def get_preprocessor(self, online_config): # load the same preprocessor as pretraining stage upstream_input_feat = online_config['input'] upstream_input_feat['channel'] = 0 upstream_target_feat = online_config['target'] upstream_target_feat['channel'] = 0 preprocessor = OnlinePreprocessor(**online_config, feat_list=[upstream_input_feat, upstream_target_feat]) upstream_feat = preprocessor()[0] upstream_input_dim = upstream_feat.size(-1) return preprocessor, upstream_input_dim
def __init__(self, file_path, sets, bucket_size, max_timestep=0, drop=False, mam_config=None, libri_root=None, online_config=None): super(AcousticDataset, self).__init__(file_path, sets, bucket_size, max_timestep, drop) self.mam_config = mam_config self.libri_root = libri_root self.online_config = online_config if self.online_config is not None: assert libri_root is not None feat_list = [ self.online_config['input'], self.online_config['target'] ] self.preprocessor = OnlinePreprocessor(**self.online_config, feat_list=feat_list) self.sample_step = mam_config[ 'max_input_length'] if 'max_input_length' in mam_config else 0 if self.sample_step > 0: print( '[Dataset] - Sampling random segments for training, sample length:', self.sample_step) X = self.table['file_path'].tolist() X_lens = self.table['length'].tolist() # Use bucketing to allow different batch size at run time self.X = [] batch_x, batch_len = [], [] for x, x_len in zip(X, X_lens): batch_x.append(x) batch_len.append(x_len) # Fill in batch_x until batch is full if len(batch_x) == bucket_size: # Half the batch size if seq too long if (bucket_size >= 2) and (max(batch_len) > HALF_BATCHSIZE_TIME ) and self.sample_step == 0: self.X.append(batch_x[:bucket_size // 2]) self.X.append(batch_x[bucket_size // 2:]) else: self.X.append(batch_x) batch_x, batch_len = [], [] # Gather the last batch if len(batch_x) > 1: self.X.append(batch_x)
def __init__(self, args, config, dataloader, ckpdir): self.device = torch.device('cuda') if (args.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available()) else torch.device('cpu') if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('[Runner] - CUDA is available!') self.model_kept = [] self.global_step = 1 self.log = SummaryWriter(ckpdir) self.args = args self.config = config self.dataloader = dataloader self.ckpdir = ckpdir # optimizer self.learning_rate = float(config['optimizer']['learning_rate']) self.warmup_proportion = config['optimizer']['warmup_proportion'] self.gradient_accumulation_steps = config['optimizer']['gradient_accumulation_steps'] self.gradient_clipping = config['optimizer']['gradient_clipping'] # Training details self.apex = config['runner']['apex'] self.total_steps = config['runner']['total_steps'] self.log_step = config['runner']['log_step'] self.save_step = config['runner']['save_step'] self.duo_feature = config['runner']['duo_feature'] self.max_keep = config['runner']['max_keep'] # model self.transformer_config = config['transformer'] if args.online_feat is not None: feat_list = [args.online_feat['input'], args.online_feat['target']] self.preprocessor = OnlinePreprocessor(**args.online_feat, feat_list=feat_list).to(device=self.device) self.input_dim, self.output_dim = [feat.size(-1) for feat in self.preprocessor()] self.preprocessor.test_istft() else: self.input_dim = self.transformer_config['input_dim'] self.output_dim = 1025 if self.duo_feature else None # output dim is the same as input dim if not using duo features
class Runner(): ''' Handler for complete pre-training progress of upstream models ''' def __init__(self, args, config, dataloader, ckpdir): self.device = torch.device('cuda') if (args.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available()) else torch.device('cpu') if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('[Runner] - CUDA is available!') self.model_kept = [] self.global_step = 1 self.log = SummaryWriter(ckpdir) self.args = args self.config = config self.dataloader = dataloader self.ckpdir = ckpdir # optimizer self.learning_rate = float(config['optimizer']['learning_rate']) self.warmup_proportion = config['optimizer']['warmup_proportion'] self.gradient_accumulation_steps = config['optimizer']['gradient_accumulation_steps'] self.gradient_clipping = config['optimizer']['gradient_clipping'] # Training details self.apex = config['runner']['apex'] self.total_steps = config['runner']['total_steps'] self.log_step = config['runner']['log_step'] self.save_step = config['runner']['save_step'] self.duo_feature = config['runner']['duo_feature'] self.max_keep = config['runner']['max_keep'] # model self.transformer_config = config['transformer'] if args.online_feat is not None: feat_list = [args.online_feat['input'], args.online_feat['target']] self.preprocessor = OnlinePreprocessor(**args.online_feat, feat_list=feat_list).to(device=self.device) self.input_dim, self.output_dim = [feat.size(-1) for feat in self.preprocessor()] self.preprocessor.test_istft() else: self.input_dim = self.transformer_config['input_dim'] self.output_dim = 1025 if self.duo_feature else None # output dim is the same as input dim if not using duo features def set_model(self): print('[Runner] - Initializing Transformer model...') # build the Transformer model with speech prediction head model_config = TransformerConfig(self.config) self.dr = model_config.downsample_rate self.model = TransformerForMaskedAcousticModel(model_config, self.input_dim, self.output_dim).to(self.device) self.model.train() if self.args.multi_gpu: self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model) print('[Runner] - Multi-GPU training Enabled: ' + str(torch.cuda.device_count())) print('[Runner] - Number of parameters: ' + str(sum(p.numel() for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad))) # Setup optimizer param_optimizer = list(self.model.named_parameters()) no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.bias', 'LayerNorm.weight'] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.01}, {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0} ] if self.apex: try: from apex.optimizers import FP16_Optimizer from apex.optimizers import FusedAdam except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install apex from to use distributed and fp16 training.") optimizer = FusedAdam(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=self.learning_rate, bias_correction=False, max_grad_norm=1.0) if self.config['optimizer']['loss_scale'] == 0: self.optimizer = FP16_Optimizer(optimizer, dynamic_loss_scale=True) else: self.optimizer = FP16_Optimizer(optimizer, static_loss_scale=self.config['optimizer']['loss_scale']) self.warmup_linear = WarmupLinearSchedule(warmup=self.warmup_proportion, t_total=self.total_steps) else: self.optimizer = BertAdam(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=self.learning_rate, warmup=self.warmup_proportion, t_total=self.total_steps) def save_model(self, name='states', to_path=None): all_states = { 'SpecHead': self.model.SpecHead.state_dict() if not self.args.multi_gpu else self.model.module.SpecHead.state_dict(), 'Transformer': self.model.Transformer.state_dict() if not self.args.multi_gpu else self.model.module.Transformer.state_dict(), 'Optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'Global_step': self.global_step, 'Settings': { 'Config': self.config, 'Paras': self.args, }, } if to_path is None: new_model_path = '{}/{}-{}.ckpt'.format(self.ckpdir, name, self.global_step) else: new_model_path = to_path, new_model_path) self.model_kept.append(new_model_path) if len(self.model_kept) >= self.max_keep: os.remove(self.model_kept[0]) self.model_kept.pop(0) def up_sample_frames(self, spec, return_first=False): if len(spec.shape) != 3: spec = spec.unsqueeze(0) assert(len(spec.shape) == 3), 'Input should have acoustic feature of shape BxTxD' # spec shape: [batch_size, sequence_length // downsample_rate, output_dim * downsample_rate] spec_flatten = spec.view(spec.shape[0], spec.shape[1]*self.dr, spec.shape[2]//self.dr) if return_first: return spec_flatten[0] return spec_flatten # spec_flatten shape: [batch_size, sequence_length * downsample_rate, output_dim // downsample_rate] def down_sample_frames(self, spec): left_over = spec.shape[1] % self.dr if left_over != 0: spec = spec[:, :-left_over, :] spec_stacked = spec.view(spec.shape[0], spec.shape[1]//self.dr, spec.shape[2]*self.dr) return spec_stacked def process_data(self, spec): """Process training data for the masked acoustic model""" with torch.no_grad(): assert(len(spec) == 5), 'dataloader should return (spec_masked, pos_enc, mask_label, attn_mask, spec_stacked)' # Unpack and Hack bucket: Bucketing should cause acoustic feature to have shape 1xBxTxD' spec_masked = spec[0].squeeze(0) pos_enc = spec[1].squeeze(0) mask_label = spec[2].squeeze(0) attn_mask = spec[3].squeeze(0) spec_stacked = spec[4].squeeze(0) spec_masked = if pos_enc.dim() == 3: # pos_enc: (batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size) # GPU memory need (batch_size * seq_len * hidden_size) pos_enc = pos_enc.float().to(device=self.device) elif pos_enc.dim() == 2: # pos_enc: (seq_len, hidden_size) # GPU memory only need (seq_len * hidden_size) even after expanded pos_enc = pos_enc.float().to(device=self.device).expand(spec_masked.size(0), *pos_enc.size()) mask_label = mask_label.bool().to(device=self.device) attn_mask = attn_mask.float().to(device=self.device) spec_stacked = return spec_masked, pos_enc, mask_label, attn_mask, spec_stacked # (x, pos_enc, mask_label, attention_mask. y) def train(self): ''' Self-Supervised Pre-Training of Transformer Model''' pbar = tqdm(total=self.total_steps) while self.global_step <= self.total_steps: progress = tqdm(self.dataloader, desc="Iteration") step = 0 loss_val = 0 for batch in progress: if self.args.online_feat is not None: # batch are raw waveforms # batch: (batch_size, channel, max_len) specs = self.preprocessor( batch = process_train_MAM_data(specs, config=self.transformer_config) batch_is_valid, *batch = batch try: if self.global_step > self.total_steps: break if not batch_is_valid: continue step += 1 spec_masked, pos_enc, mask_label, attn_mask, spec_stacked = self.process_data(batch) loss, pred_spec = self.model(spec_masked, pos_enc, mask_label, attn_mask, spec_stacked) # Accumulate Loss if self.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1: loss = loss / self.gradient_accumulation_steps if self.apex and self.args.multi_gpu: raise NotImplementedError elif self.apex: self.optimizer.backward(loss) elif self.args.multi_gpu: loss = loss.sum() loss.backward() else: loss.backward() loss_val += loss.item() # Update if (step+1) % self.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: if self.apex: # modify learning rate with special warm up BERT uses # if conifg.apex is False, BertAdam is used and handles this automatically lr_this_step = self.learning_rate * self.warmup_linear.get_lr(self.global_step, self.warmup_proportion) for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr_this_step # Step grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.gradient_clipping) if math.isnan(grad_norm): print('[Runner] - Error : grad norm is NaN @ step ' + str(self.global_step)) else: self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.global_step % self.log_step == 0: # Log self.log.add_scalar('lr', self.optimizer.get_lr()[0], self.global_step) self.log.add_scalar('loss', (loss_val), self.global_step) self.log.add_scalar('gradient norm', grad_norm, self.global_step) progress.set_description("Loss %.4f" % (loss_val)) if self.global_step % self.save_step == 0: self.save_model('states') mask_spec = self.up_sample_frames(spec_masked[0], return_first=True) pred_spec = self.up_sample_frames(pred_spec[0], return_first=True) true_spec = self.up_sample_frames(spec_stacked[0], return_first=True) mask_spec = plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( pred_spec = plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( true_spec = plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( self.log.add_image('mask_spec', mask_spec, self.global_step) self.log.add_image('pred_spec', pred_spec, self.global_step) self.log.add_image('true_spec', true_spec, self.global_step) loss_val = 0 pbar.update(1) self.global_step += 1 except RuntimeError as e: if 'CUDA out of memory' in str(e): print('CUDA out of memory at step: ', self.global_step) torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.optimizer.zero_grad() else: raise pbar.close() self.log.close()