def visitIfExpFlat(self, n, target): # Setup Values testVal = self.dispatch(n.test) thenVal = self.dispatch(n.then.expr) elseVal = self.dispatch(n.else_.expr) # Setup Labels testL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("test"))) thenL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("then"))) elseL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("else"))) endL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("end"))) # Test Block thenS = SwitchPairLLVM(DEFAULTTRUE, thenL) testI = [] testI += [switchLLVM(testVal, elseL, [thenS])] testB = [blockLLVM(testL, testI)] # Then Block thenB = self.dispatch(n.then.node, None) # Patch in proper label for first block thenB[0].label = thenL # Patch in proper destination in last block thenB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = endL # Else Block elseB = self.dispatch(n.else_.node, None) # Patch in proper label for first block elseB[0].label = elseL # Patch in proper destination in last block elseB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = endL # End Block thenP = PhiPairLLVM(thenVal, thenB[-1].label) elseP = PhiPairLLVM(elseVal, elseB[-1].label) endI = [] endI += [phiLLVM(target, [thenP, elseP])] endI += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, DUMMYL, [])] endB = [blockLLVM(endL, endI)] return testB + thenB + elseB + endB
def visitIfPhi(self, n, func_name): blocks = [] phis = {} # Setup Labels nextL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("if"))) endL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("end"))) # Tests for test in n.tests: (test, tbody, phiD) = test testV = self.dispatch(test) testB = self.dispatch(tbody, func_name) testL = nextL nextL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("if"))) testS = SwitchPairLLVM(DEFAULTTRUE, testB[0].label) testI = [switchLLVM(testV, nextL, [testS])] for key in phiD.keys(): phiV = VarLLVM(LocalLLVM(phiD[key]), DEFAULTTYPE) phiP = [PhiPairLLVM(phiV, testB[-1].label)] if key in phis: phis[key] += phiP else: phis[key] = phiP testB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = endL blocks += [blockLLVM(testL, testI)] + testB # Else (ebody, phiD) = n.else_ elseB = self.dispatch(ebody, func_name) elseL = nextL nextL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("if"))) elseI = [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, elseB[0].label, [])] for key in phiD.keys(): phiV = VarLLVM(LocalLLVM(phiD[key]), DEFAULTTYPE) phiP = [PhiPairLLVM(phiV, elseB[-1].label)] if key in phis: phis[key] += phiP else: phis[key] = phiP elseB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = endL blocks += [blockLLVM(elseL, elseI)] + elseB # End endI = [] for key in phis.keys(): phiT = VarLLVM(LocalLLVM(key), DEFAULTTYPE) endI += [phiLLVM(phiT, phis[key])] endI += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, DUMMYL, [])] blocks += [blockLLVM(endL, endI)] return blocks
def visitStmtList(self, n, func): instrs = [] blocks = [] thisL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("block"))) nextL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("block"))) length = len(n.nodes) if(length > 0): # None-Empty List for node in n.nodes: ret = self.dispatch(node, func) if(isinstance(ret[0], BlockLLVMInst)): # If list of blocks returned # Add jump to start of first returned block instrs += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, ret[0].label, [])] # Add new block blocks += [blockLLVM(thisL, instrs)] # Patch in proper destination in last block ret[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = nextL # Add returned blocks blocks += ret # Reset instructiosn and update labels instrs = [] thisL = nextL nextL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("block"))) elif(isinstance(ret[0], LLVMInst)): # If list of instructions returned instrs += ret if((node is n.nodes[-1]) and not(isinstance(instrs[-1], TermLLVMInst))): # If this is the last node and no terminal instruction has been reached instrs += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, DUMMYL, [])] if(isinstance(instrs[-1], TermLLVMInst)): # If last instruction returned is terminal, end block blocks += [blockLLVM(thisL, instrs)] instrs = [] thisL = nextL nextL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("block"))) else: raise Exception("Unhandled return type") else: # Empty List # Add Dummy Block (will be patched into something usefull later) blocks += [blockLLVM(DUMMYL, [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, DUMMYL, [])])] return blocks
def visitWhileFlatPhi(self, n, func): # Setup Values testVal = self.dispatch(n.test) # Setup Labels entryL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("wentry"))) testprepL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("wtestprep"))) testL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("wtest"))) loopL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("wloop"))) elseL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("welse"))) endL = LabelArgLLVM(LocalLLVM(generate_label("wend"))) # Loop Block loopB = self.dispatch(n.body, None) # Patch in proper label for first block loopB[0].label = loopL # Patch in proper destination in last block loopB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = testprepL # Entry Block entryI = [] entryI += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, testprepL, [])] entryB = [blockLLVM(entryL, entryI)] # TestPrep Block phis = [] for key in n.phi: values = n.phi[key] prePhi = PhiPairLLVM(self.dispatch(Name(values[0])), entryL) postPhi = PhiPairLLVM(self.dispatch(Name(values[1])), loopB[-1].label) target = VarLLVM(LocalLLVM(key), DEFAULTTYPE) phis += [phiLLVM(target, [prePhi, postPhi])] testprepB = self.dispatch(n.testss, None) testprepB[0].instrs = phis + testprepB[0].instrs testprepB[0].label = testprepL testprepB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = testL # Test Block loopS = SwitchPairLLVM(DEFAULTTRUE, loopL) testI = [] testI += [switchLLVM(testVal, elseL, [loopS])] testB = [blockLLVM(testL, testI)] # Else Block if n.else_: elseB = self.dispatch(n.else_, None) # Patch in proper label for first block elseB[0].label = elseL # Patch in proper destination in last block elseB[-1].instrs[-1].defaultDest = endL else: elseI = [] elseI += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, endL, [])] elseB = [blockLLVM(elseL, elseI)] # Test Block endI = [] endI += [switchLLVM(DEFAULTZERO, DUMMYL, [])] endB = [blockLLVM(endL, endI)] return entryB + testprepB + testB + loopB + elseB + endB
def schedules(org_label, project_label, schedule_label): ''' schedule configuration management /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/schedules : viewing a list of this project's schedules /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/schedules?create=true : create a new schedule config, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/schedules/weekly : view the 'weekly' schedule config /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/schedules/weekly?edit=true : edit a schedule config; accepts GET or POST ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) # find the project projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.method == 'POST': # we have a schedule_label schedules = Schedule.objects(label=schedule_label, project=project) if not schedules: abort(404) schedule = schedules[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') = name schedules = Schedule.objects(project=project).only('label') labels = [s.label for s in schedules] schedule.label = utilities.generate_label(name, labels) schedule.description = request.form.get('description', '') elif form_type == 'items': # modify schedule attachments # 'items' is of the form report_id__4abcd00123 or statistic_id.. # convert these to real objects items = request.form.getlist('items') attached_reports, attached_statistics = [], [] for item in items: prefix, item_id = item.split('__') item_type = prefix.split('_')[0] if item_type == 'report': reports = Report.objects(id=item_id) if not reports: abort(404) attached_reports.append(reports[0]) elif item_type == 'statistic': statistics = Statistic.objects(id=item_id) if not statistics: abort(404) attached_statistics.append(statistics[0]) schedule.update(set__reports=attached_reports) schedule.update(set__statistics=attached_statistics) # whether we're also sending project data send_data = request.form.get('send_project_data', '') if send_data == 'true': schedule.update(set__send_project_data = True) else: schedule.update(set__send_project_data = False) # save the list of project-data-filters # filters are formatted like 'filter_id__4abcd123' filter_ids = request.form.getlist('filters') attached_filters = [] for filter_id in filter_ids: filters = Filter.objects(id=filter_id.split('__')[1]) if not filters: abort(404) attached_filters.append(filters[0]) schedule.update(set__data_filters = attached_filters) # how to apply the filters apply_any_filters = request.form.get('apply_any_filters', '') if apply_any_filters == 'true': schedule.update(set__apply_any_filters= True) else: schedule.update(set__apply_any_filters= False) flash('Schedules attachments saved.', 'success') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true') return redirect(url + '#items') elif form_type == 'schedule': old_interval = schedule.interval new_interval = { 'type': request.form.get('schedule_type', '') , 'at': request.form.get('send_at', '') , 'on_day': request.form.get('send_on_day', '')} if old_interval != new_interval: schedule.interval = new_interval schedule.reload() # delete any old jobs and schedule the new ones update_scheduled_send( flash('Scheduling interval saved successfully.', 'success') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true') return redirect(url + '#schedule') elif form_type == 'message': message_type = request.form.get('message_type', '') schedule.message_type = message_type if message_type == 'email': # attach email info to schedule schedule.email_subject = request.form.get('email_subject', '') schedule.email_body = request.form.get('email_body', '') add_email = request.form.get('add_email_recipient_email', '') if add_email: # is the email already in place? (shouldn't be) for recipient in schedule.email_recipients: if recipient['email'] == add_email: flash('"%s" is already included in this \ schedule' % add_email, 'warning') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true') return redirect(url + '#message') else: # add the recipient to the schedule add_name = request.form.get( 'add_email_recipient_name', '') recipient = {'email': add_email, 'name': add_name} schedule.update(push__email_recipients=recipient) flash('Successfully added "%s" to this schedule' \ % add_email, 'success') remove_email = request.form.get('remove_email_recipient', '') if remove_email: # is the email already attached? (should be) emails = [r['email'] for r in schedule.email_recipients] if remove_email not in emails: flash('"%s" is not included in this schedule and \ cannot be removed' % remove_email, 'warning') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true') return redirect(url + '#message') else: # remove it for recipient in schedule.email_recipients: if recipient['email'] == remove_email: schedule.update( pull__email_recipients=recipient) flash('Successfully removed the address "%s" \ from this schedule' % remove_email , 'success') elif message_type == 'sms': # attach sms info to schedule add_number = request.form.get( 'add_sms_recipient_phone_number', '') if add_number: # is the number already in place? (shouldn't be) for recipient in schedule.sms_recipients: if recipient['phone_number'] == add_number: flash('"%s" is already included in this \ schedule' % add_number, 'warning') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true') return redirect(url + '#message') else: # add the recipient to the schedule add_name = request.form.get( 'add_sms_recipient_name', '') recipient = {'phone_number': add_number , 'name': add_name} schedule.update(push__sms_recipients=recipient) flash('Successfully added "%s" to this schedule' \ % add_number, 'success') remove_number = request.form.get('remove_sms_recipient', '') if remove_number: # is the number already attached? (should be) numbers = [r['phone_number'] for r in \ schedule.sms_recipients] if remove_number not in numbers: flash('"%s" is not included in this SMS schedule and \ cannot be removed' % remove_number, 'warning') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true') return redirect(url + '#message') else: # remove it for recipient in schedule.sms_recipients: if recipient['phone_number'] == remove_number: schedule.update( pull__sms_recipients=recipient) flash('Successfully removed the address "%s" \ from this schedule' % remove_number , 'success') break flash('Message settings changed successfully.', 'success') url = url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, schedule_label=schedule.label , edit='true') return redirect(url + '#message') elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the schedule # keeping the associated messages as they're an important log # related items in the queue will not fire sans schedule name = # cancel any outstanding jobs if schedule.next_task_id: redis_config = app.config['REDIS_CONFIG'] use_connection(Redis(redis_config['host'], redis_config['port'] , password=redis_config['password'])) scheduler = Scheduler() job = Job(id=schedule.next_task_id) scheduler.cancel(job) # delete the job itself schedule.delete()'%s deleted schdedule "%s"' % \ (session['email'], name)) flash('schedule "%s" was deleted successfully' % name, 'success') return redirect(url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) try: flash('Changes saved successfully.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule.label, edit='true')) except: app.logger.error('%s experienced an error saving info about %s' % ( session['email'], request.form['name'])) flash('Error saving changes - make sure schedule names are \ unique.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, schedule_label=schedule_label , edit='true')) if request.method == 'GET': if schedule_label: schedules = Schedule.objects(label=schedule_label, project=project) if not schedules: app.logger.error('%s tried to access a schedule that does \ not exist' % session['email']) flash('schedule "%s" not found, sorry!' % schedule_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) schedule = schedules[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': available_reports = Report.objects(project=project) available_filters = Filter.objects(project=project) available_statistics = Statistic.objects(project=project) emails = json.dumps(schedule.email_recipients) current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return render_template('schedule_edit.html', schedule=schedule , available_reports=available_reports , available_filters=available_filters , available_statistics=available_statistics , email_recipients=emails , current_time = current_time) elif request.args.get('fire', '') == 'true': if ready_to_send(schedule): # immediately enqueue the job with rq # countdown briefly to ensure next_task_id can be updated? redis_config = app.config['REDIS_CONFIG'] use_connection(Redis(redis_config['host'] , redis_config['port'] , password=redis_config['password'])) queue = Queue() job = queue.enqueue(send_scheduled_report, # save the id # race condition with enqueued func above? # that's why we used to have a countdown schedule.update(set__next_task_id = flash('Sending message, this may take a few \ moments. Check the message log for updates.', 'info') else: flash('This schedule is not properly configured.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=schedule_label)) else: # get all messages attached to this schedule messages = Message.objects(schedule=schedule).order_by( '-creation_time') return render_template('schedule.html', schedule=schedule , messages=messages) if request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new schedule # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: schedule_name = 'schd-%s' \ % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_schedule = Schedule( label = schedule_name.lower() , project = project , name = schedule_name )'schedule created by %s' % session['email']) flash('schedule created. Please change the default values.' , 'success') except: app.logger.error('schedule creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project=project.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('schedules', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , schedule_label=new_schedule.label, edit='true')) # no statistic in particular was specified; show em all schedules = Schedule.objects(project=project) return render_template('project_schedules.html', project=project , schedules=schedules)
def reports(org_label, project_label, report_label): ''' creating reports /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/reports : viewing a list of this project's reports /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/reports?create=true : create a new report config, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/reports/submitters : view a report /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/reports/submitters?edit=true : edit a report; accepts GET or POST ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) # find the project projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.method == 'POST': # we have a report_label reports = Report.objects(label=report_label, project=project) if not reports: abort(404) report = reports[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') report.update(set__name = name) reports = Report.objects(project=project).only('label') labels = [r.label for r in reports] report.update(set__label = utilities.generate_label(name , labels)) report.update(set__description = request.form.get('description' , '')) report.reload() flash('Report details saved successfully.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('reports', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, report_label=report.label , edit='true')) elif form_type == 'components': # attach components to report # 'items' is of the form graph_id__4abcd00123 or statistic_id.. # convert these to full objects items = request.form.getlist('items') components = [] for item in items: prefix, item_id = item.split('__') item_type = prefix.split('_')[0] if item_type == 'graph': graphs = Graph.objects(id=item_id) if not graphs: abort(404) components.append(graphs[0]) elif item_type == 'statistic': statistics = Statistic.objects(id=item_id) if not statistics: abort(404) components.append(statistics[0]) report.update(set__components=components) flash('Report components saved successfully.', 'success') url = url_for('reports', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, report_label=report.label , edit='true') return redirect(url + '#components') elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the report name = report.delete()'%s deleted report "%s"' % \ (session['email'], name)) flash('report "%s" was deleted successfully' % name, 'success') return redirect(url_for('reports', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) if request.method == 'GET': if report_label: reports = Report.objects(label=report_label, project=project) if not reports: app.logger.error('%s tried to access a report that does \ not exist' % session['email']) flash('Report "%s" not found, sorry!' % report_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) report = reports[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': # extract the component names for js typeahead available_graphs = Graph.objects(project=project) available_statistics = Statistic.objects(project=project) return render_template('report_edit.html' , report=report , available_graphs = available_graphs , available_statistics = available_statistics) elif request.args.get('preview', '') == 'true': # create pdf preview of the report # calculate all statistics and graph datasets items = _generate_report_items(report) # get the current time current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return render_template('report_preview.html', report=report , items=items, current_time=current_time) elif request.args.get('render', '') == 'true': ''' create PDF versions of the preview also send them to s3 ''' # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) utilities.create_rendering(report) flash('The report is now being rendered, this process may \ take a few moments. Check the table below for \ updates', 'info') return redirect(url_for('reports', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, report_label=report.label)) else: # find all relevant renderings renderings = Rendering.objects(report=report).order_by( '-creation_time') return render_template('report.html', report=report , renderings=renderings) if request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new report # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: report_name = 'report-%s' \ % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_report= Report( creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() , creator = user , label = report_name.lower() , project = project , name = report_name , public_label = utilities.generate_random_string(24) )'report created by %s' % session['email']) flash('Report created, please change the default values.' , 'success') except: app.logger.error('report creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project=project.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('reports', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , report_label=new_report.label, edit='true')) # no statistic in particular was specified; show em all reports = Report.objects(project=project) return render_template('project_reports.html', project=project , reports=reports)
def graphs(org_label, project_label, graph_label): ''' graphin things /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/graphs : view a list of all graphs for the project /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/graphs?create=true : create a new graph config, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/graphs/ph-vs-time : view a graph /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/graphs/ph-vs-time?edit=true : edit a graph; accepts GET or POST ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) # find the project projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.method == 'POST': # we have a graph_label graphs = Graph.objects(label=graph_label, project=project) if not graphs: abort(404) graph = graphs[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') graph.update(set__name = name) graphs = Graph.objects(project=project).only('label') labels = [g.label for g in graphs] graph.update(set__label = utilities.generate_label(name , labels)) # reload to catch the name change graph.reload() graph.update(set__description = request.form.get('description', '')) graph.update(set__graph_type = request.form.get('graph_type', '')) # axes specify a header and come of the form 'header_id__4abcd001' xaxis = request.form.get('xaxis', '') if xaxis: xaxis = xaxis.split('header_id__')[1] header = Header.objects(id=xaxis)[0] graph.update(set__xaxis = header) yaxis = request.form.get('yaxis', '') if yaxis: yaxis = yaxis.split('header_id__')[1] header = Header.objects(id=yaxis)[0] graph.update(set__yaxis = header) # pie chart headers are similar to axes.. pie_header = request.form.get('pie_header', '') if pie_header: pie_header = pie_header.split('header_id__')[1] header = Header.objects(id=pie_header)[0] graph.update(set__pie_header = header) elif form_type == 'filters': # extract the 'any filters' vs 'all' distinction filter_settings = request.form.get('apply_any_filters', '') if filter_settings == 'true': graph.update(set__apply_any_filters = True) else: graph.update(set__apply_any_filters = False) # attach filter to graph requested_filter_ids = request.form.getlist('filters') attached_filters = [] for requested_id in requested_filter_ids: prefix, filter_id = requested_id.split('__') filters = Filter.objects(id=filter_id) if not filters: abort(404) attached_filters.append(filters[0]) graph.update(set__filters = attached_filters) elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the graph name = utilities.delete_graph(graph, session['email']) flash('graph "%s" was deleted successfully' % name, 'success') return redirect(url_for('graphs', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) flash('changes saved successfully', 'success') return redirect(url_for('graphs', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, graph_label=graph.label)) if request.method == 'GET': if graph_label: graphs = Graph.objects(label=graph_label, project=project) if not graphs: app.logger.error('%s tried to access a graph that does not \ exist' % session['email']) flash('Graph "%s" not found, sorry!' % graph_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('projects'), org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label) graph = graphs[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': # valid graph types graph_types = ['line', 'scatter', 'bar', 'chart', 'pie'] available_filters = Filter.objects(project=project) return render_template('graph_edit.html', graph=graph , graph_types = graph_types , allowed_graph_types = constants.graph_types , available_filters = available_filters) else: # render a graph data = [] project_count = None filtered_count = None if graph.graph_type == 'line': if graph.xaxis and graph.yaxis: data, project_count = ( utilities.generate_line_graph_data(graph)) filtered_count = len(data) else: flash('define an x-axis and y-axis for plotting' , 'warning') elif graph.graph_type == 'pie': if graph.pie_header: data, project_count = ( utilities.generate_pie_chart_data(graph)) filtered_count = sum([i['data'] for i in json.loads(data)]) else: flash('define a column to create this pie chart' , 'warning') return render_template('graph.html', graph=graph, data=data , project_count=project_count , filtered_count = filtered_count) if request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new graph # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: graph_name = 'graph-%s' % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_graph = Graph( creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() , creator = user , label = graph_name.lower() , project = project , name = graph_name )'graph created by %s' % session['email']) flash('graph created; please change the defaults', 'success') except: app.logger.error('graph creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project=project.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('graphs', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, graph_label=new_graph.label , edit='true')) # no graph in particular was specified graphs = Graph.objects(project=project) return render_template('project_graphs.html', project=project , graphs=graphs)
def uploads(o_label, p_label, u_label): ''' uploadin /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/uploads?create=true : create a new upload, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/uploads/may-2012 : view an upload /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/uploads/may-2012?edit=true : edit an upload; accepts GET or POST ''' # can't wrap the line through a route or spaces are injected # hence this silliness: org_label = o_label project_label = p_label upload_label = u_label user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.method == 'GET': if not upload_label and request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new upload # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: name = 'upl-%s' % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_upload = Upload( label = name.lower() , name = name , project = project ) project.update(push__uploads=new_upload)'upload created by %s' % session['email']) flash('please select a file and make other edits', 'warning') except: app.logger.error('upload creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('uploads', o_label=org.label , p_label=project.label, u_label=new_upload.label , edit='true')) elif not upload_label: # could show projects uploads but punting for now unique_entries = Entry.objects(project=project, unique=True , visible=True) duplicate_entries = Entry.objects(project=project , unique=False) hidden_entries = Entry.objects(project=project, visible=False , unique=True) upload_entry_counts = {} for upload in project.uploads: upload_entry_counts[] = Entry.objects(upload=upload).count() return render_template('project_uploads.html', project=project , unique_entries=unique_entries , duplicate_entries=duplicate_entries , upload_entry_counts=upload_entry_counts , hidden_entries=hidden_entries) else: # we have an upload label uploads = Upload.objects(label=upload_label, project=project) if not uploads: flash('Upload "%s" not found, sorry!' % upload_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) upload = uploads[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': # show the editor # queue up any flashed messages # these get set during the worker's processing of a file worker_messages = upload.worker_messages for message in worker_messages: flash(message['message'], message['status']) upload.update(set__worker_messages = []) return render_template('upload_edit.html', upload=upload , number_of_pages=0) else: if not upload.filename: # need to add one so redirect to editing flash('please specify a file for this upload', 'warning') return redirect(url_for('uploads', o_label=org.label , p_label=project.label, u_label=upload.label , edit='true')) else: # things are still in progress if not upload.s3_key: flash('Your file is being processed in the ' 'background. Refresh the page to see updates.' , 'info') return render_template('upload.html', upload=upload , number_of_pages=0) # otherwise upload is complete, show the data # pagination total_entries = Entry.objects(project=project , upload=upload).count() entries_per_page = 10 pages = utilities.calculate_pages(total_entries , entries_per_page=entries_per_page) # validate the requested page current_page = utilities.validate_page_request( request.args.get('page', 1), pages) # get the sorted entries entries = utilities.query_entries(project , upload = upload , skip = (entries_per_page * (current_page - 1)) , limit = entries_per_page) hidden_entries_count = Entry.objects(upload=upload , visible=False).count() # queue up any flashed messages # these get set during the worker's processing of a file worker_messages = upload.worker_messages for message in worker_messages: flash(message['message'], message['status']) upload.update(set__worker_messages = []) return render_template('upload.html' , upload=upload , entries=entries , total_entries = total_entries , hidden_entries_count=hidden_entries_count , current_page = current_page , number_of_pages = pages) elif request.method == 'POST': # we have an upload label uploads = Upload.objects(label=upload_label, project=project) if not uploads: abort(404) upload = uploads[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') upload.update(set__name = name) uploads = Upload.objects(project=project).only('label') labels = [u.label for u in uploads] upload.update(set__label = utilities.generate_label(name, labels)) upload.project.update(set__update_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()) upload.reload() if upload.description != request.form.get('description', ''): upload.update(set__description = request.form.get('description', '')) upload.project.update(set__update_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()) if request.files.get('data_file', ''): data_file = request.files.get('data_file') try: filename = if '..' in filename or filename.startswith('/'):'%s tried to upload a malicious file \ "%s"' % (session['email'], filename)) flash('bad filename, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('uploads' , o_label=org.label, p_label=project.label , u_label=upload.label, edit='true')) absolute_filename = uploaded_data.path(filename) except UploadNotAllowed:'%s tried to upload an unsupported file' % session['email']) flash('we currently only support .xls files, sorry :/' , 'error') return redirect(url_for('uploads' , o_label=org.label, p_label=project.label , u_label=upload.label, edit='true')) upload.update(set__filename = os.path.basename(absolute_filename)) upload.update(set__uploaded_by = user) # enqueue upload-processing redis_config = app.config['REDIS_CONFIG'] use_connection(Redis(redis_config['host'], redis_config['port'] , password=redis_config['password'])) queue = Queue() queue.enqueue(process_uploaded_file,, absolute_filename) elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the upload name = # pull out the upload from the parent project first project.update(pull__uploads=upload) # delete associated entries, remove from system, remove from s3 deleted_entries_count = utilities.delete_upload(upload , session['email']) flash('upload "%s" was deleted successfully; %s entries deleted \ as well' % (name, deleted_entries_count), 'success') # see if, given this deletion, the dupes are still dupes unduped_count = utilities.recheck_duplicate_entries(project) if unduped_count: flash('%s entries were automatically added to the project \ as they are no longer duplicates' % unduped_count, 'info') return redirect(url_for('uploads', o_label=org.label , p_label=project.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) try: except: app.logger.error('%s experienced an error saving info about the \ upload %s' % (session['email'], request.form['name'])) flash('error, make sure names are unique', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects' , org_label=upload.project.organization.label , project_label=upload.project.label)) return redirect(url_for('uploads' , o_label=upload.project.organization.label, p_label=project.label , u_label=upload.label))
def organizations(org_label): ''' show the organizations if there's a label included in the route, render that organization alone ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] if request.method == 'POST': orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: abort(404) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to edit an organization but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') = name orgs = Organization.objects().only('label') labels = [o.label for o in orgs] org.label = utilities.generate_label(name, labels) if org.description != request.form.get('description', ''):'%s edited the description of %s to %s' % ( session['email'], , request.form.get('description', ''))) org.description = request.form.get('description', '') if org.location != request.form.get('location', ''):'%s edited the location of %s to %s' % ( session['email'], , request.form.get('location', ''))) org.location = request.form.get('location', '') elif form_type == 'add_members': # push membership target = request.form.get('add_member_email', '') new_members = User.objects(email=target) if not new_members: flash('we cannot find "%s", has it been registered?' % \ target, 'error') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) new_member = new_members[0] # already a member? if org in new_member.organizations: flash('"%s" is already a member of "%s"' % (target, , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) else: # add them new_member.update(push__organizations=org) flash('successfully added "%s" to "%s"' % (target, , 'success') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) elif form_type == 'remove_members': # push/pull membership target = request.form.get('remove_member_email', '') old_members = User.objects(email=target) if not old_members: flash('we cannot find "%s", has it been registered?' % \ target, 'error') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) old_member = old_members[0] # not yet a member? if org not in old_member.organizations: flash('"%s" is not yet a member of "%s"' % (target, , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) else: # drop 'em old_member.update(pull__organizations=org) flash('successfully removed "%s" from %s' % (target, , 'info') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the organization; permission-check first if not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to delete %s but was denied for \ want of admin rights' % (session['email'], abort(404) # revoke membership first members = User.objects(organizations=org) for member in members: member.update(pull__organizations=org) # blow away the org itself name = org.delete()'%s deleted %s' % (session['email'], name)) flash('organization "%s" was deleted' % name, 'success') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) try: flash('changes saved successfully', 'success') except: org.reload() app.logger.error('%s experienced an error saving info about %s' % ( session['email'], request.form['name'])) flash('Error saving changes, is the name unique?', 'error') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label , edit='true')) if request.method == 'GET': if org_label: orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: app.logger.error('%s tried to access an organization that \ does not exist' % session['email']) flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to access an organization but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': users = User.objects(organizations=org) return render_template('organization_edit.html' , organization=org, users=users) else: # get all the members users = User.objects(organizations=org) return render_template('organization.html', organization=org , users=users) if request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new form # permissions-check if not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to create an organization but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: org_name = 'org-%s' % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_org = Organization( label = org_name.lower() , name = org_name )'organization created by %s' % \ session['email']) flash('organization created; please change the defaults', 'success') except: app.logger.error('organization creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error in the form, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=new_org.label , edit='true')) # nobody in particular was specified; show em all if user.admin_rights: orgs = Organization.objects() else: orgs = user.organizations # find the users for each org users = {} for org in orgs: users[] = User.objects(organizations=org) return render_template('organizations.html', organizations=orgs , users=users)
def filters(org_label, project_label, filter_label): ''' creating filters for various purposes /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/filters?create=true : create a new filter config, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/filters/big-cities : view a filter /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/filters/big-cities?edit=true : edit a filter; accepts GET or POST ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) # find the project projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.method == 'POST': # we have a filter_label filters= Filter.objects(label=filter_label, project=project) if not filters: abort(404) # should try to avoid overriding the builtin.. filter = filters[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') = name filters = Filter.objects(project=project).only('label') labels = [f.label for f in filters] filter.label = utilities.generate_label(name, labels) filter.description = request.form.get('description', '') filter.comparison = request.form.get('comparison', '') # header of the format header_id__4abcd0001 header_id = request.form.get('header', '') header_id = header_id.split('header_id__')[1] header = Header.objects(id=header_id)[0] filter.header = header if header.data_type == 'datetime': # check if relative or absolute datetime comparison if filter.comparison in \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_absolute']: compare_to = '%s %s' % ( request.form.get('date_compare_to', '') , request.form.get('time_compare_to', '')) try: dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( compare_to, '%B %d, %Y %I:%M %p') filter.compare_to = {'value': dt} except: flash("didn't understand that date formatting; make \ sure it looks like 'June 21, 2012' and \ '02:45 PM'", 'error') return redirect(url_for('filters', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , filter_label=filter.label , edit='true')) elif filter.comparison in \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_relative']: inputs = [request.form.get('relative_years', '') , request.form.get('relative_months', '') , request.form.get('relative_weeks', '') , request.form.get('relative_days', '') , request.form.get('relative_hours', '') , request.form.get('relative_minutes', '')] parsed_inputs = [] for i in inputs: if i: parsed_inputs.append(i) else: parsed_inputs.append(0) # verify that we have numbers try: values = [int(i) for i in parsed_inputs] except: flash('input times must be whole numbers', 'error') return redirect(url_for('filters', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , filter_label=filter.label , edit='true')) filter.compare_to = {'value': values} else:'unknown comparison "%s" for project %s' \ % (comparison, abort(404) else: # not datetime; cast the value we're comparing against compare_to = request.form.get('string_compare_to', '') filter.compare_to = {'value': utilities.smart_cast(compare_to)} elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the filter name = # pull filters out of the statistics statistics = Statistic.objects(filters=filter) for statistic in statistics: statistic.update(pull__filters=filter) # pull filters out of the graphs graphs = Graph.objects(filters=filter) for graph in graphs: graph.update(pull__filters=filter) filter.delete()'%s deleted filter "%s"' % \ (session['email'], name)) flash('filter "%s" was deleted successfully' % name, 'success') return redirect(url_for('filters', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) try: flash('changes saved successfully', 'success') return redirect(url_for('filters', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, filter_label=filter.label)) except: app.logger.error('%s experienced an error saving info about %s' % ( session['email'], request.form['name'])) flash('Error saving changes -- make sure filter names are unique.' , 'error') return redirect(url_for('filters', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, filter_label=filter_label , edit='true')) if request.method == 'GET': if filter_label: filters = Filter.objects(label=filter_label, project=project) if not filters: app.logger.error('%s tried to access a filter that does not \ exist' % session['email']) flash('Filter "%s" not found, sorry!' % filter_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) filter = filters[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': # valid comparisons comparisons = json.dumps(constants.filter_comparisons) # list of allowed absolute datetime comparisons absolute_comparisons = \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_absolute'] relative_values = None if filter.comparison in \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_relative']: relative_values = filter.compare_to['value'] return render_template('filter_edit.html', filter=filter , comparisons=comparisons , absolute_datetime_comparisons=absolute_comparisons , relative_datetime_compare_values=relative_values) else: # apply the filter; start with some defaults conditions = { 'project': project , 'unique': True , 'visible': True } entries = Entry.objects(**conditions) project_count = len(entries) if not filter.comparison: return render_template('filter.html', filter=filter , project_count=project_count) # find all matches for this filter to display matches = utilities.apply_filter(filter, entries) # sort the matches matches = utilities.sort_entries(project, matches) # pagination entries_per_page = 10 pages = utilities.calculate_pages(len(matches) , entries_per_page=entries_per_page) # validate the requested page current_page = utilities.validate_page_request( request.args.get('page', 1), pages) # manually paginate start_index = entries_per_page * (current_page - 1) end_index = start_index + entries_per_page paginated_matches = matches[start_index:end_index] # list of allowed absolute datetime comparisons absolute_comparisons = \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_absolute'] # if the filter is for a relative datetime, parse the value relative_value = None if filter.comparison in \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_relative']: # filter.compare_to is a list [year, month, etc..] # first non zero value will be used for i in range(len(filter.compare_to['value'])): if filter.compare_to['value'][i] != 0: break # values in the compare_to list periods = ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour' , 'minute'] # see if we need to make it plural suffix = '' if filter.compare_to['value'][i] > 1: suffix = 's' relative_value = '%s %s%s' \ % (filter.compare_to['value'][i], periods[i], suffix) return render_template('filter.html', filter=filter , entries = paginated_matches , total_matches = len(matches) , project_count=project_count , current_page = current_page , number_of_pages = pages , absolute_datetime_comparisons=absolute_comparisons , relative_datetime_value=relative_value) if request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new filter # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: filter_name = 'filter-%s' % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_filter= Filter( creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() , creator = user , label = filter_name.lower() , project = project , name = filter_name )'filter created by %s' % session['email']) flash('filter created; please change the defaults', 'success') except: app.logger.error('filter creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project=project.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('filters', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, filter_label=new_filter.label , edit='true')) # no filter in particular was specified, show 'em all filters = Filter.objects(project=project) # list of allowed absolute datetime comparisons absolute_comparisons = \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_absolute'] relative_values = {} for filter in filters: # if the filter is for a relative datetime, parse the value relative_value = None if filter.comparison in \ constants.filter_comparisons['datetime_relative']: # filter.compare_to is a list [year, month, etc..] # first non zero value will be used for i in range(len(filter.compare_to['value'])): if filter.compare_to['value'][i] != 0: break # values in the compare_to list periods = ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour' , 'minute'] # see if we need to make it plural suffix = '' if filter.compare_to['value'][i] > 1: suffix = 's' relative_value = '%s %s%s' % ( filter.compare_to['value'][i], periods[i], suffix) relative_values[] = relative_value return render_template('project_filters.html', project=project , filters=filters , absolute_datetime_comparisons=absolute_comparisons , relative_datetime_values=relative_values)
def statistics(org_label, project_label, statistic_label): ''' creating statistics for various purposes /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/statistics : viewing a list of this project's statistics /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/statistics?create=true : create a new statistic config, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/statistics/mean-pH : view a statistic /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality/statistics/mean-pH?edit=true : edit a statistic; accepts GET or POST ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) # find the project projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.method == 'POST': # we have a statistic_label statistics = Statistic.objects(label=statistic_label, project=project) if not statistics: abort(404) statistic = statistics[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') = name statistics = Statistic.objects(project=project).only('label') labels = [s.label for s in statistics] statistic.label = utilities.generate_label(name, labels) statistic.description = request.form.get('description', '') statistic.statistic_type = request.form.get('statistic_type', '') # header is of the form 'header_id__4abcd0012' header = request.form.get('header', '') header_id = header.split('header_id__')[1] header = Header.objects(id=header_id)[0] statistic.header = header elif form_type == 'create-table': compute_multiple = request.form.get('compute_multiple', '') if compute_multiple == 'true': statistic.pivot = True else: statistic.pivot = False header_id = request.form.get('compute_multiple_header', '') headers = Header.objects(project=project, id=header_id) if not headers: abort(404) statistic.pivot_header = headers[0] # the name of the select with the values is based on header id values = request.form.getlist('header_unique_values') escaped_values = [bleach.clean(v) for v in values] statistic.pivot_values = escaped_values flash('Table settings saved successfully', 'success') return redirect(url_for('statistics' , org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , statistic_label=statistic.label , edit='true')) elif form_type == 'filters': # extract the 'any filters' vs 'all' distinction filter_settings = request.form.get('apply_any_filters', '') if filter_settings == 'true': statistic.apply_any_filters = True else: statistic.apply_any_filters = False # attach filter to statistic requested_filter_ids = request.form.getlist('filters') attached_filters = [] for requested_id in requested_filter_ids: prefix, filter_id = requested_id.split('__') filters = Filter.objects(id=filter_id) if not filters: abort(404) attached_filters.append(filters[0]) statistic.update(set__filters = attached_filters) return redirect(url_for('statistics', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , statistic_label=statistic.label, edit='true')) elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the statistic name = utilities.delete_statistic(statistic, session['email']) flash('statistic "%s" was deleted successfully' % name, 'success') return redirect(url_for('statistics', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) try: flash('Changes saved successfully', 'success') return redirect(url_for('statistics', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , statistic_label=statistic.label, edit='true')) except: app.logger.error('%s experienced an error saving info about %s' % ( session['email'], request.form['name'])) flash('Error saving changes -- make sure statistic names are \ unique.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('statistics', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label, statistic_label=statistic_label , edit='true')) if request.method == 'GET': if statistic_label: statistics = Statistic.objects(label=statistic_label , project=project) if not statistics: app.logger.error('%s tried to access a statistic that does \ not exist' % session['email']) flash('Statistic "%s" not found, sorry!' % statistic_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label)) statistic = statistics[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': # valid statistic types statistic_types = constants.statistic_types available_filters = Filter.objects(project=project) # find all string-type headers # these are available for compute_multiple string_type_headers = [] for header in project.ordered_schema: if header.display and header.data_type == 'string': string_type_headers.append(header) return render_template('statistic_edit.html' , statistic = statistic , statistic_types = statistic_types , available_filters = available_filters , string_type_headers = string_type_headers) else: # apply the filters and show matches conditions = { 'project': project , 'unique': True , 'visible': True } entries = Entry.objects(**conditions) # sort the entries based on project defaults entries = utilities.sort_entries(project, entries) project_count = len(entries) for filter in statistic.filters: if not filter.comparison: flash('filter "%s" does not have a complete \ definition' %, 'warning') return render_template('statistic.html' , statistic=statistic , entries=entries , project_count=project_count) # apply relevant filters and then computes the statistic if statistic.pivot: # returns dict keyed by the statistic's pivot_values result = utilities.compute_pivot_statistic(statistic , entries) else: # returns a single result result = utilities.compute_statistic(statistic, entries) # find matches to the applied filters matches = utilities.apply_filters(statistic.filters, entries , statistic.apply_any_filters) total_matches = len(matches) # pagination entries_per_page = 10 pages = utilities.calculate_pages(len(matches) , entries_per_page=entries_per_page) # validate the requested page current_page = utilities.validate_page_request( request.args.get('page', 1), pages) # manually paginate start_index = entries_per_page * (current_page - 1) end_index = start_index + entries_per_page paginated_matches = matches[start_index:end_index] return render_template('statistic.html' , statistic=statistic , entries=paginated_matches , total_matches = total_matches , project_count=project_count , result=result , current_page = current_page , number_of_pages = pages) if request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new statistic # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: statistic_name = 'stat-%s' \ % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_statistic= Statistic( creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() , creator = user , label = statistic_name.lower() , project = project , name = statistic_name )'statistic created by %s' % session['email']) flash('statistic created; please change the defaults' , 'success') except: app.logger.error('statistic creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project=project.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('statistics', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label , statistic_label=new_statistic.label, edit='true')) # no statistic in particular was specified; show em all statistics = Statistic.objects(project=project) # calculate the results of these statistics statistic_results = {} unique_entries = Entry.objects(project=project, unique=True , visible=True) for statistic in statistics: statistic_results[] = \ utilities.compute_statistic(statistic, unique_entries) return render_template('project_statistics.html', project=project , statistics=statistics, statistic_results=statistic_results)
def projects(org_label, project_label): ''' project wrangling /organizations/aquaya/projects?create=true : create a new project, immediately redirect to editing /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality?edit=true : edit a project; accepts GET or POST /organizations/aquaya/projects/water-quality : view a project ''' user = User.objects(email=session['email'])[0] orgs = Organization.objects(label=org_label) if not orgs: flash('Organization "%s" not found, sorry!' % org_label, 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations')) org = orgs[0] # permission-check if org not in user.organizations and not user.admin_rights: app.logger.error('%s tried to view a project but was \ denied for want of admin rights' % session['email']) abort(404) if request.method == 'GET': if not project_label and request.args.get('create', '') == 'true': # create a new project # CSRF validation token = request.args.get('token', '') if not verify_token(token): abort(403) try: name = 'prj-%s' % utilities.generate_random_string(6) new_project = Project( creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() , label = name.lower() , name = name , organization = org , update_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ) org.update(push__projects=new_project)'project created by %s' % session['email']) flash('project created; please change the defaults', 'success') except: app.logger.error('project creation failed for %s' % \ session['email']) flash('There was an error in the form, sorry :/', 'error') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) # redirect to the editing screen return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=new_project.label, edit='true')) elif not project_label: # could show org's projects here but that's visible on the org page abort(404) else: # we have a project label projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: flash('Project "%s" not found, sorry!' % project_label , 'warning') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) project = projects[0] if request.args.get('edit', '') == 'true': # show the editor return render_template('project_edit.html', project=project) else: upload_count = Upload.objects(project=project).count() entry_count = Entry.objects(project=project, visible=True , unique=True).count() filter_count = Filter.objects(project=project).count() graph_count = Graph.objects(project=project).count() statistic_count = Statistic.objects(project=project).count() report_count = Report.objects(project=project).count() schedule_count = Schedule.objects(project=project).count() connection_count = Connection.objects(project=project).count() comment_count = Comment.objects(project=project).count() if not entry_count: flash('To get started, connect this project to a data \ or manually add some files.', 'info') return render_template('project.html', project=project , upload_count=upload_count , entry_count=entry_count , filter_count=filter_count , graph_count=graph_count , statistic_count=statistic_count , report_count=report_count , schedule_count=schedule_count , connection_count=connection_count , comment_count=comment_count) elif request.method == 'POST': # we have a project label projects = Project.objects(label=project_label, organization=org) if not projects: abort(404) project = projects[0] form_type = request.form.get('form_type', '') if form_type == 'info': if != request.form.get('name', ''): name = request.form.get('name', '') = name projects = Project.objects(organization=org).only('label') labels = [p.label for p in projects] project.label = utilities.generate_label(name, labels) project.update_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if project.description != request.form.get('description', ''):'%s edited the description of %s to %s' % ( session['email'], , request.form.get('description', ''))) project.description = request.form.get('description', '') project.update_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() elif form_type == 'admin': # delete the project # permission-check first name = (upload_count, entry_count) = utilities.delete_project(project , session['email']) flash('Project "%s" was deleted successfully. %s uploads and \ %s entries were deleted as well' % (name, upload_count, entry_count), 'success') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) else: # bad 'form_type' abort(404) try: flash('changes saved successfully', 'success') except: app.logger.error('%s experienced an error saving info about the \ project %s' % (session['email'], request.form['name'])) flash('error, make sure names are unique', 'error') return redirect(url_for('organizations', org_label=org.label)) return redirect(url_for('projects', org_label=org.label , project_label=project.label))