Exemple #1
    def test_spatial_nearest_neighbor_radial(self):

        # build some test points
        x_in = [0, 4, 2, 0, 4]
        y_in = [0, 0, 2, 4, 4]
        x_out = [0, 2, 4]
        y_out = [1, 0, 3]
        pts_in = geometry.build_point_geometries(x_in, y_in)
        pts_out = geometry.build_point_geometries(x_out, y_out)

        # instantiate the interpolation class
        interpolation = SpatialInterpolation.NearestNeighborRadial

        # test multiple matches (large search distance)
        interpolation.set_param("max_distance", 10)
        mapped = interpolation.transform(pts_in, pts_out)
        self.assertTrue('None' not in mapped)
        self.assertTrue(len(mapped) == 3)

        # test no matches (very small search distance)
        interpolation.set_param("max_distance", 0)
        mapped = interpolation.transform(pts_in, pts_out)
        self.assertTrue('None' not in mapped)
        self.assertTrue(len(mapped) == 0)

        # test partial matches (small search distance)
        interpolation.set_param("max_distance", 1)
        mapped = interpolation.transform(pts_in, pts_out)
        self.assertTrue('None' not in mapped)
        self.assertTrue(len(mapped) == 2)
    def test_spatial_nearest_neighbor_radial(self):

        # build some test points
        x_in = [0,4,2,0,4]
        y_in = [0,0,2,4,4]
        x_out = [0,2,4]
        y_out = [1,0,3]
        pts_in = geometry.build_point_geometries(x_in, y_in)
        pts_out = geometry.build_point_geometries(x_out, y_out)

        # instantiate the interpolation class
        interpolation = SpatialInterpolation.NearestNeighborRadial

        # test multiple matches (large search distance)
        interpolation.set_param("max_distance", 10)
        mapped = interpolation.transform(pts_in, pts_out)
        self.assertTrue('None' not in mapped)
        self.assertTrue(len(mapped) == 3)

        # test no matches (very small search distance)
        interpolation.set_param("max_distance", 0)
        mapped = interpolation.transform(pts_in, pts_out)
        self.assertTrue('None' not in mapped)
        self.assertTrue(len(mapped) == 0)

        # test partial matches (small search distance)
        interpolation.set_param("max_distance", 1)
        mapped = interpolation.transform(pts_in, pts_out)
        self.assertTrue('None' not in mapped)
        self.assertTrue(len(mapped) == 2)
Exemple #3
def build_nodes(inp):
    geoms = {}
    lines = None
    with open(inp, "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    # first read all the node coordinates
    nodes = {}
    node_order = []
    cidx = find(lines, lambda x: "COORDINATES" in x)
    for line in lines[cidx + 3 :]:
        if line.strip() == "":
        vals = re.split(" +", line.strip())

        if vals[0] in nodes:
            nodes[vals[0]].append((float(vals[1]), float(vals[2])))
            nodes[vals[0]] = [(float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]))]

    for name, coords in nodes.iteritems():
        ptx = [x for x, y in coords]
        pty = [y for x, y in coords]
        g = geom_utilites.build_point_geometries(ptx, pty)
        geoms[name] = {"geometry": g}

    return geoms
Exemple #4
    def setup_model(self, geomcount, valuecount):

        # create an exchange item
        unit = mdl.create_unit('cubic meters per second')
        variable = mdl.create_variable('streamflow')

        # create exchange item
        item = stdlib.ExchangeItem(name='Test', desc='Test Exchange Item',
                                   unit=unit, variable=variable)

        # set exchange item geometries
        xcoords = [i for i in range(geomcount)]
        ycoords = [i*1.5 for i in range(geomcount)]
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(xcoords, ycoords)

        # set exchange item values
        start_time = dt.now()
        end_time = start_time+timedelta(minutes=valuecount - 1)
        time_step = 60 # in seconds
        item.initializeDatesValues(start_datetime=start_time, end_datetime=end_time, timestep_in_seconds=time_step)
        values = numpy.random.rand(valuecount, geomcount)

        # for i in range(len(dates)):
        item.setValuesBySlice(values) #, time_index_slice=(0,num_timesteps,1))

        return item, geoms
Exemple #5
    def calc_ti_geometries(self):

        elog.info("TOPMODEL: Building Geometry Objects")
        tigeoms = []
        satgeoms = []
        with open(self.topo_input, "r") as sr:

            lines = sr.readlines()
            ncols = int(lines[0].split(" ")[-1].strip())
            nrows = int(lines[1].split(" ")[-1].strip())
            lowerx = float(lines[2].split(" ")[-1].strip())
            lowery = float(lines[3].split(" ")[-1].strip())
            cellsize = float(lines[4].split(" ")[-1].strip())
            nodata = float(lines[5].split(" ")[-1].strip())

        # read ti data
        data = np.genfromtxt(self.topo_input, delimiter=" ", skip_header=6)

        # build X and Y coordinate arrays
        xi = np.linspace(lowerx, lowerx + ncols * cellsize, ncols)
        yi = np.linspace(lowery + nrows * cellsize, lowery, nrows)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)  # generate 2d arrays from xi, yi
        x = x.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        y = y.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        data = data.ravel()  # convert to 1-d

        # remove all nodata points from x, y arrays
        nonzero = np.where(data != nodata)
        x = x[nonzero]
        y = y[nonzero]

        tigeoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)

        self.ti_geoms = tigeoms
    def test_create_exchange_item(self):

        item = ExchangeItem('e1', 'Test', 'Test Exchange Item')

        # -- Create Unit --#
        unit = mdl.create_unit('cubic meters per second')

        # -- Create Variable --#
        variable = mdl.create_variable('streamflow')

        # set data
        dates = [datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) + datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(0, 100)]
        vals = [random.random() for i in range(0,100)]
        x = [random.random() for i in range(0,150)]
        y = [random.random() for i in range(0,150)]
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x,y)
        item.setValues2(vals, dates)

        self.assertTrue(item.name() == 'Test')
        self.assertTrue(item.description() == 'Test Exchange Item')
        self.assertTrue(len(item.getDates2()) == 100)  # assert the correct number of values
        self.assertTrue(item.getEarliestTime2() == datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)) # asser the correct start time
        self.assertTrue(item.getLatestTime2() == datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 10, 12, 0, 0))  # assert the correct end time
        self.assertTrue(len(item.getValues2()) == 100)  # assert the correct number of values
        self.assertTrue([] not in item.getValues2())    # assert no empty values

        default_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
        self.assertTrue(item.srs().ExportToWkt() == default_srs.ExportToWkt())
Exemple #7
    def calc_ti_geometries(self):

        elog.info('TOPMODEL: Building Geometry Objects')
        tigeoms = []
        satgeoms = []
        with open(self.topo_input, 'r') as sr:

            lines = sr.readlines()
            ncols = int(lines[0].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            nrows = int(lines[1].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            lowerx = float(lines[2].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            lowery = float(lines[3].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            cellsize = float(lines[4].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            nodata = float(lines[5].split(' ')[-1].strip())

        # read ti data
        data = np.genfromtxt(self.topo_input, delimiter=' ', skip_header=6)

        # build X and Y coordinate arrays
        xi = np.linspace(lowerx, lowerx + ncols * cellsize, ncols)
        yi = np.linspace(lowery + nrows * cellsize, lowery, nrows)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)  # generate 2d arrays from xi, yi
        x = x.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        y = y.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        data = data.ravel()  # convert to 1-d

        # remove all nodata points from x, y arrays
        nonzero = np.where(data != nodata)
        x = x[nonzero]
        y = y[nonzero]

        tigeoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)

        self.ti_geoms = tigeoms
Exemple #8
def build_nodes(inp):
    geoms = {}
    lines = None
    with open(inp,'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    # first read all the node coordinates
    nodes = {}
    node_order = []
    cidx = find(lines, lambda x: 'COORDINATES' in x)
    for line in lines[cidx+3:]:
        if line.strip() == '':
        vals = re.split(' +',line.strip())

        if vals[0] in nodes:
            nodes[vals[0]].append((float(vals[1]), float(vals[2])))
            nodes[vals[0]] = [(float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]))]

    for name,coords in nodes.iteritems():
        ptx = [x for x,y in coords]
        pty = [y for x,y in coords]
        g = geom_utilites.build_point_geometries(ptx, pty)
        geoms[name] = {'geometry':g}

    return geoms
Exemple #9
def insert_simulation(db, user, geomcount, valuecount):

    print '%d geometries, %d values per geometry' % (geomcount, valuecount)
    print 'Total number of data values: %d' % (valuecount * geomcount)

    # create an exchange item
    unit = mdl.create_unit('cubic meters per second')
    variable = mdl.create_variable('streamflow')

    # create exchange item
    item = stdlib.ExchangeItem(name='Test', desc='Test Exchange Item', unit=unit, variable=variable)

    # set exchange item geometries
    xcoords = numpy.random.rand(geomcount)
    ycoords = numpy.random.rand(geomcount)
    points = geometry.build_point_geometries(xcoords, ycoords)

    # set exchange item values
    start_time = dt.now()                                   # set start time to 'now'
    end_time = start_time + timedelta(days=valuecount-1)    # create endtime base on the number of values
    current_time = start_time                               # initial time
    dates = []                                              # list to hold dates
    values = []                                             # list to hold values for each date

    # populate dates list
    while current_time <= end_time:

        # add date

        # add some random values for each geometry
        values.append([random.random() for pt in points] )

        # increment time by 1 day
        current_time += timedelta(days=1)

    # set dates and values in the exchange item
    item.setValues2(values, dates)

    # create the simulation
    st = dt(2014, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0)
    et = dt(2014, 3, 1, 23, 0, 0)
    description = 'Some model descipription'
    name = 'test simulation'

    # turn off verbosity for simulation insert
    os.environ['LOGGING_SHOWINFO'] = '0'
    os.environ['LOGGING_SHOWDEBUG'] = '0'
    db.create_simulation('My Simulation', user[0], None, item, st, et, 1, 'days', description, name)
    os.environ['LOGGING_SHOWINFO'] = '1'

    # query simulations
    simulations = db.read.getAllSimulations()
    simulation = db.read.getSimulationByName('My Simulation')
    assert simulation is not None
    def test_add_geoms2(self):

        # add a single geom
        pt = geometry.build_point_geometry(10, 11)
        x, y, z = pt.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pt, Geometry2))

        ret = self.item.addGeometry(pt)

        g = self.item.getGeometries2(-1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, Geometry2))
        x, y, z = g.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(x == 10)
        self.assertTrue(y == 11)
        self.assertTrue(z == 0)

        # add an invalid geometry
        ret = self.item.addGeometry((0, 1, 1))

        # add many of geometries
        xs = range(100, 110)
        ys = range(110, 120)
        pts = geometry.build_point_geometries(xs, ys)
        geoms = []
        for pt in pts:
        ret = self.item.addGeometries2(geoms)
        g = self.item.getGeometries2(-1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, Geometry2))
        x, y, z = g.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(x == 109)
        self.assertTrue(y == 119)
        self.assertTrue(z == 0)

        # add a mix of valid and invalid geometries
        geoms = []
        for i in range(100, 110):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                pt = geometry.build_point_geometry(i, i + 1)
                geoms.append((i, i + 1))

        ret = self.item.addGeometries2(geoms)
        g = self.item.getGeometries2(-1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, Geometry2))
        x, y, z = g.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(x == 108)
        self.assertTrue(y == 109)
        self.assertTrue(z == 0)
    def test_add_geoms2(self):

        # add a single geom
        pt = geometry.build_point_geometry(10, 11)
        x,y,z = pt.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pt, Geometry2))

        ret = self.item.addGeometry(pt)

        g = self.item.getGeometries2(-1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, Geometry2))
        x,y,z = g.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(x == 10)
        self.assertTrue(y == 11)
        self.assertTrue(z == 0)

        # add an invalid geometry
        ret = self.item.addGeometry((0,1,1))

        # add many of geometries
        xs = range(100,110)
        ys = range(110,120)
        pts = geometry.build_point_geometries(xs, ys)
        geoms = []
        for pt in pts:
        ret = self.item.addGeometries2(geoms)
        g = self.item.getGeometries2(-1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, Geometry2))
        x,y,z = g.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(x == 109)
        self.assertTrue(y == 119)
        self.assertTrue(z == 0)

        # add a mix of valid and invalid geometries
        geoms = []
        for i in range(100,110):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                pt = geometry.build_point_geometry(i, i + 1)

        ret = self.item.addGeometries2(geoms)
        g = self.item.getGeometries2(-1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, Geometry2))
        x,y,z = g.GetPoint()
        self.assertTrue(x == 108)
        self.assertTrue(y == 109)
        self.assertTrue(z == 0)
    def setUp(self):

        # -- Create Unit --#
        unit = mdl.create_unit('cubic meters per second')

        # -- Create Variable --#
        variable = mdl.create_variable('streamflow')

        # create exchange item
        self.item = ExchangeItem(name='Test', desc='Test Exchange Item', unit=unit, variable=variable)

        coords = [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,8),(8,9),(9,10)]
        x,y = zip(*coords)
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)

Exemple #13
    def build_geometries(self, xcoords, ycoords):
        builds point geometries consistent with the native UEB ordering
        :param xcoords:  list of x coordinates
        :param xyoords:  list of xycoordinates
        :return: a list of geometries

        # build a meshgrid
        x, y = numpy.meshgrid(xcoords, ycoords)

        # x any y coords are paired using Fortran ordering to be consistent with the way activeCells are ordered.  This
        # is necessary to ensure that calculation looping is maintained in the run function.
        x = numpy.ravel(x, 'F')
        y = numpy.ravel(y, 'F')

        # build point geometries
        return geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)
Exemple #14
    def build_geometries(self, xcoords, ycoords):
        builds point geometries consistent with the native UEB ordering
        :param xcoords:  list of x coordinates
        :param xyoords:  list of xycoordinates
        :return: a list of geometries

        # build a meshgrid
        x, y = numpy.meshgrid(xcoords, ycoords)

        # x any y coords are paired using Fortran ordering to be consistent with the way activeCells are ordered.  This
        # is necessary to ensure that calculation looping is maintained in the run function.
        x = numpy.ravel(x, 'F')
        y = numpy.ravel(y, 'F')

        # build point geometries
        return geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)
Exemple #15
    def testSetValuesByTime(self):

        item = ExchangeItem('e1', 'Test', 'Test Exchange Item')

        # set start and end dates
        st = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        et = datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        timestep_in_seconds = 3600

        # build geometries
        x = [random.random() for i in range(0, 150)]
        y = [random.random() for i in range(0, 150)]
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)

        values = range(30)

        # set values for geometry=0, beginning at the start time
        success = item.setValuesBySlice(values,
                                        time_index_slice=(0, 30, 1),
                                        geometry_index_slice=(0, 1, 1))

        # initialize the dates and values containers
        item.initializeDatesValues(st, et, timestep_in_seconds)
        success = item.setValuesBySlice(values,
                                        time_index_slice=(0, 30, 1),
                                        geometry_index_slice=(0, 1, 1))

        # get the data
        geoms = item.getGeometries2()
        times = item.getDates2()
        vals = item.getValues2()

        # assert that data is set properly
        self.assertTrue(len(geoms) == 150)
        self.assertTrue(times[0][1] == st)
        self.assertTrue(times[-1][1] == et)
            (times[-1][1] -
             times[-2][1]).total_seconds() == float(timestep_in_seconds))
        self.assertTrue(vals.shape[0] == len(times))
        self.assertTrue(vals.shape[1] == len(geoms))
    def setUp(self):

        # -- Create Unit --#
        unit = mdl.create_unit('cubic meters per second')

        # -- Create Variable --#
        variable = mdl.create_variable('streamflow')

        # create exchange item
        self.item = ExchangeItem(name='Test',
                                 desc='Test Exchange Item',

        coords = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8),
                  (8, 9), (9, 10)]
        x, y = zip(*coords)
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)

Exemple #17
    def setUp(self):

        self.item = ExchangeItem('e1', 'Test', 'Test Exchange Item')

        # set start and end dates
        self.st = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        self.et = datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        self.timestep_in_seconds = 3600

        # build geometries
        x = [random.random() for i in range(0,150)]
        y = [random.random() for i in range(0,150)]
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x,y)
        values = range(30)

        # initialize the dates and values containers
        self.item.initializeDatesValues(self.st, self.et, self.timestep_in_seconds)
        success = self.item.setValuesBySlice(values, time_index_slice=(0,30,1), geometry_index_slice=(0, 1, 1))
Exemple #18
    def testSetValuesByTime(self):

        item = ExchangeItem('e1', 'Test', 'Test Exchange Item')

        # set start and end dates
        st = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        et = datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        timestep_in_seconds = 3600

        # build geometries
        x = [random.random() for i in range(0,150)]
        y = [random.random() for i in range(0,150)]
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x,y)

        values = range(30)

        # set values for geometry=0, beginning at the start time
        success = item.setValuesBySlice(values, time_index_slice=(0,30,1), geometry_index_slice=(0, 1, 1))

        # initialize the dates and values containers
        item.initializeDatesValues(st, et, timestep_in_seconds)
        success = item.setValuesBySlice(values, time_index_slice=(0,30,1), geometry_index_slice=(0, 1, 1))

        # get the data
        geoms = item.getGeometries2()
        times = item.getDates2()
        vals = item.getValues2()

        # assert that data is set properly
        self.assertTrue(len(geoms) == 150)
        self.assertTrue(times[0][1] == st)
        self.assertTrue(times[-1][1] == et)
        self.assertTrue((times[-1][1] - times[-2][1]).total_seconds() == float(timestep_in_seconds))
        self.assertTrue(vals.shape[0] == len(times))
        self.assertTrue(vals.shape[1] == len(geoms))
Exemple #19
    def setUp(self):

        self.item = ExchangeItem('e1', 'Test', 'Test Exchange Item')

        # set start and end dates
        self.st = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        self.et = datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 1, 12, 0, 0)
        self.timestep_in_seconds = 3600

        # build geometries
        x = [random.random() for i in range(0, 150)]
        y = [random.random() for i in range(0, 150)]
        geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)
        values = range(30)

        # initialize the dates and values containers
        self.item.initializeDatesValues(self.st, self.et,
        success = self.item.setValuesBySlice(values,
                                             time_index_slice=(0, 30, 1),
                                             geometry_index_slice=(0, 1, 1))
Exemple #20
    def calc_ti_geometries(self):

        sPrint('Reading Topographic Indices')
        with open(self.topo_input, 'r') as sr:

            lines = sr.readlines()
            ncols = int(lines[0].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            nrows = int(lines[1].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            lowerx = float(lines[2].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            lowery = float(lines[3].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            cellsize = float(lines[4].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            nodata = float(lines[5].split(' ')[-1].strip())

        # read ti data
        data = np.genfromtxt(self.topo_input, delimiter=' ', skip_header=6)

        # build X and Y coordinate arrays
        xi = np.linspace(lowerx, lowerx + ncols * cellsize, ncols)
        yi = np.linspace(lowery + nrows * cellsize, lowery, nrows)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)  # generate 2d arrays from xi, yi
        x = x.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        y = y.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        data = data.ravel()  # convert to 1-d

        # remove all nodata points from x, y arrays
        nonzero = np.where(data != nodata)
        x = x[nonzero]
        y = y[nonzero]

        with open(self.fac_input, 'r') as fac:
            lines = fac.readlines()
            fac_ncols = int(lines[0].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_nrows = int(lines[1].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_lowerx = float(lines[2].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_lowery = float(lines[3].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_cellsize = float(lines[4].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_nodata = float(lines[5].split(' ')[-1].strip())

        # read ti data
        fac_data = np.genfromtxt(self.fac_input, delimiter=' ', skip_header=6)

        # build X and Y coordinate arrays
        xi = np.linspace(fac_lowerx, fac_lowerx + fac_ncols * fac_cellsize,
        yi = np.linspace(fac_lowery + fac_nrows * fac_cellsize, fac_lowery,
        x, y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)  # generate 2d arrays from xi, yi
        x = x.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        y = y.ravel()  # convert to 1-d
        fac_data = fac_data.ravel()  # convert to 1-d

        # isolate the rivers based on threshold
        threshold = np.max(fac_data)  # todo, user input
        rivers = np.where((fac_data != fac_nodata) & (fac_data >= threshold))

        # select only the x and y values that are considered rivers
        x = x[rivers]
        y = y[rivers]

        self.rivers_idxs = rivers

        sPrint('Building Geometry Objects')
        tigeoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x, y)

        self.ti_geoms = tigeoms
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(Wrapper, self).__init__()

        handle = netCDF4.Dataset(args['ncpath'], 'r')

        variables = handle.variables.keys()

        tdim = args['tdim']
        xdim = args['xdim']
        ydim = args['ydim']
        tunit = {args['tunit']: 1}
        if isinstance(args['starttime'], datetime.datetime):
            st = args['starttime']
            st = parser.parse(args['starttime'])

        # make sure the variables provided exist in the nc file
        assert tdim in variables, 'time variable name not specified.  Cannot continue'
        assert xdim in variables, 'x dimension variable name not specified.  Cannot continue'
        assert ydim in variables, 'y dimension variable name not specified.  Cannot continue'

        # get data for these variables
        timesteps = handle.variables[tdim][:]
        times = []
        for ts in timesteps:
            # update the time unit value
            tunit[args['tunit']] = ts

            # unpack the tunit dictionary to create a timedelta object
            dt = datetime.timedelta(**tunit)

            times.append(st + dt)


        x = handle.variables[xdim][:]

        y = handle.variables[ydim][:]

        # create flattened lists of x,y coords from meshgrid
        xcoords, ycoords = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
        xcoords = xcoords.flatten()
        ycoords = ycoords.flatten()

        # loop through the remaining variables and expose them as outputs
        # for var in variables:
        for v in range(len(variables)):

            var = variables[v]

            # create a unit
            unit = stdlib.Unit()

            unit.UnitName(handle.variables[var].units if 'units' in
                          dir(handle.variables[var]) else 'N/A')

            # create a variable
            variable = stdlib.Variable()

            # create geometries
            geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(
                xcoords, ycoords)  # This takes way to long

            # create exchange item
            oei = stdlib.ExchangeItem(
                desc='Autogenerated variable parsed from %s' % args['ncpath'],

            # flatten each timestep of the data
            values = [v.flatten() for v in handle.variables[var][:]]

            # set these data.  Skip occurrences with mismatched values and times arrays
            if len(values) == len(times):
                success = oei.setValues2(values, times)

                # only expose the exchange item if data was set properly
                if success:
                    # save the oei

        # set metadata
        name = args['ncpath'].split('/')[-1]
        self.description('NetCDF data component, ' + name)
Exemple #22
    def __init__(self, config_params):
        super(ueb, self).__init__(config_params)

        # build inputs and outputs
        io = mdl.build_exchange_items_from_config(config_params)

        # set input and output exchange items

        # grab the C library path and the control file path
        lib = config_params['lib']
        conFile = config_params['control']

        # load the UEB C library
        self.__uebLib = cdll.LoadLibrary(join(os.path.dirname(__file__), lib))

        # save the current directory for saving output data
        self.curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(conFile))

        # the base directory for the control file is used to convert relative paths into absolute paths
        self.base_dir = os.path.dirname(conFile)

        # get param, sitevar, input, output, and watershed files
        with open(conFile, 'r') as f:
            # lines = f.readlines()
            lines = f.read().splitlines()  # this will auto strip the \n \r
            C_paramFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[1])
            C_sitevarFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[2])
            C_inputconFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[3])
            C_outputconFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[4])
            C_watershedFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[5])
            C_wsvarName = lines[6].split(' ')[0]
            C_wsycorName = lines[6].split(' ')[1]
            C_wsxcorName = lines[6].split(' ')[2]
            C_aggoutputconFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[7])
            C_aggoutputFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[8])
            ModelStartDate = [
                int(float(l)) for l in lines[9].split(' ') if l != ''
            ModelEndDate = [
                int(float(l)) for l in lines[10].split(' ') if l != ''
            ModelDt = float(lines[11])
            ModelUTCOffset = float(lines[12])
            inpDailyorSubdaily = bool(lines[13] == True)
            self.outtStride, outyStep, outxStep = [
                int(s) for s in lines[14].split(' ')

        C_wsxcorArray = c_float()
        C_wsycorArray = c_float()
        self.C_wsArray = pointer(pointer(c_int32()))
        self.C_dimlen1 = c_int()
        self.C_dimlen2 = c_int()
        totalgrid = 0
        self.C_wsfillVal = c_int(-9999)
        npar = c_int(32)
        tinitTime = c_int(0)
        self.C_parvalArray = pointer(c_float(0))
        numOut = 70  # hack: number of outputs?

        self.C_pOut = pointer(pointOutput())
        C_aggOut = pointer(aggOutput())
        self.C_ncOut = pointer(ncOutput())
        self.C_npout = c_int(0)
        self.C_nncout = c_int(0)
        C_naggout = c_int(0)
        C_nZones = c_int(0)

        C_tNameout = c_char_p("time")
        tunits = (c_char * 256)()
        C_tUnitsout = pointer(tunits)
        C_tlong_name = c_char_p("time")
        C_tcalendar = c_char_p("standard")
        self.t_out = pointer(c_float(0))
        C_out_fillVal = c_float(-9999.0)

        self.C_outDimord = c_int(0)
        C_aggoutDimord = c_int(1)
        self.outvarindx = c_int(17)
        # aggoutvarindx = c_int(17)
        # size = c_int()
        # rank = c_int()
        # irank = c_int()
        # jrank = c_int()
        # startTimeT = c_double(0.0)
        # TotalTime = c_double(0.0)
        # totalmodelrunTime = c_double(0.0)
        # TsReadTime = c_double(0.0)
        # TSStartTime = c_double()
        # ComputeStartTime = c_double()
        # ComputeTime = c_double(0.0)
        # OutWriteTime = c_double()

        self.uebVars = (c_char_p * 70)(
            "Year", "Month", "Day", "dHour", "atff", "HRI", "Eacl", "Ema",
            "conZen", "Ta", "P", "V", "RH", "Qsi", "Qli", "Qnet", "Us", "SWE",
            "tausn", "Pr", "Ps", "Alb", "QHs", "QEs", "Es", "SWIT", "QMs", "Q",
            "FM", "Tave", "TSURFs", "cump", "cumes", "cumMr", "Qnet", "smelt",
            "refDepth", "totalRefDepth", "cf", "Taufb", "Taufd", "Qsib",
            "Qsid", "Taub", "Taud", "Qsns", "Qsnc", "Qlns", "Qlnc", "Vz",
            "Rkinsc", "Rkinc", "Inmax", "intc", "ieff", "Ur", "Wc", "Tc",
            "Tac", "QHc", "QEc", "Ec", "Qpc", "Qmc", "Mc", "FMc", "SWIGM",
            "SWISM", "SWIR", "errMB")

        C_zName = c_char_p("Outletlocations")

        C_tcorvar = pointer((c_float * 13)())
        self.C_tsvarArray = pointer((c_float * 13)())
        C_tsvarArrayTemp = pointer((c_float * 5)())

        #todo: [#] == pointer, * == pointer

        self.C_tsvarArray = pointer((POINTER(c_float) * 13)())

        C_ntimesteps = pointer((c_int * 5)())

        # create pointer to instance of sitevar struct array
        self.C_strsvArray = pointer((sitevar * 32)())

        # create pointer to instance of inpforcvar struct array
        self.C_strinpforcArray = pointer((inpforcvar * 13)())

        # mask = c_float()
        # pcap_lookupnet(dev, ctypes.byref(net), ctypes.byref(mask), errbuf)

        # read watershed netcdf file
        self.__uebLib.readwsncFile(C_watershedFile, C_wsvarName, C_wsycorName,
                                   C_wsxcorName, byref(C_wsycorArray),
                                   byref(C_wsxcorArray), byref(self.C_wsArray),

        wsArray1D = numpy.empty((self.C_dimlen1.value * self.C_dimlen2.value),
        for i in xrange(self.C_dimlen1.value):
            for j in xrange(self.C_dimlen2.value):
                wsArray1D[i * self.C_dimlen2.value + j] = self.C_wsArray[i][j]

        # zvalues is the unique set of wsArray1D
        zValues = list(set(wsArray1D))
        # fillset = [wsfillVal]

        # zVal is the set of zValues that do not equal wsFillVal
        zVal = [
            zValues[i] for i in xrange(len(zValues))
            if zValues[i] != self.C_wsfillVal

        C_nZones = len(zVal)
        z_ycor = [0.0 for i in xrange(C_nZones)]
        z_xcor = [0.0 for i in xrange(C_nZones)]

        # read params (#194)
        self.__uebLib.readParams(C_paramFile, byref(self.C_parvalArray), npar)

        # read site variables (#200)
        self.__uebLib.readSiteVars(C_sitevarFile, byref(self.C_strsvArray))

        # read 2d NetCDF Data
        for i in range(0, 32):
            a = self.C_strsvArray.contents[i]
            if a.svType == 1:
                # print "%d %s %s\n" % (i, a.svFile,a.svVarName)
                retvalue = self.__uebLib.read2DNC(
                    os.path.join(self.base_dir, a.svFile), a.svVarName,

        #//read input /forcing control file--all possible entries of input control have to be provided
        #readInputForcVars(inputconFile, strinpforcArray);

        # read input force variables (main.cpp, line 219)
        self.__uebLib.readInputForcVars(cast(C_inputconFile, c_char_p),

        # elog.info('UEB Start Date: %s' % sd.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
        # elog.info('UEB End Date: %s' % ed.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"))

        # calculate model time span as a julian date (main.cpp, line 220)
        modelSpan =  jdutil.datetime_to_jd(datetime.datetime(*ModelEndDate)) - \

        # setup the model start dates as UEB expects them
        ModelStartHour = ModelStartDate.pop(
            -1)  # an integer representing the start hour (24 hour time)
        ModelEndHour = ModelEndDate.pop(
            -1)  # an integer representing the end hour (24 hour time)
        # ModelStartDate is a 3 element array: [year, month, day]
        # ModelEndDate is a 3 element array: [year, month, day]

        # convert Simulation Time parameters into ctypes
        self.C_ModelStartDate = (c_int * len(ModelStartDate))(*ModelStartDate)
        self.C_ModelEndDate = (c_int * len(ModelEndDate))(*ModelEndDate)
        self.C_ModelDt = c_double(ModelDt)
        self.C_ModelUTCOffset = c_double(ModelUTCOffset)
        self.C_ModelStartHour = c_double(ModelStartHour)
        self.C_ModelEndHour = c_double(ModelEndHour)

        # calculate model time steps (main.cpp, line 222)
        self.numTimeStep = int(math.ceil(modelSpan * (24. / ModelDt))) + 1

        # initialize C_tsvarArray values (this replaces __uebLib.readTextData)

        # NOTE: C_strinpforcArray stores info about the forcing data files

        # # read forcing data (main.cpp, line 226)
        # if self.C_strsvArray.contents[16].svType != 3: # no accumulation zone (fixme: ???)
        #     for it in xrange(13):
        #         inftype = self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infType
        #         print 'infFile: ',self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infFile
        #         if inftype == 0:
        #             # read the files stored in C_strinpforcArray and populated C_tsvarArray
        #             self.__uebLib.readTextData(os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infFile), byref(self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it]), byref(C_ntimesteps[0]))
        #         elif inftype == 2 or inftype == -1:
        #             self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it] = (c_float * 2)()
        #             C_ntimesteps.contents[0] = 2
        #             # copy the default value if a single value is the option
        #             self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it][0] = self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infType
        #             self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it][1] = self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infdefValue

        # :: this array is initialized to (numOut+1, numTimeStep+1) rather than (numOut, numTimeStep)
        # :: b/c otherwise the calculations from RunUEB are incorrect for the first row.
        # :: e.g.
        # ::     2009 2010 5   30.000        23.999979
        # ::  rather than:
        # ::     2009 10 1    0.000         0.569902
        # ::
        # :: I thought this was b/c numpy.float32 (and 64) are smaller than c_float, however this change
        # :: below didn't fix the problem.
        # ::
        # create a numpy array for outputs
        self.outvarArray = numpy.zeros(shape=(numOut + 1, self.numTimeStep),
        # arrays_old = self.outvarArray.astype(numpy.float32)
        arrays = self.outvarArray.astype(c_float)
        rows, cols = self.outvarArray.shape
        arrays_as_list = list(arrays)
        #get ctypes handles
        ctypes_arrays = [
            numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(array) for array in arrays_as_list
        #Pack into pointer array
        self.C_outvarArray = (POINTER(c_float) * rows)(*ctypes_arrays)

        # x = numpy.zeros(shape=(numOut, self.numTimeStep), dtype=numpy.float, order="C")
        # _floatpp = numpy.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=numpy.uintp, ndim=1, flags='C')
        # xpp = (x.__array_interface__['data'][0] + numpy.arange(x.shape[0])*x.strides[0]).astype(numpy.uintp)
        # self.C_outvarArray = pointer(((POINTER(c_float) * self.numTimeStep) * numOut)())

        # a = (c_float * self.numTimeStep)()
        # outvarArray = pointer((a * numOut)())
        # for i in xrange(numOut):
        #     outvarArray[i] = pointer((c_float * self.numTimeStep)())

        # total grid size to compute progess
        totalgrid = self.C_dimlen1.value * self.C_dimlen2.value

        # read output control file (main.cpp, line 251)
        # readOutputControl(outputconFile, aggoutputconFile, pOut, ncOut, aggOut, npout, nncout, naggout);

        self.__uebLib.readOutputControl(cast(C_outputconFile, c_char_p),
                                        cast(C_aggoutputconFile, c_char_p),
                                        byref(self.C_ncOut), byref(C_aggOut),
                                        byref(self.C_nncout), byref(C_naggout))

        # create output netcdf
        self.C_outtSteps = self.numTimeStep / self.outtStride
        self.t_out = numpy.empty(shape=(self.C_outtSteps),
        for i in xrange(self.C_outtSteps):
            self.t_out[i] = i * self.outtStride * ModelDt

        # initialize the output arrays
        aggoutvarArray = numpy.zeros(
            (C_nZones, C_naggout.value, self.C_outtSteps), dtype=numpy.float)
        totalAgg = numpy.empty((self.C_outtSteps, ), dtype=numpy.float)
        ZonesArr = numpy.zeros((C_nZones, ), dtype=numpy.int32)

        # main.cpp, line 290
        # convert self.t_out into a float pointer
        C_t_out = self.t_out.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
        for i in xrange(self.C_nncout.value):
            for (int icout = 0; icout < nncout; icout++)
                retvalue = create3DNC_uebOutputs(ncOut[icout].outfName, (const char*)ncOut[icout].symbol, (const char*)ncOut[icout].units, tNameout, tUnitsout,
            tlong_name, tcalendar, outtSteps, outDimord, self.t_out, &out_fillVal, watershedFile, wsvarName, wsycorName, wsxcorName);

            retvalue = self.__uebLib.create3DNC_uebOutputs(
                self.C_ncOut[i].outfName, cast(self.C_ncOut[i].symbol,
                     c_char_p), C_tNameout, C_tUnitsout, C_tlong_name,
                C_tcalendar, self.C_outtSteps, self.C_outDimord, C_t_out,
                byref(C_out_fillVal), C_watershedFile, C_wsvarName,
                C_wsycorName, C_wsxcorName)

        # convert z_ycor and x_xcor from list into ctype
        C_z_xcor = numpy.asarray(z_xcor).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
        C_z_ycor = numpy.asarray(z_ycor).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
        retvalue = self.__uebLib.create3DNC_uebAggregatedOutputs(
            C_aggoutputFile, C_aggOut, C_naggout, C_tNameout, C_tUnitsout,
            C_tcalendar, self.C_outtSteps, C_aggoutDimord, C_t_out,
            byref(C_out_fillVal), C_watershedFile, C_wsvarName, C_wsycorName,
            C_wsxcorName, C_nZones, C_zName, C_z_ycor, C_z_xcor)

        # todo: create output element set
        # print 'Output Calculations available at: '
        # for pid in xrange(self.C_npout.value):
        #     print "  Point(",self.C_pOut[pid].xcoord,", ",self.C_pOut[pid].ycoord,') '

        # todo: This is where UEB grid points are defined!, expose these as input/output spatial objects
        # main.cpp, line 303
        self.activeCells = []
        # print 'Calculations will be performed at: '
        for iy in xrange(self.C_dimlen1.value):
            for jx in xrange(self.C_dimlen2.value):
                if self.C_wsArray[iy][
                        jx] != self.C_wsfillVal.value and self.C_strsvArray.contents[
                            16].svType != 3:
                    # print "  Point(",jx,", ",iy,') '
                    self.activeCells.append((iy, jx))

        # build output exchange items
        xcoords = []
        ycoords = []
        for pid in xrange(self.C_npout.value):
        self.pts = geometry.build_point_geometries(xcoords, ycoords)
        self.__swe = self.outputs()['Snow Water Equivalent']
        self.__swit = self.outputs()['Surface Water Input Total']

        # build input exchange items
        ds = nc.Dataset(C_watershedFile)
        Xlist = ds.variables['x']
        Ylist = ds.variables['y']
        self.geoms = self.build_geometries(Xlist, Ylist)

        # set start, end, and timestep parameters
        ts = datetime.timedelta(hours=ModelDt)
        sd = datetime.datetime(*ModelStartDate)
        ed = datetime.datetime(*ModelEndDate)
Exemple #23
def insert_simulation(db, user, geomcount, valuecount):

    print '%d geometries, %d values per geometry' % (geomcount, valuecount)
    print 'Total number of data values: %d' % (valuecount * geomcount)

    # create an exchange item
    unit = mdl.create_unit('cubic meters per second')
    variable = mdl.create_variable('streamflow')

    # create exchange item
    item = stdlib.ExchangeItem(name='Test',
                               desc='Test Exchange Item',

    # set exchange item geometries
    xcoords = numpy.random.rand(geomcount)
    ycoords = numpy.random.rand(geomcount)
    points = geometry.build_point_geometries(xcoords, ycoords)

    # set exchange item values
    start_time = dt.now()  # set start time to 'now'
    end_time = start_time + timedelta(
        days=valuecount - 1)  # create endtime base on the number of values
    current_time = start_time  # initial time
    dates = []  # list to hold dates
    values = []  # list to hold values for each date

    # populate dates list
    while current_time <= end_time:

        # add date

        # add some random values for each geometry
        values.append([random.random() for pt in points])

        # increment time by 1 day
        current_time += timedelta(days=1)

    # set dates and values in the exchange item
    item.setValues2(values, dates)

    # create the simulation
    st = dt(2014, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0)
    et = dt(2014, 3, 1, 23, 0, 0)
    description = 'Some model descipription'
    name = 'test simulation'

    # turn off verbosity for simulation insert
    os.environ['LOGGING_SHOWINFO'] = '0'
    os.environ['LOGGING_SHOWDEBUG'] = '0'
    db.create_simulation('My Simulation', user[0], None, item, st, et, 1,
                         'days', description, name)
    os.environ['LOGGING_SHOWINFO'] = '1'

    # query simulations
    simulations = db.read.getAllSimulations()
    simulation = db.read.getSimulationByName('My Simulation')
    assert simulation is not None
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, config_params):
        super(ueb, self).__init__(config_params)

        # build inputs and outputs
        io = mdl.build_exchange_items_from_config(config_params)

        # set input and output exchange items

        # grab the C library path and the control file path
        lib = config_params['lib']
        conFile = config_params['control']

        # load the UEB C library
        self.__uebLib = cdll.LoadLibrary(join(os.path.dirname(__file__), lib))

        # save the current directory for saving output data
        self.curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(conFile))

        # the base directory for the control file is used to convert relative paths into absolute paths
        self.base_dir = os.path.dirname(conFile)

        # get param, sitevar, input, output, and watershed files
        with open(conFile, 'r') as f:
            # lines = f.readlines()
            lines = f.read().splitlines()  # this will auto strip the \n \r
            C_paramFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[1])
            C_sitevarFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[2])
            C_inputconFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[3])
            C_outputconFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[4])
            C_watershedFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[5])
            C_wsvarName = lines[6].split(' ')[0]
            C_wsycorName = lines[6].split(' ')[1]
            C_wsxcorName = lines[6].split(' ')[2]
            C_aggoutputconFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[7])
            C_aggoutputFile = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lines[8])
            ModelStartDate = [int(float(l)) for l in lines[9].split(' ') if l != '']
            ModelEndDate = [int(float(l)) for l in lines[10].split(' ') if l != '']
            ModelDt = float(lines[11])
            ModelUTCOffset = float(lines[12])
            inpDailyorSubdaily = bool(lines[13]==True)
            self.outtStride, outyStep, outxStep = [int(s) for s in lines[14].split(' ')]

        C_wsxcorArray = c_float()
        C_wsycorArray = c_float()
        self.C_wsArray = pointer(pointer(c_int32()))
        self.C_dimlen1 = c_int()
        self.C_dimlen2 = c_int()
        totalgrid = 0
        self.C_wsfillVal = c_int(-9999)
        npar = c_int(32)
        tinitTime = c_int(0)
        self.C_parvalArray = pointer(c_float(0));
        numOut = 70 # hack: number of outputs?

        self.C_pOut = pointer(pointOutput())
        C_aggOut = pointer(aggOutput())
        self.C_ncOut = pointer(ncOutput())
        self.C_npout = c_int(0)
        self.C_nncout = c_int(0)
        C_naggout = c_int(0)
        C_nZones = c_int(0)

        C_tNameout = c_char_p("time")
        tunits = (c_char*256)()
        C_tUnitsout = pointer(tunits)
        C_tlong_name = c_char_p("time")
        C_tcalendar = c_char_p("standard")
        self.t_out = pointer(c_float(0))
        C_out_fillVal = c_float(-9999.0)

        self.C_outDimord = c_int(0)
        C_aggoutDimord = c_int(1)
        self.outvarindx = c_int(17)
        # aggoutvarindx = c_int(17)
        # size = c_int()
        # rank = c_int()
        # irank = c_int()
        # jrank = c_int()
        # startTimeT = c_double(0.0)
        # TotalTime = c_double(0.0)
        # totalmodelrunTime = c_double(0.0)
        # TsReadTime = c_double(0.0)
        # TSStartTime = c_double()
        # ComputeStartTime = c_double()
        # ComputeTime = c_double(0.0)
        # OutWriteTime = c_double()

        self.uebVars = (c_char_p * 70)("Year", "Month", "Day", "dHour", "atff", "HRI", "Eacl", "Ema", "conZen", "Ta", "P", "V", "RH", "Qsi", "Qli", "Qnet","Us", "SWE", "tausn", "Pr", "Ps", "Alb", "QHs", "QEs", "Es", "SWIT", "QMs", "Q", "FM", "Tave", "TSURFs", "cump", "cumes", "cumMr", "Qnet", "smelt", "refDepth", "totalRefDepth", "cf", "Taufb", "Taufd", "Qsib", "Qsid", "Taub", "Taud", "Qsns", "Qsnc", "Qlns", "Qlnc", "Vz", "Rkinsc", "Rkinc", "Inmax", "intc", "ieff", "Ur", "Wc", "Tc", "Tac", "QHc", "QEc", "Ec", "Qpc", "Qmc", "Mc", "FMc", "SWIGM", "SWISM", "SWIR", "errMB")

        C_zName = c_char_p("Outletlocations")

        C_tcorvar = pointer((c_float * 13)())
        self.C_tsvarArray = pointer((c_float * 13)())
        C_tsvarArrayTemp = pointer((c_float * 5)())

        #todo: [#] == pointer, * == pointer

        self.C_tsvarArray = pointer((POINTER(c_float)*13)())

        C_ntimesteps = pointer((c_int * 5)())

        # create pointer to instance of sitevar struct array
        self.C_strsvArray = pointer((sitevar * 32)())

        # create pointer to instance of inpforcvar struct array
        self.C_strinpforcArray = pointer((inpforcvar * 13)())

        # mask = c_float()
        # pcap_lookupnet(dev, ctypes.byref(net), ctypes.byref(mask), errbuf)

        # read watershed netcdf file
        self.__uebLib.readwsncFile(C_watershedFile, C_wsvarName, C_wsycorName, C_wsxcorName, byref(C_wsycorArray), byref(C_wsxcorArray), byref(self.C_wsArray), byref(self.C_dimlen1), byref(self.C_dimlen2), byref(self.C_wsfillVal))

        wsArray1D = numpy.empty((self.C_dimlen1.value*self.C_dimlen2.value),dtype=numpy.float)
        for i in xrange(self.C_dimlen1.value) :
            for j in xrange(self.C_dimlen2.value):
                wsArray1D[i*self.C_dimlen2.value + j] = self.C_wsArray[i][j];

        # zvalues is the unique set of wsArray1D
        zValues = list(set(wsArray1D))
        # fillset = [wsfillVal]

        # zVal is the set of zValues that do not equal wsFillVal
        zVal = [zValues[i] for i in xrange(len(zValues)) if zValues[i] != self.C_wsfillVal]

        C_nZones = len(zVal)
        z_ycor = [0.0 for i in xrange(C_nZones)]
        z_xcor = [0.0 for i in xrange(C_nZones)]

        # read params (#194)
        self.__uebLib.readParams(C_paramFile, byref(self.C_parvalArray), npar)

        # read site variables (#200)
        self.__uebLib.readSiteVars(C_sitevarFile, byref(self.C_strsvArray))

        # read 2d NetCDF Data
        for i  in range(0,32):
            a = self.C_strsvArray.contents[i]
            if a.svType == 1:
                # print "%d %s %s\n" % (i, a.svFile,a.svVarName)
                retvalue = self.__uebLib.read2DNC(os.path.join(self.base_dir, a.svFile), a.svVarName, byref(a.svArrayValues))

        #//read input /forcing control file--all possible entries of input control have to be provided
        #readInputForcVars(inputconFile, strinpforcArray);

        # read input force variables (main.cpp, line 219)
        self.__uebLib.readInputForcVars(cast(C_inputconFile,c_char_p), self.C_strinpforcArray)

        # elog.info('UEB Start Date: %s' % sd.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
        # elog.info('UEB End Date: %s' % ed.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"))

        # calculate model time span as a julian date (main.cpp, line 220)
        modelSpan =  jdutil.datetime_to_jd(datetime.datetime(*ModelEndDate)) - \

        # setup the model start dates as UEB expects them
        ModelStartHour = ModelStartDate.pop(-1) # an integer representing the start hour (24 hour time)
        ModelEndHour = ModelEndDate.pop(-1)     # an integer representing the end hour (24 hour time)
        # ModelStartDate is a 3 element array: [year, month, day]
        # ModelEndDate is a 3 element array: [year, month, day]

        # convert Simulation Time parameters into ctypes
        self.C_ModelStartDate = (c_int * len(ModelStartDate))(*ModelStartDate)
        self.C_ModelEndDate =(c_int * len(ModelEndDate))(*ModelEndDate)
        self.C_ModelDt = c_double(ModelDt)
        self.C_ModelUTCOffset = c_double(ModelUTCOffset)
        self.C_ModelStartHour = c_double(ModelStartHour)
        self.C_ModelEndHour = c_double(ModelEndHour)

        # calculate model time steps (main.cpp, line 222)
        self.numTimeStep = int(math.ceil(modelSpan*(24./ModelDt)) ) + 1

        # initialize C_tsvarArray values (this replaces __uebLib.readTextData)
        self.initialize_timeseries_variable_array(self.C_strinpforcArray, self.numTimeStep)

        # NOTE: C_strinpforcArray stores info about the forcing data files

        # # read forcing data (main.cpp, line 226)
        # if self.C_strsvArray.contents[16].svType != 3: # no accumulation zone (fixme: ???)
        #     for it in xrange(13):
        #         inftype = self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infType
        #         print 'infFile: ',self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infFile
        #         if inftype == 0:
        #             # read the files stored in C_strinpforcArray and populated C_tsvarArray
        #             self.__uebLib.readTextData(os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infFile), byref(self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it]), byref(C_ntimesteps[0]))
        #         elif inftype == 2 or inftype == -1:
        #             self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it] = (c_float * 2)()
        #             C_ntimesteps.contents[0] = 2
        #             # copy the default value if a single value is the option
        #             self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it][0] = self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infType
        #             self.C_tsvarArray.contents[it][1] = self.C_strinpforcArray.contents[it].infdefValue

        # :: this array is initialized to (numOut+1, numTimeStep+1) rather than (numOut, numTimeStep)
        # :: b/c otherwise the calculations from RunUEB are incorrect for the first row.
        # :: e.g.
        # ::     2009 2010 5   30.000        23.999979
        # ::  rather than:
        # ::     2009 10 1    0.000         0.569902
        # ::
        # :: I thought this was b/c numpy.float32 (and 64) are smaller than c_float, however this change
        # :: below didn't fix the problem.
        # ::
        # create a numpy array for outputs
        self.outvarArray = numpy.zeros(shape=(numOut+1, self.numTimeStep), dtype=numpy.float, order="C")
        # arrays_old = self.outvarArray.astype(numpy.float32)
        arrays = self.outvarArray.astype(c_float)
        rows, cols = self.outvarArray.shape
        arrays_as_list = list(arrays)
        #get ctypes handles
        ctypes_arrays = [numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(array) for array in arrays_as_list]
        #Pack into pointer array
        self.C_outvarArray = (POINTER(c_float) * rows)(*ctypes_arrays)

        # x = numpy.zeros(shape=(numOut, self.numTimeStep), dtype=numpy.float, order="C")
        # _floatpp = numpy.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=numpy.uintp, ndim=1, flags='C')
        # xpp = (x.__array_interface__['data'][0] + numpy.arange(x.shape[0])*x.strides[0]).astype(numpy.uintp)
        # self.C_outvarArray = pointer(((POINTER(c_float) * self.numTimeStep) * numOut)())

        # a = (c_float * self.numTimeStep)()
        # outvarArray = pointer((a * numOut)())
        # for i in xrange(numOut):
        #     outvarArray[i] = pointer((c_float * self.numTimeStep)())

        # total grid size to compute progess
        totalgrid = self.C_dimlen1.value*self.C_dimlen2.value

        # read output control file (main.cpp, line 251)
        # readOutputControl(outputconFile, aggoutputconFile, pOut, ncOut, aggOut, npout, nncout, naggout);

        self.__uebLib.readOutputControl(cast(C_outputconFile,c_char_p), cast(C_aggoutputconFile, c_char_p),
                                        byref(self.C_pOut), byref(self.C_ncOut), byref(C_aggOut),
                                        byref(self.C_npout), byref(self.C_nncout), byref(C_naggout))

        # create output netcdf
        self.C_outtSteps = self.numTimeStep / self.outtStride
        self.t_out = numpy.empty(shape=(self.C_outtSteps), dtype=numpy.float, order="C")
        for i in xrange(self.C_outtSteps):
            self.t_out[i] = i*self.outtStride*ModelDt

        # initialize the output arrays
        aggoutvarArray = numpy.zeros((C_nZones,C_naggout.value, self.C_outtSteps), dtype=numpy.float)
        totalAgg = numpy.empty((self.C_outtSteps,), dtype=numpy.float)
        ZonesArr = numpy.zeros((C_nZones,), dtype=numpy.int32)

        # main.cpp, line 290
        # convert self.t_out into a float pointer
        C_t_out = self.t_out.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
        for i in xrange(self.C_nncout.value):
            for (int icout = 0; icout < nncout; icout++)
                retvalue = create3DNC_uebOutputs(ncOut[icout].outfName, (const char*)ncOut[icout].symbol, (const char*)ncOut[icout].units, tNameout, tUnitsout,
            tlong_name, tcalendar, outtSteps, outDimord, self.t_out, &out_fillVal, watershedFile, wsvarName, wsycorName, wsxcorName);

            retvalue = self.__uebLib.create3DNC_uebOutputs(self.C_ncOut[i].outfName, cast(self.C_ncOut[i].symbol, c_char_p), cast(self.C_ncOut[i].units, c_char_p), C_tNameout, C_tUnitsout, C_tlong_name, C_tcalendar, self.C_outtSteps, self.C_outDimord, C_t_out, byref(C_out_fillVal), C_watershedFile, C_wsvarName, C_wsycorName, C_wsxcorName);

        # convert z_ycor and x_xcor from list into ctype
        C_z_xcor = numpy.asarray(z_xcor).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
        C_z_ycor = numpy.asarray(z_ycor).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
        retvalue = self.__uebLib.create3DNC_uebAggregatedOutputs(C_aggoutputFile, C_aggOut, C_naggout, C_tNameout, C_tUnitsout, C_tlong_name, C_tcalendar, self.C_outtSteps, C_aggoutDimord, C_t_out, byref(C_out_fillVal), C_watershedFile, C_wsvarName, C_wsycorName, C_wsxcorName, C_nZones, C_zName, C_z_ycor, C_z_xcor);

        # todo: create output element set
        # print 'Output Calculations available at: '
        # for pid in xrange(self.C_npout.value):
        #     print "  Point(",self.C_pOut[pid].xcoord,", ",self.C_pOut[pid].ycoord,') '

        # todo: This is where UEB grid points are defined!, expose these as input/output spatial objects
        # main.cpp, line 303
        self.activeCells = []
        # print 'Calculations will be performed at: '
        for iy in xrange(self.C_dimlen1.value):
            for jx in xrange(self.C_dimlen2.value):
                if self.C_wsArray[iy][jx] != self.C_wsfillVal.value and self.C_strsvArray.contents[16].svType != 3:
                    # print "  Point(",jx,", ",iy,') '
                    self.activeCells.append((iy, jx))

        # build output exchange items
        xcoords = []
        ycoords = []
        for pid in xrange(self.C_npout.value):
        self.pts = geometry.build_point_geometries(xcoords, ycoords)
        self.__swe = self.outputs()['Snow Water Equivalent']
        self.__swit = self.outputs()['Surface Water Input Total']

        # build input exchange items
        ds = nc.Dataset(C_watershedFile)
        Xlist = ds.variables['x']
        Ylist = ds.variables['y']
        self.geoms = self.build_geometries(Xlist, Ylist)

        # set start, end, and timestep parameters
        ts = datetime.timedelta(hours=ModelDt)
        sd = datetime.datetime(*ModelStartDate)
        ed = datetime.datetime(*ModelEndDate)
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(Wrapper, self).__init__()

        handle = netCDF4.Dataset(args["ncpath"], "r")

        variables = handle.variables.keys()

        tdim = args["tdim"]
        xdim = args["xdim"]
        ydim = args["ydim"]
        tunit = {args["tunit"]: 1}
        if isinstance(args["starttime"], datetime.datetime):
            st = args["starttime"]
            st = parser.parse(args["starttime"])

        # make sure the variables provided exist in the nc file
        assert tdim in variables, "time variable name not specified.  Cannot continue"
        assert xdim in variables, "x dimension variable name not specified.  Cannot continue"
        assert ydim in variables, "y dimension variable name not specified.  Cannot continue"

        # get data for these variables
        timesteps = handle.variables[tdim][:]
        times = []
        for ts in timesteps:
            # update the time unit value
            tunit[args["tunit"]] = ts

            # unpack the tunit dictionary to create a timedelta object
            dt = datetime.timedelta(**tunit)

            times.append(st + dt)


        x = handle.variables[xdim][:]

        y = handle.variables[ydim][:]

        # create flattened lists of x,y coords from meshgrid
        xcoords, ycoords = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
        xcoords = xcoords.flatten()
        ycoords = ycoords.flatten()

        # loop through the remaining variables and expose them as outputs
        # for var in variables:
        for v in range(len(variables)):

            var = variables[v]

            # create a unit
            unit = stdlib.Unit()

            unit.UnitName(handle.variables[var].units if "units" in dir(handle.variables[var]) else "N/A")

            # create a variable
            variable = stdlib.Variable()

            # create geometries
            geoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(xcoords, ycoords)  # This takes way to long

            # create exchange item
            oei = stdlib.ExchangeItem(
                desc="Autogenerated variable parsed from %s" % args["ncpath"],

            # flatten each timestep of the data
            values = [v.flatten() for v in handle.variables[var][:]]

            # set these data.  Skip occurrences with mismatched values and times arrays
            if len(values) == len(times):
                success = oei.setValues2(values, times)

                # only expose the exchange item if data was set properly
                if success:
                    # save the oei

        # set metadata
        name = args["ncpath"].split("/")[-1]
        self.description("NetCDF data component, " + name)
Exemple #26
    def calc_ti_geometries(self):

        sPrint('Reading Topographic Indices')
        with open(self.topo_input, 'r') as sr:

            lines = sr.readlines()
            ncols = int(lines[0].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            nrows = int(lines[1].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            lowerx = float(lines[2].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            lowery = float(lines[3].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            cellsize = float(lines[4].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            nodata = float(lines[5].split(' ')[-1].strip())

        # read ti data
        data = np.genfromtxt(self.topo_input, delimiter=' ', skip_header=6)

        # build X and Y coordinate arrays
        xi = np.linspace(lowerx, lowerx+ncols*cellsize, ncols)
        yi = np.linspace(lowery+nrows*cellsize, lowery, nrows)
        x,y = np.meshgrid(xi,yi)    # generate 2d arrays from xi, yi
        x = x.ravel()   # convert to 1-d
        y = y.ravel()   # convert to 1-d
        data = data.ravel()  # convert to 1-d

        # remove all nodata points from x, y arrays
        nonzero = np.where(data != nodata)
        x = x[nonzero]
        y = y[nonzero]

        with open(self.fac_input, 'r') as fac:
            lines = fac.readlines()
            fac_ncols = int(lines[0].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_nrows = int(lines[1].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_lowerx = float(lines[2].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_lowery = float(lines[3].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_cellsize = float(lines[4].split(' ')[-1].strip())
            fac_nodata = float(lines[5].split(' ')[-1].strip())

        # read ti data
        fac_data = np.genfromtxt(self.fac_input, delimiter=' ', skip_header=6)

        # build X and Y coordinate arrays
        xi = np.linspace(fac_lowerx, fac_lowerx + fac_ncols * fac_cellsize, fac_ncols)
        yi = np.linspace(fac_lowery + fac_nrows * fac_cellsize, fac_lowery, fac_nrows)
        x,y = np.meshgrid(xi,yi)    # generate 2d arrays from xi, yi
        x = x.ravel()   # convert to 1-d
        y = y.ravel()   # convert to 1-d
        fac_data = fac_data.ravel()  # convert to 1-d

        # isolate the rivers based on threshold
        threshold = np.max(fac_data)  # todo, user input
        rivers = np.where((fac_data != fac_nodata) & (fac_data >= threshold) )

        # select only the x and y values that are considered rivers
        x = x[rivers]
        y = y[rivers]

        self.rivers_idxs = rivers

        sPrint('Building Geometry Objects')
        tigeoms = geometry.build_point_geometries(x,y)

        self.ti_geoms = tigeoms