class Player(threading.Thread): dbh = None shutdown = 0 cmdqueue = None state = "OK" sink = "oss" session = None cursong = None songqueue = None status = "PLAYING" songid = -1 totaltime = -1 playedtime = -1 playedpercentage = -1 def __init__(self, dbh): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.dbh = dbh self.cmdqueue = Queue.Queue(25) self.session = Session() self.songqueue = util.Queue.QueueManager(dbh, self) def _pop_cmd(self): try: return self.cmdqueue.get(0) except Exception: return None def push_cmd(self, cmd): try: self.cmdqueue.put(cmd) log.debug("audio", "Command %s pushed into queue", cmd) return True except Exception: return False def queueMove(self, oldindex, newindex): self.songqueue.move(oldindex, newindex) def queueRemove(self, index): log.debug("audio", "Removing index %d", index) self.songqueue.remove(index) def queueShuffle(self): log.debug("audio", "Shuffling Queue") self.songqueue.shuffle() def queueClear(self): self.songqueue.clear() def queueSong(self, songid): self.songqueue.add(songid) def setVolume(self, volume): if self.mixer is not None: bossao.bossao_setvol(volume) def getStatus(self): result = {} result['queuemd5sum'] = self.songqueue.getmd5sum() result['status'] = self.state if self.mixer is not None: result['volume'] = bossao.bossao_getvol() else: result['volume'] = 0 #if self.songqueue.usingqueue == True: result['queueindex'] = int(self.songqueue.getCurrentIndex()) #else: #result['queueindex'] = -1 if self.state != "STOP": result['songid'] = int(self.songid) result['playedpercentage'] = float(self.playedpercentage) result['timeplayed'] = float(self.playedtime) result['songlength'] = float(self.totaltime) return result def updateTimeInfo(self): self.playedtime = bossao.bossao_time_current() self.totaltime = bossao.bossao_time_total() if self.totaltime > 0: self.playedpercentage = self.playedtime / self.totaltime * 100 if self.playedflag == 1 and self.playedpercentage > 75: self.dbh.incrementTimesPlayed(self.songid); self.playedflag = 0 if bossao.bossao_finished() == 1: self.state = "NEXT" self.handleNextCommand() def _update_status(self): if self.session.hasKey('shutdown'): self.shutdown = 1 self.state = "SHUTDOWN" else: if self.state != "SHUTDOWN": self.updateTimeInfo() def initializeao(self): self.songdetails = self.songqueue.getCurrentSong() #opendev = bossao.bossao_start(self.lib, self.configfile) opendev = 0; if opendev is not 0: log.debug("audio", "Audio device not opened. Closing...") self.session['shutdown'] = 1 self.shutdown = 1 self.state = "SHUTDOWN" else: time.sleep(.1) #log.debug("audio", "Using AO device: %s", bossao2.bossao_driver_name(self.lib)) self.aoinitialized = 1 self.shutdown = 0 self.state = "STOPPED" def startPlaying(self): log.debug("funcs", "Player.startPlaying()") self.songdetails = self.songqueue.getCurrentSong() if self.songdetails is not None: log.debug("audio", "Calling bossao_play with filename %s", self.songdetails['filename']) bossao.bossao_stop () bossao.bossao_play(self.songdetails['filename']) log.debug("audio", "bossao_play returned") self.playedflag = 1 self.songid = self.songdetails["songid"] self.state = "PLAYING" self.dbh.incrementTimesStarted(self.songid); self.sleeplength = .3 def handleStopCommand(self): bossao.bossao_stop () #bossao.bossao_shutdown(self.lib) self.state = "STOPPED" self.sleeplength = 1 def handlePlayCommand(self): if self.state != "STOPPED": self.state = "PLAYING" bossao.bossao_unpause() else: self.startPlaying() def handlePauseCommand(self): if self.state != "STOPPED": # bossao_pause toggles the pause state and returns the new state # 1 = paused, 0 = playing pauseresult = bossao.bossao_pause() if pauseresult == 1: self.state = "PAUSED" self.sleeplength = 1 else: self.state = "PLAYING" self.sleeplength = .3 def handleNextCommand(self): self.startPlaying() def handleJumpCommand(self, index): if 0 <= index < len(self.songqueue.getSongIDs()): self.songqueue.jump(index) self.startPlaying() def run(self): commandhandlers = {"play": self.handlePlayCommand, "stop": self.handleStopCommand, "pause": self.handlePauseCommand, "next": self.handleNextCommand} self.aoinitialized = 0 session = Session() self.configfile = session['cfg'] self.lib = bossao.bossao_new(self.configfile, None) #self.mixer = bossao.bossao_new_mixer() self.mixer = 1 self.playedflag = 0 if self.dbh.getSongCacheSize() == 0: log.debug("audio", "No songs in database. Waiting for some to get imported.") self.state = "EMPTY DB" time.sleep(.5) while self.dbh.getSongCacheSize() == 0 and session.hasKey('shutdown') == 0: time.sleep(.5) #bossao.bossao_open_mixer(self.mixer, self.configfile.get("mixerdevice"), self.configfile.get("mixertype")) self.initializeao() if self.shutdown == 0: self.songdetails = None if self.configfile.getBoolean("stoponstart") == True: log.debug("audio", "Starting stopped") self.state = "STOPPED" self.sleeplength = 1 else: self.sleeplength = .3 self.startPlaying() log.debug("audio", "Starting player loop") while self.shutdown == 0: try: self._update_status() try: currentcommand = self._pop_cmd() if currentcommand is not None: log.debug("audio", "We have a command...%s", currentcommand) # call the handler for the current command # handlers will change self.state and self.sleeplength commandhandlers[currentcommand]() except KeyError: # We have to special case playindex because it has an argument if currentcommand[:len("playindex")] == "playindex" and len(currentcommand[len("playindex"):]) > 0: try: tmpsongid = int(currentcommand[len("playindex"):]) self.handleJumpCommand(tmpsongid) except Exception: log.exception("Error in playindex") else: log.error("Got unknown command %s", currentcommand) except EndOfQueueException.EndOfQueueException: log.debug("audio", "No songs left to play. Stopping...") self.state = "STOPPED" self.sleeplength = 1 time.sleep(self.sleeplength) time.sleep(1) log.debug("audio", "Calling shutdown") #bossao.bossao_shutdown(self.lib) #bossao.bossao_stop () bossao.bossao_free () #bossao.bossao_close_mixer(self.mixer) log.debug("audio", "Closing lib")
def run(self): commandhandlers = {"play": self.handlePlayCommand, "stop": self.handleStopCommand, "pause": self.handlePauseCommand, "next": self.handleNextCommand} self.aoinitialized = 0 session = Session() self.configfile = session['cfg'] self.lib = bossao.bossao_new(self.configfile, None) #self.mixer = bossao.bossao_new_mixer() self.mixer = 1 self.playedflag = 0 if self.dbh.getSongCacheSize() == 0: log.debug("audio", "No songs in database. Waiting for some to get imported.") self.state = "EMPTY DB" time.sleep(.5) while self.dbh.getSongCacheSize() == 0 and session.hasKey('shutdown') == 0: time.sleep(.5) #bossao.bossao_open_mixer(self.mixer, self.configfile.get("mixerdevice"), self.configfile.get("mixertype")) self.initializeao() if self.shutdown == 0: self.songdetails = None if self.configfile.getBoolean("stoponstart") == True: log.debug("audio", "Starting stopped") self.state = "STOPPED" self.sleeplength = 1 else: self.sleeplength = .3 self.startPlaying() log.debug("audio", "Starting player loop") while self.shutdown == 0: try: self._update_status() try: currentcommand = self._pop_cmd() if currentcommand is not None: log.debug("audio", "We have a command...%s", currentcommand) # call the handler for the current command # handlers will change self.state and self.sleeplength commandhandlers[currentcommand]() except KeyError: # We have to special case playindex because it has an argument if currentcommand[:len("playindex")] == "playindex" and len(currentcommand[len("playindex"):]) > 0: try: tmpsongid = int(currentcommand[len("playindex"):]) self.handleJumpCommand(tmpsongid) except Exception: log.exception("Error in playindex") else: log.error("Got unknown command %s", currentcommand) except EndOfQueueException.EndOfQueueException: log.debug("audio", "No songs left to play. Stopping...") self.state = "STOPPED" self.sleeplength = 1 time.sleep(self.sleeplength) time.sleep(1) log.debug("audio", "Calling shutdown") #bossao.bossao_shutdown(self.lib) #bossao.bossao_stop () bossao.bossao_free () #bossao.bossao_close_mixer(self.mixer) log.debug("audio", "Closing lib")