def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #userprof_form = form.getvalue('user') #email of userprofile #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user name = form.getvalue('name') born = form.getvalue('country') birthdate = form.getvalue('birth_date') gender = form.getvalue('gender') description = form.getvalue('desc') illustratorbooks = form.getlist('illustratorbooks') #TODO: If current user != email try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE lower(IllustratorName)=lower('" + name + "')" cur.execute(command) writer_ = cur.fetchone() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) if writer_ is not None : createform = [] createform.append(name) createform.append(birthdate) createform.append(gender) createform.append(description) error = '<strong>Database Error:</strong> Illustrator with name ' + name + ' already exists.' countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(born) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(illustratorbooks, cur) print display("illustrator-profile-create.html").render(user=user,createform=createform,sidebar=sidebar,countryDropDown=countryDropDown,error=error,bookitems=bookitems) else : # Required Fields insert_command_1 = "INSERT INTO Illustrators(IllustratorName " insert_command_2 = "VALUES ( '" + name + "'" # Born / Country if born is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Born " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + born + "' " # Birthdate if birthdate is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Birthdate " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + birthdate + "' " # Gender if gender is not None : insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Gender " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + gender + "' " # Description if description is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", IllustratorDescription " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + description + "' " # upload image is user specified if form.has_key('image_file'): fileitem = form['image_file'] if fileitem.file : extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != '' : fout = file ("model/writers/illustrator-" + name + extension , 'wb') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", IllustratorImage " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + ", 'model/writers/illustrator-" + name + extension + "' " insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ") " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + ") " cur.execute(insert_command_1 + insert_command_2) # Associate Books to Writer for book in illustratorbooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookIllustrator(ISBN, IllustratorName) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + name + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user_= cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName ='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrator_ = cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Image from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName ='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() genres_ = [] for genre in genres: if genre not in genres_: genres_.append(genre) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) successmsg = '<strong>Success:</strong> Illustrator has been created.' print display("illustrator-profile.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_,illustrator=illustrator_,titles=titles,genres=genres_,success=successmsg) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() illustrator= form.getvalue('illustrator') #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user action = form.getvalue('action') # action try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user_= cur.fetchone() # if action != 'create' : command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName ='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrator_ = cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Image from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName ='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() genres_ = [] for genre in genres: if genre not in genres_: genres_.append(genre) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user_[9], cur) if action == 'create' : countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(None) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems([], cur) print display("illustrator-profile-create.html").render(user=user_,createform=None,sidebar=sidebar,bookitems=bookitems,countryDropDown=countryDropDown) elif action == 'edit': countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(illustrator_[3]) selectedBooks = [] for title in titles : selectedBooks.append(title[0]) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(selectedBooks, cur) print display("illustrator-profile-edit.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_,illustrator=illustrator_,bookitems=bookitems,countryDropDown=countryDropDown) else : print display("illustrator-profile.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_,illustrator=illustrator_,titles=titles,genres=genres_) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') genre = form.getvalue('genre') action = form.getvalue('action') genredesc = form.getvalue('genredesc') genrecreate = form.getvalue('genrecreate') genrebooks = form.getlist('genrebooks') try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() if action == None : if genre != None : command = "SELECT * FROM Genres where Genre='" + genre + "'"; cur.execute(command) genreform= cur.fetchone() # Get books associated with genre command = "SELECT ISBN from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "' order by Title" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row[0]) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(titles, cur) else : genreform = None bookitems = utilities.getBookItems([], cur) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("genre-create-update.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genreform=genreform,bookitems=bookitems) return else : # Update if genre != None : update_command = "UPDATE Genres SET " if genredesc == None: update_command = update_command + " GenreDesc = NULL " else : update_command = update_command + " GenreDesc = '" + genredesc + "' " update_command = update_command + " WHERE Genre = '" + genre + "'" cur.execute(update_command) command = "DELETE FROM BookGenre WHERE Genre = '" + genre + "'" cur.execute(command) # Associate Books to Genre for book in genrebooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookGenre(ISBN, Genre) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + genre + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) success = '<strong>Success: </strong> Genre has been updated.' print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genredesc=genredesc,search=' ',success=success) else : # Check if genre exists command = "SELECT Genre from Genres where Genre = '" + genrecreate + "'" cur.execute(command) genreRecord = cur.fetchone() if genreRecord is not None: genreform = [] genreform.append(genrecreate) genreform.append(genredesc) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(genrebooks, cur) error = "<strong>Database Error:</strong> Genre " + genrecreate + " already exists! Provide another genre name." sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("genre-create-update.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genreform=genreform,bookitems=bookitems,error=error) else : insert_command = "INSERT INTO Genres(Genre, GenreDesc) VALUES ('" + genrecreate + "','" + genredesc + "') " cur.execute(insert_command) # Associate Books to Genre for book in genrebooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookGenre(ISBN, Genre) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + genrecreate + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() genre = genrecreate command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) success = '<strong>Success: </strong> Genre ' + genrecreate + ' has been created.' print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genredesc=genredesc,search=' ',success=success) except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()