Exemple #1
def play(col, row, n_cols, n_rows):
    length_tour = 0
    chess = Game(n_cols, n_rows)
    board = Board(n_cols, n_rows)
    while True:

        length_tour += 1
        chess.set_visited(col, row)

        positions = chess.look_ahead(col, row)
        if len(positions) == 0:
            if length_tour == n_cols * n_rows:
                print("What a great tour! Congratulations!")
                print("No more possible moves!")
                print(f"Your knight visited {length_tour} squares!")

        board.update(col, row)
        board.render(col, row, positions)
        while True:
            next_position = get_input("Enter your next move: ",
                                      "Invalid move!")
            if not chess.is_explored(*next_position) and contains(
                    next_position, positions):
                col, row = next_position
                print("Invalid move!", end=" ")
def authenticate():
    # Get client ID and secret from auth.ini
    config = get_config()
    client_id = config.get('credentials', 'client_id')
    client_secret = config.get('credentials', 'client_secret')

    client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret)

    # Authorization flow, pin example (see docs for other auth types)
    authorization_url = client.get_auth_url('pin')

    print("\n\nGo to the following URL: {0}".format(authorization_url))

    #open it up in a new web browser
    webbrowser.open(authorization_url, new=2, autoraise=True)

    # Read in the pin, handle Python 2 or 3 here.
    pin = utilities.get_input("Enter pin code: ")

    # ... redirect user to `authorization_url`, obtain pin (or code or token) ...
    credentials = client.authorize(pin, 'pin')

    print("Authentication successful! Here are the details:")
    print("   Access token:  {0}".format(credentials['access_token']))
    print("   Refresh token: {0}".format(credentials['refresh_token']))

    return client
def get_options():
    Returns a dictionary of options necessary for the program.
    options = {}

    should_resume = get_input("Would you like to resume from where you left off or start over?: (r)esume/(s)tart over:", set(["r", "s"]), wait=False)
    should_resume = should_resume == "r"
    should_append = should_resume
    options["resume"] = should_resume
    options["append"] = should_append

    return options
Exemple #4
 def run(self):
     '''Run the main part of the hangman game'''
     while self.check_status():
         display = Display(self.chances, self.output, self.guessed)
         user_input = get_input(self.guessed, list(self.output))
         guess = Guess(user_input, self.guessed, self.secret.word)
         index = guess.get_indices()
         if index:
             print(f"Letter \"{guess.letter}\" is in the mystery word...")
             self.output = insert(user_input, index, self.output)
                 f"Letter \"{guess.letter}\" is NOT in the mystery word...")
             self.chances -= 1
Exemple #5
    def play_trick(self, leader):
        current_trick = trick()  # Initialize trick
        skip_player = -1
        if self.alone:
            skip_player = get_player(self.caller.id + 2)

        for i in range(leader, leader + 4):  # For each player after dealer
            if get_player(i) == skip_player:
            player = self.players[get_player(i)]  # Given player

            print(player.name + ' is up, cards are: ')
            num_cards = player.list_cards(self.trump, current_trick.lead)

            prompt = 'Choose card to play'
            card_index = get_input(prompt, list(range(num_cards)))
            card_played = player.hand[card_index]

            print('\n' + player.name + ' played ' + str(card_played) + '\n')

                                   self.trump)  # Add card to trick
            player.playCard(card_played)  # Remove card from hand

        card_index = current_trick.get_winner()  # Index of card in trick
        player_id = (card_index -
                     (leader + 1)) % 4  # Get player id from play index

        player = self.players[player_id]  # Player with winning card

        # Get winning team
        team_zero_win = self.teams[0].is_on_team(player)  # Check if team 0 won
        win_team_index = 0
        if team_zero_win: win_team_index = 1

        winning_team = self.teams[win_team_index]
        winning_team.add_trick(current_trick)  # Give winning team the trick

        print('\nTeam ' + str(win_team_index) + ' won the trick \n')

        return player_id
Exemple #6
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input
from typing import *

from itertools import product

input = get_input(whole=True)

images = set()

for image in input.split("\n\n"):
    id = int(image.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1].strip(":"))

    images.add((id, tuple(image.split("\n")[1:])))

def yield_symmetric_images(image):
    """Yield the possible rotations of the image."""
    for h in (True, False):  # horizontal
        for v in (True, False):  # vertical
            for d in (True, False):  # diagonal
                new_image = list(image)

                if v:
                    new_image = list(reversed(new_image))

                if h:
                    new_image = [row[::-1] for row in new_image]
Exemple #7
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

lines = get_input()
for i in range(len(lines)):
    lines[i] = list(lines[i])

def neighbours(x, y):
    empty = 0
    occupied = 0
    for xd, yd in (
        (1, 0),
        (0, 1),
        (-1, 0),
        (0, -1),
        (1, 1),
        (1, -1),
        (-1, 1),
        (-1, -1),
        xn, yn = x + xd, y + yd

        if not (0 <= xn < len(lines[0]) and 0 <= yn < len(lines)):

        if lines[yn][xn] == "L":
            empty += 1
Exemple #8
from utilities import get_input, contains
from knight import Board, Game

import player
import computer

n_cols, n_rows = get_input("Enter your board dimensions: ",
                           "Invalid dimensions")

position = get_input("Enter the knight's starting position: ",
                     "Invalid positions",

col, row = position
length_tour = 0
choice = " "
while True:
    choice = input("Do you want to try the puzzle?(y/n) ")
    if choice == "y" or choice == "n":
    print("Invalid choice")

if choice == "y":
    if n_rows < 4 and n_cols < 4:
        print("No solution exists!")
        player.play(col, row, n_cols, n_rows)

    game = Game(n_cols, n_rows)
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self):
     (self.distance, self.metric,
      self.target) = u.get_input('distance', self.Metrics)
Exemple #10
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

input = get_input(as_int=True)

target = 2020
saw = set()
for value in input:
    if target - value in saw:
        success(value * (target - value))
Exemple #11
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

instructions = get_input()

acc = 0
ptr = 0

visited = set()

while True:
    if ptr in visited:

    opt, arg = instructions[ptr].split(" ")

    if opt == "acc":
        acc += int(arg)
    elif opt == "jmp":
        ptr += int(arg)

    ptr += 1

Exemple #12
 def __init__(self):
     (self.weight, self.metric, self.target) = u.get_input('weight', self.Metrics) 
Exemple #13
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

instructions = get_input(as_int=True)

numbers = []
preamble = 25

def adds_up_to(target):
    for i in range(len(numbers)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(numbers)):
            if numbers[i] + numbers[j] == target:
                return True
    return False

for n in instructions[:preamble]:

for n in instructions[preamble:]:
    if not adds_up_to(n):

Exemple #14
 def __init__(self):
     (self.size, self.metric, self.target) = u.get_input('size', self.Metrics)
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self):
     (self.weight, self.metric,
      self.target) = u.get_input('weight', self.Metrics)
def find_annotations(content, **options):
    Finds possible annotations in the text and puts them in equations.

    For each possible annotation, prompts the user for input on whether
    it is actually an annotation, and (if it is one) on its properties.
    Returns an updated version of content.
    indicators = [

    indicators.extend([indicator.lower() for indicator in indicators])

    sentence_pat = re.compile(r'([^.!?\s][^.!?]*(?:[.!?](?!\s|$)[^.!?]*)*[.!?]?(?=\s|$))', re.DOTALL)
    label_pat = re.compile(r'\\(?:label|eqref){(?P<eq_id>eq:.*?)}')
    eq_range_pat = re.compile(r'\\eqref{(?P<start>eq:(?P<main_name>.*?\..*?\..*?).+?)}\s*--\s*\\eqref{(?P<end>eq:.*?)}')
    definition_pat = re.compile(r'\$(?P<var_name>.)\$ defined by \\eqref{(?P<eq_id>.*?)}')

    responses = OrderedDict()

    doc_start = content.find("\\begin{document}")
    every_sentence = list(sentence_pat.finditer(content[doc_start:]))
    num_sentences = len(every_sentence)

    rem_offset = doc_start
    start = 0

    #set offset and start
    if options["resume"]:
        start = options["start"]    

    #go through each sentence
    for snum, sentence_match in enumerate(every_sentence):

        #don't start till we get to starting point
        if snum < start:

        assoc_equations = []
        annotation_lines = []

        sentence = sentence_match.group()

        before = ""

        #this isn't the first sentence, get the previous sentence
        if snum != 0:
            before = every_sentence[snum - 1].group()

        after = ""

        #this isn't the last sentence, get the next sentence
        if snum != num_sentences - 1:
            after = every_sentence[snum + 1].group()

        sentence = sentence.strip()
        sentence = re.sub(r'\n{2,}', r'\n', sentence)

        sectioning = "" 

        #see if the section or subsection is referenced
        if "this subsection" in sentence:
            sectioning = "subsection"
        if "this section" in sentence:
            sectioning = "section"
        if "this chapter" in sentence:
            sectioning = "chapter"

        #either the seciton or subsection was referenced
        if sectioning:

            before = ""
            sentence = sentence[sentence.find("\\" + sectioning):]

            line_ind = snum + 2

            #keep adding sentences to after
            while (line_ind < num_sentences
                and ("\\" + sectioning) not in after):

                after = ''.join([after, every_sentence[line_ind].group()])
                line_ind += 1

            to_join = []

            after_lines = after.split("\n")
            line_ind = 0
            current = after_lines[line_ind] 
            #keep adding lines until the start of the next section
            while (("\\" + sectioning) not in current
                and line_ind + 1 < len(after_lines)):


                line_ind += 1
                current = after_lines[line_ind] 

            after = '\n'.join(to_join)

        found_range = False

        #include ranges of equations if they are referenced
        for match in eq_range_pat.finditer(sentence):
            found_range = True

            current = snum + 2
            start_id = match.group("start")
            end_id = match.group("end")
            main_name = match.group("main_name")
            #keep adding to after until we have the whole range
            while (current < num_sentences
                and r'\label{' + end_id + '}' not in after):

                to_add = every_sentence[current].group()

                #only add if it has a relevant equation in it
                if r'\label{' in to_add:

                    if main_name not in to_add:
                        to_add = ""

                after = ''.join([after, to_add])

                current += 1

            before = ""
            start_loc = sentence.find(r'\begin{equation}\label{' + start_id + '}')

            #first equation is in this sentence
            if start_loc != -1:
                sentence = sentence[start_loc:]
                start_loc = after.find(r'\begin{equation}\label{' + start_id + '}')

        #found an equation range, cut out after after last end equaiton
        if found_range:
            after = after[:after.rfind(r'\end{equation}') + len(r'\end{equation}')]

        #if variable is defined by an equation, replace eqref with text
        for match in definition_pat.finditer(sentence):

            eq_id = match.group("eq_id")
            eq_pat = re.compile(r'\\begin{equation}\\label{' + eq_id + r'}.*?\n(?P<content>.*?)\n?\\end{equation}', re.DOTALL)

            search_text = before
            eq_match = eq_pat.search(search_text)

            current = snum - 2

            #keep looking backward until we have a match
            while not eq_match and current > 0:

                search_text = ''.join([every_sentence[current].group(), search_text])
                eq_match = eq_pat.search(search_text) 
                current -= 1
            #make sure we found something
            if eq_match:
                sentence = sentence.replace(r'\eqref{' + eq_id + '}', eq_match.group("content").strip().rstrip("."))

        context = before + "\n" + sentence + "\n" + after

        #find the equation ids of all the equations that may be associated with this annotation
        for label_match in label_pat.finditer(context):

        #take out the eq labels from the range if they exist
        if found_range:
            assoc_equations = assoc_equations[2:]

        seen = set()
        indicator_found = False

        #go through each indicator
        for indicator in indicators:

            #only reset the tracker if we haven't found an indicator yet
            if not indicator_found:
                ind_loc = 0

            #go through each line in the sentence so we can print out the one with the indicator 
            for line in sentence.split("\n"):

                #store each line that may contain an annotation
                if (line not in seen
                    and (" " + indicator + " " in line)
                    or (indicator + " " in line and line.startswith(indicator))
                    or (" " + indicator + ". " in line)):

                    annotation_lines.append("{0}: {1}".format(indicator, line.lstrip()))
                    indicator_found = True

                #increment tracker until we find first indicator
                if not indicator_found:
                    ind_loc += len(line) + 1

        #don't do anything else if there aren't any indicators in the sentence
        if not indicator_found:

        #ask user about each possible annotation
        for line in annotation_lines:

            to_write = "{0}{1}".format(_create_comment_string(responses), snum)
            result = _check_and_quit(make_annotation_query(line, context, assoc_equations), to_write, content, options)

            #map each InputResponse to the sentence number
            for response in result:
                responses[response] = snum

        begin_loc = sentence_match.start() + rem_offset + ind_loc
        end_loc = sentence_match.end() + rem_offset

        before = (begin_loc, end_loc)

        #if there is an end equation at the beginning of the sentence, move past it
        if content[begin_loc:].strip().startswith(r'\end{equation}'):
            begin_loc = content.find(r'\end{equation}', begin_loc, end_loc) + len(r'\end{equation}')

        #if an equation is in the sentence, only remove until there
        if r'\begin{equation}' in content[begin_loc:end_loc]:
            end_loc = content.find(r'\begin{equation}', begin_loc, end_loc)

        #fragment has an index in it, stop before then
        if r'\index' in content[begin_loc:end_loc]:
            end_loc = content.find(r'\index', begin_loc, end_loc) - 1

        newline_loc = content.find('\n', begin_loc, end_loc)

        #first line of the fragment is very short
        if 0 < newline_loc - begin_loc < 5:
            #and ending character is }, probably shouldn't be included
            if content[newline_loc - 1] == "}":
                begin_loc = newline_loc + 1

        should_delete = get_input("Would you like to delete this sentence (fragment):\nSTART\n{0}\nEND\n(y/n)".format(content[begin_loc:end_loc]), valid=set("ynq"), wait=False)

        #user wants to quit
        if should_delete == "q":
            to_write = "{0}{1}".format(_create_comment_string(responses), snum)
            _quick_exit(to_write, content, options)

        should_delete = should_delete == "y"

        #we need to delete the sentence (at least up to the first equation)
        if should_delete:

            content = content[:begin_loc] + "~~~~REM_START~~~~" + content[begin_loc:end_loc] + "~~~~REM_END~~~~" + content[end_loc:]

            rem_offset += len("~~~~REM_START~~~~")
            rem_offset += len("~~~~REM_END~~~~")

        #shouldn't delete sentence, ask about keywords

            should_add_word = get_input("Would you like to add a keyword? (y/n)", valid=set("yn"), wait=False)

            #user wants to quit
            if should_add_word == "q":
                to_write = "{0}{1}".format(_create_comment_string(responses), snum)
                _quick_exit(to_write, content, options)

            should_add_word = should_add_word == "y"
            #user wants to add a keyword
            if should_add_word: 

                new_keyword = get_input("Enter the new keyword:")


            store_current = get_input("Would you like to store an annotation on this line? (y/n)", valid=set("yn"), wait=False)

            #user wants to quit
            if store_current == "q":
                to_write = "{0}{1}".format(_create_comment_string(responses), snum)
                _quick_exit(to_write, content, options)

            store_current = store_current == "y"

            #user wants to store an annotation on this line
            if store_current:

                to_write = "{0}{1}".format(_create_comment_string(responses), snum)
                result = _check_and_quit(make_annotation_query("", context, assoc_equations), to_write, content, options)

                #map each InputResponse to its sentence number
                for response in result:
                    responses[response] = snum

    comment_str = _create_comment_string(responses)
    content = comment_str + content

    comment_insertion_pat = re.compile(r'^(?:\d+:)?{(?P<eq_id>.*?)}% *\\(?P<name>.*?){(?P<annotation>.*?)}(?P<between>.*?)(?P<equation>\\begin{equation}\\label{(?P=eq_id)}.*?\\end{equation})', re.DOTALL)

    #as long as there is a match in content, keep replacing
    while comment_insertion_pat.match(content):
        content = comment_insertion_pat.sub(_insert_comment, content)
        content = content[1:]   #take out empty line

    removal_fix_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)~~~~REM_START~~~~(.*?)\n(\s*)\\end{equation}')
    content = removal_fix_pat.sub(r'\1\2\n\3\\end{equation}', content)

    removal_fix_pat = re.compile(r'\\index{(.*?)}\s*~~~~REM_END~~~~')
    content = removal_fix_pat.sub(r'~~~~REM_END~~~~\\index{\1}', content)

    removal_pat = re.compile(r'~~~~REM_START~~~~.*?~~~~REM_END~~~~', re.DOTALL)
    content = removal_pat.sub('', content)

    save_state(comment_str, content, options)

    current_loc = 0

    in_eq = False
    start_frag = True

    fragment = []

    sectioning_pat = re.compile(r'\\((?:sub)?section|paragraph|label|index)')

    #go through each line, building the fragments as we go
    #to remove a fragment, perform one sub with empty string
    for line in content.split("\n"):

        #starting fragment, set start location
        if start_frag:
            start_frag = False
            fragment = []

        does_start_eq = line.strip().startswith(r'\begin{equation}')
        is_sectioning = bool(sectioning_pat.search(line))

        #end of fragment if starting eq or index
        if does_start_eq or is_index or is_sectioning:

            if does_start_eq:
                in_eq = True

            elif is_sectioning:
                frag_start = True

            #only ask to remove if fragment is not empty
            if any(f.strip() for f in fragment) and fragment:

                should_remove = get_input("Would you like to delete this fragment?\nSTART\n{0}\nEND\n(y/n)".format('\n'.join(fragment)), valid=set("yn"), wait=False)

                #quit if user wants
                if should_remove == "q":
                    _quick_exit(comment_str, content, options)

                should_remove = should_remove == "y"
                #sub out the fragment one time
                if should_remove:
                    content = remove_one(fragment, content, current_loc)

            start_frag = True

        #not in equation
        if not in_eq:

            #not in index either, add to line
            if not is_index:

        #we're exiting an equation
        if line.strip().startswith(r'\end{equation}'):
            in_eq = False

        current_loc += len(line)

    #delete the save file when we're done
    except OSError:
               "MANUALLY WITH rm .save"))


    return content
Exemple #17
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

numbers = list(map(int, get_input(whole=True).split(",")))

positions = {}

for i, n in enumerate(numbers):
    positions[n] = [i]

n = 0
i = len(numbers)

while i < 30000000 - 1:
    if n not in positions:
        positions[n] = [i]

    if len(positions[n]) == 1:
        n = 0
        n = positions[n][-1] - positions[n][-2]

    i += 1

def make_annotation_query(line, context, assoc_eqs):
    Queries the user for information about the possible annotation.

    Will ask the user a series of questions about the annotation
    and returns a list of InputResponse tuples containing the result
    of the query. If the annotation was incorrectly identified
    (i.e. it is not an annotation) a list containing an empty
    tuple will be returned.

    to_join = context.split("\n")

    #place -----> marker in front of vital line
    for num, l in enumerate(to_join):
        if l.strip() and l == line[line.find(": ") + 2:]:
            to_join[num] = "----->" + l

    context = "\n".join(to_join)

    yes_no_responses = set(["y", "n", "yes", "no"])

    print("\n----------------------------------------\nIdentified the following:")

    print("In the context of:")

    valid_check = get_input("Is this an annotation? (y/n or q to quit):", yes_no_responses, wait=False)

    #quit if the user types q
    if valid_check == "q":
        return ["QUIT"]

    #not actually an annotation, return empty
    if valid_check == "n" or valid_check == "no":
        return [()]

    to_return = []

    num_annotations = get_input("Enter the number of annotations on the line (1-9):", set(["1","2","3","4","4","5","6","7","8","9"]), wait=False)

    #user wants to quit
    if num_annotations == "q":
        return ["QUIT"]

    num_annotations = int(num_annotations)

    #create however many annotations there are
    for i in range(num_annotations):

        annotation_type = get_input("Enter the type of annotation: (c)onstraint, (s)ubstitution, (n)ote, na(m)e, (p)roof:", set(["c", "s", "n", "m", "p"]), wait=False)

        #quit if user presses q
        if annotation_type == "q":
            return ["QUIT"]    

        annotation = get_input("Enter the actual text of the annotation:")

        print("\nThe predicted associated equations are:") 
        #print out the equation label of each associated equation
        for eq in assoc_eqs:

        correct_eqs = get_input("Are these correct? (y/n):", yes_no_responses, wait=False)

        #if the equations are incorrect, find out if we need to add equations or remove them
        while correct_eqs != "y" or len(assoc_eqs) == 0:

            #quit if the user types q
            if correct_eqs == "q":
                return ["QUIT"]
            add_remove = get_input("Would you like to add, remove, or select equations?: (a)dd/(r)emove/(s)elect:", set(["a", "r", "s"]), wait=False)

            #quit if user presses q
            if add_remove == "q":
                return ["QUIT"]    

            #inform user that they need an equation with the annotation
            if len(assoc_eqs) == 0:
                print("Must have at least one associated equation.")
                add_remove = "a"
            #display adding menu
            if add_remove == "a":

                eq_label = get_input("Enter the label for the equation you would like to add:", preserve_case=True)
                print("Equation added")

            #display removal menu
            if add_remove == "r":

                #user can't remove equations if there aren't any
                if len(assoc_eqs) == 0:

                    print("There are no equations to remove")



                    to_remove = get_input("What equation(s) would you like to remove (separate with commas):", set(map(str, xrange(len(assoc_eqs) + 1))), list=True)
                    to_remove = _parse_list(to_remove)

                    #remove each equation in reverse
                    for rem_ind in sorted(to_remove, reverse=True):
                        del assoc_eqs[rem_ind]

                    print("Equation(s) removed")

            #display selection menu
            if add_remove == "s":
                #can't select if there are no equations
                if len(assoc_eqs) == 0:

                    print("There are no equaitons to select")


                    to_select = get_input("What equation(s) would you like to select (separate with commas):", set(map(str, xrange(len(assoc_eqs) + 1))), list=True)
                    to_select = _parse_list(to_select)

                    assoc_eqs[:] = [eq for i, eq in enumerate(assoc_eqs) if i in to_select]

                    print("Equation(s) selected")

            print("The predicted associated equations are:") 

            #print out the equation label of each associated equation
            for eq in assoc_eqs:

            correct_eqs = get_input("Are these correct? (y/n):", yes_no_responses, wait=False)

        print("Annotation added\n---------------------------------------------")
        to_return.append(InputResponse(annotation_type, annotation, frozenset(assoc_eqs)))

    return to_return
Exemple #19
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

wait = int(get_input()[0])
times = get_input()[1].split(",")

minimum_time = float("+inf")
minimum_bus = 0

for time in times:
    if time == "x":

    time = int(time)

    if time - wait % time < minimum_time:
        minimum_time = time - wait % time
        minimum_bus = time

success(minimum_time * minimum_bus)

Exemple #20
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

from itertools import product

memory = {}

mask = "X" * 36
ones = (1 << 36) - 1

for inst in get_input():
    opt, val = inst.split(" = ")

    if opt == "mask":
        mask = val
        index = int(opt.split("[")[1].strip("]"))
        number = int(val)
        floats = []

        for i, c in enumerate(reversed(mask)):
            if c != "X":
                if c == "1":
                    index = index & (ones ^ (1 << i)) | 1 << i

        for p in product((0, 1), repeat=len(floats)):
            v = index
Exemple #21
 def __init__(self):
     (self.temperature, self.metric, self.target) = u.get_input('temperature', self.Metrics) 
Exemple #22
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, BatchNormalization, Conv2D, MaxPool2D, MaxPooling2D
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
import json
import utilities as ut
import models_to_test as mtt

logging.info("Running model: '" + args.model_name + "'")
if args.tobreak == True:
    logging.warning("Only using a small subset of data!")
logging.info("Number of epochs: " + args.epochs)
logging.info("Saving output to: " + args.save_dir)

## Read in XY data
tstart = time.time()
X, Y = ut.get_input(tobreak=args.tobreak)
X = X / 255.
tend = time.time()
logging.info("Time to read in data: {0:.1f} s.".format(tend - tstart))
logging.debug("Current shapes: " + str(X.shape) + ", " + str(Y.shape))

## Undersample the IDC(-) data to get even input set:
Xbal, Ybal = ut.balance_pos_neg(X, Y)
logging.info("*** Describe balanced data ***")
ut.describe_data(Xbal, Ybal)

## Shuffle XY data
Xs, Ys = ut.shuffle_input(Xbal, Ybal)
logging.info("*** Describe shuffled data ***")
ut.describe_data(Xs, Ys)
Exemple #23
from utilities import success, get_input

def fill_ones(ones):
    """Too lazy to do a proper function :)."""
    if ones in (0, 1):
        return 1
    elif ones == 2:
        return 2
    elif ones == 3:
        return 4
    elif ones == 4:
        return 7

inst = sorted(get_input(as_int=True))

deltas = [1]

for i in range(len(inst) - 1):
    deltas.append(inst[i + 1] - inst[i])


total = 1
ones = 0
for i in range(len(deltas)):
    if deltas[i] == 1:
        ones += 1
        total *= fill_ones(ones)
Exemple #24
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from utilities import success, get_input

input = get_input()

ids = list()
for line in input:
    row = 0
    col = 0
    lo = 0
    hi = 128
    for c in line[:7]:
        avg = (lo + hi) // 2
        if c == "F":
            hi = avg
            lo = avg
    row = lo

    lo = 0
    hi = 8
    for c in line[7:]:
        avg = (lo + hi) // 2
        if c == "L":
            hi = avg
            lo = avg
    col = lo
Exemple #25
 def __init__(self):
     (self.distance, self.metric, self.target) = u.get_input('distance', self.Metrics)