def test_timedelta_total_seconds(): # Take care not to directly compare results of float operations # for exact values! assert util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(0, 0, 0)) == 0.0 assert util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(0, 1, 0)) == 1.0 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 0, 1)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 0.000001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 1, 1)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 1 + 0.000001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 5, 1)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 5 + 0.000001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 5, 100)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 5 + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(3, 5, 100)) - ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) + 5 + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(0, 5, 100)) - (5 + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(3, 0, 100)) - ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs( util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(3, 5, 0)) - ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) + 5)) < 0.001
def test_timedelta_total_seconds(): # Take care not to directly compare results of float operations # for exact values! assert util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(0, 0, 0)) == 0.0 assert util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(0, 1, 0)) == 1.0 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 0, 1)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 0.000001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 1, 1)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 1 + 0.000001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 5, 1)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 5 + 0.000001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(1, 5, 100)) - ((24 * 60 * 60) + 5 + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(3, 5, 100)) - ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) + 5 + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(0, 5, 100)) - (5 + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(3, 0, 100)) - ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) + 0.0001)) < 0.001 assert abs(util.timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta(3, 5, 0)) - ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) + 5)) < 0.001
def _check_duration_exceeded(self, data, db_now_utc, entry): """Called when there is a "started_at" value. There is a started_at, and may or not be a completed_at. Sends an event if the extract ran too long. """ if entry.completed_at: run_time = timedelta_total_seconds(entry.completed_at, entry.started_at) else: # Compute how long it's been running so far run_time = int((db_now_utc - entry.started_at).\ total_seconds()) if data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DURATION_ERROR] and \ (run_time >= data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DURATION_ERROR]) and \ not entry.notification_state & \ ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DURATION_ERROR: data['extract_duration_seconds'] = run_time self._eventgen(EventControl.EXTRACT_DURATION_ERROR, data, entry) entry.notification_state |= \ ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DURATION_ERROR elif data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DURATION_WARN] and \ (run_time >= \ data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DURATION_WARN]) and \ not entry.notification_state & \ (ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DURATION_WARN | ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DURATION_ERROR): # Note: We don't send a WARN event if we already sent an ERROR data['extract_duration_seconds'] = run_time self._eventgen(EventControl.EXTRACT_DURATION_WARN, data, entry) entry.notification_state |= \ ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DURATION_WARN
def _check_start_delay(self, data, db_now_utc, entry): """Check for delayed start time. Sends an event on start time exceeded. """ time_since_created = timedelta_total_seconds(db_now_utc, entry.created_at) # Check to see if the extract STARTED late. if data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DELAY_ERROR] and \ (time_since_created >= \ data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DELAY_ERROR]) and \ not entry.notification_state & \ ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DELAY_ERROR: data['extract_delay_seconds'] = time_since_created self._eventgen(EventControl.EXTRACT_DELAY_ERROR, data, entry) entry.notification_state |= \ ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DELAY_ERROR elif data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DELAY_WARN] and \ (time_since_created >= \ data[SystemKeys.EXTRACT_DELAY_WARN]) and \ not entry.notification_state & \ (ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DELAY_WARN | \ ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DELAY_ERROR): # Note: We don't send a WARN event if we already sent an ERROR data['extract_delay_seconds'] = time_since_created self._eventgen(EventControl.EXTRACT_DELAY_WARN, data, entry) entry.notification_state |= ExtractNotification.EXTRACT_DELAY_WARN
def _eventgen(self, key, data, entry): """Fill in information into the data dictionary and send the event.""" # Placeholder to be set by the next steps. entry.system_user_id = -1 item_entry = self._add_info(entry) if key == EventControl.EXTRACT_OK: if item_entry: self.server.extract_archive.add(item_entry, entry) else:"extract OK: Can't archive workbook/datasource " "row - not found.") data = dict(data.items() + entry.todict().items()) if entry.completed_at is not None and entry.started_at is not None: duration = timedelta_total_seconds(entry.completed_at, entry.started_at) data['duration'] = duration data['duration_hms'] = to_hhmmss(duration) timestamp = utc2local(entry.completed_at) else: timestamp = None envid = self.server.environment.envid profile = UserProfile.get_by_system_user_id(envid, data['system_user_id']) if profile: data['username'] = profile.display_name() userid = profile.userid else: data['username'] = "******" userid = None self.server.event_control.gen(key, data, userid=userid, site_id=data['site_id'], timestamp=timestamp)
def info(p_json, p_home, p_repo, print_flag=True): import os p_user = util.get_user() p_is_admin = util.is_admin() pip_ver = get_pip_ver() this_os = "" this_uname = str(platform.system()) host_ip = util.get_host_ip() wmic_path = os.getenv("SYSTEMROOT", "") + os.sep + "System32" + os.sep + "wbem" + os.sep + "wmic" if this_uname == "Windows": import psutil host_display = os.getenv('LOGONSERVER','') + '\\' + os.getenv('COMPUTERNAME') system_cpu_cores = os.getenv('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS','1') os_arch = os.getenv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') cpu_model = check_output_wmic([wmic_path, "cpu", "get", "name"]) ## system_memory_in_gb ###################################### m = psutil.virtual_memory().total mem_bytes = int(m) system_memory_in_kbytes = mem_bytes / 1024.0 system_memory_in_gb = str(mem_bytes / (1024.0**3)) else: os_arch = util.getoutput("uname -m") host_display = util.get_host_short() ## Check the OS & Resources ######################################## plat = util.get_os() os_major_ver = "" if this_uname == "Darwin": mem_mb = util.get_mem_mb() system_memory_in_kbytes = mem_mb * 1024 system_memory_in_gb = mem_mb / 1024.0 system_cpu_cores = util.get_cpu_cores() cpu_model=util.getoutput("/usr/sbin/sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string") prod_name = util.getoutput("sw_vers -productName") prod_version = util.getoutput("sw_vers -productVersion") this_os = prod_name + " " + prod_version elif this_uname == "Linux": mem_mb = util.get_mem_mb() system_memory_in_kbytes = mem_mb * 1024 system_memory_in_gb = mem_mb / 1024.0 system_cpu_cores = util.get_cpu_cores() cpu_model=util.getoutput("grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2") os_major_ver = util.getoutput("cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION_ID | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\"'") if cpu_model == "": cpu_model="ARM" if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): this_os = util.getoutput("cat /etc/redhat-release") elif os.path.exists("/etc/system-release"): this_os = util.getoutput("cat /etc/system-release") elif os.path.exists("/etc/lsb-release"): this_os = util.getoutput("cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\"'") elif os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"): this_os = util.getoutput("cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\"'") elif this_uname == "Windows": caption = check_output_wmic([wmic_path, "os", "get", "caption"]) svcpack = check_output_wmic([wmic_path, "os", "get", "servicepackmajorversion"]) if svcpack == "0": this_os = caption else: this_os = caption + ", SP " + svcpack round_mem = util.pretty_rounder(float(system_memory_in_gb), 1) mem = str(round_mem) + " GB" cores = str(system_cpu_cores) cpu = cpu_model.strip() cpu = cpu.replace("(R)", "") cpu = cpu.replace("(TM)", "") cpu = cpu.replace(" CPU ", " ") os = this_os.replace(" release ", " ") os = os.replace(" (Final)", "") arch = os_arch.replace("x86_64", "AMD") arch = arch.replace("AMD64", "AMD") ver = util.get_version() [last_update_utc, last_update_local, unique_id] = util.read_hosts('localhost') if last_update_local: last_upd_dt = datetime.strptime(last_update_local, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") time_diff = int(util.timedelta_total_seconds( - last_upd_dt)) last_update_readable = util.get_readable_time_diff(str(time_diff), precision=2) versions_sql = util.get_versions_sql() perl_ver = util.get_perl_ver() [java_major_ver, java_ver] = util.get_java_ver() os_pkg_mgr = util.get_pkg_mgr() jvm_location = util.get_jvm_location() if p_json: infoJsonArray = [] infoJson = {} infoJson['version'] = ver infoJson['home'] = p_home infoJson['user'] = p_user infoJson['host'] = host_display infoJson['host_short'] = util.get_host_short() infoJson['host_long'] = util.get_host() infoJson['host_ip'] = util.get_host_ip() infoJson['os'] = unicode(str(os),sys.getdefaultencoding(),errors='ignore').strip() infoJson['os_pkg_mgr'] = os_pkg_mgr infoJson['os_major_ver'] = os_major_ver infoJson['platform'] = unicode(str(plat),sys.getdefaultencoding(),errors='ignore').strip() infoJson['arch'] = arch infoJson['mem'] = round_mem infoJson['cores'] = system_cpu_cores infoJson['cpu'] = cpu infoJson['last_update_utc'] = last_update_utc if last_update_local: infoJson['last_update_readable'] = last_update_readable infoJson['unique_id'] = unique_id infoJson['repo'] = p_repo infoJson['versions_sql'] = versions_sql infoJson['system_memory_in_kb'] = system_memory_in_kbytes infoJson['python_ver'] = python_ver infoJson['python_exe'] = python_exe if pip_ver != 'None': infoJson['pip_ver'] = pip_ver infoJson['perl_ver'] = perl_ver infoJson['java_ver'] = java_ver infoJson['java_major_ver'] = java_major_ver infoJson['jvm_location'] = jvm_location infoJsonArray.append(infoJson) if print_flag: print(json.dumps(infoJson)) return else: return infoJson if p_is_admin: admin_display = " (Admin)" else: admin_display = "" langs = "Python v" + python_ver if perl_ver > "": langs = langs + " | Perl v" + perl_ver if java_ver > "": langs = langs + " | Java v" + java_ver util.validate_distutils_click(False) print(style_start + ("#" * 70) + style_end) print(style_start + "# IO: " + style_end + "v" + ver + " " + p_home) print(style_start + "# User & Host: " + style_end + p_user + admin_display + " " + host_display) print(style_start + "# Operating System: " + style_end + os.rstrip() + " - " + str(plat)) print(style_start + "# Machine: " + style_end + mem + ", " + cores + " vCPU, " + cpu) print(style_start + "# Programming Langs: " + style_end + langs) default_repo = "" if p_repo != default_repo: print(style_start + "# Repo URL: " + style_end + p_repo) if versions_sql == "versions.sql": pass else: print(style_start + "# Versions SQL: " + style_end + versions_sql) if not last_update_local: last_update_local="None" print(style_start + "# Last Update: " + style_end + str(last_update_local)) print(style_start + ("#" * 70) + style_end)
def _test_for_load_alerts(self, rows, entry, agent, body): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # Different event types are described in PD-5352. # print "action = ", entry.action, "body = ", body errorlevel = self.system[SystemKeys.HTTP_LOAD_ERROR] warnlevel = self.system[SystemKeys.HTTP_LOAD_WARN] if not errorlevel and not warnlevel: # alerts for http-requests aren't enabled return # if entry.action == 'show' and not entry.vizql_session and \ # not entry.currentsheet: # # Type 5 # self._eventgen(EventControl.HTTP_INITIAL_LOAD_FAILED, # agent, entry, body=body) # return if entry.action in ('performPostLoadOperations', 'sessions', 'get_customized_views'): # Type 2: Post-Initial View Generation, but Success Not Certain seconds = int( timedelta_total_seconds(entry.completed_at, entry.created_at)) body['post_initial_compute'] = seconds body['duration'] = seconds # fixme: remove when event doesn't use elif entry.action == 'bootstrapSession': if entry.currentsheet and entry.vizql_session and \ entry.status == 200: # Type 1: Initial Successful View Generation # Remove information from the 'bootstrapSession' row # as we will be using the better information from the # 'show' row. body = {} seconds_compute = int( timedelta_total_seconds(entry.completed_at, entry.created_at)) body['view_compute_duration'] = seconds_compute show_entry = self._find_vizql_entry(rows, entry, 'show') if not show_entry: logger.error( "http load test Type 1: http_requests " "For id %d, action %s, vizql_session %d, " "did not find 'show'",, entry.action, entry.vizql_session) return seconds_load = int( timedelta_total_seconds(show_entry.completed_at, show_entry.created_at)) body['view_load_duration'] = seconds_load seconds = body['view_compute_duration'] + \ body['view_load_duration'] body['total_view_generation_time'] = seconds body['duration'] = seconds # fixme: remove when event # doesn't use # For the event, use the action='show' row since it has # more information than the action='bootstrapSession' row. entry = show_entry # Update the body repository_url, view, etc. with the # 'show' row. self._parseuri(entry.http_request_uri, body) elif entry.vizql_session and entry.status == 500: # Type 3: Failed Initial View Generation show_entry = self._find_vizql_entry(rows, entry, 'show') if not show_entry: logger.error( "http load test Type 3: " "http_requests " "For id %d, action %s, vizql_session %d, " "did not find 'show'",, entry.action, entry.vizql_session) return # Use the information from the 'show' row instead of # the 'bootstrapSession' since the 'show' row has more info. body = {} entry = show_entry self._parseuri(entry.http_request_uri, body) self._eventgen(EventControl.HTTP_LOAD_TYPE_3, agent, entry, body=body) return # elif not entry.currentsheet and not entry.vizql_session: # # Type 4: currentsheet is blank or empty and vizql_session # # is blank or empty # self._eventgen(EventControl.HTTP_LOAD_TYPE_4, # agent, entry, body=body) # return else: logger.debug( "http load test: " "http_requests " "For id %d, action %s, currently unhandled " "bootstrapSession case",, entry.action) return # print 'found it id:',, 'action:', entry.action, # print ', body:', body, ', seconds:', seconds else: # print 'ignoring id:',, 'action:', entry.action, # print ', body:', body return # print 'id:',, 'action:', entry.action, # print 'body:', body, 'seconds:', seconds if errorlevel != 0 and seconds >= errorlevel: self._eventgen(EventControl.HTTP_LOAD_ERROR, agent, entry, body=body) elif warnlevel != 0 and seconds >= warnlevel: self._eventgen(EventControl.HTTP_LOAD_WARN, agent, entry, body=body)
def info(p_json, p_home, p_repo, print_flag=True): import os p_user = util.get_user() p_is_admin = util.is_admin() this_os = "" this_uname = str(platform.system()) host_ip = util.get_host_ip() wmic_path = os.getenv( "SYSTEMROOT", "") + os.sep + "System32" + os.sep + "wbem" + os.sep + "wmic" if this_uname == "Windows": import psutil host_display = os.getenv('LOGONSERVER', '') + '\\' + os.getenv('COMPUTERNAME') system_cpu_cores = os.getenv('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS', '1') os_arch = os.getenv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') cpu_model = subprocess.check_output([wmic_path, "cpu", "get", "name"]).strip().split("\n")[1] ## system_memory_in_gb ###################################### m = psutil.virtual_memory().total mem_bytes = int(m) system_memory_in_kbytes = mem_bytes / 1024.0 system_memory_in_gb = mem_bytes / (1024.0**3) else: os_arch = util.getoutput("uname -m") HOST = util.get_host_short() host_display = "{0} {1}".format(HOST, host_ip) ## Check the OS & Resources ######################################## plat = util.get_os() if this_uname == "Darwin": system_memory_in_bytes = int( util.getoutput("/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.memsize | awk '{print $2}'")) system_memory_in_kbytes = system_memory_in_bytes / 1024 system_memory_in_gb = system_memory_in_bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 system_cpu_cores = int( util.getoutput( "/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.physicalcpu | awk '{print $2}'")) cpu_model = util.getoutput( "/usr/sbin/sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string") prod_name = util.getoutput("sw_vers -productName") prod_version = util.getoutput("sw_vers -productVersion") this_os = prod_name + " " + prod_version elif this_uname == "Linux": system_memory_in_kbytes = int( util.getoutput("cat /proc/meminfo | awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}'")) system_memory_in_gb = system_memory_in_kbytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0 system_cpu_cores = int( util.getoutput( "egrep -c 'processor([[:space:]]+):.*' /proc/cpuinfo")) cpu_model = util.getoutput( "grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2") if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): this_os = util.getoutput("cat /etc/redhat-release") elif os.path.exists("/etc/system-release"): this_os = util.getoutput("cat /etc/system-release") elif os.path.exists("/etc/lsb-release"): this_os = util.getoutput( "cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\"'" ) elif this_uname == "Windows": caption_result = subprocess.check_output( [wmic_path, "os", "get", "caption"]) try: caption = str(caption_result).strip().split("\n")[1] except UnicodeDecodeError as e: caption = unicode(caption_result, sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='ignore').strip().split("\n")[1] svcpack_result = subprocess.check_output( [wmic_path, "os", "get", "servicepackmajorversion"]) try: svcpack = str(svcpack_result).strip().split("\n")[1] except UnicodeDecodeError as e: svcpack = unicode(svcpack_result, sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='ignore').strip().split("\n")[1] if svcpack == "0": this_os = caption else: this_os = caption + ", SP " + svcpack round_mem = util.pretty_rounder(system_memory_in_gb, 1) mem = str(round_mem) + " GB" cores = str(system_cpu_cores) + " x" cpu = cpu_model.strip() cpu = cpu.replace("(R)", "") cpu = cpu.replace("(TM)", "") cpu = cpu.replace(" CPU ", " ") os = this_os.replace(" release ", " ") os = os.replace(" (Final)", "") arch = os_arch.replace("x86_64", "x64") arch = arch.replace("AMD64", "x64") ver = util.get_pgc_version() [ interval, last_update_utc, next_update_utc, last_update_local, next_update_local, unique_id ] = util.read_hosts('localhost') if last_update_local: last_upd_dt = datetime.strptime(last_update_local, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") time_diff = int( util.timedelta_total_seconds( - last_upd_dt)) last_update_readable = util.get_readable_time_diff(str(time_diff), precision=2) versions_sql = util.get_versions_sql() if p_json: infoJsonArray = [] infoJson = {} infoJson['version'] = ver infoJson['home'] = p_home infoJson['user'] = p_user infoJson['host'] = host_display infoJson['host_short'] = util.get_host_short() infoJson['host_long'] = util.get_host() infoJson['host_ip'] = util.get_host_ip() infoJson['os'] = unicode(str(os), sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='ignore').strip() infoJson['platform'] = unicode(str(plat), sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='ignore').strip() infoJson['arch'] = arch infoJson['mem'] = round_mem infoJson['cores'] = system_cpu_cores infoJson['cpu'] = cpu infoJson['interval'] = interval infoJson['last_update_utc'] = last_update_utc if last_update_local: infoJson['last_update_readable'] = last_update_readable infoJson['next_update_utc'] = next_update_utc infoJson['unique_id'] = unique_id infoJson['repo'] = p_repo infoJson['versions_sql'] = versions_sql infoJson['system_memory_in_kb'] = system_memory_in_kbytes infoJson['python_ver'] = python_ver infoJson['python_exe'] = python_exe if pip_ver != 'None': infoJson['pip_ver'] = pip_ver infoJsonArray.append(infoJson) if print_flag: print(json.dumps(infoJsonArray, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) return else: return infoJson if p_is_admin: admin_display = " (Admin)" else: admin_display = "" print(style_start + ("#" * 70) + style_end) print(style_start + "# PGC: " + style_end + "v" + ver + " " + p_home) print(style_start + "# User & Host: " + style_end + p_user + admin_display + " " + host_display) print(style_start + "# Platform: " + style_end + plat + " | " + os.rstrip()) if pip_ver != "None": print(style_start + "# Python: " + style_end + "pip v" + pip_ver + \ " | v" + python_ver + " | " + python_exe) else: print(style_start + "# Python: " + style_end + "v" + python_ver + " | " + python_exe) print(style_start + "# Hardware: " + style_end + mem + ", " + cores + " " + cpu) default_repo = "" if p_repo != default_repo: print(style_start + "# Repo URL: " + style_end + p_repo) if versions_sql == "versions.sql": pass else: print(style_start + "# Versions SQL: " + style_end + versions_sql) if not last_update_local: last_update_local = "None" print(style_start + "# Last Update: " + style_end + str(last_update_local)) if interval: print(style_start + "# Update Interval: " + style_end + str(interval)) print(style_start + "# Next Update : " + style_end + str(next_update_local)) print(style_start + ("#" * 70) + style_end)