Exemple #1
        except IndexError:
            # Don't try keys that are too long
        edit_dist_1 = float(util.edit_dist(first_bytes, second_bytes)) / key_len
        edit_dist_2 = float(util.edit_dist(second_bytes, third_bytes)) / key_len
        edit_dist_3 = float(util.edit_dist(third_bytes, fourth_bytes)) / key_len
        avg = (edit_dist_1 + edit_dist_2 + edit_dist_3) / 3
        lens_and_distances.append((key_len, avg))

    best_keysizes = sorted(lens_and_distances, key=lambda tup: tup[1])[0:

    for (keysize, score) in best_keysizes:
        # Break the ciphertext into blocks of size KEYSIZE, and transpose the
        # blocks so that the first char of the first block goes with first char
        # of second block, second chars go together, etc.
        transposed_blocks = break_and_transpose(ctext, keysize)
        full_key = ''

        # Next, solve each block as though it was single-character XOR to find
        # that part of the key. Put the best guesses for the single-character
        # keys together and use these to guess the actual key.
        for block in transposed_blocks:
            (_, _, key) = util.solve_single_char_xor(block)
            full_key += key
        # Correct plaintext isn't top result for the example (6.txt), but it's
        # in the output. :D
        print('Key: ' + full_key)
        print(util.xor_repeating(ctext, full_key))
Exemple #2
"""Repeating key XOR. Function is implemented in util, an example of usage is
from util import xor_repeating

PLAINTEXT = ("Burning 'em, if you ain't quick and nimble\n"
             "I go crazy when I hear a cymbal")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(xor_repeating(PLAINTEXT, KEY).encode('hex'))