def visualize(model, graphs, res_dir, data_name, class_values, num=5): model.eval() preds = [] graph_loader = DataLoader(graphs, 50, shuffle=False) for data in tqdm(graph_loader): data = pred = model(data) preds.extend(pred.view(-1).tolist()) order = np.argsort(preds).tolist() highest = [PyGGraph_to_nx(graphs[i]) for i in order[-num:][::-1]] lowest = [PyGGraph_to_nx(graphs[i]) for i in order[:num]] highest_scores = [preds[i] for i in order[-num:][::-1]] lowest_scores = [preds[i] for i in order[:num]] scores = highest_scores + lowest_scores type_to_label = {0: 'u0', 1: 'v0', 2: 'u1', 3: 'v1', 4: 'u2', 5: 'v2'} #type_to_color = {0: 'r', 1: 'r', 2: 'k', 3: 'k', 4: 'k', 5: 'k'} #type_to_color = {0: 'xkcd:orangered', 1: 'xkcd:azure', 2: 'xkcd:orange', 3: 'xkcd:lightblue', 4: 'y', 5: 'g'} type_to_color = {0: 'xkcd:red', 1: 'xkcd:blue', 2: 'xkcd:orange', 3: 'xkcd:lightblue', 4: 'y', 5: 'g'} plt.axis('off') f = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) axs = f.subplots(2, num) #cmap = cmap ='rainbow') vmin, vmax = min(class_values), max(class_values) sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm.set_array([]) for i, g in enumerate(highest + lowest): u_nodes = [x for x, y in g.nodes(data=True) if y['type'] % 2 == 0] u0, v0 = 0, len(u_nodes) pos = nx.drawing.layout.bipartite_layout(g, u_nodes) bottom_u_node = min(pos, key=lambda x: (pos[x][0], pos[x][1])) bottom_v_node = min(pos, key=lambda x: (-pos[x][0], pos[x][1])) # swap u0 and v0 with bottom nodes if they are not already if u0 != bottom_u_node: pos[u0], pos[bottom_u_node] = pos[bottom_u_node], pos[u0] if v0 != bottom_v_node: pos[v0], pos[bottom_v_node] = pos[bottom_v_node], pos[v0] labels = {x: type_to_label[y] for x, y in nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'type').items()} node_colors = [type_to_color[y] for x, y in nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'type').items()] edge_types = nx.get_edge_attributes(g, 'type') edge_types = [edge_types[x] for x in g.edges()] #f.add_subplot(2, num, i+1) axs[i//num, i%num].axis('off') nx.draw_networkx(g, pos, #labels=labels, with_labels=False, node_size=150, node_color=node_colors, edge_color=edge_types, ax=axs[i//num, i%num], edge_cmap=cmap, edge_vmin=vmin, edge_vmax=vmax, ) # make u0 v0 on top of other nodes nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, {u0: pos[u0]}, nodelist=[u0], node_size=150, node_color='xkcd:red', ax=axs[i//num, i%num]) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, {v0: pos[v0]}, nodelist=[v0], node_size=150, node_color='xkcd:blue', ax=axs[i//num, i%num]) axs[i//num, i%num].set_title('{:.4f}'.format(scores[i]), x=0.5, y=-0.05, fontsize=20) f.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) cbar_ax = f.add_axes([0.88, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7]) if len(class_values) > 20: class_values = np.linspace(min(class_values), max(class_values), 20, dtype=int).tolist() cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=cbar_ax, ticks=class_values) f.savefig(os.path.join(res_dir, "visualization_{}.pdf".format(data_name)), interpolation='nearest', bbox_inches='tight')
def visualize( model, graphs, res_dir, data_name, class_values, num=5, sort_by="prediction" ): model.eval() R = [] Y = [] graph_loader = DataLoader(graphs, 50, shuffle=False) for data in tqdm(graph_loader): data = r = model(data).detach() y = data.y R.extend(r.view(-1).tolist()) Y.extend(y.view(-1).tolist()) if sort_by == "true": # sort graphs by their true ratings order = np.argsort(Y).tolist() elif sort_by == "prediction": order = np.argsort(R).tolist() elif sort_by == "random": # randomly select graphs to visualize order = np.random.permutation(range(len(R))).tolist() highest = [PyGGraph_to_nx(graphs[i]) for i in order[-num:][::-1]] lowest = [PyGGraph_to_nx(graphs[i]) for i in order[:num]] highest_scores = [R[i] for i in order[-num:][::-1]] lowest_scores = [R[i] for i in order[:num]] highest_ys = [Y[i] for i in order[-num:][::-1]] lowest_ys = [Y[i] for i in order[:num]] scores = highest_scores + lowest_scores ys = highest_ys + lowest_ys type_to_label = {0: "u0", 1: "v0", 2: "u1", 3: "v1", 4: "u2", 5: "v2"} type_to_color = { 0: "xkcd:red", 1: "xkcd:blue", 2: "xkcd:orange", 3: "xkcd:lightblue", 4: "y", 5: "g", } plt.axis("off") f = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) axs = f.subplots(2, num) cmap ="rainbow") vmin, vmax = min(class_values), max(class_values) sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm.set_array([]) for i, g in enumerate(highest + lowest): u_nodes = [x for x, y in g.nodes(data=True) if y["type"] % 2 == 0] u0, v0 = 0, len(u_nodes) pos = nx.drawing.layout.bipartite_layout(g, u_nodes) bottom_u_node = min(pos, key=lambda x: (pos[x][0], pos[x][1])) bottom_v_node = min(pos, key=lambda x: (-pos[x][0], pos[x][1])) # swap u0 and v0 with bottom nodes if they are not already if u0 != bottom_u_node: pos[u0], pos[bottom_u_node] = pos[bottom_u_node], pos[u0] if v0 != bottom_v_node: pos[v0], pos[bottom_v_node] = pos[bottom_v_node], pos[v0] labels = { x: type_to_label[y] for x, y in nx.get_node_attributes(g, "type").items() } node_colors = [ type_to_color[y] for x, y in nx.get_node_attributes(g, "type").items() ] edge_types = nx.get_edge_attributes(g, "type") edge_types = [class_values[edge_types[x]] for x in g.edges()] axs[i // num, i % num].axis("off") nx.draw_networkx( g, pos, # labels=labels, with_labels=False, node_size=150, node_color=node_colors, edge_color=edge_types, ax=axs[i // num, i % num], edge_cmap=cmap, edge_vmin=vmin, edge_vmax=vmax, ) # make u0 v0 on top of other nodes nx.draw_networkx_nodes( g, {u0: pos[u0]}, nodelist=[u0], node_size=150, node_color="xkcd:red", ax=axs[i // num, i % num], ) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( g, {v0: pos[v0]}, nodelist=[v0], node_size=150, node_color="xkcd:blue", ax=axs[i // num, i % num], ) axs[i // num, i % num].set_title( "{:.4f} ({:})".format(scores[i], ys[i]), x=0.5, y=-0.05, fontsize=20 ) f.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) cbar_ax = f.add_axes([0.88, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7]) if len(class_values) > 20: class_values = np.linspace( min(class_values), max(class_values), 20, dtype=int ).tolist() cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=cbar_ax, ticks=class_values) f.savefig( os.path.join(res_dir, "visualization_{}_{}.pdf".format(data_name, sort_by)), interpolation="nearest", bbox_inches="tight", )