Exemple #1
def first_invalid(numbers):
    invalids = [
        w[25] for w in windowed(numbers, 26)
        if w[25] not in {a + b
                         for a, b in combinations(w[:25], 2)}
    return invalids[0]
    def got_matching_pairs(self):
        # cannot overlap - 4 in a row is a match, 3 in a row is not
        if SantaString2.four_in_a_row.match(self.s):
            return True

        without_triples = SantaString2.three_in_a_row.sub(lambda m: m.group(1) * 2, self.s)
        c = collections.Counter(windowed(without_triples, 2))
        return any(map(lambda v: v >= 2, c.values()))
def part1():
    with ManyLineInput('./input.txt', int) as data:
        socket = 0
        inbuilt = max(data) + 3
        counter = collections.Counter(
            map(lambda w: w[1] - w[0],
                windowed(sorted(data + [socket, inbuilt]), 2)))
        answer = counter[1] * counter[3]
        print(f"part 1: {answer}")
def part2():
    with ManyLineInput('./input.txt', Distance) as data:
        distances = {d.locations: d.distance for d in data}
        locations = reduce(lambda s, d: set(d.locations).union(s), data, set())
        answer = max(
                lambda selection: sum(
                    map(lambda w: distances[tuple(sorted(w))],
                        windowed(selection, 2))),
                permutations(locations, len(locations))))
        print(f"part 2: {answer}")
def got_straight(p):
    return any(
            lambda w: ord(w[0]) + 1 == ord(w[1]) and ord(w[1]) + 1 == ord(w[2]
            windowed(p, 3)))
 def got_split_pair(self):
     return any(map(lambda w: w[0] == w[2], windowed(self.s, 3)))
 def got_double_letter(self):
     return any(map(lambda w: w[0] == w[1], windowed(self.s, 2)))