, specific_dependents in dependents.items():
            if package.shortname in \
            util.extract_dependencies(other_package, dependency_type):

    for dependency_type, specific_dependents in dependents.items():
        if specific_dependents:
            output = dependency_type.upper(), " ".join(specific_dependents)
            print("{}: {}".format(*output))
Exemple #4
def dependents(args):
    """Display packages which have some form of dependency on the given package

    Types of dependencies:
    * Depends
    * Recommends
    * Suggests
    * Replaces
    * Enhances


    cache = apt.cache.Cache()
    package = util.package_exists(cache, args.package)
    dependents = {name : [] for name in DEPENDENCY_TYPES}

    for key in cache.keys():
        other_package = cache[key]
        for dependency_type, specific_dependents in dependents.items():
            if package.shortname in \
            util.extract_dependencies(other_package, dependency_type):

    for dependency_type, specific_dependents in dependents.items():
        if specific_dependents:
            print("{}: {}".format(
                dependency_type.upper(), " ".join(specific_dependents)
Exemple #5
def changelog(args):
    """Display Debian changelog of a package

    network on:
         changelog - if there's newer entries, display them
      -v changelog - if there's newer entries, display them, and proceed to
                     display complete local changelog

    network off:
         changelog - if there's newer entries, mention failure to retrieve
      -v changelog - if there's newer entries, mention failure to retrieve, and
                     proceed to display complete local changelog

    package = util.package_exists(apt.Cache(), args.package)
    changelog = "{:=^79}\n".format(" {} ".format(args.package))  # header

        changelog += package.get_changelog()
    except AttributeError:
        # This is caught so as to avoid an ugly python-apt trace; it's a bug
        # that surfaces when:
        # 1. The package is not available in the default Debian suite
        # 2. The suite the package belongs to is set to a pin of < 0
        print("If this package is not on your default Debian suite, " \
              "ensure that its APT pinning isn't less than 0.")
    help_message = "\nTo display the local changelog, run:\n" \
                   "wajig changelog --verbose " + args.package
    if "Failed to download the list of changes" in changelog:
        if not args.verbose:
            changelog += help_message
            changelog += "\n"
    elif changelog.endswith("The list of changes is not available"):
        changelog += ".\nYou are likely running the latest version.\n"
        if not args.verbose:
            changelog += help_message
    if not args.verbose:
        tmp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
        with open(tmp, "w") as f:
            if package.is_installed:
                changelog += "{:=^79}\n".format(" local changelog ")
        if package.is_installed:
            command = util.local_changelog(args.package, tmp)
            if not command:
        with open(tmp) as f:
            for line in f:
                    print(line, end="")
                except BrokenPipeError:
Exemple #6
def changelog(args):
    """Display Debian changelog of a package

    network on:
         changelog - if there's newer entries, display them
      -v changelog - if there's newer entries, display them, and proceed to
                     display complete local changelog

    network off:
         changelog - if there's newer entries, mention failure to retrieve
      -v changelog - if there's newer entries, mention failure to retrieve, and
                     proceed to display complete local changelog"""

    package = util.package_exists(apt.Cache(), args.package)
    changelog = "{:=^79}\n".format(" {} ".format(args.package))  # header

        changelog += package.get_changelog()
    except AttributeError as e:
        # This is caught so as to avoid an ugly python-apt trace; it's a bug
        # that surfaces when:
        # 1. The package is not available in the default Debian suite
        # 2. The suite the package belongs to is set to a pin of < 0
        print("If this package is not on your default Debian suite, " \
              "ensure that its APT pinning isn't less than 0.")
    help_message = "\nTo display the local changelog, run:\n" \
                   "wajig changelog --verbose " + args.package
    if "Failed to download the list of changes" in changelog:
        if not args.verbose:
            changelog += help_message
            changelog += "\n"
    elif changelog.endswith("The list of changes is not available"):
        changelog += ".\nYou are likely running the latest version.\n"
        if not args.verbose:
            changelog += help_message
    if not args.verbose:
        tmp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
        with open(tmp, "w") as f:
            if package.is_installed:
                changelog += "{:=^79}\n".format(" local changelog ")
        if package.is_installed:
            command = util.local_changelog(args.package, tmp)
            if not command:
        with open(tmp) as f:
            for line in f:
                print(line, end="")
Exemple #7
def recdownload(args):
    """Download a package and all its dependencies"""

    package_names = list()

    cache = apt.cache.Cache()
    for package in args.packages:
        util.package_exists(cache, package)

    print("Calculating all dependencies...")
    for package in args.packages:
        package_names.extend(util.get_deps_recursively(cache, package, []))
    print("Packages to download to /var/cache/apt/archives:")
    for package in package_names:
        # We do this because apt-get install dont list the packages to
        # reinstall if they don't need to be upgraded
        print(package, end=' ')

    command = "/usr/bin/apt-get --download-only --reinstall -u install " + args.noauth
    command += " ".join(package_names)
    perform.execute(command, root=True)
Exemple #8
def recdownload(args):
    """Download a package and all its dependencies"""

    package_names = list()

    cache = apt.cache.Cache()
    for package in args.packages:
        util.package_exists(cache, package)

    print("Calculating all dependencies...")
    for package in args.packages:
        package_names.extend(util.get_deps_recursively(cache, package, []))
    print("Packages to download to /var/cache/apt/archives:")
    for package in package_names:
        # We do this because apt-get install dont list the packages to
        # reinstall if they don't need to be upgraded
        print(package, end=' ')

    command = "/usr/bin/apt-get --download-only --reinstall -u install {} {}"
    command = command.format(args.noauth, " ".join(package_names))
    perform.execute(command, root=True)
Exemple #9
 def test_util_package_exists(self):
     cache = apt.Cache()
     self.assertIsInstance(util.package_exists(cache, "dpkg"),
     self.assertFalse(util.package_exists(cache, "no_such", test=True))