def Main():

    # Collecting data from UNHCR.
    print '%s Collecting data from UNHCR.' % item('bullet')
    data = Fetch.Fetch()

    # Patching data.
    # Epoch time doesn't seem to be 1970.
    print '%s Patching data.' % item('bullet')
    # pdata = Patch.Epoch(data)
    pdata = Patch.Date(data)

    # Storing data in database.
    print '%s Storing records in database.' % item('bullet')
    StoreRecords(pdata, 'monthly_arrivals_by_country')

    print '%s Collected data from UNHCR successfully.' % item('success')

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s UNHCR Collector failed.' % item('error')
    scraperwiki.status('error', 'Collection failed.')
Exemple #2
def Main():

        # Collecting data from UNHCR.
        print '%s Collecting data from UNHCR.' % item('bullet')
        data = Fetch.Fetch()

        # Patching data.
        # Epoch time doesn't seem to be 1970.
        print '%s Patching data.' % item('bullet')
        # pdata = Patch.Epoch(data)
        pdata = Patch.Date(data)

        # Storing data in database.
        print '%s Storing records in database.' % item('bullet')
        StoreRecords(pdata, 'monthly_arrivals_by_country')

        print '%s Collected data from UNHCR successfully.' % item('success')

    except Exception as e:
        print '%s UNHCR Collector failed.' % item('error')
        scraperwiki.status('error', 'Collection failed.')
def collect():
  '''Scrapes and stores data in database.'''

  # Collecting URLs from OpenNepal.
  print '%s Collecting dataset URLs from OpenNepal.' % item('bullet')

  urls = []
  for page in range(0, 1):
    data = Scraper.ScrapeURLs(page=page)
    urls += data

  # Storing URLs.
  StoreRecords(urls, 'opennepal_urls')

  # Scrape content.
  errors = 0
  content = []
  print '%s Scraping datasets.' % item('bullet')
  for url in urls:
      c = Scraper.ScrapeContent(url=url['url'])

    except Exception as e:
      errors += 1
      print '%s Error scraping dataset: %s' % (item('error'), url['url'])
      print e

  print '%s There were a total of %s error(s) scraping data.'  % (item('warn'), str(errors))

  # Storing content.
  StoreRecords(content, 'opennepal_content')

  print '%s Collected data from OpenNepal successfully.\n' % item('success')

  return content
def export_json(data):
  '''Exports scraped data to JSONs in disk.'''

  print '%s Exporting datasets JSON to disk.' % item('bullet')

  # Default directory.
  d = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))[0]
  data_dir = os.path.join(d, 'data')

  # Calling JSON generators
  # to the default dir.
  ExportDatasets(data, data_dir)
  ExportResources(data, data_dir)

  print '%s Successfully exported JSON files.\n' % item('success')
def patch(data):
  '''Patching data.'''
  print '%s Patching data.' % item('bullet')

  out = []
  for record in data:
    record['id'] = Patcher.Slug(record['title'])
    record['dataset_date'] = Patcher.Date(record['date'])

  # Storing content.
  StoreRecords(out, 'opennepal_content')
  print '%s Patched data successfully.\n' % item('success')

  return out
def main(development=False):

  data = collect()

    # Either collect data or use
    # previously collected data from
    # database.
    if development is False:
      data = collect()
      pdata = patch(data)

      cursor = scraperwiki.sqlite.execute('SELECT * FROM opennepal_content')
      pdata = []
      for record in cursor['data']:
        pdata.append(dict(zip(cursor['keys'], record)))

    # Create static JSON files.

  # Send notification if scraper fails.
  except Exception as e:
    print '%s OpenNepal Scraper failed.' % item('error')
    print e
    scraperwiki.status('error', 'Collection failed.')
    os.system("mail -s 'OpenNepal: Scraper failed.' [email protected]")