Exemple #1
def get_values_arr_and_dt_arr(ncVar_temporal, ncVar_values, fill_val=None, time_range=None, N_lev=None, ignore_Feb29th=False, i1_row_current_tile=None, i2_row_current_tile=None, i1_col_current_tile=None, i2_col_current_tile=None, add_offset=0.0, scale_factor=1.0):
        calend = ncVar_temporal.calendar
        calend = 'gregorian'
    time_arr = ncVar_temporal[:]
    dt_arr = numpy.array([util_dt.num2date(dt, calend=calend, units=units) for dt in time_arr])

    deltat = (dt_arr[1]-dt_arr[0]).total_seconds()
    if deltat != 86400.0:
        print "WARNING: Time interval of the input file is not daily!! Delta time is: "+str(deltat)
    if N_lev == None:
        assert(ncVar_values.ndim == 3)
        if time_range == None:
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[:,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
            # we adjust datetime.datetime objects from time_range
            dt = util_dt.num2date(ncVar_temporal[:][0], calend, units)
            time_range = util_dt.adjust_time_range(time_range, dt)    
            indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
            dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_subset]
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[indices_subset,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
        assert(ncVar_values.ndim == 4)
        if time_range == None:
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[:,N_lev,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
            # we adjust datetime.datetime objects from time_range
            dt = util_dt.num2date(ncVar_temporal[:][0], calend, units)
            time_range = util_dt.adjust_time_range(time_range, dt)
            indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
            dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_subset]
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[indices_subset,N_lev,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
    if fill_val != None:
        numpy.ma.set_fill_value(values_arr, fill_val)
    assert(dt_arr.ndim == 1)    
    assert(values_arr.ndim == 3)
    if ignore_Feb29th == True:
        mask_Feb29th = numpy.array([ (dt.month==2 and dt.day==29) for dt in dt_arr])
        indices_masked_Feb29th = numpy.where(mask_Feb29th==False)[0] # ...[0]: tuple to numpy.ndarray (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16127444/why-is-my-array-length-1-when-building-it-with-numpy-where)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_masked_Feb29th]
        values_arr = values_arr[indices_masked_Feb29th,:,:]
        return (dt_arr, values_arr)
        return (dt_arr, values_arr)
Exemple #2
def get_values_arr_and_dt_arr(ncVar_temporal, ncVar_values, fill_val=None, time_range=None, N_lev=None, lev_dim_pos=1, ignore_Feb29th=False, i1_row_current_tile=None, i2_row_current_tile=None, i1_col_current_tile=None, i2_col_current_tile=None, add_offset=0.0, scale_factor=1.0):
        calend = ncVar_temporal.calendar
        calend = 'gregorian'
    time_arr = ncVar_temporal[:]
    dt_arr = numpy.array([util_dt.num2date(dt, calend=calend, units=units) for dt in time_arr])

    # REMOVED, because netcdftime.datetime objects have no method total_seconds()
#     deltat = (dt_arr[1]-dt_arr[0]).total_seconds()
#     if deltat != 86400.0:
#         print "WARNING: Time interval of the input file is not daily!! Delta time is: "+str(deltat)
#     print  "+++", time_range   
    if N_lev == None:
        assert(ncVar_values.ndim == 3)  
        indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_subset]
        values_arr = (ncVar_values[indices_subset,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
        assert(ncVar_values.ndim == 4)
        indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_subset]
        if lev_dim_pos == 0:
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[N_lev,indices_subset,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[indices_subset,N_lev,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
    if fill_val != None:
        numpy.ma.set_fill_value(values_arr, fill_val)
    assert(dt_arr.ndim == 1)    
    assert(values_arr.ndim == 3)
    if ignore_Feb29th == True and not calend == '360_day':
        mask_Feb29th = numpy.array([ (dt.month==2 and dt.day==29) for dt in dt_arr])
        indices_masked_Feb29th = numpy.where(mask_Feb29th==False)[0] # ...[0]: tuple to numpy.ndarray (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16127444/why-is-my-array-length-1-when-building-it-with-numpy-where)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_masked_Feb29th]
        values_arr = values_arr[indices_masked_Feb29th,:,:]

    #values_arr = values_arr.astype(numpy.float64)
    return (dt_arr, values_arr)
Exemple #3
def get_values_arr_and_dt_arr(ncVar_temporal, ncVar_values, fill_val=None, time_range=None, N_lev=None, lev_dim_pos=1, ignore_Feb29th=False, i1_row_current_tile=None, i2_row_current_tile=None, i1_col_current_tile=None, i2_col_current_tile=None, add_offset=0.0, scale_factor=1.0):
        calend = ncVar_temporal.calendar
        calend = 'gregorian'
    time_arr = ncVar_temporal[:]
    dt_arr = numpy.array([util_dt.num2date(dt, calend=calend, units=units) for dt in time_arr])

    # REMOVED, because netcdftime.datetime objects have no method total_seconds()
#     deltat = (dt_arr[1]-dt_arr[0]).total_seconds()
#     if deltat != 86400.0:
#         print "WARNING: Time interval of the input file is not daily!! Delta time is: "+str(deltat)
#     print  "+++", time_range   
    if N_lev == None:
        assert(ncVar_values.ndim == 3)  
        indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_subset]
        values_arr = (ncVar_values[indices_subset,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
        assert(ncVar_values.ndim == 4)
        indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_subset]
        if lev_dim_pos == 0:
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[N_lev,indices_subset,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
            values_arr = (ncVar_values[indices_subset,N_lev,i1_row_current_tile:i2_row_current_tile, i1_col_current_tile:i2_col_current_tile] * scale_factor) + add_offset
    if fill_val != None:
        numpy.ma.set_fill_value(values_arr, fill_val)
    assert(dt_arr.ndim == 1)    
    assert(values_arr.ndim == 3)
    if ignore_Feb29th == True and not calend == '360_day':
        mask_Feb29th = numpy.array([ (dt.month==2 and dt.day==29) for dt in dt_arr])
        indices_masked_Feb29th = numpy.where(mask_Feb29th==False)[0] # ...[0]: tuple to numpy.ndarray (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16127444/why-is-my-array-length-1-when-building-it-with-numpy-where)
        dt_arr = dt_arr[indices_masked_Feb29th]
        values_arr = values_arr[indices_masked_Feb29th,:,:]
    return (dt_arr, values_arr)
Exemple #4
def get_tile_dimension(in_files, var_name, transfer_limit_Mbytes=None, time_range=None):
    Computes the total size of 3D variable array and returns the optimal tile dimension for spatial chunking.
    :param in_files: absolute path(s) to NetCDF dataset(s) (including OPeNDAP URLs)
    :type in_files: list
    :param var_name: variable name to process
    :type var_name: str
    :param transfer_limit_Mbytes: maximum OPeNDAP/THREDDS transfer limit in Mbytes (default: None) 
    :type transfer_limit_Mbytes: float
    :param time_range: time range
    :type time_range: list of 2 datetime objects: [dt1, dt2]
    rtype: int

    .. warning:: only for 3D variables
    if transfer_limit_Mbytes==None:
        return 0
        transfer_limit_bytes = transfer_limit_Mbytes * 1024 * 1024 # Mbytes --> bytes

        mfnc = MFDataset(in_files, 'r', aggdim='time')

        ndim = mfnc.variables[var_name].ndim
        if ndim != 3:
            print("ERROR: The variable to process must be 3D")
        v = mfnc.variables[var_name]
        v_shape = v.shape
        v_dtype = v.dtype
        v_nb_bytes = v_dtype.itemsize 
        if time_range == None: 
            total_array_size_bytes = v_shape[0] * v_shape[1] * v_shape[2] * v_nb_bytes
            optimal_tile_dimension = int(   numpy.sqrt( transfer_limit_bytes / (v.shape[0] * v_nb_bytes)  )   )
            var_time =  mfnc.variables['time']
                time_calend = var_time.calendar
                time_calend = 'gregorian'
            time_units = var_time.units
            time_arr = var_time[:]
            dt_arr = numpy.array([util_dt.num2date(dt, calend=time_calend, units=time_units) for dt in time_arr])
            indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
            nb_time_steps_after_subset = len(indices_subset)
            total_array_size_bytes = nb_time_steps_after_subset * v_shape[1] * v_shape[2] * v_nb_bytes
            optimal_tile_dimension = int(   numpy.sqrt( transfer_limit_bytes / (nb_time_steps_after_subset * v_nb_bytes)  )   )
        return optimal_tile_dimension
Exemple #5
def get_tile_dimension(in_files, var_name, transfer_limit_Mbytes=None, time_range=None):
    Computes the total size of 3D variable array and returns the optimal tile dimension for spatial chunking.
    :param in_files: absolute path(s) to NetCDF dataset(s) (including OPeNDAP URLs)
    :type in_files: list
    :param var_name: variable name to process
    :type var_name: str
    :param transfer_limit_Mbytes: maximum OPeNDAP/THREDDS transfer limit in Mbytes (default: None) 
    :type transfer_limit_Mbytes: float
    :param time_range: time range
    :type time_range: list of 2 datetime objects: [dt1, dt2]
    rtype: int

    .. warning:: only for 3D variables
    if transfer_limit_Mbytes==None:
        return 0
        transfer_limit_bytes = transfer_limit_Mbytes * 1024 * 1024 # Mbytes --> bytes

        mfnc = MFDataset(in_files, 'r', aggdim='time')

        ndim = mfnc.variables[var_name].ndim
        if ndim != 3:
            print("ERROR: The variable to process must be 3D")
        v = mfnc.variables[var_name]
        v_shape = v.shape
        v_dtype = v.dtype
        v_nb_bytes = v_dtype.itemsize 
        if time_range == None: 
            total_array_size_bytes = v_shape[0] * v_shape[1] * v_shape[2] * v_nb_bytes
            optimal_tile_dimension = int(   numpy.sqrt( transfer_limit_bytes / (v.shape[0] * v_nb_bytes)  )   )
            var_time =  mfnc.variables['time']
                time_calend = var_time.calendar
                time_calend = 'gregorian'
            time_units = var_time.units
            time_arr = var_time[:]
            dt_arr = numpy.array([util_dt.num2date(dt, calend=time_calend, units=time_units) for dt in time_arr])
            indices_subset = util_dt.get_indices_subset(dt_arr, time_range)
            nb_time_steps_after_subset = len(indices_subset)
            total_array_size_bytes = nb_time_steps_after_subset * v_shape[1] * v_shape[2] * v_nb_bytes
            optimal_tile_dimension = int(   numpy.sqrt( transfer_limit_bytes / (nb_time_steps_after_subset * v_nb_bytes)  )   )
        return optimal_tile_dimension