def do_credits(screen, clock, audioPlayer, fpsLimit): """Main should call this function to initiate the credit scroll.""" scrRect = screen.get_rect() lineW = int(.75*scrRect.w) font = pygame.font.Font(FONTS['credits'], scale(30, lineW, 1024)) lines = pygame.sprite.Group() startY = scrRect.h + 1 spacer = scale(50, lineW, 1024) #Y-space between lines startY = _build_multi_lines(lines, font, startY, spacer, lineW, scrRect) finalLineBottom = _build_final_lines(lines, font, startY + scale(100, lineW, 1024), lineW,scrRect) numFrames, step, fpsLimit = get_anim_data(33.2, -1*finalLineBottom, fpsLimit) pygame.event.clear()'end') _scroll_credits(screen, scrRect, clock, lines, numFrames, step, fpsLimit) _blit_thanks(screen, 'Thanks for playing!', font, scrRect, lineW) pygame.time.delay(5000) pygame.quit() exit()
def _build_rules(scrRect): """Return tuple of fully drawn rules surface and its rect.""" header = '--RULES--' offset = scale(50, scrRect.h, 768) rect = scrRect.copy() rect.inflate_ip(-offset, -offset) sfc = pygame.Surface(rect.size) font = pygame.font.Font(FONTS['rules'], scale(80, scrRect.h, 768)) # Draw header sfc.fill(JEOP_BLUE) headerRect = pygame.Rect((0, int(.05*rect.h)), font.size(header)) headerRect.centerx = rect.centerx draw_textline(sfc, header, font, (255, 255, 255), headerRect, scale(6, scrRect.h, 768)) # Draw rules bounds = tuple(.9*x for x in scrRect.size) fsize = restrict_fontsize(FONTS['rules'], scale(50, scrRect.h, 768), RULES, bounds) font = pygame.font.Font(FONTS['rules'], fsize) draw_centered_textblock(sfc, RULES, font, (255, 255, 255), 0, scale(4, scrRect.h, 768), False) sfc.set_alpha(240) return sfc, rect
def mc_vlb(eta, phi, psi, y_n, N, L): T = y_n.shape[0] nn_potentials = recognize(y_n, psi) samples, stats, global_vlb, local_vlb = run_inference( eta_prior, eta, nn_potentials, num_samples=L) saved.stats = scale(N, unbox(stats)) return global_vlb + N * (local_vlb + loglike(y_n, samples, phi))
def __init__(self, screen, unit, preferences): self.screen = screen self.unit = unit self.preferences = preferences self.running = True self.sounds = SoundPlayer((('fall','fall.wav'),('ding','ding.wav'),('eat','eat.wav'),('move','move.wav'),('splat','splat.wav'))) = MusicPlayer("game.mp3") self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.tick = Constants.FPS self.size = Constants.UNITS*self.unit self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.size,self.size)) self.surface_rect = self.surface.get_rect() self.surface_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx self.surface_rect.centery = self.screen.get_rect().centery self.img_background = pygame.image.load(data.filepath("title","background.jpg")) self.img_background = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.img_background,util.scale(self.img_background,width=self.screen.get_rect().width)) self.img_background.set_alpha(30) self.img_background_rect = self.img_background.get_rect() self.img_background_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx self.img_background_rect.centery = self.screen.get_rect().centery
def iso_map_static(all_values): """ all_values in list of list format [[VM1cpu,Vm1 mem, vm2cpu, vm2mem],[],..] """ print len(all_values) # file =open("VM.classes", 'rb') # label = np.array(ast.literal_eval(file.readline())) X = numpy.array(all_values) print "Actual Values: ",X #For all the dimensions normalise the value range between 0 and 1 #use ceiling function to remove small noise X = util.scale(X) for i in xrange(12,len(all_values)): print len(X[0]) print X[:i] n_neighbors = 10 #Y = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors, 2, max_iter= 4000).fit_transform(X) Y = manifold.MDS().fit_transform(X[:i]) #Y = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding().fit_transform(X) old_values = Y[:-1] new_value = Y[-1:] plot.animated_plot(old_values, new_value)
def __init__(self, parent, config): super(Gauge, self).__init__(parent) self.config = config self.value = config["min"] self.font = QFont() self.note_font = QFont() self.color = QColor(config["color"]) self.red_color = QColor(config["redline_color"]) self.brush = QBrush(self.color) self.pen = QPen(self.color) self.red_pen = QPen(self.red_color) self.font.setPixelSize(self.config["font_size"]) self.note_font.setPixelSize(self.config["note_font_size"]) self.pen.setWidth(3) self.red_pen.setWidth(3) s = scale(config["min"], config["max"], config["scale_step"]) self.angles = map_scale(s, 0, 270) self.str_scale, self.multiplier = str_scale(s, config["scale_mult"]) self.red_angle = 270 if config["redline"] is not None: self.red_angle = map_value(config["redline"], config["min"], config["max"], 0, 270)
def _draw_winners(sfc, startY, winners): """ Blit the names of the winners, in their respective fonts, onto sfc. 'startY' is the y-value of the position at which the first name will be drawn. If there are multiple winners, draw them in order. Return pygame.Rect representing area in which names were drawn. """ sfcRect = sfc.get_rect() rect = pygame.Rect(0, startY, sfcRect.w, sfcRect.h - startY) y = startY for i, name in winners: fName = 'team' + str(i + 1) font = pygame.font.Font(FONTS[fName], scale(120, sfcRect.h, 768)) text = font.render(name, 1, (255, 255, 255), JEOP_BLUE) tRect = text.get_rect() tRect.centerx = rect.centerx tRect.y = y sfc.blit(text, tRect) y += tRect.h + 5 return rect
def _animate_congrats(screen, sfc): """ Animate a congratulations message, drawing one character at a time and waiting a short time. Return y-value, the bottom of the drawn text string. """ word = 'CONGRATULATIONS!' sfcRect = sfc.get_rect() font = pygame.font.Font(FONTS['congrats'], scale(150, sfcRect.h, 768)) rect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), font.size(word)) rect.centerx = sfcRect.centerx rect.y = sfcRect.y + int(.20*sfcRect.h) x, y = rect.topleft for c in word: char = font.render(c, 1, (255, 255, 255), JEOP_BLUE) sfc.blit(char, (x, y)) screen.blit(sfc, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update(rect) pygame.time.delay(100) x += char.get_size()[0] return rect.bottom
def _create_line(self, width, font, position, name): """Return surface with credit text blitted on it.""" spacer = pygame.Rect(0, 0, int(0.08*width), 1) spacer.centerx = int(width / 2) lineH = font.get_linesize() position = [(font.render(s, 1, (200, 200, 200)), s) for s in position] name = [(font.render(s, 1, (255, 255, 255)), s) for s in name] position = [(s, s.get_rect(), text) for s, text in position] name = [(s, s.get_rect(), text) for s, text in name] sfc = pygame.Surface((width, lineH * max((len(position), len(name))))) sfc.fill(JEOP_BLUE) for i, (s, rect, text) in enumerate(position): rect.right = spacer.left = i*lineH sfc.blit(s, rect) for i, (s, rect, text) in enumerate(name): rect.left = spacer.right = i*lineH shadow, shadRect = shadow_text(text, rect, font, scale(3, width, 1024)) sfc.blit(shadow, shadRect) sfc.blit(s, rect) return sfc
def get_size(self, section, option, default=None): """ Unit specs are case insensitive. b -> 1 kb -> 1000**1 kib -> 1024 mb -> 1000**2 mib -> 1024**2 gb -> 1000**3 gib -> 1024**3 tb -> 1000**4 tib -> 1024**4 pb -> 1000**5 pib -> 1024**5 eb -> 1000**6 eib -> 1024**6 zb -> 1000**7 zib -> 1024**7 yb -> 1000**8 yib -> 1024**8 """ try: spec = self.get(section, option) rval = util.scale(spec) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e: if default is not None: rval = default else: e.message += " in %s" % self.filename raise except ConfigParser.NoSectionError as e: if default is not None: rval = default else: e.message += " in %s" % self.filename raise return rval
def iso_map_dynamic(current_value_list, label, transition, closest_monitor_range, action_status): dynamic_all_values.append(current_value_list) write_as_template(dynamic_all_values, violation_position) if(len(dynamic_all_values) > 12): X = numpy.array(dynamic_all_values) # print "Actual Values: ",X #For all the dimensions normalise the value range between 0 and 1 #use ceiling function to remove small noise X = util.scale(X) util.compute_utilization(util.scale_list(current_value_list)) #n_neighbors = 10 #Y = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors, 2, max_iter= 4000).fit_transform(X) Y = manifold.MDS().fit_transform(X) #Y = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding().fit_transform(X) old_values = Y[:-1] new_value = Y[-1:] plot.animated_plot(old_values, new_value, violation_position, action_status) if closest_monitor_range: closest_range_position.append(len(dynamic_all_values) -1) # If transition, remove all the values until the closest_range_position # remove matching violation_position. It is important to do this before violation position is included inorder to feed in the updated (correct) # position of dynamic_values to violation_position. if transition: # print "!!!!!!!!!!Transition detected!!!!!!!!!! " # print "Closest Range positions (before): " ,closest_range_position # print "Violation positions (before) ", violation_position # print "Length All Values (before): ", len(dynamic_all_values) # reversed is important. Remove elements at the end first to avoid messing up index in subsequent deletions. if len(closest_range_position) >1: for position in reversed(xrange(closest_range_position[-2]+1, closest_range_position[-1])): print "Deleting element in position: ", position del dynamic_all_values[position] if position in violation_position: violation_position.remove(position) #closest_Range_position[-1] does not anymore hold the right position. update the position by number of elements deleted. closest_range_position[-1] = closest_range_position[-1] - abs(closest_range_position[-2]+1 - closest_range_position[-1]) # print "Length All Values (after): ", len(dynamic_all_values) # print "Violation positions (after) ", violation_position # print "Closest Range positions (after): " ,closest_range_position # Append the position of the violation only after plotting # inorder to plot the current value as current point instead of a violation if label: violation_position.append(len(dynamic_all_values)-1)
def distance_along_edge_to_point(edge, distance_along_edge): edge_start, edge_end = edge edge_vector = util.subtract(edge_end, edge_start) edge_length = util.norm(edge_vector) scale_factor = distance_along_edge / edge_length scaled_vector = util.scale(scale_factor, edge_vector) point = util.add(scaled_vector, edge_start) return point
def _blit_thanks(screen, text, font, scrRect, lineW): thanks = font.render(text, 1, (255, 255, 255)) rect = thanks.get_rect() = shadow, shadRect = shadow_text(text, rect, font, scale(3, lineW, 1024)) screen.blit(shadow, shadRect) screen.blit(thanks, rect) pygame.display.update()
def _build_final_lines(group, font, startY, lineW, scrRect): """ Build final line sprites and adds them to 'group.' Return final line's rect.bottom. """ for s in final: if isinstance(s, pygame.Surface): line = CreditImage(s, group) else: line = SimpleCreditLine(font, s, (255, 255, 255), JEOP_BLUE, scale(4, lineW, 1024), group) line.rect.y = startY line.rect.centerx = scrRect.centerx finalLineBottom = line.rect.bottom startY = line.rect.bottom + scale(5, lineW, 1024) return finalLineBottom
def main(self): """ Display the screen and a little bit of text at the bottom of the screen. """ self.music_player.once() img_logo = pygame.image.load(data.filepath("title","logo_unla.png")) img_logo = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_logo,util.scale(img_logo,width=self.unit*25)) img_logo_rect = img_logo.get_rect() img_logo_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx img_logo_rect.centery = self.screen.get_rect().centery #settings seconds_in = 2 seconds_still = 1 seconds_out = 2 fps = 20 logo_alpha = 0 logo_alpha_add = int(255.0/float(fps*seconds_in)) logo_alpha_sub = -int(255.0/float(fps*seconds_out)) logo_alpha_sum = logo_alpha_add stop_counter = fps*seconds_still skip = False # LOGO INTRO while not skip: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: skip = True elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False return self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) img_logo.set_alpha(logo_alpha) self.screen.blit(img_logo, img_logo_rect) if logo_alpha == 255 and stop_counter > 0: stop_counter-=1 else: logo_alpha += logo_alpha_sum if logo_alpha > 255: logo_alpha = 255 logo_alpha_sum = logo_alpha_sub elif logo_alpha < 0: break pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(fps) self.music_player.stop()
def __init__(self, raw_train_fn, top_dir): self.dl = util.DownloadReader(raw_train_fn), self.overs = util.scale(, 0.99)[ > 0] = 1 = np.hstack((, self.overs.astype( #last_col = np.sum(self.overs, axis=1) last_col = np.zeros(self.overs.shape[0]) last_col[np.sum(self.overs, axis=1)>0] = True = np.hstack((, last_col.reshape(last_col.shape[0], -1))) self.top_dir = top_dir self.base_hyper_params_aa = dict([1], batch_size=10, nhid=60, save_freq=10, tied_weights=False) self.aa_yaml=open('autoenc1.yaml', 'r').read()
def _build_banner(scrRect, color): """ Return 2-tuple containing title banner surface and its Rect, already positioned to be drawn. Arguments are a pygame.Rect object the size of the screen, and the color of the banner. """ size = (scrRect.w, scale(175, scrRect.h, 768)) banner = pygame.Surface(size) banner.fill(color) rect = banner.get_rect() rect.centery = scrRect.centery return (banner, rect)
def __init__(self, screen, unit, preferences): self.screen = screen self.unit = unit self.preferences = preferences self.running = True self.music_player = MusicPlayer(random.choice(listaMenu)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.choice = 0 self.size = self.screen.get_size() self.img_title = pygame.image.load(data.filepath("title","logo_unla.png")) self.img_credits = pygame.image.load(data.filepath("title","logo_unla.png")) self.img_background = pygame.image.load(data.filepath("title","background.jpg")) self.img_background = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.img_background,util.scale(self.img_background,width=self.size[0])) self.img_background.set_alpha(50) self.img_background_rect = self.img_background.get_rect() self.img_background_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx self.img_background_rect.centery = self.screen.get_rect().centery
def distance_over_time(): ''' Load template and plot the distance over time ''' if os.path.isfile("../template"): f_handle = open("../template", 'r') dynamic_all_values = ast.literal_eval(f_handle.readline()) violation_position = ast.literal_eval(f_handle.readline()) f_handle.close() else: print "No such file" X = numpy.array(dynamic_all_values) # print "Actual Values: ",X #For all the dimensions normalise the value range between 0 and 1 #use ceiling function to remove small noise X = util.scale(X) #n_neighbors = 10 #Y = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors, 2, max_iter= 4000).fit_transform(X) Y = manifold.MDS().fit_transform(X) old_values = Y[:-1] new_value = Y[-1:] dist =[] for index in xrange(0, len(Y)-1): dist.append(distance.calculate_distance(Point(Y[index][0], Y[index][1]), Point(Y[index+1][0], Y[index+1][1]))) plt.plot(dist,'-', color = 'R',markersize = 10, label = "Distance between points") plt.xlabel("Time (Mins)") plt.ylabel("distance") plt.grid(True) plt.minorticks_on() plt.legend(loc=2) animated_plot(old_values, new_value, violation_position, 'None')
def __rdiv__(self, constant): import util return util.scale(self, 1 / constant)
def narrate_time(last_event, event): if last_event and last_event['date'].month != event['date'].month: narrate_month(event['date'], util.scale( last_event['delta'] + event['delta'], -1, 1, 1, 0))
def narrate_conflict_zoomout(a, b, event, problem_phrase): response = get_response(a, b, event) problem_statement = tracery.Grammar( { 'origin': "#They# #sometimes# #fought# because #a# felt that #b# #problem#.\n", 'problem': problem_phrase, 'pushing': 'pushing', 'sometimes': util.rank(['occasionally', 'sometimes', 'often', 'frequently', 'always'], util.scale(event['delta'], -1, 0.5, 1, 0)), 'fought': ['fought', 'argued', 'clashed', 'scuffled'], 'They': ['They', 'The couple'], 'a': a['name'], 'b': b['name'], }).flatten('#origin#') print(problem_statement)
def main(self): img_title = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.img_title,util.scale(self.img_title,width=self.unit*10)) img_title_rect = img_title.get_rect() img_title_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx img_title_rect.y = self.unit*10 self.choice = 0 start_game = False btn_play = MenuButton("PLAY",self.unit,(self.unit*17, self.unit*3)) btn_play.rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx btn_play.rect.y = self.unit*24 btn_play.set_status(1) btn_highscores = MenuButton("HIGH SCORES",self.unit,(self.unit*17, self.unit*3)) btn_highscores.rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx btn_highscores.rect.y = self.unit*28 btn_fullscreen = MenuButton(["FULLSCREEN","WINDOWED"][self.preferences.get('fullscreen')],self.unit,(self.unit*17, self.unit*3)) btn_fullscreen.rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx btn_fullscreen.rect.y = self.unit*32 btn_credits = MenuButton("CREDITS",self.unit,(self.unit*17, self.unit*3)) btn_credits.rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx btn_credits.rect.y = self.unit*36 btn_exit = MenuButton("QUIT",self.unit,(self.unit*17, self.unit*3)) btn_exit.rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx btn_exit.rect.y = self.unit*40 buttons = pygame.sprite.Group() buttons.add([btn_play,btn_fullscreen,btn_highscores,btn_credits,btn_exit]) dbg = util.debugBackground(self.size,self.unit) self.draw_background() last_choice = -1 while not start_game: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_w: self.choice -= 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_s: self.choice += 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN or event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: if self.choice == 0: start_game = True elif self.choice == 1: self.highscores() self.draw_background() elif self.choice == 2: # return to MAIN.PY to save prefs and apply fullscreen mode self.preferences.set('fullscreen',not self.preferences.get('fullscreen')) return elif self.choice == 3: self.credits() self.draw_background() else: self.running = False return elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.running = False return elif event.key == pygame.K_1:, "screenshot.jpg") elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False return if self.choice != last_choice: if self.choice < 0: self.choice = 4 elif self.choice > 4: self.choice = 0 btn_play.set_status(0) btn_highscores.set_status(0) btn_fullscreen.set_status(0) btn_credits.set_status(0) btn_exit.set_status(0) if self.choice == 0: btn_play.set_status(1) elif self.choice == 1: btn_highscores.set_status(1) elif self.choice == 2: btn_fullscreen.set_status(1) elif self.choice == 3: btn_credits.set_status(1) elif self.choice == 4: btn_exit.set_status(1) last_choice = self.choice buttons.update() self.screen.blit(img_title, img_title_rect) buttons.draw(self.screen) pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(30) self.music_player.stop()
def x_scale(self, x): return util.scale(x, self.x_domain, self.x_range)
def credits(self): img_credits = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.img_credits,util.scale(self.img_credits,height=self.unit*13)) img_credits_rect = img_credits.get_rect() img_credits_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx img_credits_rect.y = self.unit*2 back = False btn_back = MenuButton("BACK",self.unit,(self.unit*17, self.unit*3)) btn_back.rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx btn_back.rect.y = self.unit*45 btn_back.set_status(1) self.draw_background() box = pygame.Surface((self.size[1],self.size[1])) box.fill((255,255,255)) box.set_alpha(150) box_rect = box.get_rect() box_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx box_rect.y = 0 self.screen.blit(box,box_rect) font = pygame.font.Font(data.filepath("font", "abel.ttf"), int(self.unit * 1.5)) color_text = (30,30,30) color_title = (122,30,30) credits = Constants.CREDITS.split("\n") spooler = [] for line in credits: color = color_text if line and line[0] == "*": line = line[1:] color = color_title spooler.append(font.render(line, True, color)) posy = 16*self.unit advance = int(1.6*self.unit) self.screen.blit(img_credits, img_credits_rect) btn_back.update() btn_back.draw(self.screen) for el in spooler: rect = el.get_rect() rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx rect.y = posy self.screen.blit(el, rect) posy += advance while not back: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE or event.key == pygame.K_RETURN or event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: return elif event.key == pygame.K_1:, "screenshot.jpg") elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False return pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(30)
def __rmul__(self, constant): import util return util.scale(self, constant)
def y_scale(self, y): return util.scale(y, self.y_domain, self.y_range)
def interpret_axis_labels(self, axis_label_indexes): x_coords=list() x_label_ocr=list() y_coords=list() y_label_ocr=list() for i in axis_label_indexes: box = self.bounding_boxes[i] x_center = box[2]-box[0] y_center = box[3]-box[1] """ If the label lies to the right of the y=x line that passes through the bottom left corner of the graph, it is for the x axis. Otherwise it is for the y axis. We calculate this by decreasing the x center for every y that it is below the bottom of the graph. """ x_center_adjusted = x_center-(y_center-self.y_domain[1]) x_len = len(x_label_ocr) y_len = len(y_label_ocr) #stop if we have found two labels for both axes if x_len>=2 and y_len>=2: break #util.write_array('temp.txt', self.image) pil_image = util.numpy_to_pil(self.image)'temp.png') if x_center_adjusted>self.x_domain[0]: #potential problem: out of order coord_spread. is that dangerous? if x_len==0: x_coords.append(x_center) ocr = util.ocr_cropped(pil_image, box) print 'ocr', ocr x_label_ocr.append(float(ocr)) elif x_len==1: x_coords.append(x_center) ocr = util.ocr_cropped(pil_image, box) print 'ocr', ocr x_label_ocr.append(float(ocr)) else: #the x labels have already been found pass else: if y_len==0: y_coords.append(y_center) ocr = util.ocr_cropped(pil_image, box) print 'ocr', ocr y_label_ocr.append(float(ocr)) elif y_len==1: y_coords.append(y_center) ocr = util.ocr_cropped(pil_image, box) print 'ocr', ocr y_label_ocr.append(float(ocr)) else: #the y labels have already been found pass #Make sure we have the x and y labels and label spreads if len(x_coords)>=2 and len(y_coords>=2): self.x_range.append(util.scale(x_label_ocr[0], x_coords, self.x_domain)) self.x_range.append(util.scale(x_label_ocr[1], x_coords, self.x_domain)) self.y_range.append(util.scale(y_label_ocr[0], y_coords, self.y_domain)) self.y_range.append(util.scale(y_label_ocr[1], y_coords, self.y_domain))
def narrate_commit(event, events): a, b = get_ab(event) if event['initiated']: enthusiasm = util.scale(event['success_ratio'], 1, 3, 0, 1) rules = { 'courting_phase': ['<p>#dating#</p>'], 'dating_phase': ['<p>#iloveyou#</p>'], 'dating': ['#dating_challenge# #dating_result#'], 'iloveyou': ['#ily_challenge# #ily_result#'], 'dating_challenge': [ "#a# asked to start dating.", "#a# asked if #b# would be interested in dating.", ], 'dating_result': f"#b# agreed {util.enthusiastically(enthusiasm)}. " if event['success_ratio'] >= 1 else f'#b# said that {b["they"]} needed more time. ', 'ily_challenge': f"#a# said \"I love you,\"", 'ily_result': [ 'but #b# could not say it back. #a# was #hurt#' if event['success_ratio'] < 1 else f'and #b# returned the words {util.enthusiastically(enthusiasm)}.' ], 'hurt': util.rank( [ 'hurt, but said #a_they# understood.', 'wounded. A tear fell from #a#\'s left eye. ', 'devasted. #a_they.capitalize# had hoped #b#\'s response might have been different this time.', 'mortified. #a# shouted that #b# was wasting #a#\'s time. #b# shrugged. ' ], util.scale(event.get('prev', 0), 0, 3, 0, 1) ), 'a': a['name'], 'b': b['name'], 'a_they': a['they'] } elif event['initiate_ratio'] > 1: # Narrate a failed commit event held back by confidence rules = { 'courting_phase': '#origin#', 'dating_phase': '#origin#', 'origin': [ '#a# felt nervous, but excited. ', '#a# sighed. #b# seemed so amazing. But would #b_they# return #a#\'s feelings?', '#a# smiled quietly to themselves. Perhaps the right time to talk to #b# would come some day. ', "#a# had the urge to ask #b# about how they felt about the relationship, but wasn't quite confident enough to ask. ", ], 'a': a['name'], 'b': b['name'], 'b_they': b['they'], } else: # Not interested enough. rules = { 'courting_phase': [ "#a# continued to use dating apps from time to time. ", "#a# considered sending #b# a message, but decided not to. ", "#a# noticed a message from #b#. #a# ignored it. ", "#b# had yet to meet most of #a#'s friends. ", ], 'dating_phase': [ "#a#'s Facebook relationship status still read 'Single'. ", "#a# had yet to mention #b# to their parents. ", "#a# told #b# they were busy, but in fact #a# had no concrete plans that day. ", "#a# lay awake at night, mulling over exes from previous relationships. ", ], 'a': a['name'], 'b': b['name'], 'interest': a['interests'], } grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules) grammar.add_modifiers(base_english) if event['phase'] == Phase.COURTING: print(grammar.flatten('<p>#courting_phase#</p>')) elif event['phase'] == Phase.DATING: print(grammar.flatten('<p>#dating_phase#</p>')) print('\n') narrate_commit_system(event)