Exemple #1
    def lock(self):
        Acquire the startip lock, protecting against allocation of the same
        ipdev stacked device to multiple resources or multiple services.
        timeout = convert_duration(self.svc.options.waitlock)
        if timeout is None or timeout < 0:
            timeout = 120
        delay = 1
        lockfd = None
        action = "startip"
        lockfile = os.path.join(Env.paths.pathlock, action)
        details = "(timeout %d, delay %d, action %s, lockfile %s)" % \
                  (timeout, delay, action, lockfile)
        self.log.debug("acquire startip lock %s", details)

            lockfd = utilities.lock.lock(timeout=timeout, delay=delay, lockfile=lockfile, intent="startip")
        except utilities.lock.LockTimeout as exc:
            raise ex.Error("timed out waiting for lock %s: %s" % (details, str(exc)))
        except utilities.lock.LockNoLockFile:
            raise ex.Error("lock_nowait: set the 'lockfile' param %s" % details)
        except utilities.lock.LockCreateError:
            raise ex.Error("can not create lock file %s" % details)
        except utilities.lock.LockAcquire as exc:
            raise ex.Error("another action is currently running %s: %s" % (details, str(exc)))
        except ex.Signal:
            raise ex.Error("interrupted by signal %s" % details)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ex.Error("unexpected locking error %s: %s" % (details, str(exc)))

        if lockfd is not None:
            self.lockfd = lockfd
Exemple #2
    def collector_list_unavailability_ack(self):
        if self.path is None:

        opts = {}
        opts['svcname'] = self.path
        if self.options.begin is not None:
            opts['begin'] = self.options.begin
        if self.options.end is not None:
            opts['end'] = self.options.end
        if self.options.author is not None:
            opts['author'] = self.options.author
        if self.options.comment is not None:
            opts['comment'] = self.options.comment
        if self.options.duration is not None:
            opts['duration'] = convert_duration(self.options.duration, _to="m")
        if self.options.account:
            opts['account'] = "1"
            opts['account'] = "0"

        d = self.collector.call('collector_list_unavailability_ack', opts)
        if d is None:
            raise ex.Error("xmlrpc unknown failure")
        if d['ret'] != 0:
            raise ex.Error(d['msg'])

        return d['data']
Exemple #3
    def collector_list_actions(self):
        opts = {}
        if self.path is not None:
            opts['svcname'] = self.path
        if self.options.begin is not None:
            opts['begin'] = self.options.begin
        if self.options.end is not None:
            opts['end'] = self.options.end
        if self.options.duration is not None:
            opts['duration'] = convert_duration(self.options.duration, _to="m")

        d = self.collector.call('collector_list_actions', opts)
        if d is None:
            raise ex.Error("xmlrpc unknown failure")
        if d['ret'] != 0:
            raise ex.Error(d['msg'])

        return d['data']
Exemple #4
    def _sched_parse_timerange(self, spec, section=None):
        Return the list of timerange data structure parsed from the <spec>
        definition string.
        min_tr_len = 1

        def parse_timerange(spec):
            if spec == "*" or spec == "":
                return {"begin": "00:00", "end": "23:59"}
            if "-" not in spec:
                spec = "-".join((spec, spec))
                begin, end = spec.split("-")
                raise SchedSyntaxError("split '%s' error" % spec)
            if begin.count(":") != 1 or \
               end.count(":") != 1:
                raise SchedSyntaxError(
                    "only one ':' allowed in timerange '%s' end" % spec)
            begin_m = self._time_to_minutes(begin)
            end_m = self._time_to_minutes(end)
            if begin_m == end_m:
                end_m += min_tr_len
                end = "%02d:%02d" % (end_m // 60, end_m % 60)
            return {"begin": begin, "end": end}

        if section and section.startswith("sync"):
            probabilistic = False
            probabilistic = True

        tr_list = []
        for _spec in spec.split(","):
            if len(_spec) == 0 or _spec == "*":
                tr_data = {
                    "probabilistic": probabilistic,
                    "begin": "00:00",
                    "end": "23:59",
                    "interval": 1441,
            ecount = _spec.count("@")
            if ecount == 0:
                tr_data = parse_timerange(_spec)
                tr_data["interval"] = self._interval_from_timerange(tr_data)
                if tr_data["interval"] <= min_tr_len + 1:
                    tr_data["probabilistic"] = False
                    tr_data["probabilistic"] = probabilistic

            elements = _spec.split("@")
            ecount = len(elements)
            if ecount < 2:
                raise SchedSyntaxError("missing @<interval> in '%s'" % _spec)
            if ecount > 2:
                raise SchedSyntaxError("only one @<interval> allowed in '%s'" %
            tr_data = parse_timerange(elements[0])
                tr_data["interval"] = convert_duration(elements[1],
            except ValueError as exc:
                raise SchedSyntaxError(
                    "interval '%s' is not a valid duration expression: %s" %
                    (elements[1], exc))
            tr_len = self._interval_from_timerange(tr_data)
            if tr_len <= min_tr_len + 1 or tr_data["interval"] < tr_len:
                probabilistic = False
            tr_data["probabilistic"] = probabilistic
        return tr_list