def calcAverageOfDayNight_dir(output_dir, dayDir, nightDir, patterns = (None, None)):
    print "calcAverage of Day & Night for directory: ", dayDir, nightDir
    #an empty array/vector in which to store the different bands
    if patterns[0]:
        all_dayfiles = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(os.path.dirname(dayDir), patterns[0])
        all_dayfiles = directoryUtils.buildFileList(os.path.dirname(dayDir), '.tif')
    if patterns[0]:
        all_nightfiles = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(os.path.dirname(nightDir), patterns[0])
        all_nightfiles = directoryUtils.buildFileList(os.path.dirname(nightDir), '.tif')
#    for df in all_dayfiles:

    return 0
def selectSeasonalFiles(base_path, seasonal, years, filenames):
    f_base = filenames[0]
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    seasons = []
    yrs = []
    for fl in all_files:
    if not years:
        # do all - get all files, work out what years are included
        years = set(yrs)
    if not seasonal:
        # do all
        seasonal = set(seasons) #['010203', '020304', '030405', '040506', '050607', '060708', '070809', '080910', '091011', '101112', '111201', '120102']

    files = set(all_files)
    fileList = []
    for s in seasonal:
        yrList = []
        for y in years:
            # create file
            fn = path.join(base_path, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}".format(f_base, y, s, ext))
            if fn in files:
                if path.isfile(fn):
        if yrList:
            t = s, yrList
    return fileList
def selectDekadFiles_Dates(base_path, start_date, end_date, filenames):
    fileList = []
    f_base = filenames[0]
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    # start_date is a list of [dekad, month, year]
    # end_date is a list of [dekad, month, year]

    start_m = start_date[1]
    end_m = 12

    # loop through range of years
    for y in range(start_date[2], end_date[2]+1): #range() goes up to, but not including, the stop value
        # loop from start month to end month for current year
        if y == end_date[2]:
            end_m = end_date[1]
        for m in range(start_m, end_m+1):
            start_d = 1
            end_d = 3
            if m == start_m and y == start_date[2]:
                # start at start dekad for first year
                start_d = start_date[0]
            # if on last month, stop at end dekad
            if m == end_m and y == end_date[2]:
                end_d = end_date[0]
            for d in range(start_d, end_d+1):
                # create file
                fn = path.join(base_path, "{0}.{1}.{2:02d}.{3}{4}".format(f_base, y, m, d, ext))
                if fn in all_files:
                    if path.isfile(fn):
        start_m = 1
    return fileList, True
def calcMonthlyAverages(base_path, output_path, functionList = [], filenames = ('idn_cli_chirps-v2.0', '.tif')):
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    # do all - get all files, work out what years are included
    yrs = []
    for fl in all_files:
    years = set(yrs)
    # do all
    months = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']

    filesList = selectMonthlyFiles(base_path, months, years, filenames)
    syr = min(years) #1981
    eyr = max(years)
    numyrs = int(eyr) - int(syr)
    for m in range(0,12):
        # for each month, calculate long term average
        fl = (filesList[m])[1]
#        mth = fl[0].split('.')[2]
#        print "Calculating long term average for ", fl
        newfilename = '{0}.{1}-{2}.{3}.monthly.{4}yrs'.format(filenames[0], syr, eyr, months[m], str(numyrs))
        if not functionList:
            # default is to calculate the average
        performCalculations(fl, newfilename, output_path, functionList)
    return 0
def selectMonthlyFiles(base_path, months, years, filenames):
    f_base = filenames[0]
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    if not years:
        # do all - get all files, work out what years are included
        yrs = []
        for fl in all_files:
        years = set(yrs)
    if not months:
        # do all
        months = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']

    files = set(all_files)
    fileList = []
    for m in months:
        yrList = []
        for y in years:
            # create file
            fn = path.join(base_path, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}".format(f_base, y, m, ext))
            if fn in files:
                if path.isfile(fn):
        mt = m, yrList
    return fileList
def mosaicMODIS(base_path, output_path, tools_path, work_path, filenames = ('MOD13Q1', '.hdf')):
    f_base = filenames[0] #'MOD13Q1'
    ext = filenames[1] #'.hdf'
    all_files = directoryUtils.buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    if not all_files:
        print 'No files found in ' + base_path + ', please check directory and try again'
        return -1
    param_file = os.path.join(work_path, f_base + ".prm")
    files_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for fl in all_files:
        if fl.endswith(ext):
            # add file to appropriate place in the dictionary
            yr_doy = getMODISYrAndDoY(fl)
    for i,v in files_dict.iteritems():
        # create a list file for mosaic for each day
        file_list = os.path.join(work_path, f_base + "_" + i + ".lst")
        writeMosaicList(file_list, v)
        mosaicname = os.path.join(output_path, '{0}.{1}.005_m{2}'.format(f_base, i, ext))
        # mosaic files for this day
        if mosaicFiles(file_list, mosaicname, tools_path) == -1:
            print 'Error generating mosaic ' + mosaicname
            outputname = os.path.join(output_path, '{0}.{1}.005{2}'.format(f_base, i, ext))
            generateParamFile(output_path, param_file, mosaicname, outputname)
            reprojectMosaic(param_file, tools_path)
            # remove temp file
    return 0
def tranformToWGS84(base_path, output_path, tools_path, filenames = ('MOD13Q1', '.tif'), out_proj = 'EPSG:4326', projection_text = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]'):
    f_base = filenames[0] #'MOD13Q1'
    ext = filenames[1] #'.tif'
    all_files = directoryUtils.buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    if not all_files:
        print 'No files found in ' + base_path + ', please check directory and try again'
        return -1
    for ifl in all_files:
        print "checking transform of {0}".format(ifl)
        raster = gdal.Open(ifl)
        projection = raster.GetProjection()
        print projection
        if projection != projection_text:
            # transform
                ofl = os.path.join(output_path, ifl)
                pf = platform.system()
                if 'Windows' in pf:
                    check_call([tools_path + 'gdalwarp.exe', '-t_srs', out_proj, ifl, ofl])
                elif 'Linux' in pf:
                    check_call([tools_path + 'gdalwarp', '-t_srs', out_proj, ifl, ofl])
            except CalledProcessError as e:
                print("Error in change projection")

    return 0
def getYearsList(base_path, ext, yrs = []):
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    # do all - get all files, work out what years are included
    y = []
    for fl in all_files:
        fl_yr = getCHIRPSYear(fl)
        if yrs:
            if int(fl_yr) >= yrs[0] and int(fl_yr) <= yrs[1]:
    years = set(y)
    return years
def selectDailyFiles(base_path, start_date, numdays, filenames):
    f_base = filenames[0]
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    base = start_date
    date_list = [base - datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, numdays)]

    files = set(all_files)
    fileList = []
    for d in date_list:
        # create filename
        fn = path.join(base_path, "{0}.{1}{2}".format(f_base, d.strftime("%Y.%m.%d"), ext))
        if fn in files:
            if path.isfile(fn):
    return fileList
def selectPentadFiles(base_path, pentad, months, years, filenames):
    f_base = filenames[0]
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    if not years:
        # do all - get all files, work out what years are included
        yrs = []
        for fl in all_files:
        years = set(yrs)
    if not months:
        # do all
        months = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']

    if not pentad:
        # do all pentads
        pentad = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

#    f_base = 'idn_cli_chirps-v2.0.'
    files = set(all_files)
    fileList = []
    for m in months:
        mList = []
        for p in pentad:
            yrList = []
            for y in years:
                # create file
                fn = "{0}{1}.{2}.{3}.{4}{5}".format(base_path, f_base, y, m, p, ext)
                if fn in files:
                    if path.isfile(fn):
            t = p, yrList
        mt = m, mList
    return fileList