import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation from matplotlib.pyplot import gca import sys from utility import eval_if, SplineError, PointNotFound from csvutility import frequency_LO_index, unit_LO_index, power_LO_index, is_LO_calibrated_index, frequency_RF_index, \ unit_RF_index, power_RF_index, is_RF_calibrated_index, frequency_IF_index, unit_IF_index, power_IF_index, \ is_IF_calibrated_index, n_LO_index, m_RF_index, conversion_loss, csv_file_header from graphutility import openSpuriusfile, splitSpuriusCfiletablevalueDict, order_and_group_data from utility import save_data, save_settings, create_csv, unit_class, return_now_postfix import os.path unit = unit_class() ip1_filename = "misura IP1 ZVA213_3.csv" final = [] final2 = [] def openIP1file(filename): # open the output file and return the table of value without header # the table format is: [frequency, power_input, power_calibrated, is_calibrated, attenuation, power output] # return empty table if error result = [] try: with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
''' Created on 28/dic/2015 @author: sabah ''' import wx import os from utility import unit_class unit_tmp = unit_class() def return_checkbox_list(parent, label): """ return a sizer: ------------------------------------------- | label | checkboxlist | button | ------------------------------------------- label text is label checkboxlist is an empty checkbox list button text is "Load" return also checkboxlist object and the button object """ label = wx.StaticText(parent, wx.ID_ANY, label, size=(150, -1)) checkboxlist = wx.CheckListBox(parent, -1) button = wx.Button(parent, 0, "Load") Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) Sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALL, 5)