Exemple #1
    # size_y = int((abs(templ_corners[1, 3] - templ_corners[1, 0]) +
    # abs(templ_corners[1, 2] - templ_corners[1, 1])) / 2)

    print 'Object size: {:d}x{:d}'.format(size_x, size_y)
    if res_from_size:
        res_x = int(size_x / resize_factor)
        res_y = int(size_y / resize_factor)

    n_pts = res_x * res_y
    patch_size_x = res_x * resize_factor
    patch_size_y = res_y * resize_factor

    std_pts, std_corners = getNormalizedUnitSquarePts(res_x, res_y, 0.5)
    std_pts_hm = util.homogenize(std_pts)

    init_hom_mat = np.mat(util.compute_homography(std_corners, init_corners))
    init_pts = util.dehomogenize(init_hom_mat * std_pts_hm)

    init_img_gs = cv2.cvtColor(init_img, cv2.cv.CV_BGR2GRAY).astype(np.float64)
    img_height, img_width = init_img_gs.shape
    init_pixel_vals = np.mat([util.bilin_interp(init_img_gs, init_pts[0, pt_id], init_pts[1, pt_id]) for pt_id in

    if init_frame_id == 0:
        show_init = 0

    if show_patches:
        init_patch = np.reshape(init_pixel_vals, (res_y, res_x)).astype(np.uint8)
        init_patch_resized = cv2.resize(init_patch, (patch_size_x, patch_size_y))
        drawRegion(init_img, init_corners, gt_col, 1, annotate_corners=False)
        if show_init:
Exemple #2
                            curr_img, 'Tracker Failed',
                            (curr_img.shape[0] / 2, curr_img.shape[1] / 2),
                            legend_font_face, failure_font_size,
                            col_rgb['red'], failure_font_thickness,

                if show_grid:
                        curr_hom_mat = np.mat(
                            util.compute_homography(std_corners, curr_corners))
                    curr_pts = util.dehomogenize(curr_hom_mat * std_pts_hm)

                if show_stacked:
                    new_img = np.copy(curr_img)
                    if show_legend:
                        cv2.rectangle(new_img, (legend_x, legend_y + baseline),
                                      (legend_x + text_size[0],
                                       legend_y - text_size[1] - baseline),
                                      legend_bkg_col, -1)
                        cv2.putText(new_img, tracker['legend'],
                                    (legend_x, legend_y), legend_font_face,
                                    legend_font_size, col_rgb[tracker['col']],
Exemple #3
    ground_truth = readTrackingData(ground_truth_fname)
    no_of_frames = ground_truth.shape[0]
    print 'no_of_frames: ', no_of_frames

    end_id = no_of_frames

    init_corners = np.asarray([ground_truth[0, 0:2].tolist(),
                               ground_truth[0, 2:4].tolist(),
                               ground_truth[0, 4:6].tolist(),
                               ground_truth[0, 6:8].tolist()]).T

    std_pts, std_corners = getNormalizedUnitSquarePts(std_resx, std_resy, 0.5)
    std_pts_hm = util.homogenize(std_pts)
    (init_corners_norm, init_norm_mat) = getNormalizedPoints(init_corners)
    init_hom_mat = np.mat(util.compute_homography(std_corners, init_corners_norm))
    init_pts_norm = util.dehomogenize(init_hom_mat * std_pts_hm)
    init_pts = util.dehomogenize(init_norm_mat * util.homogenize(init_pts_norm))

    # ret, init_img = cap.read()
    init_img = cv2.imread(src_folder + '/frame{:05d}.jpg'.format(1))
    if init_img is None:
        raise StandardError(
            'The initial image could not be read from the file:\n' + src_folder + '/frame{:05d}.jpg'.format(1))
    init_img_gs = cv2.cvtColor(init_img, cv2.cv.CV_BGR2GRAY).astype(np.float64)
    if filter_type != 'none':
        init_img_gs = applyFilter(init_img_gs, filter_type, kernel_size)
    if write_img_data:
        init_img_gs.astype(np.uint8).tofile(img_root_dir + '/' + 'frame_0_gs.bin')

    init_pixel_vals = np.array([util.bilin_interp(init_img_gs, init_pts[0, pt_id], init_pts[1, pt_id]) for pt_id in
Exemple #4
    affine_col = (0, 255, 0)
    rt_col = (255, 0, 0)
    trans_col = (255, 255, 255)
    comp_col = (255, 255, 0)

    hom_errors = []
    affine_errors = []
    rt_errors = []
    trans_errors = []

    for i in xrange(1, no_of_frames):
        current_corners = np.asarray([ground_truth[i, 0:2].tolist(),
                                      ground_truth[i, 2:4].tolist(),
                                      ground_truth[i, 4:6].tolist(),
                                      ground_truth[i, 6:8].tolist()]).T
        H = util.compute_homography(base_corners, current_corners)

        H_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.mat(H))
        # H_inv=H_inv/H_inv[2, 2]

        v1=H_inv[2, 0]
        v2=H_inv[2, 1]

        u=H_inv[2, 2]

        dx = H_inv[0, 2]
        dy = H_inv[1, 2]
        dxx = H_inv[0, 0] - H_inv[2, 0] * H_inv[0, 2] - 1
        dxy = H_inv[0, 1] - H_inv[2, 1] * H_inv[0, 2]
        dyx = H_inv[1, 0] - H_inv[2, 0] * H_inv[1, 2]
        dyy = H_inv[1, 1] - H_inv[2, 1] * H_inv[1, 2] - 1
Exemple #5
                patch_start_x = img_width - patch_size_x
                patch_start_y = 0
                patch_end_x = img_width
                patch_end_y = patch_size_y
            if convert_to_gs:
                if len(curr_img.shape) == 3:
                    curr_img = cv2.cvtColor(curr_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            n_channels = 3
            if len(curr_img.shape) == 2:
                curr_img = cv2.cvtColor(curr_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

            if np.isnan(curr_corners).any():
                print 'curr_corners:\n', curr_corners
                raise StandardError('Gound truth for frame {:d} contains NaN'.format(frame_id))

            curr_hom_mat = np.mat(util.compute_homography(std_corners, curr_corners))
            curr_pts = util.dehomogenize(curr_hom_mat * std_pts_hm)
            curr_pts_ss = util.dehomogenize(curr_hom_mat * std_pts_ss_hm)

            if show_patch:
                curr_pixel_vals = getPixValsRGB(curr_pts, curr_img.astype(np.float64))
                # print 'curr_pixel_vals: ', curr_pixel_vals
                n_channels = curr_pixel_vals.shape[1]
                for channel_id in xrange(n_channels):
                    curr_patch = np.reshape(curr_pixel_vals[:, channel_id], (grid_res_y, grid_res_x)).astype(np.uint8)
                    # print 'curr_patch: ', curr_patch
                    curr_patch_resized = cv2.resize(curr_patch, (patch_size_x, patch_size_y))
                        curr_img[patch_start_y:patch_end_y, patch_start_x:patch_end_x, channel_id] = curr_patch_resized
                    except IndexError:
                        curr_img[patch_start_y:patch_end_y, patch_start_x:patch_end_x] = curr_patch_resized
Exemple #6
        init_corners_selected = np.array(init_corners_selected, dtype=np.float64).T

    sel_corners_fid = open(sel_corners_fname, 'w')
    sel_corners_fid.write('frame   ulx     uly     urx     ury     lrx     lry     llx     lly     \n')
    writeCorners(sel_corners_fid, init_corners_selected, init_frame_id + 1)

    prev_corners_gt = init_corners_gt.copy()
    prev_corners_selected = init_corners_selected.copy()
    for frame_id in xrange(init_frame_id + 1, no_of_frames):
        curr_corners_gt = np.asarray([ground_truth[frame_id, 0:2].tolist(),
                                      ground_truth[frame_id, 2:4].tolist(),
                                      ground_truth[frame_id, 4:6].tolist(),
                                      ground_truth[frame_id, 6:8].tolist()]).T

        curr_hom_gt = util.compute_homography(prev_corners_gt, curr_corners_gt)
        curr_corners_selected = util.dehomogenize(np.mat(curr_hom_gt) * np.mat(util.homogenize(prev_corners_selected)))

        curr_img = cv2.imread('{:s}/frame{:05d}.jpg'.format(src_dir, frame_id + 1))

        if len(curr_img.shape) == 2:
            curr_img = cv2.cvtColor(curr_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

        drawRegion(curr_img, curr_corners_selected, gt_col, gt_thickness,
                   annotate_corners=True, annotation_col=annotation_col)

        fps_text = 'frame: {:4d}'.format(frame_id + 1)
        cv2.putText(curr_img, fps_text, (5, 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255, 255, 255))
        cv2.imshow(gt_corners_window_name, curr_img)

        writeCorners(sel_corners_fid, curr_corners_selected, frame_id + 1)
Exemple #7
    ground_truth = readTrackingData(ground_truth_fname)

    no_of_frames = ground_truth.shape[0]
    print 'no_of_frames: ', no_of_frames
    frame_id2_vec=range(2, no_of_frames)

    std_pts, std_corners = getNormalizedUnitSquarePts(std_resx, std_resy)
    std_pts_hm = util.homogenize(std_pts)
    std_corners_hm = util.homogenize(std_corners)

    corners = np.asarray([ground_truth[frame_id1 - 1, 0:2].tolist(),
                          ground_truth[frame_id1 - 1, 2:4].tolist(),
                          ground_truth[frame_id1 - 1, 4:6].tolist(),
                          ground_truth[frame_id1 - 1, 6:8].tolist()]).T
    (corners_norm, norm_mat) = getNormalizedPoints(corners)
    hom_mat = np.mat(util.compute_homography(std_corners, corners_norm))
    pts_norm = util.dehomogenize(hom_mat * std_pts_hm)
    pts = util.dehomogenize(norm_mat * util.homogenize(pts_norm))

    img = cv2.imread(src_folder + '/frame{:05d}.jpg'.format(frame_id1))
    img_gs = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.cv.CV_BGR2GRAY).astype(np.float64)

    corners2 = np.asarray([ground_truth[frame_id2 - 1, 0:2].tolist(),
                           ground_truth[frame_id2 - 1, 2:4].tolist(),
                           ground_truth[frame_id2 - 1, 4:6].tolist(),
                           ground_truth[frame_id2 - 1, 6:8].tolist()]).T
    (corners2_norm, norm_mat) = getNormalizedPoints(corners2)
    hom_mat = np.mat(util.compute_homography(std_corners, corners2_norm))
    pts2_norm = util.dehomogenize(hom_mat * std_pts_hm)
    pts2 = util.dehomogenize(norm_mat * util.homogenize(pts2_norm))