Exemple #1
    def build_field_tuple_and_path(self, ctx, path):
        typ = self._type
        fields = []
        newpath = []
        while len(path) > 0:
            if typ.is_int():
                assert False, "Can't have base type if there is more left in path"
            elif typ.is_array() or typ.is_pointer():
                if typ.is_array():
                    if not util.path_condition_implies(
                            ctx, z3.ULT(path[0],
                                        typ.length()), print_model=True):
                        raise IndexError(
                            "Can not prove index %s is within array bounds %s"
                            % (path[0], typ.length()))

                if typ.is_pointer():
                    if not util.path_condition_implies(ctx, path[0] == 0):
                        raise RuntimeError("Pointer arithmetic not supported")

                typ = typ.deref()
            elif typ.is_struct():
                field = util.simplify(path[0]).as_long()
                typ = typ.field(field)
                assert False, "Unhandled case"
            path = path[1:]
        return tuple(fields), newpath
Exemple #2
    def branch(self, ctx, cond, cond_type, iftrue, iffalse):
        self.assertion(ctx, not cond.is_poison(), "path condition is poison")
        assert itypes.integer_size(cond_type) == 1

        scond = util.simplify(cond)

        can_be_true = not z3.is_false(scond)
        can_be_false = not z3.is_true(scond)

        if ctx['depth'] >= ctx['prune_depth']:
            can_be_true = not z3.is_false(
                scond) and not util.path_condition_implies(ctx, z3.Not(scond))
            can_be_false = not can_be_true or (
                not z3.is_true(scond)
                and not util.path_condition_implies(ctx, scond))

        true_branch_exc = None
        false_branch_exc = None

        trueval = None
        falseval = None

        if can_be_true:
                trueval = iftrue()
            except ex.UnreachableException, e:
                stacktrace = getattr(e, 'stacktrace', None)
                               "Panic " + repr(e),
                can_be_true = False
            except BaseException, e:
                true_branch_exc = e
Exemple #3
    def learn(self, transitions, rewards):

        # Prepare for learning
        attributes = ["X_pos", "Y_pos", "X_size", "Y_size", "Colour", "Shape", "Nothing", "Reward"]
        model_updated = False
        if transitions and rewards:
            att_list = range(REWARD + 1)
        elif transitions and not rewards:
            att_list = range(REWARD)
        elif not transitions and rewards:
            att_list = [REWARD]

        # For each object attribute or reward
        for i in att_list:

            # print("**************************")
            # print("Learning schemas for " + attributes[i])
            # print("**************************")

            remaining = dict(zip(self.data[i].keys(),[[] for key in self.data[i].keys()]))

            # For each attribute/reward value to be predicted
            for key in self.data[i].keys():

                # If the maximum number of schemas has already been learn we skip this round of learning
                if len(self.schemas[i][key]) >= LIMIT:
                    remaining[key] = self.data[i][key]

                # If we are predicting rewards the learning data is constructed from all objects that have changed
                if i == REWARD:

                    # Form positive cases
                    xYes = []
                    xNo = []
                    for datum in self.data[i][key]:
                        predicted = False
                        for o in datum.keys():
                            if self.checkDatum([datum[o], key], i, consistency_check=True):
                                predicted = True
                                # self.evidence[i][key].append(datum)
                        if not predicted:
                            xYes += [datum[c] for c in self.obsChanges]
                            xNo += [datum[o]for o in datum.keys() if o not in self.obsChanges]

                            # if not self.checkDatum([datum[o], key], i)[0]:
                            #     xYes += [datum[c] for c in self.obsChanges]
                            #     xNo += [datum[o] for o in datum.keys() if o not in self.obsChanges]

                    # Form negative cases
                    for other in self.data[i].keys():
                        if other != key:
                            xNo += util.flatten([[datum[o] for o in datum.keys()] for datum in self.data[i][other] + self.evidence[i][other]])

                # Otherwise we construct learning data in the standard way

                    # Form positive cases
                    xYes = []
                    for datum in self.data[i][key]:
                        if datum[0][i] != key:
                            # if self.checkDatum([datum,key], i)[0]:
                            #     self.evidence[i][key].append(datum)
                            # else:
                            #     xYes.append(datum)
                            if not self.checkDatum([datum,key], i, consistency_check=True):

                    self.data[i][key] = [datum for datum in self.data[i][key] if datum not in self.evidence[i][key]]

                    # Form negative cases
                    xNo = [self.data[i][other] + self.evidence[i][other] for other in self.data[i].keys() if other != key]
                    xNo = util.flatten(xNo)

                # If there are no changes in this attribute of the primary object then we skip this round of learning
                if len(xYes) == 0:
                    remaining[key] = self.data[i][key]
                    # print("no changes for " + str(key))

                # Form binary vectors for learning
                xYes = [util.toBinary(self, item) for item in xYes]
                xNo = [util.toBinary(self, item) for item in xNo]
                schemas = [util.toBinarySchema(self, schema) for schema in self.schemas[i][key]]
                oldSchemas = deepcopy(schemas)

                # print("Learning for " + str(key))

                # Learn and output schemas, new evidence, and remaining positive cases
                if i == REWARD:
                    [binarySchemas, _, _] = lern.learnSchemas(xYes, xNo, schemas, self.deterministic)
                    [binarySchemas, binaryEvidence, binaryRemaining] = lern.learnSchemas(xYes, xNo, schemas, self.deterministic)

                # print("111111111111111111")
                # print schemas
                # print("222222222222222222")
                # print binarySchemas
                # print("333333333333333333")

                # Name new schemas
                new_names = []
                new_schemas = [util.fromBinarySchema(self, s, key) for s in binarySchemas if s not in oldSchemas]
                for s in new_schemas:
                    s.name = self.num_schemas
                    self.num_schemas += 1

                # Convert learnt schemas and evidence from binary output and add to model
                self.schemas[i][key] += new_schemas
                self.schemas[i][key] = util.simplify(self, self.schemas[i][key], key, attributes[i])

                # Get initial counts of and display new schemas
                new_printed = False
                for s in self.schemas[i][key]:
                    if s.name in new_names:
                        if not new_printed:
                            print("New schemas: ")
                            new_printed = True
                            model_updated = True
                        if not self.deterministic:
                            s.get_initial_counts(self, i)
                        print(attributes[i] + " = " + str(key) + " <- " + s.display(no_head=True))

            #     # If they are reward schemas then the binary evidence and remaining data are not in the correct form to be stored
            #     if i == REWARD:
            #         for datum in self.data[i][key]:
            #             predicted = False
            #             for o in datum.keys():
            #                 if self.checkDatum([datum[o], key], i)[0]:
            #                     predicted = True
            #                     self.evidence[i][key].append(datum)
            #                     break
            #             if not predicted:
            #                 remaining[key].append(datum)
            #     # Otherwise we can convert directly back from the binary data and store the resukt
            #     else:
            #         self.evidence[i][key] += [util.fromBinary(self, datum) for datum in binaryEvidence]
            #         remaining[key] = [util.fromBinary(self, datum) for datum in binaryRemaining]
            # self.data[i] = remaining

        return model_updated