def test(): global OVERRIDE_PROMPTS OVERRIDE_PROMPTS = True # init cursor and connection then clear init_db() clear_db() init_db() success = add_entry_db('A002,R051,02-00-00,LEXINGTON AVE,NQR456,BMT,09/19/2015,00:00:00,REGULAR,0005317608,0001797091') commit_db() assert success == True assert len(cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM entries WHERE CA=?', ('A002',)).fetchall()) == 1 # bad format success = add_entry_db('A002,R051,02-00-00,LEXINGTON AVE,NQR456,BMT,09/19/2015,00:00:00,REGU') assert success == False # test file clear_db() init_db() file_to_db('test/turnstile_150926.txt') num_entries = len(cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM entries').fetchall()) assert num_entries == 194625 # test url clear_db() init_db() url_to_db('') num_entries = len(cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM entries').fetchall()) assert num_entries == 194625 OVERRIDE_PROMPTS = False trace('tests pass')
def main(): dbname = "" start_date = datetime(2010, 5, 5) end_date = date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" if (len(sys.argv) == 4): dbname = sys.argv[1] start_date = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2], date_format) end_date = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[3], date_format) else: print( "Usage: <db name> <start date: YYYY-MM-DD> <end date: YYYY-MM-DD>" ) return # init db trace('initializing db:', dbname) db.init_db(dbname) # get links links = scraper.get_links_by_date(start_date, end_date) # for each link, do url_to_db for date, link in links: trace('loading file:', link) db.url_to_db(link)
def removeLiberty(self, lib): try: self.liberties.remove(lib) except KeyError: trace( " >>> Warning : tried to remove a liberty that doesn't exist <<<", 0)
def main(): dbname = "" start_date = datetime(2010, 5, 5) end_date = date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" if(len(sys.argv) == 4): dbname = sys.argv[1] start_date = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2], date_format) end_date = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[3], date_format) else: print("Usage: <db name> <start date: YYYY-MM-DD> <end date: YYYY-MM-DD>") return # init db trace('initializing db:', dbname) db.init_db(dbname) # get links links = scraper.get_links_by_date(start_date, end_date) # for each link, do url_to_db for date,link in links: trace('loading file:', link) db.url_to_db(link)
def checkConnection(self): currentTime = if (currentTime - self.lastPing).total_seconds() > 320: trace( "No ping received in the last 5 minutes, reconnecting to twitch chat ...", 0) self.initSocket()
def removeGroup(self, group): trace("Killing group %d" %, 2) for move in group.moves: _, enemies, _ = self.adjacent(move, group.color) x, y = move self.board[x][y] = None for enemy in enemies: enemy.addLiberty(move) self.groups.pop(
def startSabakiCommunication(): application = tornado.web.Application( [(r'/', WSHandler), ] ) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(4257, address="localhost") for sock in http_server._sockets.values(): trace(sock.getsockname(), 2) trace("#####", 2) return comInstance
def generateOverlay(self, variation, user, colors=False): trace("Generating Overlay image for variation %s" % variation, 2) drawSize = (self.ovBaseImageSize[0] * self.antialias, self.ovBaseImageSize[1] * self.antialias) output ="RGBA", size=drawSize, color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) drawContext = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(output) for i in range(len(variation)): move, color = variation[i] x, y = move offset = self.antialias * 3 left = self.ovTopleft[0] + self.ovDimensions[0] * x / 19 + offset top = self.ovTopleft[1] + self.ovDimensions[1] * y / 19 + offset right = self.ovTopleft[0] + self.ovDimensions[0] * (x + 1) / 19 - offset bottom = self.ovTopleft[1] + self.ovDimensions[1] * (y + 1) / 19 - offset # Draw an outlined circle if colors: if color == COLOR_BLACK: drawContext.ellipse( (left, top, right, bottom), outline="white", fill="white" ) drawContext.ellipse( (left + offset, top + offset, right - offset, bottom - offset), outline="black", fill="black" ) else: drawContext.ellipse( (left, top, right, bottom), outline="black", fill="black" ) drawContext.ellipse( (left + offset, top + offset, right - offset, bottom - offset), outline="white", fill="white" ) else: drawContext.ellipse( (left + offset*6, top + offset*6, right - offset*6, bottom - offset*6), outline="black", fill="black" ) drawContext.ellipse( (left + offset*7, top + offset*7, right - offset*7, bottom - offset*7), outline=(205,200,60,0), fill=(205,200,60,0) ) # Draw the move number moveNumber = str(i+1) w, h = drawContext.textsize(moveNumber, font=self.ovFont) W = right - left H = bottom - top textX = left + self.antialias + (W - w) / 2 textY = top - self.antialias + (H - h) / 2 drawContext.text( (textX - offset, textY - offset), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX + offset, textY - offset), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX - offset, textY + offset), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX + offset, textY + offset), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX - offset, textY), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX + offset, textY), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX, textY - offset), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX, textY + offset), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="black") drawContext.text( (textX, textY), moveNumber, font=self.ovFont, fill="white") output = output.resize(self.ovBaseImageSize, PIL.Image.LANCZOS) # t = self.baseTimeVariation + len(variation) * self.timePerStone if self.timer.running: self.timer.addImage(output, t) else: self.timer = OverlayTimer(self) self.timer.addImage(output, t) self.timer.start()
def toggleCommunication(self): if not self.useSabaki: return if self.communicationActive: trace("Pausing updates to sabaki", 0) self.comThread.pauseComms() self.communicationActive = False else: trace("Resuming updates to sabaki", 0) self.comThread.resumeComms() self.communicationActive = True
def test(): open_db('db/mta-2015-09-12.db') turnstiles = get_turnstiles() assert len(turnstiles) == 4579 stations = get_stations() assert len(stations) == 465 rows = per_station(stations[0]) assert len(rows) > 0 trace('tests pass')
def test(): content = get_site() links = get_turnstile_links(content) assert len(links) == 282 #legit as of 30 Sept 2015 r = get_links_by_date(datetime(2015, 8, 1), datetime(2015, 8, 31)) assert len(r) == 5 # 5 entries for August 2015 s = get_links_by_date(datetime(2013, 4, 6), datetime(2013, 4, 27)) assert len(s) == 4 # test edge case trace('test pass')
def __init__(self,parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,-1) self.Sizer=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) from util import trace trace(ExpandoTextCtrl) #profile = ExpandoTextCtrl(self,style= wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER|wx.NO_BORDER|wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.TE_NOHIDESEL|wx.TE_RICH) profile=FormattedInput(self) self.Sizer.Add(profile,0) self.Layout()
def endProgram(self): trace("Ending program", 0) self.twitchBot.stop() del self.twitchBot self.twitchBot = None if self.useSabaki: self.comThread.closeSabaki() self.daemonThread.stop() del self.daemonThread self.daemonThread = None self.comThread.stop() del self.comThread self.comThread = None
def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) from util import trace trace(ExpandoTextCtrl) # profile = ExpandoTextCtrl(self,style= wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER|wx.NO_BORDER|wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.TE_NOHIDESEL|wx.TE_RICH) profile = FormattedInput(self) self.Sizer.Add(profile, 0) self.Layout()
def __init__(self, capture=None): self.groups = {} self.nextGroupId = 0 self.board = [] for _ in range(19): col = [] for _ in range(19): col.append(None) self.board.append(col) if capture is not None: for x in range(19): for y in range(19): color = capture[x][y] if color != 0: trace("Adding stone %d at %d - %d" % (color, x, y), 2) self.addStone((x, y), color)
def test_util(): # test conversion old = "A022,R022,01-00-01,04-23-10,04:00:00,RECOVR,012277581,004593025,04-23-10,08:00:00,AUD,012277627,004593158,04-23-10,12:00:00,REGULAR,012278037,004593983,04-23-10,16:00:00,REGULAR,012279285,004594519,04-23-10,20:00:00,REGULAR,012281573,004594935" converted = convert_format(old) assert converted[0] == "A022,R022,01-00-01,NULL,NULL,NULL,04-23-10,04:00:00,RECOVR,012277581,004593025" assert converted[2] == "A022,R022,01-00-01,NULL,NULL,NULL,04-23-10,12:00:00,REGULAR,012278037,004593983" # test insertion of old format into db init_db() clear_db() init_db() url_to_db('') success_entries = cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entries').fetchone()[0] assert success_entries == 206758 trace('tests pass')
def getMessages(self): # twitch message structure -> :<user>!<user>@<user> PRIVMSG #<channel> :This is a sample message messages = [] data = self.getIRCData() if data is None: return messages trace("Got message %s" % data, 2) if "PING" in data: trace("Sending pong", 3) self.ircSend("PONG") matches = re.findall( ":(.+)\!(.+)\@(.+) PRIVMSG #%s :(.+)$" %, data, re.MULTILINE) for match in matches: user = match[0] content = match[3].rstrip() messages.append((content.lower(), user)) return messages
def test(): global OVERRIDE_PROMPTS OVERRIDE_PROMPTS = True # init cursor and connection then clear init_db() clear_db() init_db() success = add_entry_db( 'A002,R051,02-00-00,LEXINGTON AVE,NQR456,BMT,09/19/2015,00:00:00,REGULAR,0005317608,0001797091' ) commit_db() assert success == True assert len( cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM entries WHERE CA=?', ('A002', )).fetchall()) == 1 # bad format success = add_entry_db( 'A002,R051,02-00-00,LEXINGTON AVE,NQR456,BMT,09/19/2015,00:00:00,REGU') assert success == False # test file clear_db() init_db() file_to_db('test/turnstile_150926.txt') num_entries = len(cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM entries').fetchall()) assert num_entries == 194625 # test url clear_db() init_db() url_to_db( '' ) num_entries = len(cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM entries').fetchall()) assert num_entries == 194625 OVERRIDE_PROMPTS = False trace('tests pass')
def initSocket(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(2) try: sock.connect((settings["twitch_host"], settings["twitch_port"])) except: trace( "Cannot connect to server %s:%s" % (settings["twitch_host"], settings["twitch_port"]), 0) return self.socket = sock # sock.settimeout(None) self.ircSend("PASS %s\r\n" % settings["twitch_bot_oauth"]) self.ircSend("NICK %s\r\n" % settings["twitch_bot_name"]) self.ircSend( "USER %s 8 * %s\r\n" % (settings["twitch_bot_name"], settings["twitch_bot_name"])) data = sock.recv(1024) if "Login unsuccessful" in data: trace( "Couldn't login to twitch chat, your bot's password is probably wrong.", 0) return else: trace("Logged in to twitch chat.", 0) self.ircSend("JOIN #%s\r\n" % self.running = True self.lastPing =
def test_util(): # test conversion old = "A022,R022,01-00-01,04-23-10,04:00:00,RECOVR,012277581,004593025,04-23-10,08:00:00,AUD,012277627,004593158,04-23-10,12:00:00,REGULAR,012278037,004593983,04-23-10,16:00:00,REGULAR,012279285,004594519,04-23-10,20:00:00,REGULAR,012281573,004594935" converted = convert_format(old) assert converted[ 0] == "A022,R022,01-00-01,NULL,NULL,NULL,04-23-10,04:00:00,RECOVR,012277581,004593025" assert converted[ 2] == "A022,R022,01-00-01,NULL,NULL,NULL,04-23-10,12:00:00,REGULAR,012278037,004593983" # test insertion of old format into db init_db() clear_db() init_db() url_to_db( '' ) success_entries = cursor.execute( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entries').fetchone()[0] assert success_entries == 206758 trace('tests pass')
def test_std_dev(): data = """[(69660,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-09 08:22:00","08:22:00","REGULAR",2177371,742200,0,115), (69661,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-09 12:22:00","12:22:00","REGULAR",2177371,742420,0,220), (69662,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-09 16:22:00","16:22:00","REGULAR",2177371,742781,0,361), (69663,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-09 20:22:00","20:22:00","REGULAR",2177371,743341,0,560), (69664,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-10 00:22:00","00:22:00","REGULAR",2177371,743469,0,128), (69665,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-10 04:22:00","04:22:00","REGULAR",2177371,743510,0,41), (69666,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-10 08:22:00","08:22:00","REGULAR",553671722,184576396,551494351,183832886), (69667,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-10 12:22:00","12:22:00","REGULAR",553672337,184576516,615,120), (69668,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-10 16:22:00","16:22:00","REGULAR",553673019,184576738,682,222), (69669,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-10 20:22:00","20:22:00","REGULAR",553673853,184577021,834,283), (69670,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-11 00:22:00","00:22:00","REGULAR",553674073,184577133,220,112), (69671,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-11 04:22:00","04:22:00","REGULAR",553674104,184577158,31,25), (69672,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-11 08:22:00","08:22:00","REGULAR",553674630,184577234,526,76), (69673,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-11 12:22:00","12:22:00","REGULAR",553675325,184577382,695,148), (69674,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-11 16:22:00","16:22:00","REGULAR",553676083,184577614,758,232), (69675,"N203","R195","00-00-03","161 ST-YANKEE","BD4","IND","2015-09-11 20:22:00","20:22:00","REGULAR",553676556,184578274,473,660)]""" dataset = eval(data) removed = remove_outliers(dataset) assert removed == 1 trace('tests pass')
def main(): numargs = len(sys.argv) if numargs < 2 or numargs > 3: print('Usage: python mta_cleaner <db_path> <optional: clean>') return open_db(sys.argv[1]) if numargs == 2: add_columns() turnstiles = get_turnstiles() count = 0 for ts in turnstiles: rows = per_turnstile(ts) crunch_turnstile_rows(rows) count += 1 if count % 100 == 0: trace(, count, 'of', len(turnstiles)) if numargs == 3 and sys.argv[2] == 'clean': turnstiles = get_turnstiles() remove_outliers_by(turnstiles, per_turnstile)
def run(self): trace("Twitch bot start", 1) while self.running: trace("Twitch bot update", 2) messages = self.getMessages() for message in messages: self.parseMessage(message) self.checkConnection() time.sleep(self.refreshRate) trace("Twitch bot end", 1)
def remove_outliers_by(things, per_thing): trace('Removing outliers...') count = 0 count_thing = 0 for ts in things: rows = per_thing(ts) removed = remove_outliers(rows) if len(removed) > 0: one = removed[0] trace('Removed %d outliers from %s, station %s, id %d, %d %d' % (len(removed), str(ts), one[4], one[0], int(one[index_entries] or 0), int(one[index_exits] or 0))) count += 1 count_thing += 1 if (count_thing % 100 == 0): trace(, 'Thing %d of %d' % (count_thing, len(things))) trace(, 'Done. Removed %d points' % count) connection.commit()
def test_update(collection1, collection2, verbose=False): for i in range(1, 10): exceptionOne = None exceptionTwo = None update = gen.random_update(collection1) util.trace('debug', '\n========== Update No.', i, '==========') util.trace('debug', 'Query:', update['query']) util.trace('debug', 'Update:', str(update['update'])) util.trace('debug', 'Number results from collection: ', gen.count_query_results(collection1, update['query'])) for item in collection1.find(update['query']): util.trace('debug', 'Find Result1:', item) for item in collection2.find(update['query']): util.trace('debug', 'Find Result2:', item) try: if verbose: all = [x for x in collection1.find(dict())] for item in collection1.find(update['query']): print '[{}] Before update doc:{}'.format( type(collection1), item) print 'Before update collection1 size: ', len(all) collection1.update(update['query'], update['update'], upsert=update['upsert'], multi=update['multi']) except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e: exceptionOne = e except MongoModelException as e: exceptionOne = e try: if verbose: all = [x for x in collection2.find(dict())] for item in collection2.find(update['query']): print '[{}]Before update doc:{}'.format( type(collection2), item) print 'Before update collection2 size: ', len(all) collection2.update(update['query'], update['update'], upsert=update['upsert'], multi=update['multi']) except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e: exceptionTwo = e except MongoModelException as e: exceptionTwo = e if (exceptionOne is None and exceptionTwo is None): # happy case, proceed to consistency check pass elif exceptionOne is not None and exceptionTwo is not None: # or (exceptionOne is not None and exceptionTwo is not None and exceptionOne.code == exceptionTwo.code)): # TODO re-enable the exact error check. # TODO re-enable consistency check when failure happened return (True, True) else: print 'Unmatched result: ' print type(exceptionOne), ': ', str(exceptionOne) print type(exceptionTwo), ': ', str(exceptionTwo) ignored_exception_check(exceptionOne) ignored_exception_check(exceptionTwo) return (False, False) if not check_query(dict(), collection1, collection2): return (False, False) return (True, False)
def check_query(query, collection1, collection2, projection=None, sort=None, limit=0, skip=0): util.trace('debug', '\n==================================================') util.trace('debug', 'checking consistency bettwen the two collections...') util.trace('debug', 'query:', query) util.trace('debug', 'sort:', sort) util.trace('debug', 'limit:', limit) util.trace('debug', 'skip:', skip) exception_msg = list() ret1 = get_result(query, collection1, projection, sort, limit, skip, exception_msg) ret2 = get_result(query, collection2, projection, sort, limit, skip, exception_msg) if len(exception_msg) == 1: print '\033[91m\n', exception_msg[0], '\033[0m' return False global total_queries total_queries += 1 if len(ret1) == 0 and len(ret2) == 0: global zero_resp_queries zero_resp_queries += 1 # print 'Zero responses so far: {}/{}'.format(zero_resp_queries, total_queries) if isinstance(ret1, util.MongoModelNondeterministicList): return elif isinstance(ret2, util.MongoModelNondeterministicList): return i = 0 try: for i in range(0, max(len(ret1), len(ret2))): assert ret1[i] == ret2[i] return True except AssertionError: print '\nQuery results didn\'t match at index %d!' % i print 'Query: %r' % query print 'Projection: %r' % projection print '\n %s' % format_result(collection1, ret1, i) print ' %s\n' % format_result(collection2, ret2, i) diff_results(collection1, ret1, collection2, ret2) # for i in range(0, max(len(ret1), len(ret2))): # print '\n%d: %s' % (i, format_result(collection1, ret1, i)) # print '%d: %s' % (i, format_result(collection2, ret2, i)) return False except IndexError: print 'Query results didn\'t match!' print 'Query: %r' % query print 'Projection: %r' % projection print '\n %s' % format_result(collection1, ret1, i) print ' %s\n' % format_result(collection2, ret2, i) diff_results(collection1, ret1, collection2, ret2) # for i in range(0, max(len(ret1), len(ret2))): # print '\n%d: %s' % (i, formatResult(collection1, ret1, i)) # print '%d: %s' % (i, formatResult(collection2, ret2, i)) return False
def getIRCData(self): try: data = self.socket.recv(self.socketBufferSize) return data except socket.timeout: trace("No message from twitch", 2)
def NavigateComplete2(self, this, pDisp, URL, *a): self.OnNav(URL[0]) def DocumentComplete(self, this, pDisp, URL, *a): self.OnDoc(URL[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': a = wx.PySimpleApp() _ = lambda s: s fbSize = (646, 436) url = '' from util import trace trace(IEWindow) f = wx.Frame(None, size = fbSize, title = 'ie test') ie = IEWindow(f, url = url) def ondoc(e): print type(e) print e print e.URL ie.Bind(iewin.EVT_DocumentComplete, ondoc) f.Show() a.MainLoop()
def parseMessage(self, message): content, user = message trace("Parsing message %s from %s" % (content, user), 2) # Check for game sequence coordMatches = re.findall("[a-z][0-9]{1,2}", content) trace(coordMatches, 1) if len(coordMatches) > 0: trace("Found coordinates from twitch chat !", 1) forcedColor = False # Check if there is a color for the first move if re.match("b [a-z][0-9]{1,2}", content): firstMove = COLOR_BLACK forcedColor = True elif re.match("w [a-z][0-9]{1,2}", content): firstMove = COLOR_WHITE forcedColor = True else: firstMove = 0 trace("First player %d" % firstMove, 2) # Change the coordinates into (col, row) tuples moves = [] color = if firstMove == 0 else firstMove for match in coordMatches: coords = self.parseCoordinates(match) moves.append((coords, color)) color = otherColor(color) trace("Moves %s" % str(moves), 2) # Check if the variation has a specific origin in the game tree, then send it to the game state variationIndex = None hasOrigin = re.match("(move)|(variation) ([0-9]+)", content) if hasOrigin: origin = re.match("move ([0-9]+)", content) if not origin: variation = re.match("variation ([0-9]+)", content) variationNumber = int(variation[0]) variationIndex = moves, variationNumber) trace("Expanding previous variation %d" % variationNumber, 1) else: moveNumber = int(origin[0]) variationIndex =, moveNumber) trace( "Creating variation %d from move %d" % (variationIndex, moveNumber), 1) else: variationIndex = trace("Creating variation %d" % variationIndex, 1) # if len(moves) == 0 and not hasOrigin: # return variationSgf, nMoves = if self.useSabaki: sabakiCom.requestVariation(variationSgf, user, nMoves) if self.overlayActive: self.variationOverlayGenerator.generateOverlay( moves, user, forcedColor)
def EnumStackFrames(self): trace("DebugStackFrameSniffer.EnumStackFrames called") return _wrap(EnumDebugStackFrames(self.debugger), axdebug.IID_IEnumDebugStackFrames)
def merge(self, other): """ Merge 2 groups together """ trace("Merging group %d into group %d" % (,, 2) self.moves += other.moves self.liberties |= other.liberties
def GetPositionOfContext(self, context): trace("GetPositionOfContext", context) context = unwrap(context) return context.offset, context.length
def __init__(self, debugger): self.debugger = debugger trace("DebugStackFrameSniffer instantiated")
except AttributeError: return self.seturl #SetPage = iewin.IEHtmlWindow.LoadString def SetPage(self, content): return self.SetPageSource(content) def BeforeLoad(self, event): self.OnNav(event.GetURL()) def StateChanged(self, event): if event.GetState() == webkit.WEBKIT_STATE_STOP: self.OnDoc(event.GetURL()) if __name__ == '__main__': a = wx.PySimpleApp() _ = lambda s: s fbSize = (646, 436) url = '' from util import trace trace(WebKitWindow) f = wx.Frame(None, size = fbSize, title = 'ie test') wk = WebKitWindow(f, url = url) f.Show() a.MainLoop()
def updateGame(self, capture): newMoves = [] potentialCapture = False for i in range(19): for j in range(19): color = capture[i][j] if color != self.board[i, j]: if color == 0: potentialCapture = True newMoves.append(((i, j), color)) if potentialCapture: groups = set([]) addedStones = [] colors = [] for pos, color in newMoves: if color == 0: groups.add(self.board.getGroupAt(pos)) else: addedStones.append(pos) colors.append(color) for group in groups: for lib in group.liberties: if lib not in addedStones: trace( "Liberties %s were never filled" % str(group.liberties), 0) trace( "Warning : couldn't find the order of moves, resetting game", 0) self.reset(capture) trace("Game reset complete", 0) return newMoves = [] for i in range(len(addedStones)): newMoves.append((addedStones[i], colors[i])) if len(newMoves) == 0: return elif len(newMoves) > 2: import time time.sleep(2) trace( "Warning : too many moves were played before last update, resetting game", 0) self.reset(capture) trace("Game reset complete", 0) elif len(newMoves) == 1: pos, color = newMoves[0] self.addMove(pos, color) else: # FIXME check for snapback knowWhoPlaysNext = True if self.nextToPlay == 0: knowWhoPlaysNext = False firstMove = newMoves[0] secondMove = newMoves[1] if self.nextToPlay == secondMove[1]: tmp = firstMove firstMove = secondMove secondMove = tmp self.addMove(firstMove[0], firstMove[1]) self.addMove(secondMove[0], secondMove[1]) if not knowWhoPlaysNext: self.nextToPlay = 0
def createGroup(self, pos, color, libs): group = Group(self.nextGroupId, pos, color, libs) self.groups[] = group trace("Created group %d at %d - %d" % (, pos[0], pos[1]), 2) self.nextGroupId += 1 return
def test_update(collections, verbose=False): okay = True for i in range(1, 10): update = gen.random_update(collections[0]) util.trace('debug', '\n========== Update No.', i, '==========') util.trace('debug', 'Query:', update['query']) util.trace('debug', 'Update:', str(update['update'])) util.trace('debug', 'Number results from collection: ', gen.count_query_results(collections[0], update['query'])) for item in transactional_shim.find(collections[0], update['query']): util.trace('debug', 'Find Result0:', item) exception = [] exception_msg = [] for coll in collections: try: if verbose: all = [x for x in coll.find(dict())] for item in transactional_shim.find(coll, update['query']): print 'Before update doc:', item print 'Before update coll size: ', len(all) transactional_shim.update(coll, update['query'], update['update'], upsert=update['upsert'], multi=update['multi']) if verbose: all = [x for x in coll.find(dict())] for item in coll.find(update['query']): print 'After update doc:', item print 'After update coll size: ', len(all) except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e: exception.append(e) exception_msg.append( util.join_n( 'Caught PyMongo error while attempting update: %s' % e[0], 'Query: %s' % update['query'], 'Update: %s' % update['update'], 'Upsert: {0}, Multi: {1}'.format( update['upsert'], update['multi']))) except MongoModelException as e: exception.append(e) exception_msg.append( util.join_n('Caught MongoModel error. Offending update(', str(update['query']), str(update['update']), str(update['upsert']), str(update['multi']), ')')) if len(exception_msg) == 1: print 'Update: ' + str(update['update']) print '\033[91m', exception[0], '\033[0m' print '\033[91m', exception_msg[0], '\033[0m' return False if not check_query(dict(), collections[0], collections[1]): print 'Update: ' + str(update['update']) return False return okay
b = wx.Button(f, -1, "vars") f.Sizer = sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sz.Add(b) f.docker = Docker(f) def printvars(e): from pprint import pprint pprint(vars(f.docker)) b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, printvars) trace(Docker) f.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, lambda e: sys.stdout.write("docked: %s\n" % f.docker.docked)) f.docker.Enabled = False p = wx.Panel(f2) sz = p.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) text = wx.StaticText(p, -1, "Not Docked") f.docker.OnDock += lambda docked: text.SetLabel("Docked!" if docked else "Not Docked") b = wx.CheckBox(p, -1, "&Docking") c = wx.CheckBox(p, -1, "&Auto Hiding") c.Enabled = False def on_dock(e): c.Enabled = f.docker.Enabled = e.IsChecked()