def cartodb_make_valid_geom_local(src_fc): if os.path.splitext(src_fc)[1] == '.shp': source_dir = os.path.dirname(src_fc) # Need to write the outfile to shp-- ogr2ogr can't handle true curves stored in geodatabases # Will represent them as a point, which spatialite will then choke on else: source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(src_fc)) file_name = 'source.shp' arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(src_fc, source_dir, file_name) src_fc = os.path.join(source_dir, file_name) sqlite_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'sqlite') os.mkdir(sqlite_dir) out_sqlite_path = os.path.join(sqlite_dir, 'out.sqlite') cmd = ['ogr2ogr', '-f', 'SQLite', out_sqlite_path] cmd = add_fc_to_ogr2ogr_cmd(src_fc, cmd) cmd += ["-dsco", "SPATIALITE=yes", '-dim', '2'] logging.debug('Creating sqlite database') util.run_subprocess(cmd) table_name = util.gen_paths_shp(src_fc)[2] sql = 'UPDATE {0} SET GEOMETRY = ST_MakeValid(GEOMETRY) WHERE ST_IsValid(GEOMETRY) <> 1;'.format( table_name) cmd = ['spatialite', out_sqlite_path, sql] util.run_subprocess(cmd) return out_sqlite_path
def cartodb_append(sqlite_db_path, out_cartodb_name, gfw_env, where_clause=None): """ Append a local FC to a cartoDB dataset :param sqlite_db_path: path to local sqlite db :param out_cartodb_name: cartoDB table :param gfw_env: gfw_env :param where_clause: where_clause to apply to the dataset :return: """ key = util.get_token(settings.get_settings(gfw_env)['cartodb']['token']) account_name = get_account_name(gfw_env) # Help: # The -dim 2 option ensures that only two dimensional data is created; no Z or M values cmd = [ 'ogr2ogr', '--config', 'CARTODB_API_KEY', key, '-append', '-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-f', 'CartoDB', '-nln', out_cartodb_name, '-dim', '2', 'CartoDB:{0}'.format(account_name) ] cmd = add_fc_to_ogr2ogr_cmd(sqlite_db_path, cmd) cmd = add_where_clause_to_ogr2ogr_cmd(where_clause, cmd) util.run_subprocess(cmd)
def read_pcl_file(path: Path): # Convert the pcd to ply new_path = path.parent / Path(path.stem + ".ply") run_subprocess("pcl_pcd2ply {} {}".format(path, new_path)) ply = n_points = len(ply.elements[0].data) np_data = np.empty((4, n_points)) for i in range(n_points): np_data[0, i] = ply.elements[0].data[i][0] np_data[1, i] = ply.elements[0].data[i][1] np_data[2, i] = ply.elements[0].data[i][2] np_data[3, i] = 1.0 return np_data
def sqlite_row_count(sqlite_db): ogrinfo = util.run_subprocess(['ogrinfo', '-q', sqlite_db]) # Grab the first line from the ogrinfo command, split it, and take the second value # Example ogrinfo output: "1: tiger_conservation_landscapes (Multi Polygon)" table_name = ogrinfo[0].split()[1] ogr_row_count_text = util.run_subprocess([ 'ogrinfo', sqlite_db, '-q', '-sql', 'SELECT count(*) FROM {0}'.format(table_name) ]) # Response looks like this ['', 'Layer name: SELECT', 'OGRFeature(SELECT):0', 'count(*) (Integer) = 76', ''] row_count = int(ogr_row_count_text[-2].split(' = ')[1]) return row_count
def qc_peru_download(input_vrt): gdalinfo_list = util.run_subprocess(['gdalinfo', input_vrt]) print '\n'.join(gdalinfo_list) size_line = gdalinfo_list[2] size_results = size_line.replace(',', '').split()[2:] size_tuple = [int(x) for x in size_results] print 'Checking size of the VRT that we downloaded from GEE' print size_tuple if size_tuple != [56005, 80005]: raise ValueError('Size tuple does not match expected peru boundaries')
def compute(self): cmd_string = ('./trail -algorithm {} -reading {} -reference {} ' '-estimate \"{}\" -filter_center {} -algo_config {}').format(, self.dataset.path_of_cloud(self.reading), self.dataset.path_of_cloud(self.reference), json.dumps(self.dataset.odometry_estimate(self.reading, self.reference).tolist()), self.dataset.center_filter_size, self.algo.config) print(cmd_string) response = run_subprocess(cmd_string) print(response) self.trail_data = json.loads(response) with open(CACHE_FILE_NAME, 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(self.trail_data, pickle_file)
def ogrinfo_min_max(input_fc, oid_fieldname): input_table_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(input_fc)[0]) # ogrinfo doesn't recognize OBJECTID in these cases, apparently # Also need to only have the GDB as an input, doesn't want entire FC path if '.gdb' in input_fc: oid_fieldname = 'FID' input_fc = os.path.dirname(input_fc) sql_statement = 'SELECT min({0}), max({0}) FROM "{1}"'.format( oid_fieldname, input_table_name) ogrinfo = util.run_subprocess(['ogrinfo', '-sql', sql_statement, input_fc]) # Grab the last two lines with data (the final line is blank) result_lines = ogrinfo[-3:-1] # Result lines look like `MIN_FID (Integer) = 0` # Split them at the ' = ' and grab the result then convert to int() result_vals = [int(l.split(' = ')[1]) for l in result_lines] return result_vals[0], result_vals[1]
def get_layer_type(in_fc): """ Get the layer type-- important for ogr2ogr; if we're working with a line string need to explicitly set the otuput to line string, not polyline/whatever it is natively in Arc :param in_fc: :return: """ if os.path.splitext(in_fc)[1] == '.sqlite': ogrinfo = util.run_subprocess(['ogrinfo', '-q', in_fc], log=False) shapetype = ogrinfo[0].split('(')[1].lower() else: shapetype = arcpy.Describe(in_fc).shapeType.lower() if 'string' in shapetype or 'line' in shapetype: layer_type = 'LINE' elif 'polygon' in shapetype: layer_type = 'POLYGON' else: logging.error("Unknown layer type: {0}".format(shapetype)) sys.exit(1) return layer_type
numpy_points = np.vstack([points_of_side, numpy_points]) # Add noise to points numpy_points += np.random.normal(scale=args.noise, size=numpy_points.shape) print(numpy_points) # Make a ply file from the points pointcloud = np.zeros((n_points, ), dtype=[('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32), ('z', np.float32)]) for i, point in enumerate(numpy_points): pointcloud[i] = tuple(point) print(pointcloud) el = plyfile.PlyElement.describe( pointcloud, 'vertex', val_types={ 'x': 'f8', 'y': 'f8', 'z': 'f8' }, ) print(el) plyfile.PlyData([el]).write(TEMP_FILENAME) # Convert the ply to pcd run_subprocess('pcl_ply2pcd {} {}'.format(TEMP_FILENAME, args.output))
def visualize_transform(dataset, reading, reference, transform): cmd_string = './visualize_transform -reading {} -reference {} -transform \"{}\"'.format( dataset.path_of_cloud(reading), dataset.path_of_cloud(reference), json.dumps(transform.tolist())) run_subprocess(cmd_string)