def rankUsingPrograms(): results = pickle.load(open(, 'rb')) print " [+] Loaded %d synthesis results from %s." % (len(results), def getProgramForParse(sequence): for r in results: if sequence == r.parse and r.usedPrior(): return r return None def featuresOfParticle(p): r = getProgramForParse(p.sequence()) if r != None and r.cost != None and r.source != None: programFeatures = mergeDictionaries({'failure': 0.0}, parseSketchOutput( r.source).features()) else: programFeatures = {'failure': 1.0} parseFeatures = { 'distance': p.distance[0] + p.distance[1], 'logPrior': p.sequence().logPrior(), 'logLikelihood': p.logLikelihood } return mergeDictionaries(parseFeatures, programFeatures) k = arguments.learnToRank topParticles = [ loadTopParticles('drawings/expert-%d-parses' % j, k) for j in range(100) ] learningProblems = [] for j, ps in enumerate(topParticles): gt = getGroundTruthParse('drawings/expert-%d.png' % j) positives = [] negatives = [] for p in ps: if p.sequence() == gt: positives.append(p) else: negatives.append(p) if positives != [] and negatives != []: learningProblems.append( (map(featuresOfParticle, positives), map(featuresOfParticle, negatives))) featureIndices = list( set([ f for pn in learningProblems for exs in pn for ex in exs for f in ex.keys() ])) def dictionaryToVector(featureMap): return [featureMap.get(f, 0.0) for f in featureIndices] learningProblems = [(map(dictionaryToVector, positives), map(dictionaryToVector, negatives)) for positives, negatives in learningProblems] parameters = learnToRank(learningProblems) for f, p in zip(featureIndices, parameters): print f, p # showcases where it succeeds programAccuracy = 0 oldAccuracy = 0 for j, tp in enumerate(topParticles): if tp == []: continue gt = getGroundTruthParse('drawings/expert-%d.png' % j) # the_top_particles_according_to_the_learned_weights featureVectors = np.array( [dictionaryToVector(featuresOfParticle(p)) for p in tp]) particleScores = bestParticleUsingPrograms = max(zip(particleScores.tolist(), tp))[1] programPredictionCorrect = False if bestParticleUsingPrograms.sequence() == gt: print "Prediction using the program is correct." programPredictionCorrect = True programAccuracy += 1 else: print "Prediction using the program is incorrect." oldPredictionCorrect = tp[0].sequence() == gt print "Was the old prediction correct?", oldPredictionCorrect oldAccuracy += int(oldPredictionCorrect) visualization = np.zeros((256, 256 * 3)) visualization[:, :256] = 1 - frameImageNicely( loadImage('drawings/expert-%d.png' % j)) visualization[:, 256:(256 * 2)] = frameImageNicely( fastRender(tp[0].sequence())) visualization[:, (256 * 2):(256 * 3)] = frameImageNicely( fastRender(bestParticleUsingPrograms.sequence())) visualization[:, 256] = 0.5 visualization[:, 256 * 2] = 0.5 visualization = 255 * visualization if not oldPredictionCorrect and programPredictionCorrect: fp = "../TikZpaper/figures/programSuccess%d.png" % j print "Great success! see %s" % fp saveMatrixAsImage(visualization, fp) if oldPredictionCorrect and not programPredictionCorrect: print "Minor setback!" print particleScores print programAccuracy, "vs", oldAccuracy
def viewSynthesisResults(arguments): results = pickle.load(open(,'rb')) print " [+] Loaded %d synthesis results."%(len(results)) interestingExtrapolations = [7, #14, 17, 29, #35, 52, 57, 63, 70, 72, 88, #99] ] interestingExtrapolations = [(14,0), (23,0), (31,12), (35,0), (38,0), (39,10), (58,11), (75,0), (93,0), (99,0)] interestingExtrapolations = list(range(100)) latex = [] extrapolationMatrix = [] programFeatures = {} for expertIndex in range(100): if arguments.extrapolate: if not any([ e == expertIndex or isinstance(e,tuple) and e[0] == expertIndex for e in interestingExtrapolations ]): continue f = 'drawings/expert-%d.png'%expertIndex parse = getGroundTruthParse(f) if parse == None: print "No ground truth for %d"%expertIndex assert False parts = set(map(str,parse.lines)) result = None for r in results: if isinstance(r,SynthesisResult) and r.originalDrawing == f: if set(map(str,r.parse.lines)) == parts and r.usedPrior() == (not arguments.noPrior): result = r break if expertIndex == 38: result = icingResult if result == None: print "No synthesis result for %s"%f if arguments.extrapolate: continue if result.source == None: print "Synthesis failure for %s"%f if arguments.extrapolate: continue print " [+] %s"%f print "\t(synthesis time: %f)"%(result.time) print if arguments.debug: print result.source if result != None and result.source != None: syntaxTree = parseSketchOutput(result.source) syntaxTree = syntaxTree.fixReflections(result.parse.canonicalTranslation()) print syntaxTree print syntaxTree.features() print syntaxTree.convertToPython() print syntaxTree.convertToSequence() #showImage(fastRender(syntaxTree.convertToSequence()) + loadImage(f)*0.5 + fastRender(result.parse)) programFeatures[f] = syntaxTree.features() extrapolations = [] if arguments.extrapolate: syntaxTree = syntaxTree.explode() trace = syntaxTree.convertToSequence() print trace originalHasCollisions = result.parse.hasCollisions() print "COLLISIONS",originalHasCollisions framedExtrapolations = [] for e in syntaxTree.extrapolations(): t = e.convertToSequence() if not originalHasCollisions and t.removeDuplicates().hasCollisions(): continue if t == trace: continue if any([t == o for o in extrapolations ]): continue extrapolations.append(t) framedExtrapolations.append(1 - frameImageNicely(1 - t.framedRendering(result.parse))) if len(framedExtrapolations) > 20: break if framedExtrapolations != []: for crap in interestingExtrapolations: if isinstance(crap,tuple) and crap[0] == expertIndex: framedExtrapolations = [framedExtrapolations[crap[1]]] break if arguments.debug: framedExtrapolations = [loadImage(f), fastRender(syntaxTree.convertToSequence())] + framedExtrapolations else: framedExtrapolations = [frameImageNicely(loadImage(f))] + framedExtrapolations a = np.zeros((256*len(framedExtrapolations),256)) for j,e in enumerate(framedExtrapolations): a[j*256:(1+j)*256,:] = 1 - e a[j*256,:] = 0.5 a[(1+j)*256-1,:] = 0.5 a[0,:] = 0.5 a[:,0] = 0.5 a[:,255] = 0.5 a[256*len(framedExtrapolations)-1,:] = 0.5 a = 255*a # to show the first one #a = a[:(256*2),:] extrapolationMatrix.append(a) saveMatrixAsImage(a,'extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png'%expertIndex) if not arguments.extrapolate: rightEntryOfTable = ''' \\begin{minipage}{10cm} \\begin{verbatim} %s \\end{verbatim} \\end{minipage} '''%(parseSketchOutput(result.source).pretty() if result != None and result.source != None else "Solver timeout") else: rightEntryOfTable = "" if extrapolations != [] and arguments.extrapolate: #}make the big matrix bigMatrix = np.zeros((max([m.shape[0] for m in extrapolationMatrix ]),256*len(extrapolationMatrix))) for j,r in enumerate(extrapolationMatrix): bigMatrix[0:r.shape[0],256*j:256*(j+1)] = r if len(extrapolations) < 10 and False: saveMatrixAsImage(bigMatrix,'../TikZpaper/figures/extrapolationMatrix.png') else: saveMatrixAsImage(bigMatrix,'../TikZpaper/figures/extrapolationMatrixSupplement.png') print e rightEntryOfTable = '\\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png}'%expertIndex if rightEntryOfTable != "": parseImage = '\\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/drawings/expert-%d-parses/0.png}'%expertIndex if not os.path.exists('drawings/expert-%d-parses/0.png'%expertIndex): parseImage = "Sampled no finished traces." latex.append(''' \\begin{tabular}{lll} \\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/drawings/expert-%d.png}& %s& %s \\end{tabular} '''%(expertIndex, parseImage, rightEntryOfTable)) print if arguments.latex: latex = '%s'%("\\\\\n".join(latex)) name = "extrapolations.tex" if arguments.extrapolate else "synthesizerOutputs.tex" with open('../TikZpaper/%s'%name,'w') as handle: handle.write(latex) print "Wrote output to ../TikZpaper/%s"%name if arguments.similarity: analyzeFeatures(programFeatures)
def viewSynthesisResults(arguments): results = pickle.load(open(, 'rb')) print " [+] Loaded %d synthesis results." % (len(results)) interestingExtrapolations = [ 7, #14, 17, 29, #35, 52, 57, 63, 70, 72, 88, #99] ] interestingExtrapolations = [ (16, 12), #* #(17,0), (18, 0), #* #(22,0), #(23,0), #(29,12), #(31,27), (34, 0), #* #(36,0), #(38,12), (39, 0), #* #(41,1), #(51,1), #(52,12), #(57,0), #(58,0), (60, 0), #* #(63,0), (66, 2), #* (71, 1), #* #(72,0), #(73,0), #(74,10), #(75,5), #(79,0), #(85,1), (86, 0), #* #(88,0), (90, 2), #* #(92,0), #(95,8) ] #interestingExtrapolations = list(range(100)) latex = [] extrapolationMatrix = [] programFeatures = {} for expertIndex in list(range(100)): f = 'drawings/expert-%d.png' % expertIndex parse = getGroundTruthParse(f) if parse == None: print "No ground truth for %d" % expertIndex assert False relevantResults = [ r for r in results if r.job.originalDrawing == f and r.cost != None ] if relevantResults == []: print "No synthesis result for %s" % f result = None else: result = min(relevantResults, key=lambda r: r.cost) equallyGoodResults = [ r for r in relevantResults if r.cost <= result.cost + 1 ] if len(equallyGoodResults) > 1: print "Got %d results for %d" % (len(equallyGoodResults), expertIndex) programs = [ r.program.fixStringParameters().\ fixReflections(result.job.parse.canonicalTranslation()).removeDeadCode() for r in equallyGoodResults ] gt = result.job.parse.canonicalTranslation() badPrograms = [ p for p in programs if p.convertToSequence().canonicalTranslation() != gt ] if badPrograms: print " [-] WARNING: Got %d programs that are inconsistent with ground truth" % ( len(badPrograms)) if False: for program in programs: prediction = program.convertToSequence( ).canonicalTranslation() actual = gt if not (prediction == actual): print "FATAL: program does notproduce spec" print "Specification:" print actual print "Program:" print program print program.pretty() print "Program output:" print prediction print set(map(str, prediction.lines)) print set(map(str, actual.lines)) print set(map(str, actual.lines)) ^ set( map(str, prediction.lines)) assert False if result == None and arguments.extrapolate: print "Synthesis failure for %s" % f continue print " [+] %s" % f print "\t(synthesis time: %s)" % (result.time if result else None) print if arguments.debug: print result.source if result != None: syntaxTree = result.program.fixStringParameters() syntaxTree = syntaxTree.fixReflections( result.job.parse.canonicalTranslation()) print syntaxTree.pretty() print syntaxTree.features() print syntaxTree.convertToSequence() #showImage(fastRender(syntaxTree.convertToSequence()) + loadImage(f)*0.5 + fastRender(result.parse)) programFeatures[f] = syntaxTree.features() if arguments.extrapolate: extrapolations = proposeExtrapolations(programs) if extrapolations: framedExtrapolations = [1 - frameImageNicely(loadImage(f))] + \ [ frameImageNicely(t.draw(adjustCanvasSize = True)) for t in extrapolations ] a = 255 * makeImageArray(framedExtrapolations) extrapolationMatrix.append(a) print "Saving extrapolation column to", 'extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png' % expertIndex saveMatrixAsImage( a, 'extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png' % expertIndex) if not arguments.extrapolate: rightEntryOfTable = ''' \\begin{minipage}{10cm} \\begin{verbatim} %s \\end{verbatim} \\end{minipage} ''' % (syntaxTree.pretty() if result != None else "Solver timeout") else: rightEntryOfTable = "" if False and extrapolations != [] and arguments.extrapolate: #print e rightEntryOfTable = '\\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png}' % expertIndex if rightEntryOfTable != "": parseImage = '\\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/drawings/expert-%d-parses/0.png}' % expertIndex if not os.path.exists( 'drawings/expert-%d-parses/0.png' % expertIndex): parseImage = "Sampled no finished traces." latex.append(''' \\begin{tabular}{lll} \\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/drawings/expert-%d.png}& %s& %s \\end{tabular} ''' % (expertIndex, parseImage, rightEntryOfTable)) print if arguments.latex: latex = '%s' % ("\\\\\n".join(latex)) name = "extrapolations.tex" if arguments.extrapolate else "synthesizerOutputs.tex" with open('../TikZpaper/%s' % name, 'w') as handle: handle.write(latex) print "Wrote output to ../TikZpaper/%s" % name if arguments.similarity: analyzeFeatures(programFeatures) if arguments.extrapolate: #}make the big matrix bigMatrix = np.zeros((max([m.shape[0] for m in extrapolationMatrix]), 256 * len(extrapolationMatrix))) for j, r in enumerate(extrapolationMatrix): bigMatrix[0:r.shape[0], 256 * j:256 * (j + 1)] = r saveMatrixAsImage(bigMatrix, 'extrapolations/allTheExtrapolations.png')
def viewSynthesisResults(arguments): results = pickle.load(open(,'rb')) print " [+] Loaded %d synthesis results."%(len(results)) interestingExtrapolations = [7, #14, 17, 29, #35, 52, 57, 63, 70, 72, 88, #99] ] interestingExtrapolations = [(16,12),#* #(17,0), (18,0),#* #(22,0), #(23,0), #(29,12), #(31,27), (34,0),#* #(36,0), #(38,12), (39,0),#* #(41,1), #(51,1), #(52,12), #(57,0), #(58,0), (60,0),#* #(63,0), (66,2),#* (71,1),#* #(72,0), #(73,0), #(74,10), #(75,5), #(79,0), #(85,1), (86,0),#* #(88,0), (90,2),#* #(92,0), #(95,8) ] #interestingExtrapolations = list(range(100)) latex = [] extrapolationMatrix = [] programFeatures = {} for expertIndex in list(range(100)):# + [101]: if arguments.extrapolate: if not any([ e == expertIndex or isinstance(e,tuple) and e[0] == expertIndex for e in interestingExtrapolations ]): continue f = 'drawings/expert-%d.png'%expertIndex parse = getGroundTruthParse(f) if parse == None: print "No ground truth for %d"%expertIndex assert False relevantResults = [ r for r in results if r.job.originalDrawing == f and r.cost != None ] if relevantResults == []: print "No synthesis result for %s"%f result = None else: result = min(relevantResults, key = lambda r: r.cost) equallyGoodResults = [ r for r in relevantResults if r.cost <= result.cost + 1 ] if len(equallyGoodResults) > 1: print "Got %d results for %d"%(len(equallyGoodResults),expertIndex) programs = [ r.program.fixReflections(result.job.parse.canonicalTranslation()).removeDeadCode() for r in equallyGoodResults ] if result == None and arguments.extrapolate: print "Synthesis failure for %s"%f continue print " [+] %s"%f print "\t(synthesis time: %s)"%(result.time if result else None) print if arguments.debug: print result.source if result != None: syntaxTree = result.program syntaxTree = syntaxTree.fixReflections(result.job.parse.canonicalTranslation()) print syntaxTree print syntaxTree.features() print syntaxTree.convertToPython() print syntaxTree.convertToSequence() #showImage(fastRender(syntaxTree.convertToSequence()) + loadImage(f)*0.5 + fastRender(result.parse)) programFeatures[f] = syntaxTree.features() extrapolations = [] if arguments.extrapolate: syntaxTree = syntaxTree.explode() trace = syntaxTree.convertToSequence().removeDuplicates() print "original trace:" print trace originalUndesirability = parse.undesirabilityVector() print "original undesirability",originalUndesirability framedExtrapolations = [] extrapolationGenerators = [ program.explode().extrapolations() for program in programs ] for e in interleaveGenerators(extrapolationGenerators): t = e.convertToSequence().removeDuplicates() newUndesirability = t.undesirabilityVector() if (newUndesirability > originalUndesirability).sum() > 0: continue if t.canonicalTranslation() == trace.canonicalTranslation(): continue if any([t.canonicalTranslation() == o.canonicalTranslation() for o in extrapolations ]): continue extrapolations.append(t) framedExtrapolations.append(1 - frameImageNicely(t.draw(adjustCanvasSize = True))) if len(framedExtrapolations) > 30: break if framedExtrapolations != []: for crap in interestingExtrapolations: if isinstance(crap,tuple) and crap[0] == expertIndex: print "Just taking the %d extrapolation..."%(crap[1]) framedExtrapolations = [framedExtrapolations[crap[1]]] break if arguments.debug: framedExtrapolations = [loadImage(f), syntaxTree.convertToSequence().draw()] + framedExtrapolations else: framedExtrapolations = [frameImageNicely(loadImage(f))] + framedExtrapolations a = np.zeros((256*len(framedExtrapolations),256)) for j,e in enumerate(framedExtrapolations): a[j*256:(1+j)*256,:] = 1 - e a[j*256,:] = 0.5 a[(1+j)*256-1,:] = 0.5 a[0,:] = 0.5 a[:,0] = 0.5 a[:,255] = 0.5 a[256*len(framedExtrapolations)-1,:] = 0.5 a = 255*a # to show the first one #a = a[:(256*2),:] extrapolationMatrix.append(a) print "Saving extrapolation column to",'extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png'%expertIndex saveMatrixAsImage(a,'extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png'%expertIndex) if not arguments.extrapolate: rightEntryOfTable = ''' \\begin{minipage}{10cm} \\begin{verbatim} %s \\end{verbatim} \\end{minipage} '''%(syntaxTree.pretty() if result != None else "Solver timeout") else: rightEntryOfTable = "" if False and extrapolations != [] and arguments.extrapolate: #print e rightEntryOfTable = '\\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/extrapolations/expert-%d-extrapolation.png}'%expertIndex if rightEntryOfTable != "": parseImage = '\\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/drawings/expert-%d-parses/0.png}'%expertIndex if not os.path.exists('drawings/expert-%d-parses/0.png'%expertIndex): parseImage = "Sampled no finished traces." latex.append(''' \\begin{tabular}{lll} \\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../TikZ/drawings/expert-%d.png}& %s& %s \\end{tabular} '''%(expertIndex, parseImage, rightEntryOfTable)) print if arguments.latex: latex = '%s'%("\\\\\n".join(latex)) name = "extrapolations.tex" if arguments.extrapolate else "synthesizerOutputs.tex" with open('../TikZpaper/%s'%name,'w') as handle: handle.write(latex) print "Wrote output to ../TikZpaper/%s"%name if arguments.similarity: analyzeFeatures(programFeatures) if arguments.extrapolate: #}make the big matrix bigMatrix = np.zeros((max([m.shape[0] for m in extrapolationMatrix ]),256*len(extrapolationMatrix))) for j,r in enumerate(extrapolationMatrix): bigMatrix[0:r.shape[0],256*j:256*(j+1)] = r saveMatrixAsImage(bigMatrix,'extrapolations/allTheExtrapolations.png')