Exemple #1
def insert_road(current_node_x, current_node_z, current_node_y,
                height_difference, level):
    # Will create a pillar of road material
    for node_y in range(current_node_y + height_difference,
                        current_node_y + 1):
        utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, gravel, current_node_x, node_y,
def clearTerrain(level, box):
    for x in range(box.minx, box.maxx):
        # let's assume we won't build things taller than 50 blocks
        for y in range(box.miny, box.miny + 50):
            for z in range(box.minz, box.maxz):
                utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (alphaMaterials.Air.ID, 0), x,
                                          y, z)
def makeRoof(level, box, options, height):
    # make sloped roof
    smallx = box.minx
    bigx = box.maxx - 1
    addedHeight = 1
    while smallx <= bigx:
        for z in range(box.minz, box.maxz):
            if z == box.minz or z == box.maxz - 1:
                    level, (options["Roof Material"].ID, 0), smallx,
                    box.miny + height + addedHeight, z, box.miny)
                    level, (options["Roof Material"].ID, 0), bigx,
                    box.miny + height + addedHeight, z, box.miny)
                                          (options["Roof Material"].ID, 0),
                                          box.miny + height + addedHeight - 1,
                                          (options["Roof Material"].ID, 0),
                                          box.miny + height + addedHeight - 1,
        smallx += 1
        bigx -= 1
        addedHeight += 1
Exemple #4
def generateDispenser(level, box, y):
    uf.setBlock(level, (41,0),x,y,z)#Gold
    level.setBlockAt(x,y,z+3,76) #RedTorch
    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+3, 4)
    level.setBlockAt(x+1,y, z+1, 41)
    level.setBlockAt(x+1,y,z+2, 55) #Redstone
    level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+3, 94) #Repeater
    level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+3, 11)
    level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+3, 55)
    level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+4, 55)
    level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z+4, 55)
    level.setBlockAt(x+4, y, z+4, 41)
    level.setBlockAt(x+1,y+1,z+1, 55)
    level.setBlockAt(x+1,y+1,z+2, 0)
    level.setBlockAt(x+4, y+1, z+4, 23) #Dispenser
    level.setBlockDataAt(x+4,y+1, z+4, 1)
    level.setBlockAt(x+1,y+2,z, 70) #Pressure plate
Exemple #5
 def place_floor(self):
     # puts the floor down
     # technically this should be in the translator, but I'm lazy
     for x in range(self.box.minx, self.box.maxx):
         for z in range(self.box.minz, self.box.maxz):
             utilityFunctions.setBlock(self.level, (5, 0), x, self.box.miny,
Exemple #6
    def __activate_one_repeater(level, box):
        # type: (MCLevel, TransformBox) -> None
        repeatr_pos = []
        repeatr_id = Block['unpowered_repeater'].ID
        for x, y, z in box.positions:
            block_id = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
            if block_id == repeatr_id:
                repeatr_pos.append((x, y, z))

        x, y, z = box.minx + 1, box.miny, box.maxz - 1
        repeater = Block[repeatr_id, level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)]
        dir_str = str(repeater.Blockstate[1]['facing'])
        dir_com = Direction.from_string(dir_str)

        # activate a repeater and preparing its tile tick
        block = Block['Redstone Repeater (Powered, Delay 4, {})'.format(
        WindmillGenerator.__repeater_tile_tick(level, x, y, z, True)
        setBlock(level, (block.ID, block.blockData), x, y, z)

        # activate the command block following the previous repeater
        x += 1
        command_block_entity = level.getTileEntitiesInBox(
            TransformBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)))[0]
        command_block_entity['powered'].value = True  # power command block

        # prepare tile tick for the repeater following the command block
        x += 1
        WindmillGenerator.__repeater_tile_tick(level, x, y, z, False)
Exemple #7
    def generate(self, level, origin):
        # type: (MCLevel, (int, int, int)) -> None
        # dimensions
        x0, y0, z0 = origin
        __network = zeros((self.width, self.length), dtype=int)
        # block states
        stony_palette = [4, 13, 1]
        stony_probs = [0.75, 0.20, 0.05]
        grassy_palette = [208]
        grassy_probs = [1]
        sandy_palette = []
        sandy_probs = []

        for road_block in self.road_blocks:
            width = self.__get_road_width(road_block)
            for x in range(max(0, road_block.x - width + 1),
                           min(self.width, road_block.x + width - 1)):
                for z in range(max(0, road_block.z - width + 1),
                               min(self.width, road_block.z + width - 1)):
                    distance = abs(road_block.x - x) + abs(
                        road_block.z - z)  #Norme 1
                    prob = 1 - distance / (8 * width)  #A calibrer
                    if not bernouilli(prob):
                        block = choice(grassy_palette)
                        __network[x][z] = block

        x0, y0, z0 = self.__all_maps.box.origin
        for x in range(self.width):
            for z in range(self.length):
                if __network[x][z] > 0:
                    y = max(63, self.__all_maps.height_map[x][z])
                    setBlock(level, (__network[x][z], 0), x0 + x, y, z0 + z)
Exemple #8
def construct_vaulted_roof(level, coords, biome, height):
    minx, minz, miny, maxx, maxz = get_coords(coords)
    roof_block = BlockUtils.get_roof_block(biome)
    for i in range(-1, abs(maxx - minx) / 3):
        for x in range(minx, maxx):
            for z in range(minz + i, maxz - i):
                utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, roof_block, x, height + i, z)
def generateCeiling(level, floor, buildingHeightInfo, options):
	print "generating ceiling"
	for x in range(floor.minx, floor.maxx+1):
		for z in range(floor.minz, floor.maxz+1):
			utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (options["Material"].ID, 0), x, buildingHeightInfo[2] + buildingHeightInfo[0], z)
			# scan all the blocks above me and make them air (all the way to maxy)
			for y in range(buildingHeightInfo[2] + buildingHeightInfo[0] + 1, 256):
				utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (0, 0), x, y, z)
Exemple #10
def place_door(level, coords, biome, door_coords):
    minx, minz, miny, maxx, maxz = get_coords(coords)
    door_block = BlockUtils.get_door_block(biome)
    # Place door
    utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, door_block, door_coords[0], miny + 1,
    utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, door_block, door_coords[0], miny + 2,
Exemple #11
def makePillar(level,highestTile,options):
	height = options["Height"]
	if (options["Use Custom Material"]==True):
		material = options["Material"].ID
		material = highestTile.material
	for step in range(height):
		utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (material, 0), highestTile.x, highestTile.y+step+1, highestTile.z)
Exemple #12
def build(level, xStart, zStart, baseHeight, blockRegister):
	for block in blockRegister:
		if block['type'] == None:
			utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (block['id'], block['data']), xStart + block['x'], baseHeight + block['y'], zStart + block['z'])
			b = BlockDictionary.Block(block['type'], block['direction'], block['verticalAllignment'])
			blockIdentifier = BlockDictionary.getBlockIdentifier(b)
			utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (blockIdentifier[0], blockIdentifier[1]), xStart + block['x'], baseHeight + block['y'], zStart + block['z'])
Exemple #13
def build_roads(list_of_coordinates, level):
    list_of_used_coordinates = []

    for roads in list_of_coordinates:
        for coordinates in roads:
            direction_lib = [5, 4, 3,
                             2]  # 5 = East, 4 = West, 3 = South, 2 = North
            reverse_list = coordinates[::-1]
            start_node = reverse_list[0]  # Get the start coordinate
            parent_node = coordinates[0]  # To check for altitude change
                start_node, direction_lib, level
            )  # Need to know if start node is level with the house coordinate
            for current_node in coordinates:
                if current_node not in list_of_used_coordinates:  # Will skip goal nodes which have been inserted
                    direction_lib = [
                        5, 4, 3, 2
                    ]  # 5 = East, 4 = West, 3 = South, 2 = North

                    parent_node_y = parent_node[2]
                    current_node_x = current_node[0]
                    current_node_z = current_node[1]
                    current_node_y = current_node[2]
                    height_difference = calculate_difference(
                        parent_node_y, current_node_y)

                    utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, gravel, current_node_x,
                                              current_node_y, current_node_z)

                    # If the height difference is equal or larger than 2, ladder it needed
                    if abs(height_difference) >= 2:
                        parent_node_x = parent_node[0]
                        parent_node_z = parent_node[1]

                        length_difference = calculate_difference(
                            current_node_x, parent_node_x)
                        width_difference = calculate_difference(
                            current_node_z, parent_node_z)

                        direction_node = current_node  # Going downhill
                        if height_difference < 0:
                            direction_lib = [
                                4, 5, 2, 3
                            ]  # 4 = West, 5 = East, 2 = North, 3 = South
                            direction_node = parent_node  # Going uphill
                            # Making sure there are blocks where the ladder is created
                            insert_road(current_node_x, current_node_z,
                                        current_node_y, height_difference,

                        height_difference = abs(height_difference)

                        insert_ladder(length_difference, width_difference,
                                      height_difference, direction_node,
                                      direction_lib, level)
                parent_node = current_node
    del list_of_used_coordinates[:]
def paintComponents(level, tileMap, colorMap, material):
    for i in range(len(tileMap)):
        for j in range(len(tileMap[i])):
            if (tileMap[i][j].material != WATER):
                tile = tileMap[i][j]
                print "painting {} {} with ".format(i, j, material)
                                          (material + colorMap[i][j] - 1, 0),
                                          tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)
Exemple #15
def construct_pillars(level, coords, biome, height):
    minx, minz, miny, maxx, maxz = get_coords(coords)
    pillar_block = BlockUtils.get_beam_block(biome)
    for y in range(height, 0, -1):
        for x in [minx, maxx - 1]:
            for z in [minz, maxz - 1]:
                block = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
                if block in surface_blocks or block == 9:
                    utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, pillar_block, x, y, z)
Exemple #16
def water_in_well(level, length_of_building, width_of_building, box_height,
    for x in range(building.x + BUFFER + 1,
                   building.x + length_of_building + BUFFER - 1):
        for z in range(building.z + BUFFER + 1,
                       building.z + width_of_building + BUFFER - 1):
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, cobble, x, box_height, z)
            utilityFunctions.setBlockToGround(level, water, x, box_height + 2,
                                              z, box_height + 1)
Exemple #17
def build_floor(level, length_of_building, width_of_building,
                height_of_building, box_height, building):
    for x in range(building.x + BUFFER,
                   building.x + length_of_building + BUFFER):
        for z in range(building.z + BUFFER,
                       building.z + width_of_building + BUFFER):
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, wood, x, box_height, z)
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, cobble, x,
                                      box_height + height_of_building, z)
Exemple #18
def construct_floor_and_flat_roof(level, coords, biome, height):
    minx, minz, miny, maxx, maxz = get_coords(coords)
    roof_block = BlockUtils.get_roof_block(biome)
    floor_block = BlockUtils.get_floor_block(biome)

    # roof and floor
    for x in range(minx, maxx):
        for z in range(minz, maxz):
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, roof_block, x, height, z)
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, floor_block, x, miny, z)
Exemple #19
def setBlock(level, id, x, y, z):
    utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, id, x, y, z)
    if id[0] == 0:  # If placed an air-block
        if y == _heightMap[x][z]:
            for newY in xrange(y - 1, -1, -1):
                otherId = level.blockAt(x, newY, z)
                if isGround(otherId):
                    _heightMap[x][z] = newY
    else:  # If placed a non-air block
        if y > _heightMap[x][z]:
            _heightMap[x][z] = y
Exemple #20
def remove_blocks_in_box(level, coords):
    minx = coords[0][0]
    minz = coords[0][1]
    miny = coords[0][2]
    maxx = coords[1][0]
    maxz = coords[1][1]
    maxy = coords[1][2]
    # Sets every block in box to air
    for y in range(miny, maxy):
        for x in range(minx, maxx):
            for z in range(minz, maxz):
                utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (0, 0), x, y, z)
Exemple #21
def construct_walls(level, coords, biome, height):
    minx, minz, miny, maxx, maxz = get_coords(coords)
    wall_block = BlockUtils.get_wall_block(biome)
    # walls
    for y in range(height, miny, -1):
        for x in range(minx, maxx):
            for z in range(minz, maxz):
                # Skip columns since they should be a different block
                if (x == minx and z == minz) or (x == maxx-1 and z == minz) or \
                        (x == minx and z == maxz-1) or (x == maxx-1 and z == maxz-1):
                if x == maxx - 1 or z == maxz - 1 or x == minx or z == minz:
                    utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, wall_block, x, y, z)
Exemple #22
def construct_square_window(level, coords, biome, face=0):
    x = coords[0]
    y = coords[1]
    z = coords[2]
    window_block = BlockUtils.get_window_block(biome)
    if face == 0:
        for i in range(x, x + 2):
            for j in range(y, y - 2, -1):
                utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, window_block, i, j, z)
    elif face == 1:
        for i in range(z, z + 2):
            for j in range(y, y - 2, -1):
                utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, window_block, x, j, i)
def getHeight(level, x, z, house_plot=True):
    global maxy, miny, foliage
    for y in xrange(maxy, miny, -1):
        blockID = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
        if blockID not in ([0] + foliage):
            if not house_plot:
                utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (0, 0), x, y + 1, z)
            return y
        elif blockID in foliage and house_plot:
            clearEnvironmentArea(level, [[x, y, z]])
            # utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (0, 0), x, y, z)

    return 0
Exemple #24
def createPillars(level, floor, options):
    cornerBlockStarts = []
    ycoords = []
    # similarly to fences, we need to countdown on each of the four corners and find the block where the ground starts, then start building pillars above that height
    midpointFloorHeight = 0
    for y in xrange(floor.maxy, floor.miny - 1, -1):
        # get this block
        tempBlock = level.blockAt(floor.minx, y, floor.minz)
        if tempBlock != 0:
            cornerBlockStarts.append((floor.minx, y + 1, floor.minz))
    for y in xrange(floor.maxy, floor.miny - 1, -1):
        # get this block
        tempBlock = level.blockAt(floor.minx, y, floor.maxz)
        if tempBlock != 0:
            cornerBlockStarts.append((floor.minx, y + 1, floor.maxz))
    for y in xrange(floor.maxy, floor.miny - 1, -1):
        # get this block
        tempBlock = level.blockAt(floor.maxx, y, floor.minz)
        if tempBlock != 0:
            cornerBlockStarts.append((floor.maxx, y + 1, floor.minz))
    for y in xrange(floor.maxy, floor.miny - 1, -1):
        # get this block
        tempBlock = level.blockAt(floor.maxx, y, floor.maxz)
        if tempBlock != 0:
            cornerBlockStarts.append((floor.maxx, y + 1, floor.maxz))

    # now we have all four corners. for each, pick a random y value between 5 and 45, and build up using stone
    ystartCoordMax = -10000
    for cornerstone in cornerBlockStarts:
        midpointFloorHeight += cornerstone[1]
        if (cornerstone[1] > ystartCoordMax):
            ystartCoordMax = cornerstone[1]
        pillarheight = random.randint(5, 45)
        for y in range(0, pillarheight):
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (options["Material"].ID, 0),
                                      cornerstone[0], cornerstone[1] + y,
            if (y == pillarheight - 1):
                # add y to our y coords, which will be used to determine building height for the roof
    allYs = 0
    for ycoord in ycoords:
        allYs += ycoord
    yavg = allYs / 4
    midpointFloorHeight = midpointFloorHeight / 4
    # print("Average pillar height: ", yavg)
    return (yavg, ystartCoordMax, midpointFloorHeight)
Exemple #25
 def place(self, level, box, options):
     only_main_roads = True
     if only_main_roads:
         road = np.array(
                 'L').resize((144, 192)))
         road = road == 0
         for x_offset, row in enumerate(road):
             for z_offset, block in enumerate(row):
                 if block == 1:
                     utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (1, 0),
                                               box.minx + x_offset,
                                               box.minz + z_offset)
Exemple #26
def buildRoads(level, box):
    for x in range(box.minx, box.maxx):
        utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (1, 0), x, box.miny, box.maxz)
        utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (1, 0), x, box.miny, box.minz)
    for z in range(box.minz, box.maxz):
        utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (1, 0), box.maxx, box.miny, z)
        utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (1, 0), box.minx, box.miny, z)
def modify_area(height_map, solution, level):
    use_average = False
    for building in solution:
        """use the average height to create the ground for the building to be build on. This might cause unreachable
        buildings in hill areas"""
        if use_average:
            target_height = find_average_height(building, height_map)
            target_height = find_most_common_height_around_the_building(height_map, building)
        reference_block = get_reference_block(level, building, target_height)
        for x in xrange(building.x, building.x + buildings[building.type_of_house]["xLength"]):
            for z in xrange(building.z, building.z + buildings[building.type_of_house]["zWidth"]):
                zero_difference = False
                while not zero_difference:
                    current_difference = target_height - height_map[x, z][0]
                    if there is no difference, set a block 
                    (used because the else statement does not put a block there when it gets to the correct floor)
                    else if target_height is bigger than the height_map location
                    else the target_height is smaller than the height_map location, clear everything down
                    if current_difference == 0:
                        utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (reference_block, 0), x, height_map[x, z][0], z)
                        zero_difference = True  # Break
                    elif current_difference > 0:
                        if reference_block == aM.Grass.ID:
                            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (aM.Dirt.ID, 0), x, height_map[x, z][0], z)
                            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (reference_block, 0), x, height_map[x, z][0], z)
                        height_map[x, z][0] += 1
                        for y in xrange(MAX_HEIGHT, target_height, -1):
                            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (aM.Air.ID, 0), x, height_map[x, z][0], z)
                        height_map[x, z][0] = target_height
Exemple #28
def perform(level, box, options):
    z_len = box.maxz - box.minz
    x_len = box.maxx - box.minx
    surfaceLevel = [[0 for x in range(z_len)] for x in range(x_len)]
    biomes = [[0 for x in range(z_len)] for x in range(x_len)]
    for x in xrange(x_len):
        for z in xrange(z_len):
            world_x = x + box.minx
            world_z = z + box.minz
            surfaceLevel[x][z] = getSurfaceLevel(level, box, world_x, world_z)
            biomes[x][z] = level.getChunk(
                (world_x) // 16, (world_z) // 16).Biomes[(world_z) % 16,
                                                         (world_x) % 16]
            utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, (biomes[x][z], 0), world_x,
                                      surfaceLevel[x][z] + 1, world_z)
Exemple #29
def paste_nbt(level, box, nbt_file_name):
    _structure = StructureNBT(get_project_path() + '/structures/' +
    _width, _height, _length = _structure.Size

    x0, y0, z0 = box.minx, box.miny, box.minz
    # iterates over coordinates in the structure, copy to level
    for xs, ys, zs in product(xrange(_width), xrange(_height),
        block = _structure.Blocks[xs, ys, zs]  # (id, data) tuple
        if ys == 14:
            print(xs, ys, zs, block)
        if block != Block['Structure Void'].ID:
            xd, yd, zd = x0 + xs, y0 + ys, z0 + zs  # coordinates in the level: translation of the structure
            setBlock(level, block, xd, yd, zd)
Exemple #30
 def construct(self, level, coords, door_coords, surface):
     minx = coords[0][0]
     minz = coords[0][1]
     maxx = coords[1][0]
     maxz = coords[1][1]
     block = surface.surface_map[coords[0][0]][coords[0][1]]
     miny = block.height
     biome = block.biome_id
     hedge_block = BlockUtils.get_hedge_block(biome)
     new_coords = shrink_building_lot(coords, miny)
     if door_coords[0] > minx:
         door_x = door_coords[0] - 1
         door_x = door_coords[0] + 1
     if door_coords[1] > minz:
         door_z = door_coords[1] - 1
         door_z = door_coords[1] + 1
     new_door_coords = (door_x, door_z)
     building = BasicBuilding()
     building.construct(level, new_coords, new_door_coords, surface)
     # ring basic building in hedge
     minx = surface.to_real_x(minx)
     minz = surface.to_real_z(minz)
     maxx = surface.to_real_x(maxx)
     maxz = surface.to_real_z(maxz)
     for x in range(minx, maxx):
         for z in range(minz, maxz):
             if x == maxx - 1 or z == maxz - 1 or x == minx or z == minz:
                 if x != surface.to_real_x(
                         door_coords[0]) or z != surface.to_real_z(
                     utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, hedge_block, x,
                                               miny + 1, z)
                     # Remove hedges around door to ensure there is an entrance
                     if level.blockAt(x + 1, miny + 1, z) == hedge_block[0]:
                         utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, blocks['Air'],
                                                   x + 1, miny + 1, z)
                     if level.blockAt(x, miny + 1, z + 1) == hedge_block[0]:
                         utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, blocks['Air'], x,
                                                   miny + 1, z + 1)
                     if level.blockAt(x - 1, miny + 1, z) == hedge_block[0]:
                         utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, blocks['Air'],
                                                   x - 1, miny + 1, z)
                     if level.blockAt(x, miny + 1, z - 1) == hedge_block[0]:
                         utilityFunctions.setBlock(level, blocks['Air'], x,
                                                   miny + 1, z - 1)