def apply_lightmap(self):
        sun_direction = math.pi*0.75
        lighting_direction = sanitize_angle(self.heading+sun_direction)

        # figure out which one of the prerendered lightmaps to use
        h = int(lighting_direction/(2*math.pi)*len(self.lightmaps*2))
        if 0 <= h < len(self.lightmaps):
            lm = self.lightmaps[h]
            lm = self.lightmaps[2*len(self.lightmaps)-h-1].transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)

        im = get_pil_image(self.image)
        img = im.convert("L")

        # apply lightmap
        limg = ImageChops.multiply(img, lm).convert("RGBA")

        return pygame.image.frombuffer(limg.tostring(), self.image.get_size(), "RGBA")
 def turn(self, t):
     # turn the ship according to its rotation
     self.heading = sanitize_angle(self.heading+self.angular_freq*t)