def pf(self, dataframe, skipdays): dataframe = ff.filtered_frame(dataframe, skipdays) # Get df wihout nan, outliers dpro_obj = rn.ml_dpmodels( self.predict_days, self.symbol, self.flag) # Create object for preprocess Data build_pm = gm.build_predictmodel( ) # Create object forbuildpredictmodel predict_visulaise = pv.pv_visualise( self.predict_days, self.symbol, self.flag ) #Create Object for prediction , forcasting and Visualisation #Preprocess Data and Get model X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header = dpro_obj.data_preprocessing( dataframe, self.def_fea) #Build Models regressor, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header,self.report_dict= \ build_pm.build_predictmodel(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header) # Predict Forcast and Visualise Models sc, sc_y, y_test_df =, dpro_obj.sc_target, dpro_obj.target_testDF predict_visulaise.predict_forcast(dataframe, sc, sc_y, y_test_df, regressor, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header, self.report_dict)
def get_year_data(year, Flag=False, Start=date(2018, 1, 1)): """ :param year: year of Data :param Flag: if True then append data and skip downloading complete Data :param start: if Flag is true, then start date of data :return: None. It directly writes data to csv """ now = if Flag: m = range(Start[2], now.month + 1) start = date(Start[0], Start[2], Start[1]) else: m = range(1, 13) for i in m: if Flag == False: start = date(year, i, 1) if year < now.year: end = date(year, i, monthrange(year, i)[1]) elif (year == now.year and i <= now.month): end = date(year, i, monthrange(year, i)[1]) if start == end: start += timedelta(days=1) continue tradingDay = get_tradingDay(start, end) print(tradingDay) fname = str("prices_") + str(year) + "_" + str(i) + ".csv" fname = os.path.join(p.optiondata, fname) price = [] if Flag and os.path.isfile(fname): old_prices = pd.read_csv(fname) old_prices = filterframe.filtered_frame(old_prices, Options=True) price.append(old_prices) def concat_Data(x): print(x) price.append( filterframe.filtered_frame(get_price_list(dt=x), Options=True)) try: tradingDay.apply(concat_Data) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: prices = pd.concat(price) prices = filterframe.filtered_frame(prices, Options=True) prices.to_csv(fname)
def concat_Data_csv(x): print(x) price_df = get_price_list(dt=x) if not price_df.empty: price_df = filterframe.filtered_frame(price_df, Options=True) price_df.to_csv(fname,mode='a') #save_data(dbq, con, price_df, tb_DerivativeData, fname, fname_day) # implobj = ImpliedVolatility(Dframe=price_df, DfFlag=True, dbq=dbq, conn=con) #implobj.getStrike() else: print("no data to recieve for ",x)
def ma_cross(self, dataframe, skipdays): dataframe = ff.filtered_frame(dataframe,skipdays) # Get df wihout nan, outliers '''dpro_obj=rn.ml_dpmodels(self.predict_days,self.symbol,self.flag) # Create object for preprocess Data build_pm=gm.build_predictmodel() # Create object forbuildpredictmodel predict_visulaise = pv.pv_visualise(self.predict_days,self.symbol,self.flag) #Create Object for prediction , forcasting and Visualisation #Preprocess Data and Get model X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header = dpro_obj.data_preprocessing(dataframe,self.def_fea) ''' ''' #Build Models regressor, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header,self.report_dict= \ build_pm.build_predictmodel(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header) # Predict Forcast and Visualise Models sc,sc_y,,dpro_obj.sc_target,dpro_obj.target_testDF predict_visulaise.predict_forcast(dataframe,sc,sc_y,y_test_df,regressor,X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, forcast_ip_scaled, header,self.report_dict) ''' #("-".join(str(i) for i in DF.columns.tolist())) header=dataframe.columns.tolist()#[-1::-1] malist = [] for i in range(len(header)): h = header[i] if h.startswith('MA'): malist.append(int(h[2:])) malist = sorted(malist,reverse=True) bars = dataframe mac = btmc.MovingAverageCrossStrategy(self.symbol, bars, short_window=malist[1], long_window=malist[0]) signals = mac.generate_signals() #signals.to_csv('signals.csv') portfolio = btmc.MarketOnClosePortfolio(self.symbol, bars, signals, initial_capital=100000.0) #10 lacs returns = portfolio.backtest_portfolio() signallist,signaldict=portfolio.signallist,portfolio.signaldict reportname = str('_'+'ma_cross' repostring = (self.symbol,int(returns['total'][-1]),malist[0],malist[1],len(signallist)) # print(repostring) #Reporting report=mcrv.mac_reporting(repostring,reportname) # Plot two charts to assess trades and equity curve imgname = reportname+'_'+str(repostring)[1:-1].replace(',','_').replace("\'",'') #mcrv.mac_visualise(bars,signals,returns,imgname) # print the best result return report
def concat_Data(x): print(x) price.append( filterframe.filtered_frame(get_price_list(dt=x), Options=True))
import talib import pandas as pd from utility import Load_Csv as lcsv from utility import filterframe from seaborn import palplot ld = lcsv.Load_csv() df = ld.LoadData(filename='BANKNIFTY.csv') df_new = filterframe.filtered_frame(df, 0) o = df_new["Open"].values h = df_new["High"].values l = df_new["Low"].values c = df_new["Close"].values df_candle = pd.DataFrame(index=df_new.index) df_candle["Invertedhammer"] = talib.CDLINVERTEDHAMMER(o, h, l, c) df_candle["Kicking"] = talib.CDLKICKING(o, h, l, c) df_candle["Hammer"] = talib.CDLHAMMER(o, h, l, c) df_candle["shootingstar"] = talib.CDLSHOOTINGSTAR(o, h, l, c) print(pd.DataFrame(talib.CDLINVERTEDHAMMER(o, h, l, c))) df_candle.to_csv("candleresult.csv")