async def get_from_player(self, player_links: list, episode_number: float) -> str: a = player(self.session) print( f"Writing {} episode {format_float(episode_number)}\n" )) flag = False if len(player_links) > 1: print("Number of player links is {len(player_links)}")) flag = True else: pass with open("episodes.txt", "a+") as f: f.write( f"\n{} episode {format_float(episode_number)}: \n") for i, j in await a.get_player_embeds(player_links[0]): # await a.get_from_server(j) f.write(f"\t{i}: {j}\n") if flag == True: for k in player_links[1:]: f.write(f"\t{k}\n") else: pass return COLOUR.grey( f"No download links for {} episode {format_float(episode_number)}. Written player links" )
async def fetch_latest(session: Union[ClientSession, None] = None) -> None: flag = False if session is None: session = await ClientSession().__aenter__() flag = True async with session.get(player.latest_rss) as resp: data = bs(await resp.text(), 'html.parser') if flag: await session.close() table = [] headers = ['Title', 'Episode'] for i in data.find_all('item'): name, episode = i.find('title').text.replace( 'English', '').replace('Subbed', '').replace('Dubbed', 'Dub').split('Episode') episode = ' '.join([*filter(lambda x: x, episode.split(' '))]) table.append( map( lambda x: '\n'.join( (x[i:i + player.max_table_length].strip() for i in range(0, len(x), player.max_table_length))), [,])) print(tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt='psql', showindex=True))
async def search(query: str, session: ClientSession = None, option: int = None) -> dict: """ returns dict[name, slug, image] """ flag = False if session is None: session = await ClientSession().__aenter__() flag = True api_url = (DOMAIN_REGEX.sub( WEBSITE_DOMAIN, "")) data = {"keyword": query} async with, data=data) as resp: # print(await resp.text()) resp_data = await resp.json(content_type=None) if flag: await session.close() # for one time use if len(resp_data) != 0: if option is not None: return resp_data[option] else: for j, i in enumerate(resp_data): print("{j} {i['name']}")) option = int(input("Enter anime number: ")) return resp_data[option] else: print(COLOUR.error(f"No anime avaiable for {query}")) return None
async def get_download(self, download_links: tuple, episode_number: float, no_stdout: bool = False) -> tuple: """returns tuple like (link, file_name, headers) headers should only be checked if it is not None :download_links: are the available server links""" available = [] file_name = f"{} ep_{format_float(episode_number)}.mp4" tmp_serv = None for i in download_links: tmp_serv = i[0] if not ( True or debug ): # always false I know it would print all available servers otherwise print(i[0]) if i[0] in priority.keys(): available.append(i) # print(available) if len(available) == 0: print( COLOUR.warn( f"No available server in config.json for {} episode {format_float(episode_number)}" )) print(COLOUR.warn(f"Try adding {tmp_serv} to the config file")) return (None, file_name, None) await asyncio.sleep(0) flag = 999 final = None for i in available: if list(priority.keys()).index(i[0]) <= flag: flag = list(priority.keys()).index(i[0]) final = i if (not no_stdout) or debug: print(final[0]) # server name print(final[1]) # server link a = scraper(self.base_url, session=self.session, get_method=fetch) a.quality = priority[final[0]] await a.get_final_links(final[1]) # print(file_name) try: headers: dict = [i for i in a.options if type(i) == dict][0] except IndexError: headers = None if len(a.final_dow_urls) != 0: return (a.final_dow_urls[0].replace(" ", "%20"), file_name, headers) else: print( COLOUR.error( f"Cannot download {} episode {format_float(episode_number)}" )) return (None, file_name, headers)
async def try_all(index=0): if index == len(available): COLOUR.error( 'Could not get stream. Try decreasing the priority of this server.' ) raise LookupError() print(f'Trying {available[index]}') try: return await parsers[available[index]](available[index]) except Exception as e: print(e) return await try_all(index + 1)
async def scrape_episodes(self) -> GeneratorExit: """returns urls of each episode in decreasing order""" soup = await fetch(self.base_url, self.session) results = [None] for i in soup.find_all("script"): if "appUrl" in str(i): data = await kickass._get_data(i) # print(data.keys()) results = data["anime"]["episodes"] break if not results: print( COLOUR.warn( 'This show has not yet been updated. Please try some time later.' )) exit(1) try: self.last_episode = int( results[0]["slug"].split("/")[-1].split("-")[1]) except ValueError: # for ovas and stuff self.last_episode = 0 return ( DOMAIN_REGEX.sub(WEBSITE_DOMAIN, "") + i["slug"] for i in results)
async def main(): tasks = [] for link, start in needed.items(): tasks.append( automate_scraping( link, start_episode=start, end_episode=None, automatic_downloads=True, download_location=download_location, check_version=False, )) try: new_starts = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) except Exception: new_starts = [(None, None)] print(traceback.format_exc()) index = -1 for j, i in new_starts: index += 1 if i != None: new = int("ep_(\d+)", i).group(1)) + 1 needed[list(needed.keys())[index]] = new else: print() print(COLOUR.grey(f"Latest for {j}")) continue data['anime'] = needed update_config(CONFIGS.to_update, data)
async def use_subprocess(l_n_h: tuple): def get_process(link, name, header) -> async_subprocess: head = f'-H "Referer: {header["Referer"]}" ' if header else '' optional_args = '-k --location ' path = os.path.join(download_location, name) cmd = f'''curl -o "{path}" ''' + \ optional_args + head + f'"{link}"' if == 'nt': query = [r'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe'] return async_subprocess(*query, std_inputs=[cmd, 'exit'], print_stdin=False, print_stdout=False, description=name) else: query = ["bash", "-c", cmd] return async_subprocess(*query, description=name) tasks = [ get_process(link, name, header) for link, name, header in l_n_h if link ] if len(tasks) == 0: print('Nothing to download')) return await gather_limitter(*tasks, max=max_subprocesses)
async def download(self, return_exceptions=False): """ Downloads the file from the given url to a file in the given path. """ context = self._session.get( self.file_url) if self.headers is None else self._session.get( self.file_url, headers=self.headers) async with context as resp: # Checkning the response code if 200 <= resp.status < 300: # Saving the data to the file chunk by chunk. async with, "wb") as file: # Downloading the file using the aiohttp.StreamReader async for data in resp.content.iter_chunked( self._chunk_size): await file.write(data) self._downloaded(self._chunk_size) self.completed = True return self else: e = aiodownloader_error( message=f"There was a problem processing {self.file_url}", code=resp.status, ) if return_exceptions: print(COLOUR.error(repr(e))) return e else: raise e
async def _get_from_script(script): """ returns list[dict[name, scr]] """ try: a = re.findall(r"\{.+\}", str(script))[0] return json.loads(f"[{a}]") except: print(COLOUR.error("Invalid player url supplied")) return None
async def use_aiodownloader(): if len(links_and_names_and_headers) != 0 and [ i[0] for i in links_and_names_and_headers ] != [None]: print( COLOUR.purple_back( f"Starting all downloads for {}")) print(COLOUR.purple_back('Please Wait...')) # as last is the headers which can be None jobs = [ dow_maker(*i) for i in links_and_names_and_headers if None not in i[:-1] ] tasks_3 = [ asyncio.ensure_future( for job in jobs ] if len(jobs) != 0: # will not get progress bars for automatic downloads to speed up the proceess or if multiple episodes are bing downloaded if (not automatic_downloads) and len(jobs) == 1: await utils.multi_progress_bar(jobs) results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks_3, return_exceptions=True) flag = False for result in results: if isinstance(result, Exception): print( flag = True if flag and debug: print(str(links_and_names_and_headers)) else: # to avoid too much stdout if automatic_downloads == False: # when countdown links may give none and non empty links_and_names_and_headers print("Nothing to download")) else: # to avoid too much stdout if automatic_downloads == False: print("No downloads found"))
async def check_latest_version(session: Union[ClientSession, None] = None): flag = False if session is None: session = await ClientSession().__aenter__() flag = True VERSION_URL = '' LATEST_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?<=version = ).+') async with session.get(VERSION_URL) as resp: LATEST_VERSION: float = float( resp.text()).group(0)) if flag: await session.close() if CURRENT_VERSION != LATEST_VERSION: print( f'New version {LATEST_VERSION} now available over current {CURRENT_VERSION} !' )) print('Update your files now from {GITHUB_REPOSITORY}')) if os.path.isdir('./.git'): if input( '\nWould you like to pull the latest changes using git? (y/n): ' ) == 'y': print('Running git pull...')) os.system('git pull') print( 'Please make sure to check the .eg.json files for new additions or changes, in case any breaking changes have been added.' )) print() elif flag: print('You are on the latest Version {CURRENT_VERSION} !')) else: pass
async def get_player_embed_links(self, player_link: str) -> list: """returns list[{"name": str, "src": str}] """ if "axplayer/player" in player_link: # happens for older anime return [{ "name": "Vidstreaming", "src": (await self.get_ext_server(player_link, "Vidstreaming"))[0], }] soup = await fetch(player_link, self.session) for i in soup.find_all("script"): if "var" in str(i): data = await player._get_from_script(i) if data: return data else: continue else: print(COLOUR.error("Player link error")) return None
def play(link, encode, header: Union[None, Dict[str, str]] = None): try: assert link is not None if debug: print( if encode and 'm3u8' in link: print(f'Headers for this episode are: \n{header}') print('Run this to download the stream ->') print( f'ffmpeg -i "{link}" -map 0:p:{mpv_args[0][-1]} -c:v libx265 -c:a copy -preset fast -x265-params crf=26 out.ts' ) print('Run this to encode the stream ->') print(f'ffmpeg -i out.ts -c:v copy -c:a copy final.mp4') print('Change them however you like') return None elif encode: print('Cannot encode non m3u8 episodes. Try disabling the flag') return None if operating_system == 'nt': query = f'vlc --play-and-exit -f --one-instance --no-playlist-enqueue "{link}"' if 'streamani' not in link: if header: query += f' --http-referrer="{header["Referer"]}"' if header.get('Subtitle') and len(header.get('Subtitle')): query += ' --sub-files="' + ':'.join([ i.replace(':', '\:') for i in header.get('Subtitle') ]) + '"' else: query += ' --http-referrer=""', shell=True) else: cmd = ["mpv", f'"{link}"'] # I know hardcoding is bad if 'streamani' not in link: if header: cmd.append( f'--http-header-fields="Referer: {header.get("Referer")}"' ) if header.get('Subtitle') and len(header.get('Subtitle')): cmd.append('--sub-files="' + ':'.join([ i.replace(':', '\:') for i in header.get('Subtitle') ]) + '"') else: cmd.append( '--http-header-fields="Referer:"' ) cmd += mpv_args if os.system == 'nt': cmd = [r'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe'] + cmd' '.join(cmd), shell=True) # print(' '.join(cmd)) # process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # process.wait() except AssertionError: print( COLOUR.error( 'This server did not work. Try to decrease the priority of this server or try with --ext flag.' )) exit()
from kickassanime_scraper import CONFIGS, automate_scraping, update_config import re import traceback from os.path import isdir, join as join_path from os import makedirs from pathlib import Path with open("./Config/to_update.json") as f: data = json.loads( needed = data['anime'] download_location: str = data['download_location'] if not isdir(download_location): print( COLOUR.warn( 'Download directory not currectly set in `Config/to_update.json`!' )) data['download_location'] = download_location = join_path( Path.home(), 'Videos', 'Anime') print('Changing the directory to {download_location}')) makedirs(download_location, exist_ok=True) update_config(CONFIGS.to_update, data) pause = data['pause_on_complete'] async def main(): tasks = [] for link, start in needed.items(): tasks.append( automate_scraping(
async def automate_scraping( link, start_episode=None, end_episode=None, automatic_downloads=False, download_location=os.getcwd(), only_player=False, get_ext_servers=False, check_version=False, ): async with ClientSession(connector=TCPConnector(ssl=False), headers={"Connection": "keep-alive"}) as sess: var = kickass(sess, link) print( tasks = [] async for i in var.get_episodes_embeds_range(start_episode, end_episode): tasks.append(i) embed_result = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) def write_ext_servers(ext_dict, episode_number): with open("episodes.txt", "a+") as f: f.write( f"\n{} episode {format_float(episode_number)}:\n") for ext_name, ext_link in ext_dict.items(): f.write(f"\t\t{ext_name}: {ext_link}\n") download_tasks = [] player_tasks = [] for i in embed_result: if debug and not automatic_downloads: print( COLOUR.grey( f"Starting episode {format_float(i['ep_num'])}")) if i["episode_countdown"] == True: print( f'episode {format_float(i["ep_num"])} is still in countdown' )) continue elif i["can_download"] and not only_player: download_tasks.append( var.get_download(i["download"], i["ep_num"], no_stdout=automatic_downloads)) elif (i["ext_servers"] is not None) and get_ext_servers: write_ext_servers(i["ext_servers"], i["ep_num"]) print( COLOUR.grey( f"Written ext_servers for episode {format_float(i['ep_num'])}" )) else: player_tasks.append( var.get_from_player(i["player"], i["ep_num"])) links_and_names_and_headers = await asyncio.gather(*download_tasks) def dow_maker(url, name, headers=None): return downloader.DownloadJob(sess, url, name, download_location, headers=headers) def write_links(links_list): """for player links""" with open("episodes.txt", "a+") as f: for link, name, headers in links_list: f.write("\n") f.write(f"{name}: {link} \n") if headers: f.write(f"headers: {headers}\n") if len(player_tasks) != 0: to_play = await asyncio.gather(*player_tasks) else: to_play = [None] ans = "n" if automatic_downloads: ans = "y" else: if not only_player: ans = input("\ndownload now y/n?: ") async def use_aiodownloader(): if len(links_and_names_and_headers) != 0 and [ i[0] for i in links_and_names_and_headers ] != [None]: print( COLOUR.purple_back( f"Starting all downloads for {}")) print(COLOUR.purple_back('Please Wait...')) # as last is the headers which can be None jobs = [ dow_maker(*i) for i in links_and_names_and_headers if None not in i[:-1] ] tasks_3 = [ asyncio.ensure_future( for job in jobs ] if len(jobs) != 0: # will not get progress bars for automatic downloads to speed up the proceess or if multiple episodes are bing downloaded if (not automatic_downloads) and len(jobs) == 1: await utils.multi_progress_bar(jobs) results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks_3, return_exceptions=True) flag = False for result in results: if isinstance(result, Exception): print( flag = True if flag and debug: print(str(links_and_names_and_headers)) else: # to avoid too much stdout if automatic_downloads == False: # when countdown links may give none and non empty links_and_names_and_headers print("Nothing to download")) else: # to avoid too much stdout if automatic_downloads == False: print("No downloads found")) async def use_subprocess(l_n_h: tuple): def get_process(link, name, header) -> async_subprocess: head = f'-H "Referer: {header["Referer"]}" ' if header else '' optional_args = '-k --location ' path = os.path.join(download_location, name) cmd = f'''curl -o "{path}" ''' + \ optional_args + head + f'"{link}"' if == 'nt': query = [r'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe'] return async_subprocess(*query, std_inputs=[cmd, 'exit'], print_stdin=False, print_stdout=False, description=name) else: query = ["bash", "-c", cmd] return async_subprocess(*query, description=name) tasks = [ get_process(link, name, header) for link, name, header in l_n_h if link ] if len(tasks) == 0: print('Nothing to download')) return await gather_limitter(*tasks, max=max_subprocesses) if (check_version or check_updates): if not automatic_downloads: # don't check if automatic downloads await check_latest_version(sess) if ans == "y" and not only_player: if download_using == 'aiodownloader': x = await use_aiodownloader() if x: return x elif download_using == 'subprocess': await use_subprocess(links_and_names_and_headers) else: print( COLOUR.warn( f'Config: downloader: {download_using} not supported.') ) else: if not only_player: write_links(links_and_names_and_headers) for i in to_play: if not only_player and i: print(i) try: last_downloaded = [ i[1] for i in links_and_names_and_headers if i[0] ][0] return (, last_downloaded) except IndexError: # None when no server in config is available or there was no download link available for that episode return (, None)
async def get_embeds(self, episode_link=None) -> dict: """player, download, ep_num, ext_servers, episode_countdown either pass the download link or set self.episode_link manually""" if episode_link == None: if self.episode_link == None: raise Exception("no url supplied") else: pass else: self.episode_link = episode_link try: # episode_num = int(self.episode_link.split("/")[-1].split("-")[1]) episode_num = float(".".join( self.episode_link.split("/")[-1].replace("episode-", "").split("-")[:-1])) except ValueError: # for ovas and stuff episode_num = 0.0 if debug: print(COLOUR.grey(f"Getting episode {format_float(episode_num)}")) soup = await fetch(self.episode_link, self.session) data: Dict[str, str] = None for i in soup.find_all("script"): if "appUrl" in str(i): data = await kickass._get_data(i) break result = [] # for i,j in data["episode"].items(): # print(i,j) for i in data["episode"].values(): try: if "http" in i: result.append(i) except TypeError: # means pass # print(result) ret = { "player": [], "download": None, "ext_servers": None, "can_download": True, "episode_countdown": False, } for i in result: if "mobile2" in i.split("/"): # print('yes') ret["download"] = i.strip() else: # print('no') ret["player"].append(i.strip()) try: if data["ext_servers"] != None: ret["ext_servers"] = { i["name"]: i["link"] for i in data["ext_servers"] if i is not None } else: pass except: print( COLOUR.error( f"Ext server error. None available for {format_float(episode_num)}" )) if ret["download"] != None: ret["download"] = await self.get_servers(ret["download"]) else: ret["can_download"] = False ret["ep_num"] = episode_num try: if "countdown" in ret["player"][0]: ret["episode_countdown"] = True else: pass except IndexError: print(COLOUR.warn("No player links available")) return ret
try: with open("./Config/config.json") as file: data = json.loads( priority = data["priority"] debug = data["debug"] download_using = data["downloader"] max_subprocesses = data["max_subprocesses"] WEBSITE_DOMAIN = data["WEBSITE_DOMAIN"] check_updates: bool = data["check_updates"] except FileNotFoundError: eg_configs = lambda x, non=False: f"./Config/{x}{'.eg' if not non else ''}.json" configs = ['config', 'to_update', 'watch_config'] if reduce(lambda a, b: a and isfile(eg_configs(b)), configs, True): print(COLOUR.warn("Configs not setup. Using default configs...")) for config in configs: copyfile(eg_configs(config), eg_configs(config, non=True)) print(COLOUR.warn("Configs created. Restart the program.")) else: print( COLOUR.error( 'Config files not found. Please place the `.eg.json` files in the `Config` directory.' )) exit() class CONFIGS(enum.Enum): config = 1 to_update = 2 watch_config = 3
async def _vidstreaming(self, url): page = await fetch(url, self.session) # available servers are ['Multiquality Server', 'StreamSB', 'Doodstream', 'Server Hyrax', 'Mp4upload', 'YourUpload'] servers = { i.text: i.get('data-video') for i in page.find_all('li', {'class': 'linkserver'}) if i.get('data-video') } # download link can also be found. async def multiquality(key): try: page = await fetch(servers[key], self.session) except: raise Exception('Server multiquality not found.') tag = str(page.find('div', {'class': 'videocontent'})) # hls streaming url return"(?<=file:\s')h.+?(?=',)", tag).group(0) async def streamsb(key): # page = await fetch(servers[key], self.session) url = servers[key] template = '{id}?auto=0&referer=&' _id ='(?<=embed-).+(?=\.html)', url) if _id: player_link = template.format( async with self.session.get(player_link) as resp: page = await resp.text() link ='''({file:\s?"|')(http.+)("|')}''', page).group(2) return link else: raise Exception('Not implemented') # this doesn't work for now async with self.session.get(url.replace('/e/', '/d/')) as resp: soup = bs(await resp.text(), 'html.parser') links = [] for tag in soup.find_all('a', { 'href': '#', 'onclick': True }): args ='(?<=download_video\().+(?=\))', tag.attrs.get('onclick')).group(0) code, mode, hashed = map(lambda x: x.replace("'", ''), args.split(',')) dl_url = 'https://' + url.split( '/' )[2] + '/dl?op=download_orig&id=' + code + '&mode=' + mode + '&hash=' + hashed async with as resp: soup = bs(await resp.text(), 'html.parser') parsers = {'StreamSB': streamsb, 'Multiquality Server': multiquality} available = list(parsers.keys()) async def try_all(index=0): if index == len(available): COLOUR.error( 'Could not get stream. Try decreasing the priority of this server.' ) raise LookupError() print(f'Trying {available[index]}') try: return await parsers[available[index]](available[index]) except Exception as e: print(e) return await try_all(index + 1) try: return await try_all() except LookupError: if debug: print(servers) print(url) print(COLOUR.error("Didn't work try ext flag")) except: return None
async def get_from_server(self, server_name, server_link): """ returns [server_name, link, header] where link: str | {quality: link} header: None | {Referer: url, Subtitle?: list[url]} """ header = None # from get_player_embed_links due to older anime. All the work has already been done if server_name == "Vidstreaming": header = {'Referer': ''} return [server_name, server_link, header] elif server_name == "MAVERICKKI": return await Mavereckki(server_name, server_link, self.session) iframe_url = server_link.replace("player.php?", "pref.php?") soup = await fetch(iframe_url, self.session, {'referer': ''}) def get_script(): for i in soup.find_all("script"): x = str(i) if "document.write" in x and len(x) > 783: return b64decode('\.decode\("(.+)"\)', x).group(1)) async def get_list(bs_soup): for i in bs_soup.find_all("script"): if "file" in str(i): return json.loads( re.findall(r"\[{.*}]", str(i))[0].replace( '\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\"')) return list() if server_name == "PINK-BIRD": script_tag: str = get_script() try: return [ server_name, bs(script_tag, "html.parser").find("source")["src"], header ] except TypeError: print(COLOUR.error(f'Bad player link for {server_name}')) return [server_name, None, header] elif server_name == "SAPPHIRE-DUCK": script_tag: bytes = get_script() if not script_tag: print(COLOUR.error(f'Bad player link for {server_name}')) return [server_name, None, header] sap_duck = bs(script_tag, "html.parser") java_script = str(sap_duck.select_one("script")) return [ server_name,'(http.*)"', java_script).group(1).replace(r"\/", r"/"), header ] elif server_name == "BETASERVER3" or server_name == "BETAPLAYER": res = "" links_list = await get_list(soup) # for i in links_list: # res += "\t\t{i['label']}: {i['file']}\n" res = { i["label"]: i['file'].replace(' ', '%20').replace('\\', '') for i in links_list if i["file"] } if res: return [server_name, res, header] else: return [server_name, None, header] elif server_name == "BETA-SERVER": script_tag = (str(get_script()).replace("file", r'"file"').replace( "label", r'"label"')) links_list = json.loads("\[\{.+\}\]", script_tag).group(0)) res = { i["label"].strip(): i["file"].replace('\\', '') for i in links_list } return [server_name, res, header] elif server_name == "DR.HOFFMANN": soup = await fetch(server_link, self.session) script_tag = str(get_script()) res ='"(http.+)",label', script_tag).group(1) return [server_name, res, header] elif server_name == "MAGENTA13": atob_regex = re.compile(r'(?<=atob\(").+(?=")') data_regex = re.compile(r'(?<=setup\().+(?=,)') validate_regex = re.compile('(?<!\\\\)\'') quote_keys_regex = r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)' def decode_atob(body: str): try: found = decoded = str(b64decode(found + '=' * (-len(body) % 4))) except: return body return decode_atob(decoded) async with self.session.get( server_link.replace('player.php', 'pref.php')) as html: body = await html.text() first_data = decode_atob(body) # fixes padding unvalidated_data = decode_atob(first_data)).group(0) + '}' final_data = unvalidated_data.replace('\\', '') validated = validate_regex.sub('\"', final_data) # object is like {sources: [{file: string, type: 'hls'}], image: string} final_data = json.loads( re.sub(quote_keys_regex, r'\1"\2"\3', validated)) if len(final_data['sources']) > 1: # I haven't found this print(final_data) print(final_data) # For test return [server_name, final_data['sources'][0]['file'], header] elif server_name == "THETA-ORIGINAL": decode_regex = r'(?<=decode\(").+(?="\))' sources_regex = re.compile(r'(?<=sources: )\[\{.*?\}\]') quote_keys_regex = r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)' async with self.session.get(server_link) as resp: html = await resp.text() decoded = str(b64decode(, html).group(0))) sources = # this is of the format [{file: string, label: '1080p', type: 'mp4'}, ...] sources = json.loads(re.sub(quote_keys_regex, r'\1"\2"\3', sources)) if len(sources) > 1: print(sources) # Haven't seen this happen return [server_name, sources[0]['file'], header] else: # print(f"not implemented server {server_name}") return [server_name, iframe_url, header]