def DownloadResource(url, default_dir='data', verbose=True):
  '''Downloading a resource from HDX.'''
  # Assemble file path.
  file_name = os.path.basename(url)
  file_path = os.path.join('data', file_name)
  if verbose:
    print '%s Downloading resource %s' % (item('prompt_bullet'), file_name)
  # Make request.
    r = requests.get(url)
    if r.status_code == 200:
      with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
        for chunk in r:

    if verbose:
      print '%s File %s was downloaded successfully.' % (item('prompt_bullet'), file_name)

  except Exception as e:
    if verbose:
      print e
      print '%s File %s failed to download.' % (item('prompt_error'), file_name)

    return False
def CollectAndStoreGaulData(csv_name, db_table='Gaul', verbose=True):
  '''Use a CSV file to store the WFP-modified GAUL on a local database.'''

  print '%s Storing GAUL database in DB (~5 mins).' % item('prompt_bullet')
  # Data dir.
  data_dir = os.path.split(dir)[0]
  gaul_location = os.path.join(data_dir, 'config', csv_name)
  # Storing GAUL on database.
    with open(gaul_location) as csv_file:
      data = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
      records = []
      for row in data:
        StoreRecords(row, db_table, verbose=True)
#      StoreRecords(records, db_table, verbose=True)

  except Exception as e:
    print "%s Failed to store GAUL database in DB." % item('prompt_error')
    if verbose:
      print e
    return False
def StoreRecords(data, table, verbose = False):
  '''Store records in a ScraperWiki database.'''

  # Available schemas.
  schemas = {
    'FCS': ["ADM0_ID", "ADM5_ID", "Methodology", "LivelihoodZoneName", "ADM4_ID", "FCS_borderline", "FCS_month", "IndicatorTypeID", "FCS_dataSource", "methodologyID", "FCS_year", "TargetGroup", "ADM3_ID", "ADM2_ID", "Lz_ID", "mr_id", "FCS_lowerThreshold", "FCS_id", "FCS_poor", "targetGroupID", "ADM1_ID", "FCS_upperThreshold", "FCS_acceptable", "FCS_mean"],
    'CSI': ["CSI_rMediumCoping", "IndicatorTypeID", "ADM0_ID", "CSI_csHighCoping", "ADM5_ID", "LivelihoodZoneName", "ADM4_ID", "CSI_rDataSource", "CSI_csLowCoping", "MethodologyCs", "csMethodologyID", "CSI_rHighCoping", "CSI_id", "CSI_rMediumHighThreshold", "CSI_csMean", "CSI_rLowCoping", "CSI_rLowMediumThreshold", "rMethodologyID", "CSI_rMonth", "csTargetGroupID", "CSI_rNoCoping", "TargetGroupCs", "ADM3_ID", "CSI_csDataSource", "ADM2_ID", "TargetGroupR", "CSI_csLowMediumThreshold", "Lz_ID", "MethodologyR", "CSI_csMediumCoping", "mr_id", "CSI_csNoCoping", "CSI_rYear", "fdc", "CSI_csMediumHighThreshold", "rTargetGroupID", "CSI_csYear", "CSI_rMean", "ADM1_ID", "CSI_csMonth"],
    'Income': ["IncomeSubCategoryID", "IncomeID", "Adm4_ID", "Adm0_ID", "IncomeYear", "Adm3_ID", "IndicatorTypeID", "Adm2_ID", "IncomeCategoryID", "Adm5_ID", "IncomeSubCategory", "IncomeCategory", "IncomeMonth", "mr_id", "IncomeValue", "Adm1_ID"]

    schema = schemas[table]

  except Exception as e:

    if verbose is True:
      print "%s select one of the following tables: %s." % (item('prompt_error'), ", ".join(schemas.keys()))
      print e
    print '%s Could not find schema.' % item('prompt_error')
    return False

    for record in data:, record, table_name=table)

  except Exception as e:
    print "%s Failed to store record in database." % item('prompt_error')
    print e
def FetchData(url=Config.LoadConfig()['url']):
  '''Fetching data from the UNOSAT API.'''

  # Loading main URL from the config
  # file and making request.
    u = url
    r = requests.get(u)

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Could not connect to url: %s' % (item('prompt_error'), url)
    print e
    return False

  # Checking the status code.
  if r.status_code !=
    print '%s Request to UNOSAT servers failed to complete.' % item('propmt_error')
    return False

    return r.json()
def CreateTables(config_path=Config.CONFIG_PATH, verbose=True):
  '''Creating the tables of the new database.'''

    endpoints = Config.LoadConfig(config_path)

  except Exception as e:
    if verbose:
      print e
      print '%s Could not load configuration file.' % item('prompt_error')

  sql_statements = {}

  for endpoint in endpoints['endpoints']:
    table_name = endpoint['database']['name']
    statement = " TEXT, ".join(endpoint['database']['fields'])
    statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(%s TEXT)' % (table_name, statement)
    sql_statements[table_name] = statement

  for table in sql_statements:
      query = scraperwiki.sqlite.execute(sql_statements[table])
      print "%s table `%s` created." % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(table))

    except Exception as e:
      print e
      return False

  print "%s Database created successfully." % item('prompt_success')
  return True
def collect_previous_ga_data(verbose = False, test_data = False):
    '''Collecting historical Google Analytics data with the new database.'''

    counter = 0
    period_date =

    # Google Analytics only has data available
    # from 2014-05-25, not earlier.
    while period_date > date(2014, 5, 25):
        period_date = - timedelta(weeks=counter)
        counter += 1

            print "%s collecting data for week %s of %s" % (I.item('prompt_bullet'), period_date.isocalendar()[1], period_date.isocalendar()[0])
            records = ga_collect.collect_ga_data(period_date)
            S.StoreRecords(data = records, table = "funnel")

            if test_data is True and counter > 1:
                return records

        except Exception as e:
            if verbose:
                print e
                return False

            print "%s Google Analytics failed to run." % I.item('prompt_error')

    print "%s Google Analytics collection ran successfully." % I.item('prompt_success')
    return True
def CreateTables(config_path='dev.json', verbose=True):
  '''Creating the tables of the new database.'''

  # Load configuration data.
    config_data = Config.LoadConfig(config_path)['database']

  except Exception as e:
    if verbose:
      print '%s Could not load configuration file.' % item('prompt_error')
      print e

    return False

  # Create SQL statements for every table.
  sql_statements = {}

  for table in config_data:
    table_name = table['database']['table_name']
    statement = " TEXT, ".join(table['database']['fields'])
    statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(%s TEXT)' % (table_name, statement)
    sql_statements[table_name] = statement

  for table in sql_statements:
    print "%s Table `%s` created." % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(table))

  print "%s Database created successfully.\n" % item('prompt_success')
  return True
def Main(verbose=False):

  # List of indicators to download.
  indicators = [642, 653, 654, 593, 587, 3, 190, 504, 495, 343, 322, 337, 545, 384, 664, 645, 541, 540, 684, 588]
  # indicators = [322]
  for indicator in indicators:
    data = BuildQueryString(indicator)
    print '%s Processing data for `%s`' % (item('prompt_bullet'), data['metadato']['NOM_DATO'].encode('utf-8'))

    # Error handler for the processing.
    errors = []
      table_name = 'sidih_' + str(indicator)
      StoreRecords(data=data['valores'], table=table_name, schema='sidih_schema')
      StoreRecords(data=data['valores'], table="sidih_all_data", schema='sidih_schema')

    except Exception as e:
      print '%s Indicator %s failed to process.' % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(indicator))
      if verbose:
        print e

  # Pretty printing summary.
  n_success = len(indicators) - len(errors)
  print '%s Successfully collected %s indicators from SIDIH.' % (item('prompt_success'), str(n_success))
  if len(errors) > 0:
    print '%s %s indicators failed to collect: %s.' % (item('prompt_warn'), str(len(errors)), errors)
  return True
def QueryWFP(urls, db_table, endpoint, **kwargs):
  '''Query WFP's VAM API asynchronously.'''
  data_dir = kwargs['data_dir']
  verbose = kwargs.get('verbose')
  make_json = kwargs.get('make_json')
  make_csv = kwargs.get('make_csv')
  store_db = kwargs.get('store_db', True)

  # Load endpoint information.
  preferred_fields = endpoint['preferred_fields']
  url_list = list(urls)

  if verbose:
    for url in url_list:
      print '%s query: %s' % (item('prompt_bullet'), url)

  # Defining the asynchronous request.
  request_list = (requests.get(url) for url in url_list)
  responses =, exception_handler=handler)

  for index, r in enumerate(responses, 1):
    data = r.json() if r else []
    length = len(data)

    # Check if there is data available and store output.
    if length and verbose:
      print "%s Data found." % item('prompt_bullet')
    elif verbose:
      print '%s Data not found.' % item('prompt_warn')

    # Store JSON.
    if length and make_json:
      j_path = p.join(DATA_DIR, 'data', '%s_%s_data.json' % (db_table, index))

      with open(j_path, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(data, outfile)

    # Store CSV.
    if length and make_csv:
      c_path = p.join(DATA_DIR, 'data', '%s_%s_data.csv' % (db_table, index))
      f = csv.writer(open(c_path, "wb+"))
      [f.writerow(flatten_row(row, preferred_fields).values()) for row in data]

    # Storing results in DB.
    if length and store_db:
      schema = endpoint['database']['fields']

      for row in data:
        flattened_row = flatten_row(row, preferred_fields)
        StoreRecords([flattened_row], schema, db_table)
def CalculateMetric(json, test_data = False):
  '''Process dataset list data and store output.'''

  print "%s Calculating private datasets." % I.item('prompt_bullet')

  records = [{
    'metricid': 'ckan-number-of-private-dataset',
    'period': str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
    'period_start_date': str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
    'period_end_date': str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
    'period_type': 'd',
    'value': 0

  i = 0
  for dataset in json['result']:
    if dataset['private']:
      records[0]['value'] += 1

    i += 1
    progress = round((float(i) / len(json['result'])),3) * 100
    print "%s Progress: %s%%" % (I.item('prompt_bullet'), progress)

  # Create week-record
  current_day_date = datetime.strptime(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y-%m-%d")
  current_week = time.strftime("%Y-W") + str(int(time.strftime('%U')) + 1)
  start = current_day_date - timedelta(days = current_day_date.weekday())
  end = start + timedelta(days = 6)
  first_day_of_current_week = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
  last_day_of_current_week = end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

  ## Faking week data
  ## for test purposes.
  if test_data is True:
    current_day_date = last_day_of_current_week

  if current_day_date == last_day_of_current_week:

    print "%s Generating week record." % I.item('prompt_bullet')

    record_week = {
      'metricid': 'ckan-number-of-orgs',
      'period': current_week,  # week starts at 01
      'period_start_date': first_day_of_current_week,
      'period_end_date': last_day_of_current_week,
      'period_type': 'w',
      'value': records[0]['value']

  S.StoreRecords(data = records, table = 'funnel')

  if test_data is True:
    return records

    return True
def ProcessHDXUserList(json, test_data = False):
  '''Process data and store output.'''

  if json["success"] is False:
    print "%s the resulting JSON is empty. Review your HDX query and try again." % I.item('prompt_error')

  # Calculating the record.
  if json["success"] is True:
    print "%s Processing results" % I.item('prompt_bullet')

    ## Create day-record.
    records = [{
      'metricid': 'ckan-number-of-users', 
      'period': str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
      'period_start_date': str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
      'period_end_date': str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
      'period_type': 'd',
      'value': len(json["result"])

    ## Create week-record.
    current_day_date = datetime.strptime(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y-%m-%d")
    current_week = time.strftime("%Y-W") + str(int(time.strftime('%U')) + 1)
    start = current_day_date - timedelta(days = current_day_date.weekday())
    end = start + timedelta(days = 6)
    first_day_of_current_week = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    last_day_of_current_week = end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    ## Faking week data
    ## for test purposes.
    if test_data is True:
     current_day_date = last_day_of_current_week

    if current_day_date == last_day_of_current_week:

      # Store in database.
      print "%s Generating week record." % I.item('prompt_bullet')

      record_week = {
        'metricid': 'ckan-number-of-users', 
        'period': current_week,  # week starts at 01
        'period_start_date': first_day_of_current_week,
        'period_end_date': last_day_of_current_week,
        'period_type': 'w',
        'value': len(json["result"])

    S.StoreRecords(data = records, table = 'funnel')

    if test_data is True:
      return records

      return True
def Main(patch=True, write_json=False):
    d = DownloadAndProcessData()
    # For testing purposes.
    if write_json:
      import json
      with open(os.path.join('data', 'test.json'), 'w') as outfile:
          json.dump(d, outfile)

    StoreData(data=d, table_name='unprocessed_data')

    # Patching original data.
    if patch:

        # Adding dates and country codes.
        dates_data = Clean.CleanDates(data=d)
        country_data = Clean.IdentifyCountries(data=dates_data)
        file_type_data = Clean.IdentifyFileTypeAndFileName(data=country_data)

        # Variable for export.
        export_data = file_type_data
        # Cleaning title and adding tags.
        data_title = Clean.CleanTitle(data=export_data)

        # Storing results.
        StoreData(data=data_title, table_name='processed_data')
        print '%s Successfully patched %s records.' % (item('prompt_success'), len(export_data))

      except Exception as e:
        print '%s Failed to patch data.' % item('prompt_error')
        print e
        return False

    print '%s Successfully fetched %s records from the UNOSAT Flood Portal.\n' % (item('prompt_success'), len(d))

  except Exception as e:
    print e
    return False
def run_historical_calculations():
    '''Making the calculations.'''

    print "%s Making historical calculations." % I.item('prompt_bullet')


    except Exception as e:
        print e

    print "%s successfully performed historical calculations.\n" % I.item('prompt_success')
Exemple #14
def CreateDbAndTable(config_file='dev.json', verbose=True):
  '''Creating tables in PostgreSQL database.'''

  # Loading database information
  # from config file.
  database = LoadConfig(config_file)['database']

  # TODO: add environment variables
  # to these default values.
  conn = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST_DATABASE, dbname='rolltime', user='******', password='******')
  cur = conn.cursor()

  # Build each table.
  for table in database:

    # Construct SQL statement.
    table_sql = ""
    for f in table['fields']:
      s = '%s %s, ' % (f['field_name'], f['type'])
      table_sql += s

    statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(%sPRIMARY KEY (%s))' % (table['name'], table_sql, ", ".join(table['primary_key']))

    # Make statements to the database.
      print "%s table `%s` created." % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(table['name']))

    except Exception as e:
      print '%s Table `%s` could not be created.' % (item('prompt_error'), table['name'])
      if verbose:
        print e
      return False

  # Close communication.
def CreateTables(config_path=Config.DEV_CONFIG_PATH, verbose=True):
  '''Creating the tables of the new database.'''

  # Load configuration data.
    config_data = Config.LoadConfig(config_path)['database']

  except Exception as e:
    if verbose:
      print '%s Could not load configuration file.' % item('prompt_error')
      print e

    return False

  # Create SQL statements for every table.
  sql_statements = {}

  for endpoint in config_data:
    table_name = endpoint['database']['table_name']
    statement = " TEXT, ".join(endpoint['database']['fields'])
    statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(%s TEXT)' % (table_name, statement)
    sql_statements[table_name] = statement

  for table in sql_statements:
    print "%s Table `%s` created." % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(table))

  ## I'm unable to test the following chunk.
  ## As a result, it will remain commented
  ## below.
  # for table in sql_statements:
  #   try:
  #     scraperwiki.sqlite.execute(sql_statements[table])
  #     print "%s Table `%s` created." % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(table))

  #   except Exception as e:
  #     if verbose:
  #       print '%s Failed to create table %s.' % (item('prompt_error'), table_name)
  #       print e
  #     return False

  print "%s Database created successfully.\n" % item('prompt_success')
  return True
def FetchResourceInfo(package_id, preferred_format='ZIPPED SHAPEFILE', verbose=False, **kwargs):
  '''Query HDX for a list of datasets that belong to an organization.
     Only fetches resources that match a preferred file format.'''

  # Fetch configuration.
  if kwargs.get('config_file') is not None:
    config = LoadConfig(kwargs.get('config_file'))
    config = LoadConfig()  # default: dev.json

  header = { 'X-CKAN-API-Key': config['hdx_key'] , 'content-type': 'application/json' }
  u = config['hdx_site'] + '/api/action/package_show?id=' + package_id


    # If not production, we need to
    # add simple HTTP authorization.
    if config['production']:
      r = requests.get(u, verify=True)  # turns-off SSL certificate verification

      r = requests.get(u, auth=(config['auth'][0], config['auth'][1]), verify=True)

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s There was a connection error. Host %s is now known.' % (item('prompt_error'), u)
    return False

  if r.status_code != 200:
    print '%s HDX query returned an error: "%s"' % (item('prompt_error'), r.json()['error']['message'])
    return False


    # Fetching URL information
    # from all organization packages.
    data = r.json()
    package_array = []
    for resource in data['result']['resources']:
      if resource['format'] == preferred_format:
        d = { 'resource_id': resource['id'], 'dataset_id': package_id, 'resource_url': resource['url'] }

    return package_array
def GetHDXUserList():
  '''Querying the CKAN API with a specific parameter.'''

  # Querying CKAN.
  # This takes a bit to complete ...
  u = ""

    print "%s Connecting to HDX" % (I.item('prompt_bullet'))
    j = r.get(u).json()
    return j

  except Exception as e:
    print "%s There was an error connecting to the CKAN API. Aborting." % I.item('prompt_error')
    return False
def GetDatasetList():
  '''Query CKAN for a list of datasets.'''

  # Querying CKAN.
  u = ""
  headers = { 'Authorization': L.LoadConfig('dev')['hdx_key'] }

    print "%s Fetching dataset list from HDX." % (I.item('prompt_bullet'))
    j = r.get(u, headers=headers).json()
    return j

  except Exception as e:
    print "%s There was an error connecting to the CKAN API. Aborting." % I.item('prompt_error')
    return False
Exemple #19
def Main():

  tables = ['station']
    for table in tables:

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Database configuration failed' % item('prompt_error')
    print e
    return False

  print '%s Database configured successfully.\n' % item('prompt_success')
def DownloadAndProcess(delete_files=True, verbose=False, **kwargs):
  '''Download and process the packages from UNOSAT.'''
    results = []
    a = AssemblePackageData(**kwargs)
    for package in a:

      # Download.
      # Analyze.
      b = FetchZipInformation(package)
      # Clean downloaded file.
      if delete_files:
        f = os.path.basename(b['resource_url'])
        os.remove(os.path.join('data', f))

    return results
  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Failed to download and process files.' % item('prompt_error')
    print e
    return results
def StoreRecords(data, table, progress_bar=False, verbose=False):
  '''Store records in a PostgreSQL database.'''

  # TODO: add environment variables
  # to these default values.
  conn = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST_DATABASE, dbname='rolltime', user='******', password='******')
  cur = conn.cursor()

    for record in data:

      # Check no NULL values are passed.
      for key in record.keys():
        if record.get(key) is None:

      # TODO: Check that the upsert statement
      # is supported by PostgreSQL 9.5
      c = 'INSERT INTO {table} ({columns}) '.format(table=table, columns=",".join(record.keys()))
      # v = 'VALUES ({values}) ON CONFLICT UPDATE'.format(values="'" + "','".join(str(v) for v in record.values()) + "'")
      v = 'VALUES ({values})'.format(values="'" + "','".join(str(v) for v in record.values()) + "'")
      cur.execute(c + v)

    # Commit all records.
    # And close cursor and connection.

  except Exception as e:
    if e.pgcode == '23505':
      print '%s Record already exists. Skipping.' % item('prompt_warn')

      if verbose:
        print "%s Failed to store record in database." % item('prompt_error')
        print 'PosgreSQL error code: %s' % e.pgcode
      return False
def CreateDBTable(table_name='Gaul', verbose=True):
  '''Creating the GAUL db table.'''

  statement = " TEXT, ".join(db_fields)
  statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(%s TEXT)' % (table_name, statement)

    print "%s table `%s` created." % (item('prompt_bullet'), str(table_name))

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Table `%s` could not be created.' % (item('prompt_error'), table_name)
    if verbose:
      print e
    return False
def Main(verbose=True):
  '''Wrapper to run all the scheduled tasks.'''

  if verbose:
    print '%s Running scheduler.' % item('prompt_bullet')

  while True:
Exemple #24
def Main():

    status = FetchLatestStationData()

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Failed to fetch data from the CitiBike API.' % item('prompt_error')
    print e
    return False

  if status != False:
    print '%s Collection worked successfully.' % item('prompt_success')
    return True

    print '%s Failed to fetch data from the CitiBike API.' % item('prompt_error')
    return False
def WriteCSV(json_path='output/analysis.json', verbose=True):
  '''Writes a CSV output based on a JSON input.'''
  # Configuring path.
  data_dir = os.path.split(json_path)[0]
  output_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'analysis.csv')

  # Read json file. 
    with open(json_path) as data_file:    
      data = json.load(data_file)

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Could not ope JSON file.' % item('prompt_error')
    print e
    return False
  # Writting file.
    with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
      writter = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

      i = 0
      for row in data:
        if i == 0:
          writter.writerow([ k for k in row.keys() ])
          writter.writerow([ k for k in row.values() ])
          i += 1

          writter.writerow([ v for v in row.values() ])
          i += 1
  except Exception as e:
    print '%s Could not write CSV file.' % item('prompt_error')
    print e
    return False
def FetchPackageList(organization_id, verbose=False, **kwargs):
  '''Query HDX for a list of datasets that belong to an organization.'''

  # Fetch configuration.
  if kwargs.get('config_file') is not None:
    config = LoadConfig(kwargs.get('config_file'))
    config = LoadConfig()  # default: dev.json

  header = { 'X-CKAN-API-Key': config['hdx_key'] , 'content-type': 'application/json' }
  u = config['hdx_site'] + '/api/action/organization_show?id=' + organization_id


    # If not production, we need to
    # add simple HTTP authorization.
    if config['production']:
      r = requests.get(u, verify=True)  # turns off SSL certificate verification.

      r = requests.get(u, auth=(config['auth'][0], config['auth'][1]), verify=True)

  except Exception as e:
    print '%s There was a connection error. Host %s is now known.' % (item('prompt_error'), u)
    return False

  if r.status_code != 200:
    print '%s HDX query returned an error: "%s"' % (item('prompt_error'), r.json()['error']['message'])
    return False


    # Assembling a list of packages
    # and returning.
    data = r.json()
    dataset_array = [ name['name'] for name in data['result']['packages'] ]
    return dataset_array
def CollectDaily(verbose = True):
  '''Collecting daily data.'''

    json = GetHDXUserList()

    print "%s Number of registered users fetched successfully." % I.item('prompt_success')
    return True

  except Exception as e:

    if verbose is True:
      print e
      return False
      print "%s Failed to fetch number of registered users." % I.item('prompt_error')
      return False
def CollectDaily(verbose = True):
  '''Collecting daily data.'''

    dataset_list = GetDatasetList()

    print "%s Number of private datasets fetched successfully." % I.item('prompt_success')
    return True

  except Exception as e:

    if verbose is True:
      print e
      return False
      print "%s Failed to fetch number of private datasets." % I.item('prompt_error')
      return False
def Main():
  # Creating table and storing records.

  if CollectAndStoreGaulData('modified_admin_units.csv') is not False:
    print '%s Stored GAUL database on DB successfully.' % item('prompt_success')
def StoreRecords(data, schema, table):
  '''Store records in a ScraperWiki database.'''

    for record in data:, record, table_name=table)

  except Exception as e:
    print "%s Failed to store record in database." % item('prompt_error')
    print e