Exemple #1
    def run_op(self, argmap):
        import original
        import augmented

        # Original data just returns the actual samples
        origdata = utility.PickleData(original, 'sample').load()

        # Augmented saves a bunch more stuff.
        _, augmdata, tknprbs, loggies = utility.PickleData(
            augmented, 'sample').load()

        utility.assert_zero(origdata - augmdata)
            "Success, checked data of size {} against original sample".format(

        for bi in range(augmdata.shape[0]):
            for pi in range(1, augmdata.shape[1]):
                logits = loggies[bi, :, pi]
                token = augmdata[bi, pi]
                probs = utility.softmax(logits)

                aprb = probs[token]
                bprb = tknprbs[bi, pi]

                utility.assert_small(aprb - bprb, epsilon=1e-4)

            "Checked correspondence between logit values and token probabilities"
Exemple #2
    def run_op(self, argmap):

        modname = argmap.get_str(('modname', 'original'))
        seed = argmap.get_int(('seed', 10000))
        relmod = importlib.import_module(modname)
        print("Going to do Basic Model with module {}".format(modname))

        # Load the sample data, and peel off the initial layer of <start_token> data.
        origdata = self.load_data(seed)
        origdata = origdata[:, 1:]
        assert origdata.shape[1] == utility.SAMPLE_LENGTH

        enc = utility.get_encoder()
        hparams = utility.get_hparams()

        with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:

            tfop = relmod.model_or_sample(origdata.shape[0], origdata)

            ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(
                os.path.join('models', utility.MODEL_NAME))
            tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt)

            alpha = time.time()
            result = sess.run(tfop)
            print("Basic Model successful, took {:.03f} seconds".format(
                time.time() - alpha))

            utility.PickleData(relmod, 'modsample', seed, result=result).save()
Exemple #3
    def run_op(self, argmap):

        modname = argmap.get_str(('modname', 'original'))
        relmod = importlib.import_module(modname)
        print("Going model hard-coded data with module {}".format(modname))

        # Load the hard-coded sample data
        origdata = utility.get_encoded_sents()

        #enc = utility.get_encoder()
        hparams = utility.get_hparams()

        with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:

            # Notice!!! You don't need these set-seed operations here!!!
            # np.random.seed(seed)
            # tf.set_random_seed(seed)

            tfop = relmod.model_or_sample(origdata.shape[0], origdata)

            ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(
                os.path.join('models', utility.MODEL_NAME))
            tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt)

            alpha = time.time()
            result = sess.run(tfop)
            print("Basic Model successful, took {:.03f} seconds".format(
                time.time() - alpha))

            utility.PickleData(relmod, 'modhcode', 0, result=result).save()
Exemple #4
    def run_op(self, argmap):

        modname = argmap.get_str(('modname', 'original'))
        seed = argmap.get_int(('seed', 10000))
        batch_size = argmap.get_int(('batchsize', 100))

        enc = utility.get_encoder()
        hparams = utility.get_hparams()
        relmod = importlib.import_module(modname)

        with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:

            tfop = relmod.model_or_sample(batch_size)

            ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(
                os.path.join('models', utility.MODEL_NAME))
            tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt)

            alpha = time.time()
            result = sess.run(tfop)
                "Sample successful, took {:.03f} seconds".format(time.time() -

            utility.PickleData(relmod, 'sample', seed, result=result).save()
Exemple #5
    def run_op(self, argmap):
        import expl_modl
        import augmented

        # Okay, load the SAMPLES data from the augmented operation
        _, adata, aprobs, aloggs = utility.PickleData(augmented,

        # Load the MODSAMPLE data from the expl_model operation
        _, bdata, bprobs, bloggs = utility.PickleData(expl_modl,

        utility.assert_zero(adata - bdata)
        utility.assert_small(aprobs - bprobs)
        utility.assert_small(aloggs - bloggs)

            "Success, explicit model operation produces exactly the same probabilities as sample operation"
Exemple #6
    def check_hcode_model(self):
        import expl_model
        import bmdl_augm

        # Okay, load the SAMPLES data from the augmented operation
        _, adata, aprobs, aloggs = utility.PickleData(expl_model, 'modhcode',

        # Load the MODSAMPLE data from the expl_model operation
        _, bdata, bprobs, bloggs, bstep = utility.PickleData(
            bmdl_augm, 'modhcode', 0).load()

        utility.assert_zero(adata - bdata)
        utility.assert_small(aprobs - bprobs)
        utility.assert_small(aloggs - bloggs)

            "Success, explicit model and augmented bimodel produce identical results on hard-coded inputs"
Exemple #7
    def check_sample(self, opcode):
        import bmdl_augm
        import augmented

        # Okay, load the SAMPLES data from the augmented operation
        _, adata, aprobs, aloggs = utility.PickleData(augmented,

        # Load the MODSAMPLE data from the expl_model operation
        _, bdata, bprobs, bloggs, bstep = utility.PickleData(
            bmdl_augm, opcode).load()

        utility.assert_zero(adata - bdata)
        utility.assert_small(aprobs - bprobs)
        utility.assert_small(aloggs - bloggs)

        assert bstep.shape == (1, ) and bstep[0] == utility.SAMPLE_LENGTH
            "Success, explicit model operation produces exactly the same probabilities as sample operation"
Exemple #8
    def check_against_augm(self, opcode):
        import bmdl_augm
        import bimodel

        seed = 0 if opcode == 'modhcode' else 10000

        # Okay, load the SAMPLES data from the augmented operation
        _, adata, aprobs, astep = utility.PickleData(bimodel, opcode,

        # Load the MODSAMPLE data from the expl_model operation
        _, bdata, bprobs, _, bstep = utility.PickleData(
            bmdl_augm, opcode, seed).load()

        utility.assert_zero(adata - bdata)
        utility.assert_zero(astep - bstep)
        utility.assert_small(aprobs - bprobs)

        print("Success, checked against augmented model for opcode {}".format(
Exemple #9
    def run_op(self, argmap):
        import bimodel
        _, adata, aprobs, _ = utility.PickleData(bimodel, 'modhcode', 0).load()

        utility.assert_small(aprobs[:, 0] + 1.513)
        aprobs = aprobs[:, 1:]

        for idx in range(adata.shape[0]):
            thesent = utility.get_encoder().decode(adata[idx, 1:])
            logprob = -np.sum(np.log(aprobs[idx, :]))
            print("Sentence/LogProb: \n\t{}\n\t{:.05f}".format(
                thesent, logprob))
Exemple #10
 def load_data(self, seedid):
     # Load the data from the original model
     import original
     return utility.PickleData(original, 'sample', seedid).load()