def main():

    cloudbuild_yaml = util.INITIAL_CLOUDBUILD_YAML
        # Build the FTL image from source and load it into the daemon.
            'args': ['run', '//ftl:php_builder_image', '--', '--norun'],
            'id': 'build-builder',
        }, )

    # Generate a set of steps for each test and add them.
    test_map = {}
    for test in TEST_DIRS:
        test_map[test] = [
            '--base', _PHP_BASE, '--name',
            '' % test, '--directory',
            os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, test), '--no-cache'
    test_map['destination_test'].extend(['--destination', '/alternative-app'])
    test_map['metadata_test'].extend(['--entrypoint', '/bin/echo'])
    test_map['metadata_test'].extend(['--exposed-ports', '8090,8091'])

    for test, args in test_map.iteritems():
        cloudbuild_yaml['steps'] += util.run_test_steps(
            'php_builder_image', '' % test,
            os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, test), args)

    print yaml.dump(cloudbuild_yaml)
def main():

    cloudbuild_yaml = util.INITIAL_CLOUDBUILD_YAML
        # Build the FTL image from source and load it into the daemon.
            'name': '',
            'args': ['run', '//ftl:python_builder_image', '--', '--norun'],
            'id': 'build-builder',
        }, )

    # Generate a set of steps for each test and add them.
    test_map = {}
    for test in TEST_DIRS:
        test_map[test] = [
            '--base', _PYTHON_BASE, '--name',
            '' % test, '--directory',
            os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, test), '--no-cache'
    test_map['metadata_test'].extend(['--entrypoint', '/bin/echo'])
    test_map['metadata_test'].extend(['--exposed-ports', '8090,8091'])
    test_map['python3_test'].extend(['--python-cmd', 'python3.6'])
    test_map['python3_test'].extend(['--pip-cmd', 'python3.6 -m pip'])

    for test, args in test_map.iteritems():
        cloudbuild_yaml['steps'] += util.run_test_steps(
            '' % test,
            os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, test), args)

    print yaml.dump(cloudbuild_yaml)
def main():

    cloudbuild_yaml = util.INITIAL_CLOUDBUILD_YAML
        # Build the FTL image from source and load it into the daemon.
            'name': '',
            'args': ['run', '//ftl:node_builder_image', '--', '--norun'],
            'id': 'build-builder',
            'waitFor': [cloudbuild_yaml['steps'][0]['id']],
        }, )

    # Generate a set of steps for each test and add them.
    test_map = {}
    for test in TEST_DIRS:
        test_map[test] = [
            '--base', _NODE_BASE, '--name',
            '' % test, '--directory',
            os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, test), '--no-cache'
    test_map['destination_test'].extend(['--destination', '/alternative-app'])
    test_map['metadata_test'].extend(['--entrypoint', '/bin/echo'])
    test_map['metadata_test'].extend(['--exposed-ports', '8090,8091'])

    for test, args in test_map.iteritems():
        cloudbuild_yaml['steps'] += util.run_test_steps(
            'node_builder_image', '' % test,
            os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, test), args)

    print yaml.dump(cloudbuild_yaml)