Exemple #1
 def policy(self,v): 
      """returns an optimal policy assuming the next value function is v
         v is a list of values for each state
         returns a list of the indexes of optimal actions for each state
      return [argmax(enumerate([self.reward[s][a]+self.discount*product(self.trans[s][a],v)
                                for a in range(len(self.actions))]))
              for s in range(len(self.states))]
Exemple #2
 def select_action(self, state):
     """returns an action to carry out for the current agent
     given the state, and the q-function
     if flip(self.explore):
         return random.choice(self.actions)
         return argmax((next_act, self.q.get((state, next_act), self.qinit))
                       for next_act in self.actions)
def processTestFile(dwsd, filename, destination, window=5, softScoring=False):
    tobreak = False
    prevword = ""
    with open(destination, 'w') as d:
        f = open(filename)
        acc = 0.0
        i = 0
        start_time = time.time()
        for line in f:
            lst = line.split('|')

            word_pos = lst[0].strip().split('.')
            word = word_pos[0]
            pos = word_pos[1]
            gloss = lst[2].strip().split('%%')
            context = gloss[0] + gloss[1] + gloss[2]

            # pick up a number of pre- and post- words defined by int window
            pre_words = gloss[0].strip().split(' ')
            pre_words = pre_words[-window:]
            post_words = gloss[2].strip().split(' ')
            post_words = post_words[:window]

            if prevword != word:
                prevword = word
                print "Target: ", word, "at line", i, "of 3918 for test", time.time() - start_time

            #print "Context: ", context
            #print "POS: ", pos

            # algorithm bottleneck is HERE
            scores, alpha = dwsd.Lesk(word, pos, pre_words, post_words,softScoring)
            sense = utilities.argmax(zip(scores.keys(),scores.values()))
            if max(scores.values()) == alpha: # we got no overlap!
                print sense, "original score but no overlap."
                print zip(scores.keys(),scores.values())
                sense = 1 # we should guess this by default.
                #tobreak = True
            trueSense = int(lst[1].strip())
            if softScoring:
                #print scores
                if trueSense in scores:
                    #print scores[trueSense]
                    acc += scores[trueSense]
                if sense == trueSense:
                    acc += 1
            i += 1
            d.write("" + str(i) + "," + str(sense) + "\n")
            if tobreak:
                break # REMOVE AFTER DONE WITH

    return acc / float(i)
Exemple #4
 def select_action(self, state):
     """returns an action to carry out for the current agent
     given the state, and the q-function.
     This implements an epsilon-greedy approach
     where self.explore is the probability of exploring.
     if flip(self.explore):
         return random.choice(self.actions)
         return argmax((next_act, dot_product(self.weights,
                               for next_act in self.actions)
Exemple #5
    def classify(self,testSet,alpha=1,softscore=False,kaggle=False,biasTowardsCommon=True):
        predictions = []

        actual = []
        correct = 0
        for example in testSet:
            word = example[0]
            features = example[2]
            probs = []
            if word in self.wordCounts:
                wc = self.wordCounts[word]
                for sense in self.senseCounts[word]:
                    sc = self.senseCounts[word][sense]
                    prob = 0.0
                    if biasTowardsCommon:
                        prob = math.log(sc/float(wc))
                    # Only go through the features we have from training, ignore features that arise in test example
                    # that don't appear in any training example as they will all have the same effect (sort of) on the probability
                    if word in self.featureLists:
                        for key in self.featureLists[word]:
                            #feature is non-null/0 in this example 
                            fp = 0.0
                            if key in features:
                                value = features[key]
                                #Does this sense of the word have this feature as non-null/0
                                if key in self.featureCounts[(word,sense)]:
                                    #Are there any of the value in this test example in our training examples
                                    if value in self.featureCounts[(word,sense)][key]:
                                        fp = math.log((self.featureCounts[(word,sense)][key][value] + alpha) / float(sc+alpha*len(self.featureLists[word])))
                                    #if not, use add one smoothing to avoid zero probability
                                        fp = math.log(alpha/float(sc+alpha*len(self.featureLists[word])))
                                #If it doesn't then using add 1 smoothing compute probability
                                    fp = math.log(alpha/float(sc+alpha*len(self.featureLists[word])))
                            # feature is 0/null in example
                                #if the feature has non-null/0 value in any of our test example
                                if key in self.featureCounts[(word,sense)]:
                                    fp = math.log((sc-sum(self.featureCounts[(word,sense)][key].values())+alpha) / float(sc+alpha*len(self.featureLists[word])))
                                #The feature is null for all train examples
                                    fp = math.log((sc + alpha) / float(sc+alpha*len(self.featureLists[word])))
                            #print key + ": " + str(fp)
                            prob += fp
                res = None
                if softscore:
                # separate out the senses and the probabilities into 2 lists
                    senses = list(zip(*probs)[0])
                    prob_numbers = list(zip(*probs)[1])
                    #Adjust probabilities by maximum log to avoid underflow if possible when normalizing. 
                    m_log = max(prob_numbers)
                    prob_numbers = [math.e**(x-m_log) for x in prob_numbers]
                    # normalize probabilities
                    prob_sum = sum(prob_numbers)
                    prob_numbers = [x/prob_sum for x in prob_numbers]
                    probs = zip(senses, prob_numbers)
                    res = utilities.argmax(probs)
                    probs = dict(probs)
                    if example[1] in probs:
                        correct += probs[example[1]]
                    res = utilities.argmax(probs)
                    correct = correct if res != example[1] else correct+1
        accuracy = correct/float(len(predictions))
        if kaggle:
            with open('kaggle_results','w') as f:
                i = 1
                for prediction in predictions:
                    f.write(str(i) + "," + str(prediction) + "\n")

        return (accuracy,zip(actual,predictions))