#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import util2
import gen_settingsstructs
import trans_langs

 * for gen_langs_html, show languages that don't have enough translations
   in a separate table

g_version = util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()

html_tmpl = """\
<!doctype html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Customizing SumatraPDF</title>
<style type=text/css>
body {
    font-size: 90%;
    background-color: #f5f5f5;

.desc {
    padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
		"tree (which can be quite large) (internal)",
		doc="data required to determine which parts of the table of contents have been expanded"),
	# NOTE: fields below UseDefaultState aren't serialized if UseDefaultState is true!
	Field("Thumbnail", Type(None, "RenderedBitmap *"), "NULL",
		"thumbnails are saved as PNG files in sumatrapdfcache directory",
	Field("Index", Type(None, "size_t"), "0",
		"temporary value needed for FileHistory::cmpOpenCount",

# list of fields which aren't serialized when UseDefaultState is set
rememberedDisplayState = ["DisplayMode", "ScrollPos", "PageNo", "Zoom", "Rotation", "WindowState", "WindowPos", "ShowToc", "SidebarDx", "DisplayR2L", "ReparseIdx", "TocState"]

GlobalPrefs = [
	Comment("For documentation, see http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/settings%s.html" % util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()),

	Field("MainWindowBackground", Color, RGB(0xFF, 0xF2, 0x00, a=0x80),
		"background color of the non-document windows, traditionally yellow",
	Field("EscToExit", Bool, False,
		"if true, Esc key closes SumatraPDF",
	Field("ReuseInstance", Bool, False,
		"if true, we'll always open files using existing SumatraPDF process",
	Field("UseSysColors", Bool, False,
		"if true, we use Windows system colors for background/text color. Over-rides other settings",
SessionData = [
	Array("TabStates", TabState,
		"a subset of FileState required for restoring the state of a single tab " +
		"(required for handling documents being opened twice)",
		doc="data required for restoring the view state of a single tab"),
	Field("TabIndex", Int, 1, "index of the currently selected tab (1-based)"),
	Field("WindowState", Int, 0,
		"same as FileState -> WindowState"),
	CompactStruct("WindowPos", WindowPos,
		"default position (can be on any monitor)", structName="RectI"),
	Field("SidebarDx", Int, 0,
		"width of favorites/bookmarks sidebar (if shown)"),

GlobalPrefs = [
	Comment("For documentation, see http://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/settings%s.html" % util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()),

	Field("MainWindowBackground", Color, RGB(0xFF, 0xF2, 0x00, a=0x80),
		"background color of the non-document windows, traditionally yellow",
	Field("EscToExit", Bool, False,
		"if true, Esc key closes SumatraPDF",
	Field("ReuseInstance", Bool, False,
		"if true, we'll always open files using existing SumatraPDF process",
	Field("UseSysColors", Bool, False,
		"if true, we use Windows system colors for background/text color. Over-rides other settings",
	Field("RestoreSession", Utf8String, "auto",
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import util2
import gen_settingsstructs
import trans_langs

 * for gen_langs_html, show languages that don't have enough translations
   in a separate table

g_version = util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()

html_tmpl = """\
<!doctype html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Customizing SumatraPDF %VER%</title>
<style type=text/css>
body {
    font-size: 90%;
    background-color: #f5f5f5;

.desc {
    padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
	Field("Index", Type(None, "size_t"), "0",
		"temporary value needed for FileHistory::cmpOpenCount",

WindowTabsInfo = [
	CompactStruct("Pos", WindowPos, "position of the window (can be on any monitor)", structName="RectI"),
	CompactArray("Files", String, None, "list of files (tabs) opened in this window"),
	Field("Index", Int, 1, "index of the currently selected tab (1-based)"),

# list of fields which aren't serialized when UseDefaultState is set
rememberedDisplayState = ["DisplayMode", "ScrollPos", "PageNo", "Zoom", "Rotation", "WindowState", "WindowPos", "ShowToc", "SidebarDx", "DisplayR2L", "ReparseIdx", "TocState"]

GlobalPrefs = [
	Comment("For documentation, see http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/settings%s.html" % util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()),

	Field("MainWindowBackground", Color, RGB(0xFF, 0xF2, 0x00, a=0x80),
		"background color of the non-document windows, traditionally yellow",
	Field("EscToExit", Bool, False,
		"if true, Esc key closes SumatraPDF",
	Field("ReuseInstance", Bool, False,
		"if true, we'll always open files using existing SumatraPDF process",
	Field("UseSysColors", Bool, False,
		"if true, we use Windows system colors for background/text color. Over-rides other settings",
SessionData = [
	Array("TabStates", TabState,
		"a subset of FileState required for restoring the state of a single tab " +
		"(required for handling documents being opened twice)",
		doc="data required for restoring the view state of a single tab"),
	Field("TabIndex", Int, 1, "index of the currently selected tab (1-based)"),
	Field("WindowState", Int, 0,
		"same as FileState -> WindowState"),
	CompactStruct("WindowPos", WindowPos,
		"default position (can be on any monitor)", structName="RectI"),
	Field("SidebarDx", Int, 0,
		"width of favorites/bookmarks sidebar (if shown)"),

GlobalPrefs = [
	Comment("For documentation, see http://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/settings%s.html" % util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()),

	Field("MainWindowBackground", Color, RGB(0xFF, 0xF2, 0x00, a=0x80),
		"background color of the non-document windows, traditionally yellow",
	Field("EscToExit", Bool, False,
		"if true, Esc key closes SumatraPDF",
	Field("ReuseInstance", Bool, False,
		"if true, we'll always open files using existing SumatraPDF process",
	Field("UseSysColors", Bool, False,
		"if true, we use Windows system colors for background/text color. Over-rides other settings",
	Field("RestoreSession", Bool, True,
def GenerateSettingsHtml():
	from gen_settings_html import html_tmpl, gen_struct, gen_settingsstructs
	s = html_tmpl.replace("%INSIDE%", gen_struct(gen_settingsstructs.GlobalPrefs, prerelease=True))
	ver = util2.get_sumatrapdf_version()
	return s.replace("%VER%", str(ver))