Exemple #1
 def read_revokes(self, raw_revoke):
     for brokerName, lines in raw_revoke:
         headings = get_line(lines, 0)
         format_adj = json.loads(self.config.get(brokerName, '撤单格式'))
         for item in format_adj.keys():
             pos = headings.index(item)
             headings[pos] = format_adj[item]
         for i in range(1, len(lines)):
             row = get_line(lines, i)
             row = [float(item) if isfloat(item) else item for item in row]
             rowDict = dict(zip(headings, row))
             if '买入' in rowDict['买卖标志']:
                 self.totalAvailable += (rowDict['委托数量'] -
                                         rowDict['成交数量']) * rowDict['委托价格']
Exemple #2
 def read_futures(self):
     for x in neutral_name_list:
         name = x if x in self.report.name else 'None'        
     futures = pd.read_excel(self.report.date_str+name+'股指期货.xlsx')
     self.futures = futures
     for i in range(len(futures)):
         if isfloat(futures.iloc[i,1]):
         if futures.iloc[i,1].startswith("IF") or futures.iloc[i,1].startswith("IC"):
             self.count += 1
     self.future_hold = futures.iloc[0,0] / 10000
     self.future_diff = futures.iloc[count+3,9]
def predict_test(matrix, model, colInfo, samplingRatio=0.01, **kwargv):
    """use the selected model to predict leftover records,


        matrix: the matrix RDD
        modelsDict: the dictionary contains models
                    e.g. modelsDict['all']['model']

        target['target'] = 'all'
        target['target'] = 'test'
        target['target'] = 'leftover'


        a prediction report

    # use the all model to do the prediction
    # model = modelsDict['all']['model']

    intList = range(1, int(samplingRatio * 100) + 1)
    intRevList = list(set(range(1,101)) - set(intList))

    colFinal = colInfo['preprocess']['final']

    if kwargv['target'] == 'all':
        # use the model to predict whole day records
        truePredictRdd = (matrix.map(lambda x: (x.y, x.items))
                                .map(lambda (a, b): (a, {col:b[col] if col in b.keys() else np.NAN for col in colFinal}))
                                .map(lambda (a, b): (a, {col:float(b[col]) if isfloat(b[col]) else np.NAN for col in colFinal}))
                                .map(lambda (a, b): (a, [b[col] for col in colInfo['preprocess']['final']]))
                                .map(lambda (a, b): (a, model.predict(b), model.predict_proba(b))))

    elif kwargv['target'] == 'validate':
        # use the model to predict original sampling recrod, for verification
        matrixReturn = matrix[matrix['y'] == 1]
        matrixPass = matrix[matrix['randInt'].isin(intList)]
        matrixSample = matrixReturn.unionAll(matrixPass)
        truePredictRdd = (matrixSample.map(lambda x: (x.y, x.items))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, {col:b[col] if col in b.keys() else np.NAN for col in colFinal}))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, {col:float(b[col]) if isfloat(b[col]) else np.NAN for col in colFinal}))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, [b[col] for col in colInfo['preprocess']['final']]))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, model.predict(b), model.predict_proba(b))))

    elif kwargv['target'] == 'leftover':
        matrixSample = matrix[matrix['randInt'].isin(intRevList)]
        truePredictRdd = (matrixSample.map(lambda x: (x.y, x.items))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, {col:b[col] if col in b.keys() else np.NAN for col in colFinal}))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, {col:float(b[col]) if isfloat(b[col]) else np.NAN for col in colFinal}))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, [b[col] for col in colInfo['preprocess']['final']]))
                                     .map(lambda (a, b): (a, model.predict(b), model.predict_proba(b))))

    true = truePredictRdd.map(lambda (a, b, c): a).collect()
    predict = truePredictRdd.map(lambda (a, b, c): b[0]).collect()
    predict_proba = truePredictRdd.map(lambda (a, b, c): c[0][1]).collect()

    prediction_report_all = classification_report(true, predict)
    precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(true, predict_proba)

    return prediction_report_all, precision, recall, thresholds
Exemple #4
    def read_holdings(self, raw_holding):
        config = self.config
        holdings_rejected = config.get('通用配置', '不计入持仓').split(',')
        gushouTransform = config.get('通用配置', '转债股手转换').split(',')
        dc = {}
        for brokerName, lines in raw_holding:

            row, col = config.get(brokerName, '总资产').split(',')
            self.totalAsset += float(
                         int(row) - 1)[ord(col) - ord('A')])
            row, col = config.get(brokerName, '可用资金').split(',')
            self.totalAvailable += float(
                         int(row) - 1)[ord(col) - ord('A')])

            s_Row = int(config.get(brokerName, '持仓起始行数')) - 1
            headings = get_line(lines, s_Row)
            format_adj = json.loads(config.get(brokerName, '持仓格式'))
            global bond, money_fund
            for item in format_adj.keys():
                pos = headings.index(item)
                headings[pos] = format_adj[item]
            index = headings.index('证券代码')
            index_b = headings.index('证券名称')
            for i in range(s_Row + 1, len(lines)):
                row = get_line(lines, i)
                row = [
                    float(row[x]) if ((x != index and x != index_b)
                                      and isfloat(row[x])) else row[x]
                    for x in range(len(row))
                rowDict = dict(zip(headings, row))
                if (re.match('\d{6}', rowDict['证券代码']) is None
                        or any(elem in rowDict['证券名称']
                               for elem in holdings_rejected)):
                if (rowDict['证券代码'].startswith('511')):
                if brokerName in gushouTransform and rowDict[
                    rowDict['证券数量'] = rowDict['证券数量'] * 10
                rowDict['动用资金'] = rowDict['证券数量'] * rowDict['成本价']
                item = rowDict
                if item['证券名称'] not in dc.keys():
                    dc[item['证券名称']] = item
                    dc[item['证券名称']]['证券数量'] += item['证券数量']
                    dc[item['证券名称']]['动用资金'] += item['动用资金']
                    dc[item['证券名称']]['最新市值'] += item['最新市值']

        for rowDict in dc.values():
            rowDict['成本价'] = 0 if rowDict[
                '证券数量'] == 0 else rowDict['动用资金'] / rowDict['证券数量']
            rowDict['当前价'] = 0 if rowDict[
                '证券数量'] == 0 else rowDict['最新市值'] / rowDict['证券数量']
            rowDict['盈亏比例'] = (0 if rowDict['动用资金'] == 0 else rowDict['浮动盈亏'] /
Exemple #5
    def read_transactions(self, raw_transaction):
        config = self.config
        weituo = config.get('通用配置', '委托成交记录')
        transaction_rejected = config.get('通用配置', '不计入交易').split(',')
        gushouTransform = config.get('通用配置', '转债股手转换').split(',')
        merged_dc = {}  #交易汇总,日内回转合并在一起,比如 某只股票 当日卖出5000,又买入3000,则汇总为卖出2000股
        templist = []
        for brokerName, lines in raw_transaction:
            s_Row = int(config.get(brokerName, '交易起始行数')) - 1
                executor = json.loads(config.get('交易员', self.name))
            except Exception as e:
                executor = {"下达人": "", "执行人": ""}
            headings = get_line(lines, s_Row)
            format_adj = json.loads(config.get(brokerName, '交易格式'))
            for item in format_adj.keys():
                pos = headings.index(item)
                headings[pos] = format_adj[item]
            index = headings.index('证券代码')
            for i in range(s_Row + 1, len(lines)):
                row = get_line(lines, i)
                if brokerName in weituo:
                    if any('撤单' in elem for elem in row):
                    if not any('成交' in elem for elem in row):

                row = [
                    float(row[x]) if
                    (x != index and isfloat(row[x])) else row[x]
                    for x in range(len(row))
                rowDict = dict(zip(headings, row))
                if any(elem in rowDict['证券名称']
                       for elem in transaction_rejected):
                if (rowDict['证券名称'].startswith("GC")):
                if brokerName in gushouTransform and rowDict[
                    rowDict['成交数量'] = rowDict['成交数量'] * 10
                rowDict['下达人'] = executor['下达人']
                rowDict['执行人'] = rowDict['执行人']

                item = rowDict
                sign = 1 if ('买入' in item['买卖标志']) else -1
                if item['证券名称'] not in merged_dc.keys():
                    item['证券名称']['成交数量'] = sign * item['成交数量']
                    merged_dc[item['证券名称']] = item
                    merged_dc[item['证券名称']]['成交数量'] += sign * item['成交数量']

        for direction in ['买入', '卖出']:
            ls = [x for x in templist if (direction in x['买卖标志'])]
            dc = {}
            for item in ls:
                if item['证券名称'] not in dc.keys():
                    dc[item['证券名称']] = item
                    dc[item['证券名称']]['成交数量'] += item['成交数量']
                    dc[item['证券名称']]['成交金额'] += item['成交数量'] * item['成交价格']
            for item in dc.values():
                item['成交价格'] = item['成交金额'] / item['成交数量']
                item['买买标志'] = direction

        for rowDict in merged_dc.values():
            if rowDict['成交数量'] == 0:
            rowDict['买卖标志'] = '买入' if rowDict['成交数量'] > 0 else '卖出'
            rowDict['成交数量'] = abs(rowDict['成交数量'])
def predict_test(matrix, model, colInfo, samplingRatio=0.01, **kwargv):
    """use the selected model to predict leftover records,


        matrix: the matrix RDD
        modelsDict: the dictionary contains models
                    e.g. modelsDict['all']['model']

        target['target'] = 'all'
        target['target'] = 'test'
        target['target'] = 'leftover'


        a prediction report

    # use the all model to do the prediction
    # model = modelsDict['all']['model']

    intList = range(1, int(samplingRatio * 100) + 1)
    intRevList = list(set(range(1, 101)) - set(intList))

    colFinal = colInfo['preprocess']['final']

    if kwargv['target'] == 'all':
        # use the model to predict whole day records
        truePredictRdd = (
            matrix.map(lambda x: (x.y, x.items)).map(lambda (a, b): (a, {
                col: b[col] if col in b.keys() else np.NAN
                for col in colFinal
            })).map(lambda (a, b): (a, {
                col: float(b[col]) if isfloat(b[col]) else np.NAN
                for col in colFinal
            })).map(lambda (a, b):
                    (a, [b[col] for col in colInfo['preprocess']['final']])).
            map(lambda (a, b): (a, model.predict(b), model.predict_proba(b))))

    elif kwargv['target'] == 'validate':
        # use the model to predict original sampling recrod, for verification
        matrixReturn = matrix[matrix['y'] == 1]
        matrixPass = matrix[matrix['randInt'].isin(intList)]
        matrixSample = matrixReturn.unionAll(matrixPass)
        truePredictRdd = (
            matrixSample.map(lambda x: (x.y, x.items)).map(lambda (a, b): (a, {
                col: b[col] if col in b.keys() else np.NAN
                for col in colFinal
            })).map(lambda (a, b): (a, {
                col: float(b[col]) if isfloat(b[col]) else np.NAN
                for col in colFinal
            })).map(lambda (a, b):
                    (a, [b[col] for col in colInfo['preprocess']['final']])).
            map(lambda (a, b): (a, model.predict(b), model.predict_proba(b))))

    elif kwargv['target'] == 'leftover':
        matrixSample = matrix[matrix['randInt'].isin(intRevList)]
        truePredictRdd = (
            matrixSample.map(lambda x: (x.y, x.items)).map(lambda (a, b): (a, {
                col: b[col] if col in b.keys() else np.NAN
                for col in colFinal
            })).map(lambda (a, b): (a, {
                col: float(b[col]) if isfloat(b[col]) else np.NAN
                for col in colFinal
            })).map(lambda (a, b):
                    (a, [b[col] for col in colInfo['preprocess']['final']])).
            map(lambda (a, b): (a, model.predict(b), model.predict_proba(b))))

    true = truePredictRdd.map(lambda (a, b, c): a).collect()
    predict = truePredictRdd.map(lambda (a, b, c): b[0]).collect()
    predict_proba = truePredictRdd.map(lambda (a, b, c): c[0][1]).collect()

    prediction_report_all = classification_report(true, predict)
    precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(true, predict_proba)

    return prediction_report_all, precision, recall, thresholds